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Резултати претраге страна 8

Број резултата: 539



Versions: #2
Moraš da mi kažeš moja draga
Da l’ da legam il’ begam bez traga
Ako budeš htela samo mene
Biću s tobom sve dok traje vreme
Zato reci meni mila draga
Da l’ da legam il’ begam bez traga
Večito me ložiš - ložiš - ložiš
Na kolena hoćeš da me složiš
Danas - banja, sutra eto sranja
Sve zavisi od tvog nekog stanja
Zato reci meni mila draga
Da l’ da legam il’ begam bez traga
Neodlučnost opasno me kolje
Pa me pusti da uteknem bolje
Ti bi mene htela drugačije
Ne znaš čak ni moj broj konfekcije
Zato reci da mogu da biram
Da kuliram il’ da eksplodiram
Da l’ da legam ili ću da begam?
Ako begam draga ti si pukla
Ako legam - biće frka dupla
Zato reci meni mila draga
Da l’ da legam il’ begam bez traga

don't miss me (nemoj da ti nedostajem)

Provera jedan, provera dva
Provera jedan, provera dva
I sada ću da počnem da pevam
Osećam se malo nervozno, započenje novih stvari
Me baš i ne vole
Imam dečka, rekao mi je da me voli
Mislim da i ja njega volim, ali je smešno
Jer nisam najbolja u vezama
Više sam tu za zezanje
Sve moje drugarice kažu da je problem
Ne, samo ne bih da se povredim
Jer ne mogu da izdržim svoja osećanja i
Ne mogu da verujem svom srcu
Tako da nikada ne iskorišćavam prilike
Jer znam da ću se raspastiti
Ba da da da, ba da da
Mrzim romantično sranje, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kažem kako jeste, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kamo sreće da je sve ovo šala
Ali nisam dobra u slušanju
Tako da ne želim da nekome nedostajem
Tako sam nepredvidljiva
Jednog dana sam neodoljiva
Sledećeg mrzim sebe
Nikada dobra za nekog drugog
Tako da pokušavam da se udaljim
Ne želim da se muče sa mojim mozgom
Ali odjednom se promenim
Jer samo želim da me drži, pi
er ne mogu da izdržim svoja osećanja i
Ne mogu da verujem svom srcu
Tako da nikada ne iskorišćavam prilike
Jer znam da ću se raspastiti
Ba da da da, ba da da
Mrzim romantično sranje, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kažem kako jeste, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kamo sreće da je sve ovo šala
Ali nisam dobra u slušanju
Tako da ne želim da nekome nedostajem
Ba da da da, ba da da
Mrzim romantično sranje, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kažem kako jeste, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kamo sreće da je sve ovo šala
Ali nisam dobra u slušanju
Tako da ne želim da nekome nedostajem

Frankenstein (Frankenšatjn)

[Verse 1]
Tako mi je muka
Od svih ovih lepih dečaka koji se ponašaju kao sranje
I samo želim
Da se zaljube, i onda da me ne ostave tako brzo
Tražila sam, ne verujem da je tu negde
Pričanje satima, ulaženje sa cvećem
Prljave starke, 6'2 i braon kosa<3
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Izgleda da moram da napravim svog Frankenšatjna
Nacrtam sliku, i obojim sve linije
Kada je ispravno, uradiću probnu vožnju
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
[Verse 2]
Kada sam ljuta
Ljubiće me dok utrnem i neće me loše tretirati >:(
I zasmejava me
Nikada mi ne ide na živce, lepo se slažem sa mojim tatom (Mojim tatom) :D
Tražila sam, ne verujem da je tu negde
Oh tako odan, da se osećam razmaženo
On je moj san, nikada noćna mora
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Izgleda da moram da napravim svog Frankenšatjna
Nacrtam sliku, i obojim sve linije
Kada je ispravno, uradiću probnu vožnju
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Clap, clap
Izgleda da moram da napravim svog Frankenšatjna
Nacrtam sliku, i obojim sve linije
Kada je ispravno, uradiću probnu vožnju
Svaka mala stvar koju želim

