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Резултати претраге страна 14

Број резултата: 539



Passion for the ball
Happiness in the heart
(His) aspiration in life is to win and be the champion
The boy comes running to have a good time
To sing a serenade all day long
He scores a goal, a brave feeble boy
The fans unite, we are Brazilians
One more chocolate to celebrate
The boy plays with determination1
Smile on the face incites that crowd
You cannot imagine a love like that
Party without chocolate is no fun (2x)
  • 1. 'raça' = usually 'race' (white, black,...), but in Brazil, fig.: a fighting spirit, determination, courage

Ne muvam se ( Ne zabavljam se)

O, dušice (voljeni), spusti tu bocu,
imaš previše talenta,
vidim te kroz zakrvavljene oči,
tu je lek, našao si ga,
usporeni snimak, varnice, pokupio si tu jezu,
sada, ne poriči,
ali momci će biti momći, o, da, biće,
ne žele da se definišu,
samo odustani od igre i zaljubi se u mene,
ako tražiš uzbuđenja, onda se raskomoti
O, ne, ja se ne muvam, ja idem sporo,
s toga ako me želiš, ne dolazim jeftino,
drži ruku na mojoj,
svoje srce na rukavu,
o, ne, ja se ne muvam, ja padam duboko,
jer što više pokušavaš,
ja ću se jače boriti
da kažem laku noć
Ne znam da kuvam,
ali znam da počistim nered koji je ostavila,
spusti glavu i oseti ritam,
dok ti ljubim čelo,
ovo možda neće trajati, ali je sada,
s toga, voli onu sa kojom si,
želiš da loviš, ali loviš svoj rep,
nikada nećeš voleti brzo izlečenje
Jer osećam daljinu
između nas,
može se završiti
sa pucnjavom tvojih prstiju


Ako te nerviram, zašto ne odeš
Gubiš vrijeme sa svojim lažima
Slamaš me, sad je dosta
Jer bi to radio iznova i iznova
Nadam se da ćeš uskoro otići, ne mogu podnijeti više, o ne
Više nikad neću pasti na tvoje laži, o uo
Više nikad neću pasti na tvoje laži, o uo o
Upucao si me pravo u lice sa sačmarom
Upucao si me pravo u lice sa sačmarom
Upucao si me pravo u
Upucao si me pravo u
Upucao si me pravo u
Lice sa sačmarom
Jebeni Yellow Claw
Ako te razočaravam, puštam te da ideš
Brišem tvoju prljavštinu sa svoje duše
Pričaš puno, ali me ljutiš
Ono što pokušavaš da kažeš više nije bitno
Nadam se da ćeš uskoro otići, ne mogu podnijeti više, ne
Više nikad neću pasti na tvoje laži, o uo
Više nikad neću pasti na tvoje laži, o uo o
Upucao si me pravo u lice sa sačmarom
Upucao si me pravo u lice sa sačmarom
Upucao si me pravo u
Upucao si me pravo u
Upucao si me pravo u
Lice sa sačmarom
Lice sa sačmarom
Lice sa sačmarom

iza ovih očiju boje lešnika

Versions: #2
Čini se kao da je bilo još juče
Bio si deo mene
Stajala sam tako uspravno
Bila tako jaka
Tvoje ruke čvrsto oko mene
Sve se činilo tako ispravno
Nesalomivo, kao da ništa ne može poći po zlu
Sad ne mogu da dišem
Ne, ne mogu da spavam
Jedva se držim
Evo me, jos jednom
Rastrzana u komadiće
Ne mogu to poreći, ne mogu se pretvarati
Baš sam mislila da si ti onaj pravi
Slomljena, duboko u sebi
Ali ti nećeš videti suze koje plačem
Iza ovih očiju boje lešnika
Rekla sam ti sve
Otvorila se i pustila te unutra
Ti si činio da se osećam ispravno
Jednom u svom u životu
Sad sve što je ostalo od mene
Je ono što se pretvaram da jesam
Pribrana, ali tako slomljena iznutra
Jer ne mogu disati
Ne, ne mogu spavati
Jedva se držim
Evo me, jos jednom
Rastrzana u komadiće
Ne mogu to poreći, ne mogu se pretvarati
Baš sam mislila da si ti onaj pravi
Slomljena, duboko u sebi
Ali ti nećeš videti suze koje plačem
Iza ovih očiju boje lešnika
Sažvakao si me pa ispljunuo
Za to što te mrzim, krivim samu sebe
Videti te sada me ubija
Ne, ne plačem spolja
Evo me, jos jednom
Rastrzana u komadiće
Ne mogu to poreći, ne mogu se pretvarati
Baš sam mislila da si ti onaj pravi
Slomljena, duboko u sebi
Ali ti nećeš videti suze koje plačem
Iza ovih očiju boje lešnika
Evo me, jos jednom
Rastrzana u komadiće
Ne mogu to poreći, ne mogu se pretvarati
Baš sam mislila da si ti onaj pravi
Slomljena, duboko u sebi
Ali ti nećeš videti suze koje plačem
Iza ovih očiju boje lešnika

