For You Armenia
Your springs will bloom again
Your beautiful days will be reborn
After the winter
After the hell
Will grow the tree of life
For you Armenia
Your seasons will sing again
Your children will build harder
After the horror
After the fear
God will heal your grounds of death
For you Armenia
The world got up
The world is with you
For you forgotton people
He has opened his heart
He has extended his arms
Your springs will bloom again
Your beautiful days will be reborn
After the winter
After the hell
Will grow the tree of life
For you Armenia
Your seasons will sing again
Your children will build harder
After the horror
After the fear
God will heal your grounds of death
For you Armenia
And even if you don't care about your own people
In your eyes I want to see
A glimmer of hope
A flame, a desire
To take your destiny
In your own hands
Head on
Your springs will bloom again
Your beautiful days will be reborn
After the winter
After the hell
Will grow the tree of life
For you Armenia
Your seasons will sing again
Your children will build harder
After the horror
After the fear
God will heal your grounds of death
For you Armenia
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.
Stay with me
Versions: #2
Stay Stay with me
on my body
in my arms
light headed
rest in warmth
languishing, ('Alanguie' in the heat of the night
On my heart
With no modesty
frantic, almost nude
stay like this (it was 'reste ainsi')
On your desire ('sur ta faim sur ma vie'), on my life
in my hands ('Dans mes mains')
Disheveled , possessed,
Extended , relaxed
Stay right here
Without a word
On your joy
On my skin ('Sur ma peau dans l'espoir')- with the hope
In the dark, until day break ('Jusqu'au jour')
My love
Padni mi na grudi i biću tako nežan
Dozvoli mi da ti pokažem sve što život može biti
Ušuškaj se kao dete u senci mog ramena
Оnda kada te zagrlim, voli me
Postoji vreme za proleće i za pesmu
Vreme za ljubav
Vreme za za plakanje
Vreme za snove i za slatke igre
I onda odjednom dođe kraj
Ovaj put, ovaj put, ovaj put nema vremena za gubljenje
Znamo da se vreme koje imamo ne može vratiti
Ovaj put, ovaj put, ovaj put nemojmo oklevati
Znamo da nemamo mnogo vremena i da ne možemo čekati
Postoji vreme za nadu i početak
Vreme za poraz, vreme za pobedu
Vreme za gubljenje na lenje odmore
I vreme za žurbu i divna iskušenja
Ovaj put, ovaj put, ovaj put nema vremena za gubljenje
Znamo da se vreme koje imamo ne može vratiti
Ovaj put, ovaj put, ovaj put nemojmo oklevati
Znamo da nemamo mnogo vremena i da ne možemo čekati
Postoji vreme za popularnost i za slavu
Vreme za ponos, vreme za žaljenje
Vreme za lepršanje kroz široke letnje zagonetke
Vreme za sneg i ledenice i drhtanje
Ovaj put, ovaj put, ovaj put nema vremena za gubljenje
Znamo da se vreme koje imamo ne može vratiti
Ovaj put, ovaj put, ovaj put nemojmo oklevati
Znamo da nemamo mnogo vremena i da ne možemo čekati
Postoji vreme jeseni i tuge
Vreme za mladost i srećno ljubavno ludilo
Vreme za istinu i romansu
Šetnje u varljivo sunčano vreme
Ovaj put, ovaj put, ovaj put nema vremena za gubljenje
Znamo da se vreme koje imamo ne može vratiti
Ovaj put, ovaj put, ovaj put nemojmo oklevati
Zato uzmi moju ljubav, moj život, moju žudnju...ovaj put
Ovaj put, ovaj put ovaj put nema vremena za gubljenje
Nestaćemo tako brzo kao nežno jutarnje sunce
Ovaj put, ovaj put, ovaj put nemojmo oklevati
Zato uzmi moju ljubav, moj život, moj željni poljubac
Jer vreme teče dalje,
I dalje, i dalje.