The wine

There are three hundred steps to my bed
And I've had too many bottles of wine
Maybe I'll sit here and rest for a while
And then I'll be fine for my climb
There are three hundred steps to my bed
And I had too many bottles of wine
Maybe I'll sit down and rest for a while
And then I can climb the stairs
The wine, the wine
Don't blame the wine
Blame the man who sleeps in my bed
Tonight I will sleep on the beach
'Cause I've had too many bottles of rum
Maybe I'll sit here and rest for a while
And wait for the dawn of the sun
I'm going to sleep on the beach tonight
'Cause I drank too many bottles of rum
Maybe I'll sit down and rest for a while
And wait for the dawn
The rum, the rum
Don't blame the rum
Blame the man who sleeps in my bed
My whole life has been gay
'Cause I drank so many bottles of gin
Marriage and babies were not for me
But not a sinful life either
My whole life's been a torid affair
'Cause I've had too many bottles of gin
Marriage and babies were never for me
But neither is living in sin
The gin, the gin
Don't blame the gin
Blame the man who sleeps in my bed
Blame the man who sleeps in my bed

Немогућ Да Угасим.

Сакрила си свој скелет кад показао сам ти мој
Пробудила си ђавола за ког сам мислио да оставила си
Видео сам доказе руменило које тоне
Десет хиљада обећања десет хиљада начина да изгубим...
И држала си све
Али била си немарна
Пустила да падне
Испоручи ме мојој Вери -
Ако сам сам не могу да мрзим
Ја не заслужујем да те имам...
Мој осмех је одузет одавно.
Ако могу да се променим, надам се да никада нећу знати.
Гледао сам како падаш и јурио те до краја
Остао са празнином коју речи не могу заштити
Нећеш знати шта сам постао због тебе
Десет хиљада обећања
Десет хиљада начина да изгубим
Зато уштеди дах, нећу чути.
Мислим да сам био сасвим јасан.
Ниси могла да мрзиш довољно да би волела.
Зар то не би требало да је довољно?
Волео бих да ми ниси била пријатељ,
Онда бих могао да те повредим на крају.
Никада нисам тражио да будес Светац,
Мој лични је протеран одавно.
Смрт Наде је била потребна да бих те пустио
И држала си све
Али била си немарна
Пустила да падне
Држала си све
И био сам на твојој страни
(Зато се сломи о моје камење
И пљуни своје сажаљење у моју душу.
Никада ти није била потребна помоћ,
Продала си ме да би спасила себе.
И нећу да слушам твој срам.
Побегла си - све сте ви исте.
Анђели који лажу да би задржали контролу...
Моја љубав кажњена је одавно.
Ако ти је још увек стало, немој ми никада то дати до знања)
Ако ти је још увек стало, немој ми никада то дати до знања.

Three People

Dinner for one is boring and lonely
Two friends can talk openly and honestly
Three people can give you courage
And comfort your loss with one voice
Because of you, I have a new sense of humor
And because of you, the world has become a lighter place
For us to meet, it's hard to get by
So we sing as loud as we can and share every minute
We have a true friend (We are true friends)
Even if there is wind, it can't blow away our emotions (It can't blow away our emotions)
I really hope you'll be happy forever
You know me, I don't have to say it. We want to see each others' smiles.
Dinner for one is boring and lonely
Two friends can talk openly and honestly
Three people can give you courage
And comfort your loss with one voice
Because of you, I have a new sense of humor
And because of you, the world has become a lighter place
For us to meet, it's hard to get by
So we sing as loud as we can and share every minute
We have a true friend (We are true friends)
Even if there is wind, it can't blow away our emotions (It can't blow away our emotions)
I really hope you'll be happy forever
You know me, I don't have to say it. We want to see each others' smiles.
If your sadness takes away the dark clouds in the sky (You take away the dark clouds in the sky)
Climb to the clouds and I'll keep dreaming with you (Climb to the clouds, I'll dream with you)
I want to watch the sunrise and sunset with you every day
You are worthy of the most beautiful dream I want to fulfill in my life