Zbog tebe

Versions: #2
Neću napraviti istu grešku kao ti
Neću dopustiti sebi da prouzrokujem toliki jad svom srcu
Neću se slomiti kao ti
Pao si tako jako
Naučila sam na teži način
Da nikad ne dopustim da ode tako daleko
Zbog tebe
Nikad ne idem predaleko od staze
Zbog tebe
Naučila sam da igram na sigurno kako ne bih bila povređena
Zbog tebe
Teško mi je da verujem ne samo sebi, nego i svima oko mene
Zbog tebe
Ja sam uplašena
Gubim svoj put
I neće proći dugo pre nego što ukažeš na to
Ne mogu da plačem
Jer znam tu slabost u tvojim očima
Prisiljena sam da lažiram
Osmeh, smeh svakog dana svog života
Moje srce nije moguće slomiti
Kad ni na početku nije bilo celo
Zbog tebe
Nikad ne idem predaleko od staze
Zbog tebe
Naučila sam da igram na sigurno kako ne bih bila povređena
Zbog tebe
Teško mi je da verujem ne samo sebi, nego i svima oko mene
Zbog tebe
Ja sam uplašena
Gledala sam te kako umireš
Čula sam kako plačeš u snu svake večeri
Trebao si znati bolje nego da se osloniš na mene
Nikad nisi mislio na druge
Primećivao si samo svoj bol
I sada ja plačem u sred noći
Za istu prokletu stvar
Zbog tebe
Nikad ne idem predaleko od staze
Zbog tebe
Naučila sam da igram na sigurno kako ne bih bila povređena
Zbog tebe
Trudim se najviše što mogu da sve zaboravim
Zbog tebe
Ne znam kako ikog više da pustim unutra
Zbog tebe
Stidim se svog života jer je prazan
Zbog tebe ja sam... uplašena
Zbog tebe
Zbog tebe

Her eyes

A simple memory
Forgotern somewhere in a corner
That gives immortality
Immortality to the 'ice' to the heart of mine
Yet she doesn't know
Doesn't know also how much time i'm wastin' already
Sleeplessness, agony
'Cause 'Sun' is all i'm sishing to see
And already know it
That you must defeat the 'storm' to see.....
And i lost myself into the story of hers eyes
How many moods and bitter emotions ,
I feel that i loose into the story of her eyes
I re-write it , but it doesn't reappear
The blood in my veins trembles, at the thought that the time
can still change ....
But time doesn't forgive , decisions for no one else
AND sun' and rain keep coming over us but you...
You already know it ..
That you must defeat the 'storm to see...
And i loose myself into the story of hers eyes
How many moods and bitter emotions ,
I feel that i loose into the story of her eyes
I re-write it , but it doesn't reappear
Far from you, we're not floatin' anymore
Far from you, but you next to me you were losing your colors'
Far from you, we're not floatin' anymore
Far from you, but you next to me you were losing your colors'
And i loose myself into the story of hers eyes
How many moods and bitter emotions ,
I feel that i loose into the story of her eyes
I re-write it , but it doesn't reappear

Spori ples

[Strofa 1]
Visok si, crn i lep
Šarmantan si, i još ponešto
Znaš da ih zavedeš
Ali vidim kroz sve to
Sve radiš prebrzo
Pomeraš se poput trzaja biča
Nedostaje ti romanse
I vidim kroz sve to
Kako si od maminog sina postao čovek za dame?
Ne idem kući s tobom večeras, ali možeš me uzeti za ruku
I možemo ići polako, i mogu ti pokazati kako se igra spori ples
Možemo ići polako, i mogu ti pokazati kako se igra spori ples
[Strofa 2]
Tako si skroman
Znaš šta radiš
Gledaš pravo kroz mene
I ne shvataš
Ja samo vidim uplašenog dečaka
Koji traži nove igračke
Pokušavajući da popuni prazninu
I ne shvataš
I kako si od maminog sina postao čovek za dame?
Ne idem kući s tobom večeras, ali možeš me uzeti za ruku
I možemo ići polako, i mogu ti pokazati kako se igra spori ples
Možemo ići polako, i mogu ti pokazati kako se igra spori ples
I kako si od maminog sina postao čovek za dame?
Ne idem kući s tobom večeras
O, ali možeš me uzeti za ruku
I možemo ići polako,
i mogu ti pokazati kako se igra spori ples (mogu ti pokazati)
Možemo ići polako (ići polako)
i mogu ti pokazati kako se igra spori ples
Možemo ići polako
I mogu ti pokazati kako se igra spori ples
Možemo ići polako
I mogu ti pokazati kako se igra spori ples