The Next Dawn

With your shaking figure, hide your weeping heart.
There are some stories you don't have to tell everyone.
So many eyes see too shallow, too close--
They pass over me, never seeing who I truly am
With simple words, untangle your overburdened heart.
There are some feelings you should tell to those who understand.
Your tears evoke my heart, my sympathy--
I promise I will work hard, have courage to support you
At the next dawn, let's go back to where we held hands, walk again through the flowers with me, alright?
Some of the snow piled up in our hearts will naturally melt away
Your shoulder is the greatest heaven to me
At the next dawn, send me the photos you secretly took of me watching the sea, alright?
I like my fluttering, wind-blown hair
And the light in my eyes as I looked far through the rain
With simple words, untangle your overburdened heart.
There are some feelings you should tell to those who understand.
Your tears evoke my heart, my sympathy--
I promise I will work hard, have courage to support you
At the next dawn, let's go back to where we held hands, walk again through the flowers with me, alright?
Some of the snow piled up in our hearts will naturally melt away
Your shoulder is the greatest heaven to me
At the next dawn, send me the photos you secretly took of me watching the sea, alright?
I like my fluttering, wind-blown hair
And the light in my eyes as I looked far through the rain
Time can wear away some of my rough corners
While some remain, never wearing down
Please forgive me this small amount of selfishness
Because I can only afford it with you by my side
At the next dawn, let's go back to where we held hands, walk again through the flowers with me, alright?
Some of the snow piled up in our hearts will naturally melt away
Your shoulder is the greatest heaven to me
At the next dawn, send me the photos you secretly took of me watching the sea, alright?
I like my fluttering, wind-blown hair
And the light in my eyes as I looked far through the rain

Clara Alonso

Clara Alonso, Clara Alonso,
Clara Alonsoooooooooo!

Computer Angel History Maker

Hello, Can you hear me the Computer Angel History Maker (maker, yeah)
Computer Angel History Maker
Yeah! Not anymore!


Woo, woo
Let's go
When we're together, I'm stress off
The me who no-one knows
I can show you the best of
Worries, pass it
Keep balling, increase it every day, chemistry
We are tangled like a thread
Every day, play the game
No time to be bored
Spending time wherever we want to go, whatever we do
Milly, milly, rock it dancing happiness (Yeah)
You can play with me again
Fill in thе blanks, your day by day (Ayy)
I hope it lasts forever, truth, thе swear (Yosh!)
Unbelievable, every day I stand up (Ha)
Fingerprints always looking up at the sky (Ha)
Even if we don’t say it, our chemistry is implicit (Chemistry)
How can you deny this? We're the one, one, one, one
Best friend forever
Oh-ah-oh-ah-oh (Ooh, ooh)
Best friend forever (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
We won't lift heavy iron (Yeah)
I will continue to color you with a light smile (Yeah)
We're best friends forever
What are you doing today, no matter what time
I want to see your face for a moment, wherever you are, yeah, yeah
I'm fine, it's okay to freeze a little
If we're together (7Chill, go)
Oh, hold on, wait
A dark cloud pillow on my face
Why is the rain coming again?
Hommie, let's go, let's go chill
I can't do dramatic consolation, but I just say everything
Even if you can't have a roof, I'll be your umbrella, everyday
I can heal you all day
Whenever you are tired day by day
All our lives we're the truth, the swear (Ruto!)
It's a playground wherever we are together (Together)
I want to change the mood, call me, call (Call)
You are me and I am you, we laugh and cry together (Hey, hey, hey)
There is no one else like this, we're the one, one, one, one
Best friend forever (Ayy)
Oh-ah-oh-ah-oh (Ayy)
Best friend forever (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
We won't lift heavy iron (Yeah)
I will continue to color you with a light smile (Yeah)
We're best friends forever
Oh, even if that sky falls down
Even if the land that was fine is gone
We will never change, we're best friends
Even if now becomes the past
Even if the unknown future comes
May it become a long-lasting memory
Best friend forever
La, la-la, la, la-la (Hey, yeah)
La, la-la-la-la (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay)
La, la-la, la, la-la (Yeah)
La, la-la-la-la (Best friend forever)
La, la-la, la, la-la (Ayy, ayy)
La, la-la-la-la (Alright)
La, la-la, la, la-la (Alright, yeah)
La, la-la-la-la
We're best friends forever