Ponekad moram da se izduvam
Ponekad mi treba malo odmora, hej
Ponekad mi je potreban minut samo za sebe
Treba mi minut samo da postojim
Treba mi minut samo da dišem
Ponekad mi treba minut koji je samo moj
Treba mi minut u mojoj zoni
Gde mogu da kažem upravo ono što želim
Mmm, da
Treba mi minut
[Strofa 1]
Kladim se da ti se neće svideti da to čuješ
Otkad smo raskinuli, rešila sam se tog stresa
Živim svoj život kao proslavu
Promenila sam pogled kao otkrovenje
Daješ mi groznicu ljubavi, ali previše je drame
I čak se ni ne brinem oko toga jer sam predaleko sada
Predaleko sada, oh da
Čak ni ne razmišljam o tebi
Čak ni ne razmišljam o tebi
Ne pričam o tebi
Zamalo da te zaboravim
Kažem, čak ni ne razmišljam o tebi
Čak ni ne razmišljam o tebi
Ne pričam o tebi
Zamalo da te zaboravim
Zato pazi se
Jer tvoja ljubav nije dozvoljena
Tvoj dodir ne leči sada
Dobro sam (ooh)
I znam da sam bez toga jaka
Ne možeš me dugo sputavati
Više me nije briga
Ne možeš me opijati*
Nikada me nisi uzbudio
Nikada me nisi uzdizao
Uvek si me vukao dole
Završila sam sa time
Nisi moj lek
[Strofa 2]
Dala sam ti dosta šansi
Da čuješ moju dušu, ali si samo napravio više štete
Kakav je osećaj kada znaš da mi je bolje bez tvojih igranja
Igri po mojoj glavi hiljadu puta?
Skoro sam jebeno izgubila razum
Čak ni ne razmišljam o tebi
Čak ni ne razmišljam o tebi
Ne pričam o tebi (ne, ne)
Zamalo da te zaboravim
Čak ni ne razmišljam o tebi (ne, ne)
Čak ni ne razmišljam o tebi
Ne pričam o tebi
Zamalo da te zaboravim
Zato pazi se
Jer tvoja ljubav nije dozvoljena
Tvoj dodir ne leči sada
Dobro sam (Dobro sam bebo)
I znam da sam bez toga jaka
Ne možeš me dugo sputavati
Više me nije briga
Ne možeš me opijati*
Nikada me nisi uzbudio
Nikada me nisi uzdizao
Uvek si me vukao dole
Završila sam sa time
Nisi moj lek
Kao, prokletstvo
Uvek sam se osećala hladno
Uvek sam se osećala hladno
Morala sam to da pustim
Bolje mi je samoj
Nisi moj lek
Nisi moj l-
Nisi moj l-
Nisi moj lek
Nisi moj l-
Nisi moj l-
Nisi moj lek
Nisi moj l-
Nisi moj l-
Nisi moj lek
Nisi moj l-
Nisi moj l-
Nisi moj lek
Zato pazi se
Jer tvoja ljubav nije dozvoljena
Tvoj dodir ne leči sada
Dobro sam (Dobro sam bebo)
I znam da sam bez toga jaka
Ne možeš me dugo sputavati
Više me nije briga
Ne možeš me opijati*
Nikada me nisi uzbudio
Nikada me nisi uzdizao
Uvek si me vukao dole
Završila sam sa time
Nisi moj lek
Kao, prokletstvo
Uvek sam se osećala hladno
Uvek sam se osećala hladno (oh, da)
Morala sam to da pustim
Bolje mi je samoj
Nisi moj lek
Ooh, da
Ooh, ne
Ooh, da

Your Colored Hair

when your colored hair winds around my soul strand by strand
I’m strangled, there’s no cure, come quick
tangles in the arms of my heart
can’t they be unraveled?
its anguish holds the answer
but those eyes aren't looking
every ambiguity becomes a storm and leaves a scar
you didn’t see my tears
your shoulder wasn’t there for me
either hear my protest
or leave me to suffer alone
I couldn’t give enough
I couldn’t satisfy
I couldn’t see it through
I offered up my life in your honor
but couldn’t do it
that cigarette smolders, I’m tired of suffering
who could love a flower that despises its own stem?
tangles in the arms of my heart
can’t they be unraveled?
its anguish holds the answer
but those eyes aren't looking
my heart knows
the longer the hunt, the more elusive the hunted


[Strofa 1]
Je l' bih ja to trebala da zatvorim oči i zaspim kada nisi kod kuće?
Jer želim da ti verujem, ali se pitam da li si potpuno sam
Ove noći (ove noći)
Kao da traju zauvek i ne mogu da dišem
Umorna sam (Umorna sam)
Kada bih samo mogla da ti radim to što ti meni radiš
Ne bi ti se svidelo to
Ne, ne, ne, ne bi ti se svidelo to
Ideš okolo, dva, tri ujutru
Hej, hej, hej, bolje mi veruj
Voleti te nije lako
Na pola sam puta da izgubim razum
Ne budi okrutan
Dala sam sve od sebe da bih volela nekog kao što si ti, ti
Ne budi okrutan
Dala sam sve od sebe da bih volela nekog kao što si ti, ooh
[Strofa 2]
Pokušavam da vidim stvari iz tvog ugla, ali igrao si tako nefer (ooh)
Govoriš kao da me voliš, ali onda nastavljaš kao da te nije briga
Pazi se (pazi se), vratiću i ja udarac
Ne možeš me sputavati
Volim te (volim te), ali gubim sebe u ovoj rundi
Jesam li ja ljubomorna?
Jesi li ti sebičan?
Ideš okolo, dva, tri ujutru
Ne, ne, ne, bolje mi veruj
Voleti te nije lako
Na pola sam puta da izgubim razum
Ne budi okrutan
Dala sam sve od sebe da bih volela nekog kao što si ti, ti
Ne budi okrutan
Dala sam sve od sebe da bih volela nekog kao što si ti
Oh bebo
Ne budi okrutan, bebo (ne, ne budi)
Ne, ne, ne, ne budi okrutan (ne, ne budi)
Ne budi, ne budi, ne (ne, ne budi)
Ne budi, ne budi (ne, ne budi)
Ne budi okrutan
Dala sam sve od sebe da bih volela nekog kao što si ti
Ne budi okrutan
Dala sam sve od sebe da bih volela nekog kao što si ti
Ne budi
Tako si okrutan