Svete stani (Deca neba)

Otvori svoje srce
Šta osećaš?
Otvori svoje srce
Šta stvarno osećaš?
Veliki prasak je možda bio pre milion godina
Ali ne mogu da smislim bolji trenutak da kažem
Umesto da se zezamo sa našom budućnošću
Otvori se iznutra
Svete, stani
Zapitaj se hoćeš li imati odgovor za decu neba
Umesto da se zezamo sa našom budućnošću
Ne govori mi više laži
Svete, stani
Zapitaj se hoćeš li imati odgovor za decu neba
Deca neba...
Deca neba...
Zaviri iznutra
Naći ćeš dublju ljubav
Onu koji dolazi samo odozgo
Ako ikada sretneš dete u sebi
nemoj plakati
Reci im da će sve biti u redu
Umesto da se zezamo sa našom budućnošću
Otvori se iznutra
Zapitaj se hoćeš li imati odgovor za decu neba
Svete, stani
Hajde, svi u svemiru, hajde
Svete stani
Zapitaj se hoćeš li imati odgovor za decu neba
Deci neba
Otvori svoje srce
Reci mi, kako se osećaš?
Slušaj sada, reci im sve
Baš ovde i sada
U redu, svi, ovde na svetu
Vi ste svi deca
Sada zajedno, ujedinite se i borite se, oh
Otvori svoje srce, sada
Mir, ljubav za sve
Oh, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, u redu
Na četiri strane sveta
Pevaj to glasno, pevaj glasno, pevaj glasno, glasno, glasno
Svete zastani
Pevaj to glasno, pevaj to ponosno
Svi, da, da, da, da, oh
Ne prihvatajte ne kao odgovor
Ne, ne, ne danas
Upravo ovde, širi ljubav
Sada se svi udružite
Jedno, jedno srce, ljubav i jedinstvo, pevajte svi
Svete, zastani
Hajde, svi u svemiru, hajde
Svete, stani
Zapitaj se hoćeš li imati odgovor za decu neba
Svete, stani
Hajde, svi u svemiru, hajde
Zapitaj se hoćeš li imati odgovor za decu neba

It Is Beautiful, It Is Good

It is beautiful, it is good
Life flows like a song
As soon as a girl is loved by a boy
It is red, it is blue
It's sunny deep in the eyes
When we live life
Like lovers
You take clouds, small or large
You tear them into pieces
You put the thunderstorms deep into cages
And then you throw them into the water
You catch the trap
Of snowflakes
That made rainbows
You pass over the mist
Of moonbeams
Oranges and then honey
It is beautiful, it is good
Life flows like a song
As soon as a girl is loved by a boy
It is red, it is blue
It is sunny deep in the eyes
When we live life
Like lovers
You play the cicadas
You speak to the stars
Right in the middle of winter
You take the head
Like a planet
And you walk on the sea
You go on a cruise
Around the Earth
Along the Milky Way
And you find yourself
Where we meet
When we don't know where we are anymore
It is beautiful, it is good
Life flows like a song
As soon as a girl is loved by a bou
It is red, it is blue
It is sunny deep in the eyes
When we live life
Like lovers
It is beautiful, it is good
Life flows like a song
As soon as a girl is loved by a boy
It is red, it is blue
It is sunny deep in the eyes
When we live life
Like lovers
La la la...

Моја љубав

Сећам се да ми је неко рекао
Да идем куда ме срце води
Поуздај се у богове
Што управљају свим дешавањима
Дан за даном
Зауставила бих се понекад
Као дотакнута брижном руком
И наједном ти си се појавио преда мном
И богови су се насмејали баш онда кад смо се нашли
(Нашли смо се)
Моја љубав (аха)
Гореће (аха)
Тако јарко као звезда у ноћи
Моја љубав (аха)
Наћи ће (аха)
Свој пут и кроз најдубље воде
Моја љубав према теби
(Моја љубав, моја љубав)
Као што тиха летња киша
Претвара залеђено тло у летњу ливаду
Тако си и ти пробудио моје тело и душу
Удахнуо живот мојим чежњама и ишчекивању
Куд год ти ишао, где год се налазио
Ја ћу те увек пратити
И обасјавати ти путе
Куд год ишао, ја ћу корачати уз тебе
(Покрај тебе)
Моја љубав (аха)
Гореће (аха)
Тако јарко као звезда у ноћи
Моја љубав (аха)
Наћи ће (аха)
Свој пут и кроз најдубље воде
Моја љубав према теби
(Моја љубав)
Ооо ооо
Моја љубав (ооо)
Гореће (ооо)
Тако јарко као звезда у ноћи
Моја љубав (ооо)
Наћи ће (ооо)
Свој пут и кроз најдубље воде (ооо)
Моја љубав према теби
(Моја љубав)
Моја љубав према теби
Моја љубав према теби