The Nail

Versions: #2
Uh, don't tell me that you're thinking about him baby
And with how bad he was to you
Maluma baby
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you aren't alone
That you are with me, that I take care of you
Unlike that idiot
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you are not alone
That I’ve replaced him
And tell him to screw himself
Maluma baby
I’ve been keeping track, this is the fifth time
But, I don’t understand why you don’t see it
You’re too good to be with him
Too tremendous of a woman to be with him
And if he looks for you at 4:20, it’s because he’s calling you drunk
He loves you now, but tomorrow he’ll hurt you again
Don’t cry for that bum
Let me love you
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That you’re with me, that I take care of you
Unlike that idiot
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That I’ve replaced him
And tell him to screw himself
Tell, tell, tell me tell me mami
For that ass, I'll give you my Grammys
Since I do not have one, when you come
Without being Italian I give you my salami
We both know he does not treat you well
It's clear to me why you're not with him
Don't tell me, that you won't fall in love
If you laugh every time I touch you
That to to touch, kissing it slowly
If Gina leaves, Tatiana comes
That Susana, I've seen her well from Dolce (Gabbana)
For all of them I want to be their slave
And nail them
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That you’re with me, that I take care of you
Unlike that idiot
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That I’ve replaced him
And tell him to screw himself
(And tell him to screw himself)
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
(And tell him to kick you out)
Tell him that you’re not alone
(Ill be like shaq in the bounce)
That you’re with me
Tell him that you’re not alone
Tell him that you're going out with me from now baby
(If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight)
Maluma baby
(Tell him that you’re not alone)
We're going in a phantom
And its not the car
That I'm the replacement
And tell him to screw himself

This Song Is For You

My baby, I don't love you anymore
This relationship has been over for a long time.
And only you didn't notice
My baby, I can't stand you anymore
Right now looking at you came a gastroesophageal reflux
But it's already down to the stomach
My baby, I'm disgusted by you
I'm disgusted by your beard
And your green shirt
And your smell
Gregorio, my baby, I hate you
And when you're going to record a video for 'Porta dos Fundos'
I give my ass to the doorman.
And it's not always for our building
That sometimes he's on lunch time
And it's no use looking away, because there's no one else in this room.
One thing I hate about you is when you make a fool of yourself.
Like yesterday, I picked up a guy in front of you and said it was my twin sister.
And you know very well that I'm an only child
And if you ask me if this song is for you
I'll deny it and I'll say that nothing to do


Versions: #2
Више ватре
Знаш да нам то не одговара,
да људу знају шта ми имамо
Да једемо забрањено воће,
ми волимо и знамо то, јајаја
Мени не треба ниједан други Дон Хуан,
који ми отвара врата када стигнем у ресторан
На Светог Валентина ми више цвећа не треба
Ти тихо, бебо, на све трачеве
Наше је илегално и нећу ти порећи
да плаћам казну да те пољубим (муак)
Знам да ти се дешава исто и не можеш ми порећи
Ја сам погрешила већ што сам се заљубила (је, је)
Дошла сам да те видим и да се забавим
и украо си ми пољубац који не мислиш да вратиш
Осећала сам се као да летим, ишла сам бежећи
Кад сам најмање очекивала, грлио си ме већ
[Шакира и Малума]
И настави овако, не престај
Претворио си се у болест
И настави овако, овако, не више
Док се све више приближаваш
Све више повећаваш моју нервозу
(Више ватре!)
Та-та-тајно, о
Исто је желела судбина
Не тражи проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Та-та-тајно, о
Не заборави да смо пријатељи
Тражим проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Оу, да, вуоа
Тражим проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
Реци ми, више, јер не разумем потребу
Да се виђамо насамо и да се убијамо у тами
[Шакира и Малума]
Ти одлазиш, а моје тело и даље више тражи
Настави са овим понашањем
када се угаси светло
Ти постајеш луда
са пар пољупчића на уснама (муак)
Наше је илегално и нећу ти порећи
да плаћам казну да те пољубим (муак)
Знам да ти се дешава исто и не можеш ми порећи
Ја сам погрешила већ што сам се заљубила (је, је)
Дошла сам да те видим и да се забавим
и украо си ми пољубац који не мислиш да вратиш
Осећала сам се као да летим, ишла сам бежећи
Кад сам најмање очекивала, грлио си ме већ
[Шакира и Малума]
И настави овако, не престај
Претворио си се у болест
И настави овако, овако, не више
Док се све више приближаваш
Све више повећаваш моју нервозу
(Више ватре!)
Та-та-тајно, о
Исто је желела судбина
Не тражи проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Та-та-тајно, о
Не заборави да смо пријатељи
Тражим проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Оу, да, вуоа
Тражим проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Та-та-тајно, о
Исто је желела судбина
Не тражи проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Та-та-тајно, о
Не заборави да смо пријатељи
Не тражи проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их

Slaves of the night

A solitary alley
At night you hear, ha!
Money and watches
And hum of motor
You are slaves of the night
Slaves of the night
You always run without stopping
From one place to the other place
The sirens goes one after the other
Accelerate to escape
You are slaves of the night
Slaves of the night
You scored off them again
Dawn will be soon
The celebration is over
You are a night birds
You are slaves of the night
Slaves of the night

Ako sanjaš jasno

Ako sanjaš jasno, videćeš
Ako veruješ jako, dogodiće se
Sve je na tebi
Tvoja sudbina
Nikad nisam postavio dobru ljubavnu pesmu
Sa tvojim glasom bi ovaj svet bio bolji
Sve je na tebi
Tvoja sudbina
Dođi da vidiš kako će biti
Svetla koja se nikada ne gase
Vreme je da živiš san
Hajde da nastavimo, nastavi
Svetla kao nebo u boji
Reci mi da li osećaš
Kada osetiš strah i milisš da se neće ostvariti
Smiri se, diši, ne zaustavljaj se
Oseti to, ti to možeš
Kada osetiš strah i milisš da se neće ostvariti
Smiri se, diši, ne zaustavljaj se
Oseti to, ti to možeš
Nema ničeg što ne može da izleči jedna pesma
Ovom svetu treba tvoj glas
Sve je na tebi
Tvoja sudbina
Od dana kada vidiš drugo sunce
Nema snage koja zaustavlja srce
Sve je na tebi
Tvoja sudbina
Dođi da vidiš kako će biti
Svetla koja se nikada ne gase
Vreme je da živiš san
Hajde da nastavimo, nastavi
Svetla kao nebo u boji
Reci mi da li osećaš
Kada osetiš strah i milisš da se neće ostvariti
Smiri se, diši, ne zaustavljaj se
Oseti to, ti to možeš
Kada osetiš strah i milisš da se neće ostvariti
Smiri se, diši, ne zaustavljaj se
Oseti to, ti to možeš
Kada osetiš strah i milisš da se neće ostvariti
Smiri se, diši, ne zaustavljaj se
Oseti to, ti to možeš
Kada osetiš strah i milisš da se neće ostvariti
Smiri se, diši, ne zaustavljaj se
Oseti to, ti to možeš
Oseti to
ti to možeš


Born of a magnificent mother who posed for Picasso
And a photogenic father like Rudolph Valentino
Above his cradle we'd see passing the fairies
He had all, really all, to be a beautiful baby.
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
We'll tell you that at school, he was always the first
When we ask him a question, he answer everytime
It's true that he had two heads, one say 'yes', the other 'no'
as they shaking toghether, he was always right !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
He was a great pianist, more dexterious than Chopin
Alone he turn the page while playing with five hands
In the Army, same thing, he became a sniper
Cause he had just one eye, he was the faster to aim
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
He won in the Hendaye games the 4x110 yards dash
And won two medals, that a lot for a Frenchman !
As he had four legs, and nothing forbids that
He finished first and second, we'd never saw that !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
Older than Methuselah, one day he quitted life
And it was without any problem that he go to Paradise
When Saint Peter open the door, the first thing he saw
It's that God and angels were all made like him !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?


Sometimes you ask me 'why?'
and all I can say
there's no reason
Don't pretend - never ever
I can feel it
I can feel it
It feels like Monday
I don't know how I can change that (ho, ho, ho)
Everything feels like Monday
and I don't know how I can change that
I'm avoiding myself
Well, I can, well I can understand it
It's not always that easy, to watch
It's hard for me to admit that all
It feels like Monday
I don't know how I can change that
Everything feels like Monday
and I don't know how I can change that
I can't explain it
It somehow hurts, somehow too much
And I don't know where they are coming from
all the thoughts, fears
It still feels like Monday
I don't know how I can change that
Everything feels like Monday
and I don't know how I can change that
It still feels like Monday
I don't know how I can change that
Everything feels like Monday
and I don't know how I can change that
It still feels like Monday
I don't know how I can change that
Everything feels like Monday
and I don't know how I can change that
Hu, oh, oh, ah, ah
Ha, ah, ah
Ha, ah, ah, ha, ah
Only Monday
Ha, ah, ah, ha, ah
Only Monday
Ha, ah, ah, ha, ah
Only Monday
Ha, ah, ah, ha, ah
Only Monday
Ha, ah, ah, ha, ah

A French Song

It`s a romance, written in France
A melody on which I met you
You talked to me about English records
I taught you how to talk to me about street love
French girl, you understood
That it's not all gold that comes from across the Channel
Since that day, dead leaves
And white roses are songs of love
You are the midday sun, the aroma of Normandy
The taste of good wine, the taste of life
You are beautiful like, kind like a French song
You are simple like, gentle like a French song
Come be a romantic
You sing when everything's going badly
You always have an attitude
That doesn't believe in worrying in life
Yes, you are proud like, gentle like a French song
You have the good sense and the heart of a French song
Yes, almost as beautiful and loyal, as traditional
As a timeless song
You make love like in a French Song
Fog and rain, a winter`s evening
I`m coming back in a car speeding towards Paris
You're keeping me warm and while we drive
I put on the radio as to not fall asleep
But near 110, the road is slippery
It's a downpour, quickly, we must find shelter
I was under duress from the lightning
Suddenly, we were the only ones on Earth
Under an Italian poplar that served as a lightning rod
You became my most beautiful chorus

Few Breaks

You say no
But at the time of the emotion
It's just a few breaks and sensation
Become aware, become free
And come fucking horny to me
You always say no
But at the time of the emotion
It's just a few breaks and sensation