Nothing Against (Jealous)

I know I told you get lost
Now more 'cause I lost you
I want you back
'Because yes!' at times is the answer
Why I can't have you back?
Can be?
Can be everyone?
Nothing against them, I would even do it
but that place belongs to me
To me
To me
To me
I told you that nonsense
Hard to make choices
Because yes! at times is the answer
Why I can't have you back?
Not always
I shall say
but what jealous
what I'm doing here
Can be?
Can be everyone?
Nothing against them, I would even do it
but that place belongs to me
To me
To me
To me

I forgot you

Versions: #1
Just so you know
I forgot you
One month after you forgot me and decided you were better off alone
Just so you know
I forgot you
And if my eyes meet yours, it’s just because you’re on my way
And since I forgot you
It’s been so good without you
You leaving was a huge improvement here
Since I forgot you
I’ve become such a different person
That I don’t know why you are not coming back
Just so you know
I forgot you
And that’s good because doing so was already in my plans
Just so you know
I forgot you
And in case one day I call you at dawn in despair, I just misdialed
And since I forgot you
It’s been so good without you
You leaving was a huge improvement here
Since I forgot you
I’ve become such a different person
That I don’t know why you are not coming back
Just so you know
I forgot you
And now when remember that you exist, I don’t feel anything anymore
Just so you know
I forgot you
And if I try to force you to kiss me, just assume I’m on drugs
And since I forgot you
It’s been so good without you
You leaving was a huge improvement here
Since I forgot you
I’ve become such a different person
That I don’t know why you are not coming back
Just so you know
Just so you know
Just so you know
Just for you


What will take you away
From being in front of the television?
Disconnect you
From your mobile, this Summer?
What is stuck in your mind,
Your waist and your heart?
This scandal is shaking the dance floor:
Everyone's hitting the floor!
Everyone's hitting the floor!
It's a blend of
It's enjoyable as a commotion - it hits right!
Balance your hip, flex your knee:
The matimba has started! Messy!
What? What? What?
What? What? What?
What? What? What?

I'm free, I dance gracefully
Because everything passes
And I'm a fan of life!
What are you going to do
If the world happens to end
Tomorrow, early in the morning?
You may have no money at all,
Be in a rush and badly paid,
But do keep your faith...
You feel the matimba coming down
From the ends of your hair
To your very toes!
I've said...
What? What? What?
What? What? What?
What? What? What?

Honey bunny, I'm going to count...
One! Two! Three!
[MC Guimê:]
Everyone in the matimba!
Everyone in the matimba!
Boom boom boom-pow-ah!
Everyone in the matimba!
Everyone... MA-TIM-BA!

What will take you away
From being in front of the television?
Disconnect you
From your mobile, this Summer?
What is stuck in your mind,
Your waist and your heart?
This scandal is shaking the dance floor:
Everyone's hitting the floor!
Everyone's hitting the floor!
It's a blend of kuduro and guitarrada,
It's enjoyable as a commotion - it hits right!
Balance your hip, flex your knee:
The matimba has started! Messy!
What? What? What?
What? What? What?
What? What? What?

I'm free, I dance gracefully
Because everything passes
And I'm a fan of life!
What are you going to do
If the world happens to end
Tomorrow, early in the morning?
You may have no money at all,
Be in a rush and badly paid,
But do keep your faith...
You feel the matimba arising
From the ends of your hair
To your very toes!
I've said...
What? What? What?
What? What? What?
What? What? What?