Versions: #2
You know it does not suit us
Let people know what we both have
That we eat of a forbidden fruit
We love it and we know it, hahaha
I do not need any other Don Juan
Let me open the door when I arrive at a restaurant
That briefcase does not need more flowers
Your quiet, baby, of all the rumors
[Proverb: Shakira, Maluma]
Ours is illegal and I will not deny you
That I pay the sentence for kissing you (muack)
I know that the same thing happens to you and you can not deny me
I already made the mistake of falling in love (yeh, yeh)
[Pre-Chorus: Shakira, both]
I came to see you, to entertain me
And you stole a kiss from me that you still do not think about giving me back
I felt like flying, I was escaping
At least I thought, you were already hugging me
And keep it up, do not stop
You have become a disease
And keep it up, well, no more
That the closer you get
You increase my anxiety
(More fire!)
[Chorus: Shakira, Maluma, both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Oh, yeah, woah
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
[Verse 2: Maluma, Shakira Both]
Tell me, mai, because I no longer understand the need
To see each other alone and kill us in the dark
You leave, and my body here keeps asking for more
[Bridge: Shakira, Maluma, both]
You continue with that attitude
When the light goes out
You go crazy
With a couple of kisses in the mouth (muack)
[Proverb: Shakira, Maluma]
Ours is illegal and I will not deny you
That I pay the sentence for kissing you (muack)
I know that the same thing happens to you and you can not deny me
I already made the mistake of falling in love
[Pre-Chorus: Shakira, Both]
I came to see you, to entertain me
And you stole a kiss that you do not even think about giving me back
I felt like flying, I was escaping
At least I thought, you were already hugging me
And keep it up, do not stop
You have become a disease
And keep it up, well, no more
That the closer you get
You increase my anxiety
(More fire!)
[Chorus: Shakira, Maluma, both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
I look for problems where there are none, there are, there are (aha)
Oh, yeah, woah
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
[Estriibillo: Shakira, Maluma, Both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are

I sing songs

Versions: #2
It is written, beneath my name, on the bottom of my passport:
'He lives of songs, has received thirty gold records.'
That I was born the day I sang
I sing songs to make people dream
I sing songs to make people smile
To love one an other you may need
Someone else to tell you
And I learned by heart the two pages of my first fan
And I kept it ten days, pinned
On the sky-blue paper, at my hotel
I sing songs to make people dream.
I sing songs to make people smile.
To love one an other you may need
Someone else to tell you.
I nearly can do nothing with my hands.
Who am I in front of a mason or a carpenter?
But when it's just asked for some dream or sorrow,
I am here and I give what I have, like a man
And here is all my life...
I sing...
I sing songs to make people dream.
I sing songs to make people smile.
To love one an other you may need
Someone else to tell you.(x2)

With all the love that I can

It's long the Tiber that went slowly
we got lost in the red of a sunset
till we shout our names against the wind
are you serious or no?
In a crazy waltz that started suddenly
in your grimaces and my fingers in nose
we tripped over an improvised kiss
it's too wonderful to be true, to be true, to be true
My love
but what have you done to this air that I'm breathing?
And how do you stay inside my every thought
Swear it again that you exist for real
My love
But what do you have different from other people?
In front of you, that you are so important to me
all the love that I can is just nothing...
In world that turned around while we were dancing another hour
we disappeared tightly in the shadow of the evening
we were there and we were already missing for an hour
me and you with all the love that I can, love that I can, love that I can
My love
but what have you done to this air that I'm breathing?
And how do you stay inside my every thought
Swear it again that you exist for real
My love
But what do you have different from other people?
In front of you, that you are so important to me
all the love that I can is just nothing...
And after filling the sky with words
we bought freshly baked bread and the sun was born
that surprised us while asleep on the stairs
holding hands ...

Humanity is Lost

Humanity is lost
Where is the conscience of the people?
Where are emotions?
They're dead
And humanity is declaring bankruptcy
Humanity is lost
Destruction, anger, war
and pillaging..People are escaping and being driven out of their homes
Oh freedom, my sun
was born just in time for it to set...
Is it possible that the world has become so small
and can no longer carry all humans,
and that there are no longer colorful flowers?
They dressed in black just like the hearts
that are callous and made of stone
They sold out all homelands
They sold out all religions
And humanity was lost
When humans were sold...
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Smisao života

Bejbi, živela sam u marku
Jedinog prijatelja kojeg imam ovde je slomljeno srce
Osećam kao da mi je konačno dosta
Živeti kao životinja može biti tako teško
Čekala sam tako dugo da mi dođeš
I sada ja, ne mogu da čekam još jedan dan
Kada me držiš, konačno vidim
Kada kažeš ljubavi, znam šta to znači
Bila sam skrhana tako sama u mraku
Dok mi nisi pokazao svetlo (bejbi)
Jer kad me poljubiš, ja znam ko sam
I kada mi dozvoliš da osetim to, razumem
Kada sam izgubljena samo te pogledam u oči
Ti mi pokazuješ smisao života
Smisao života, života, života, života
Ti mi pokazuješ smisao života
Smisao života, života, života, života
Ti mi pokazuješ smisao života
Svaki put kada provedem noć usamljena, da
Misleći da neću uspeti da izdržim do jutarnjeg svetla
Samo mislim o tebi i meni
Odjednom pogrešno počinje da bude tako dobar osećaj
Čekala sam tako dugo da mi dođeš (da mi dođeš, da)
I sada ja, ne mogu da čekam još jedan dan
Kada me držiš, konačno vidim (kada me držiš vidim)
Kada kažeš ljubavi, znam šta to znači (znam šta to znači)
Bila sam skrhana tako sama u mraku
Dok mi nisi pokazao svetlo
Jer kad me poljubiš, ja znam ko sam (ja znam ko sam)
I kada mi dozvoliš da osetim to, razumem (razumem)
Kada sam izgubljena samo te pogledam u oči
Ti mi pokazuješ smisao života
Smisao života, života, života, života
Ti mi pokazuješ smisao života
Smisao života, života, života, života
Ti mi pokazuješ smisao života
Ti mi pokazuješ ljubav
Uzdižeš me
Vodiš me sve više i više
Istina je te da sam zaljubljena
Osetiš li nas, letimo više
Oh, ti mi pokazuješ ljubav
Uzdižeš me
Vodiš me sve više i više
Istina je ta da sam zaljubljena
Osetiš li nas, letimo više
Smisao života, života, života, života
Ti mi pokazuješ smisao života
Smisao života, života, života, života
Pokaži mi smisao života
Pokaži mi smisao života, ooh
Pokaži mi smisao života