  • 1. Guitarrada is a traditional genre from Brazil's Central Coast.

My youth’s slipping away

My youth’s slipping away
To the poem's finale
Rhyme by rhyme steps beyond
Exhausting its words
My youth’s slipping away
As a green garden alley
Leads to a dried up pond
Now abandoned by birds
No more walks in the woods
No more singing together
Of that childish song
Which was silly and lame
While daydreaming of girls
That at parties then gathered
I forgot the song’s name
I forgot the song’s name
No more walks in the woods
No bloom we can find
It is raining today
Our footprints are gone
Out of those many songs
That were then in my mind
Can’t recall even one
Can’t recall even one
My youth’s slipping away,
A guitar’s gently weeping
My youth’s silent and slow
I can’t stop it, alas
My youth’s moving away
Unrelentingly slipping
And it looks like you did
When we laid on the grass
No more walks in the woods
The fall day’s dark like night
Will the spring be returning -
Am I waiting in vain
For a glimmer of light
For some hope in the morning
That would stop my heart’s pain
That would stop my heart’s pain
No more fun in the woods
For us walking together
My youth’s slipping away
And in it I see you
And your steps make a sound
But you are gone forever
Oh if you only knew
Oh if you only knew

Je t'aime mon amour

Versions: #2
Being in love is when you cry anyway,
That must come from being happy,
I put myself in your hands
The heart is stronger than the mind,
Je t'aime, mon amour.
I kiss your eyes shut,
All I need now is always you.
How many hours there are in the night
When my tenderness awakens
Feel the warmth of your skin
The ice in my soul thaws
How many hours in the night
When your feeling makes me helpless
There is for us only love pure,
Ce soir je t'aime, mon amour.
You're so close to me in the candlelight
And your eyes caress me
I lie in your arms and say
What I would otherwise only dare to think:
Je t'aime mon amour.......


Versions: #1
We're a bit megalomaniac, both of us
It's difficult to admit my wrongs
And that's what we have
Like a matador, you're playing with our destinies
When you play dead, and they shatter to pieces
And we get stuck under the sheets
Take off your vest, your bulletproof vest
Lay down your weapons and my messy hair
My love is Hiroshima
Everything goes up in smoke wherever we go
We're just a battleground
Where our kisses are bullets
Everything goes up in smoke wherever you go
We're just a battleground
My love is Hiroshima
Under the watchtower, I see the enemy landing
Who wants to steal my treasures, I'm sending him all my soldiers
I have to throw myself into the water, to survive in radio silence
In your barbed wire, my heart escapes
And we get stuck under the sheets
Take off your vest, your bulletproof vest
Watch, I am reborn like a ginkgo biloba
My love is Hiroshima
Everything goes up in smoke wherever we go
We're just a battleground
Where our kisses are bullets
Everything goes up in smoke wherever you go
We're just a battleground
My love is Hiroshima
Remember all the energy
That used to float around us
Surrounded by your arms
Remind me to always choose...
...Peace instead of strategies...
...That will take me far away from you
Everything goes up in smoke wherever we go
We're just a battleground
Where our kisses are bullets
Everything goes up in smoke wherever you go
We're just a battleground
My love is Hiroshima

Lush Life!

Time After Time, when I think of you
something flutters deep in my chest
Round & Round, am I overrun?
Stepping up a level, above all expectations
Breaking all the rules
Sticking your nose wherever you so please
Life stories, experience points, who cares when
A New Game's always starting, 'C'est la vie'
That's the word!
Lush Life! A shining heart
is calling, take it in your hands and don't let go!
Wake Up your heart, its beat is always beating, Lush Life!
I wonder when we're talking,
what kind of face do I make when I laugh?
Off-balance and a little hard to read
Talking about everything but our real feelings
trying to turn back the timeline to see you again
And suddenly time slips back away
Ringtone ringing, heartbeat beating, everything 'C'est si bon !'
Lush Life! Even if it's slapstick love
together even nonsense is fun, Lush Life!
Right Now! We gotta get started
the beat is always beating, Lush Life!
Just wait darling
some day I'll get you to turn and look at me
A lovely story
In this world, in our hands, Thru The Night
I Want To See The Fantasy
I want to dive in together
I Want To Know The Mystery
I want to be by you forever
Chasing you, coming up from behind with no regrets
A shining heart is calling
take it in your hands and don't let go
Wake Up your heart, its beat is
always beating, Lush Life!
Even if it's slapstick love
together even nonsense is fun, Lush Life!
Right Now! We gotta get started
the beat is always beating, Lush Life!
Just wait darling
some day I'll get you to turn and look at me
A lovely story
In this world, in our hands, Thru The Night
Just wait darling, it's almost time
Hold this lovely story close
and wait darling, our lovely story
Time After Time, when I think of you
something flutters deep in my chest
Round & Round, am I overrun?
Above all expectations, nothing like before
but still just how I like

Curse or Truth

I was rolled up in golden paper
Rustling like a Christmas chocolate
My hands were cracked with loneliness
My breasts like roofs stung by the wind
I had forgotten, in the frost and the salt
Caresses and warm breath
Love comes
Like a wolf, it stays at a distance
But I hear it crying
In several strides
Will I leave without avoiding it?
Curse or truth?
The rain falls on the neighboring sheet metal
Its song always moves me
I'll go out at the next shower
To see if there are still any men in this country
The sight of a brush with soft bristles moves me
The straw on the chairs, the doormat moves me
Winter has been too long
By watching for the sap
I've folder my arms and legs
Back under me and I've resumed my dream
How can we pass
So many men at the same time
And never touch them
With more than the tips of our fingers?
Hello, haven't you
Suffered from the cold?
So slide into the warmth
It's better in me
Hello, haven't you
Suffered from the cold?
So slide into the warmth
It's better in me
Love comes
Like a wolf, it stays at a distance
But I hear it crying
In several strides
Will I leave without avoiding it?
Curse or truth?
Will I leave without avoiding it?
Curse or truth?

Summer memories

Do you miss me
Do you miss us
Do you miss how we used to feel
When we could dream ourselves away?
Something have happened
The light is burnt
I have been awake many nights
I have been looking for something open
I have longed for you
You was night and i was day
I want to be able to to walk without you
When the summer comes, a heart that beats
Something happens after a year
Of the summers longing we hold back
I know that im alive but everything got crushed
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ohh-ohh, we have stopped longing
We have stopped longing
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ohh-ohh, we have stopped longing
To miss a life
To miss myshelf
Do you miss how it feels to breathe
Whithout disappearing in demands?
The wind have turned
I know how it feels
To lose yourself in the past
The silence that follows in a slope
I have longed for you
You where the sky, i was the sea
I want to be able to see without you
When the summer comes, a heart that beats
Something happens after a year
Of the summers longing we hold back
I know that im alive but everything got crushed
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ohh-ohh, we have stopped longing
We have stopped longing
When the summer comes, a heart that beats
Something happens after a year
Of the summers longing we hold back
I know that im alive but everything got crushed
When the summer comes, a heart that beats
Something happens after a year

Alone in a city

I have sold myself
To everyone that can hear me, see me
Singing i can no longer do
It hurts to throw away
Something that I have believed so long
It was you
That i could count on
But you have been made that way so
And i drink
To feel closer to myself
It hurts so much
To see something disappear
The threads i have tied together
Have been cut of
Like you and i
I am alone in a city
Do you want to be with me
Is this the end
Our time is past
And i cant look upon you again
If you are nagging at me: 'Clara, come back'
I am going to say to you
That everything that i have believed in has become false
You have ruined my throat
My song, my voice, my everything
And i drink
To feel closer to myself
It hurts so much
To see something disappear
The threads i have tied together
Have been cut of
Like you and i
I am alone in a city
I need to get away from this
I need to get away for a day
Away from this
I need to get away for a day
And i drink
To feel closer to myselfe
It hurts so much
To see something disappear
The threads i have tied together
Have been cut of
Like you and i
I am alone in a city