Ljubav tako nežna

[Strofa 1]
Svaki poljubac su vrata
Mogu li da pokucam na tvoja? Možemo li da kucamo malo više?
Ako je tvoj dodir ključ
Nastavi da vrtiš, nastavi da zaključavaš, nastavi da me okrećeš*
Pusti me unutra
Želim da ti budem bliže, da te pustim pod kožu
Ako te pustim da uđeš
Moraš biti oprezan sa tim
Dozvoli mi da ti kažem opet (hej)
Ljubav tako nežna*, nikada nisi imao ništa nežnije
Ako slomiš moraćeš da kupiš i sigurno će te koštati
Ljubav tako nežna da nećeš moći da je se otreseš
Svideće ti se ako probaš
Upecala te, sada si skroz uhvaćen
Ljubav tako nežna, tako nežna (tako nežna)
Ljubav tako nežna, tako nežna (tako nežna)
[Strofa 2]
Da je tvoja misao bila istina
Mi bismo radili sve ono što znam da želiš da radiš
Ali moram, moram da znam (moram da znam)
Hoćeš li me štititi, poštovati ako ti dozlovim da budeš blizu?
Pusti (oh, pusti) me unutra (pusti me unutra, pusti me unutra)
Želim da ti budem bliže, da te pustim pod kožu
Ako te pustim (ako te pustim) da uđeš (pustim da uđeš, pustim da uđeš)
Moraš biti oprezan sa tim
Dozvoli mi da ti kažem opet (hej)
Ljubav tako nežna, nikada nisi imao ništa nežnije
Ako slomiš moraćeš da kupiš i sigurno će te koštati
Ljubav tako nežna da nećeš moći da je se otreseš
Svideće ti se ako probaš
Upecala te, sada si skroz uhvaćen
Ljubav tako nežna, tako nežna (tako nežna)
Ljubav tako nežna, tako nežna (tako nežna)
Ako želiš ovu ljubav, moraš je čvrsto držati
Nikada je ne puštaj, bejbi, dozvoli joj da ti da život (da ti da život)
Ako želiš ovu ljubav, moraš je čvrsto držati
Nikada je ne puštaj, bejbi, dozvoli joj da ti da život
Ljubav tako nežna, nikada nisi imao ništa nežnije
Ako slomiš moraćeš da kupiš i sigurno će te koštati (nisi imao, nisi je imao)
Ljubav tako nežna da nećeš moći da je se otreseš
Svideće ti se ako probaš
Upecala te, sada si skroz uhvaćen
Ako želiš ovu ljubav (ako želiš), moraš je čvrsto držati (ako želiš)
Nikada je ne puštaj, bejbi, dozvoli joj da ti da život
(Ljubav tako nežna) Ljubav tako nežna
(Ljubav tako nežna) Oh
Ako želiš ovu ljubav, moraš je čvrsto držati
Nikada je ne puštaj, bejbi
Halde ljubavi, hajde, hajde ljubavi
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav
Ako je želiš bejbi
(Ljubav tako nežna, tako nežna, da)

When it is like that

When it is like that
And you have done callus to the melancholy
And with your head, you're 3000 miles away
when the happiness slip away from your hands
When it is like that
And you, you're not my obsession anymore
and making love does not feel like playing
is not like flying
And this boredom drag us away
No, I beg you, no
Don't swear, don't promise anything
No, I beg you, no
It doesn't work
If there's nothing between us
If there's nothing left
When it is like that
And you smoke a lot and drink a bit more
And you don't have words left to say
nor a ticket to leave
neither teeth to smile
No, I beg you, no
Don't lie, no, don't pretend anymore
No, I beg you, no
It doesn't work
If there's nothing between us
If there's nothing left
No, I beg you, no
Don't hurt me, don't kill me anymore
No, I beg you, no
It doesn't work
If there's nothing between us
If there's nothing left
No, I beg you, no
Don't touch me, don't confuse me anymore
No, I beg you, no
It does not work
If there's nothing between us
If there's nothing left


Every day that passes, I can feel
(That bad, that bad, that bad, that bad I am)
That although the sun rises, in me everything is grey
(That bad, that bad, that bad, that bad I am)
Enough with the gazes that lie about goodness
Because there's only darkness in my tender eyes
It's like a spell that cannot break
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad)
There's no chiaroscuro
Just darkness
(That bad, that bad, that bad,
that bad I am)
What's wrong with being bad when the world is bad
(That bad, that bad, that bad,
that bad I am)
Enough with the gazes that lie about goodness
Because there's only darkness in my tender eyes
It's like a spell that cannot break
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
Enough with the gazes that lie about goodness
Because there's only darkness in my tender eyes
It's like a spell that cannot break
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
I never stopped giving all of my poison
And I don't have limits, just the sky
I'm supernatural, earthly, but I laugh at the end
(That bad, that bad, that bad)
That bad, that bad

Everyone knows for sure

Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
From 'Hello, how are you'
To 'How is it going, my dear'
Good morning, good afternoon
Whatever you would like to hear yourself
From 'See you!' to 'Be strong, girl!'
A 'thank you' from time to time
So life is getting better with each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
The garbageman waves
And has a little talk on the street
The butcher yells every day
Whatever you would like to hear yourself
If we do our best
A little more than just the minimum
Life will get better with each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
Because remember: with a word-
-that someone likes to hear
Life will get better with each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other


clap, seventeen right here
it’s alright, it’s alright, these things happen
these kinds of things are like
tangled headphones in your pocket
when you stain your white shirt (and then)
when you have no money on your metro card (times like this)
yeah, on days like this
when it starts raining right before you go home
why do these things only happen to me?
weekends pass in the blink of an eye
if this happens to you
come here
(guys!) from now on
clap until your hands catch fire
clap clap clap clap
clap whenever you want to
clap clap clap clap
you over there, come here
let’s have some fun
clap until the end of this song
clap clap clap clap
woo clap clap clap clap
woo clap clap clap clap
no one can do it anyway
not you or you or you
even if it won’t work
just try a magic spell
gimsuhanmu turtle and crane
samcheongapja dongbangsak yeah yeah yeah yeah
there are those times
when you feel so small
you just have to do what is said
and you feel so cautious
why do these things only happen to me?
weekends pass in the blink of an eye
if this happens to you
come here
(guys!) from now on
clap until your hands catch fire
clap clap clap clap
clap whenever you want to
clap clap clap clap
you over there, come here
let’s have some fun
clap until the end of this song
clap clap clap clap
woo clap clap clap clap
woo clap clap clap clap
woo clap clap clap clap
have some courage today
get under the covers and shout
one more time
let’s clap and put out the fire
clap clap clap clap
this song is ending so clap
clap clap clap clap
you over there, come here
let’s have some fun
everyone stand up and clap
clap clap clap clap
woo clap clap clap clap
woo clap clap clap clap

The Green Stubble-fields of Autumn

On the green stubble-fields of autumn
I saw you, my sweetheart
Nice were your feet in shoes
And wonderful your nimble gait
Your hair the color of roses
And your ringlets tightly plaited
Alas that we're not married
Or on board ship sailing away
The boys around here are
Complaining and getting fired up
And the ones with the high-piled hair
Are making homes for my brown-haired girl
If the King of Spain would
Go abroad with his assembled men
I would trample pasture and wilderness
And I would be with my brown-haired girl
If only my brown-haired girl and I
Were buying cows at the fair
Go and come first love
Until we go over to Gaoth-Bearra
Even if the tops of the branches were parted
And the swan were separated from the waves
That would not separate us
And those who go against us are foolish
All of my work is dedicated to Ms Z. G., who is the real counterpart of Beatrice Portinari for me.

Saint Barbara, who will tell me

I still have on my skin, the sweetness of your hands
That would land on me
I again see the morning, your body against mine
To Saint Barbara
The blue waves of the Pacific
Erased on the sand, our footprints [lit. 'the trace of our steps.']
The romantic beach ended
You took some son, and now I'm cold
Saint Barbara, who will tell me
Why am I tired of living?
Saint Barbara, I do not know
I go, like a drunk boat
Carrying my memories
In the wooden house, float a scent of you
That I recognized well
Sometimes I have the impression, that you're still here
But never do you come
The scorching wind of the Pacific
Could take far away, our craziest dreams
I still have this music
That we would sing together, she is only ours
Saint Barbara, who will tell me
Why am I tired of living?
Saint Barbara, I do not know
I go, like a drunk boat
Carrying my memories
The sweetness of your hands
Your body against mine
And this scent of you
In the wooden house!
Saint Barbara, who will tell me
Why am I tired of living?
Saint Barbara, I do not know
I go, like a drunk boat
Carrying my memories
Saint Barbara, who will tell me
Why am I tired of living?

Your Garden

Versions: #4
I never wanted you
Any less than completely
Always, my love
If you’re happy in heaven
Then I got this
Always, looking out for you
The flowers are where I need to be
Now that you're not here
I’ll take care of your garden
The flowers are where I need to be
Now that you're not here
I’ll take care of your garden
I promised you
That someday I’ll be
Or try to be, better
If you’re happy in heaven too
Then I swear
Always, because of what you mean to me
The flowers are where I need to be
Now that you're not here
I’ll take care of your garden
The flowers are where I need to be
Now that you're not here
I’ll take care of your garden
Now that you're not here, I’ll take care of your garden
Now that you're not here, I’ll take care of your garden
Now that you're not here
Now that you're not here, I’ll take care of your garden