Act manfully

Act manfully
Stand fast in the faith
Act manfully
And be comforted
From the curse of our desolation
In our work we must find salvation
Remember man that thou art dust
In the yoke of the cross we trust
Act manfully
Stand fast in the faith
Act manfully
And be comforted
The world’s pattern in our undoing
Be reformed in your mind’s renewing
Holy writ, the scholar’s plume
Ignorance of the law is doom.
Brethren, be sober and watch
because your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion goeth about
seeking whom he may devour
Whom resist ye, strong in the faith.
But thou, O Lord, have mercy on us.
Thanks be to God.
Act manfully
Stand fast in the faith
Act manfully
And be comforted
The grieving Mother stood
Weeping beside the cross
Where Her Son was hanging
the sword has passed.
Act manfully
Stand fast in the faith
Act manfully
And be comforted
Stand in faith with deep conviction,
Love thy brethren, endure affliction,
In your scabbard keep your sword,
Holy soldiers of the Lord.
We praise thee, O God : we acknowledge thee to be the Lord.
All the earth doth worship thee : the Father everlasting.
We therefore pray thee, help thy servants :
whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood.
Make them to be numbered with thy Saints : in glory everlasting.
O Lord, save thy people
And bless thine heritage.
Et govern them : and lift them up for ever.
O Lord, in thee have I trusted : let me never be confounded
Act manfully
Stand fast in the faith
Act manfully
And be comforted
Prayer unceasing, sacrifices,
Purge your soul of all its vices,
Quam bonum et quam iucundum,
Habitare fratres in unum.
Act manfully (Lord, Son, Spirit)
Stand fast in the faith (Holy Trinity)
Act manfully (Mary, Angels)
And be comforted (all saints of God)
Seven times a day I praise Thee
I have loved Thy commands that raised me
Let my prayer come near Thy sight
Lead my heart in the way of right.
Into Thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit
Into Thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit
Thou hast redeemed us O Lord, God of truth
I commend my spirit
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto
Into Thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit

Париз Париз

Париз Париз
Осећам љубав, Париз Париз
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Бармен у шејкеру, пре свега елеганција
Цртица Сакре-Куир и две висине Доизнеау
Пјаф, неколико врабаца и Жозефине Бакер ...
Париз Париз
Један од Превера, али без ракуна
Попијмо последње пиће у близини Батеау Лавоира
Симон де Бовоар и два мајмуна зими ...
Задња нођ је створена за љубав
Ставите три ноте џеза у латинском кварту
Јеловник на таблу позадине бар-табака
И мрежаста чарапа на једном колену коју прелазим
тамо са тобом
О душо, само узми моје смрзнуте руке и чуј како кажем
Не дозволи ми да се претворим у песак и да се одувам
Мада ова препуна пустиња звана Париз
Осећам љубав, Париз Париз
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Мало јаванског језика,
блиског мом срцу
Једна турнеја по Моулен Ружу и две по Нотре-Даму
Прекривен макадамом, украшен шлепом
Из Антверпена или Амстердамског канала,
где си
Ох дете
само задржи овог усамљеног обожаваоца и чуј га како говори
Не дозволи ми да се претворим у песак и да се одувам
Вероватно си једина жена
Иако ова препуна пустиња
ко би могао рећи
звана Париз
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Париз Париз
Волим да волим,
Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Ставите три ноте џеза у латинском кварту
Јеловник на таблу позадине бар-табака
И мрежаста чарапа на једном колену коју прелазим
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
- Одјави се, Катарина!
- Одјави се? Париз ... Париз ... Не, не могу
Никада се нећемо растати од ових осећања
Поспите, коначно, прашином из метроа
Али не узимајте превише
Париз ...
Париз би изгубио душу.
Поспите, коначно, прашином из метроа
Али не узимајте превише,
Париз, Париз би изгубио душу.
Париз би изгубио душу.
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Париз Париз
Волим да волим,
Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу


Alberta, Alberta,
Gde si bla tako dugo?
Alberta, Alberta,
Gde si bio tako dugo?
Nikog nisam voleo
Otkad si otišla.
Alberta, Alberta,
Gde si bila sinoć?
Alberta, Alberta
Gde si bila sinoć?
Dođi jutros kući,
Odelo ti loše stoji
Alberta, Alberta,
Devojko, ti si mi u mislima
Alberta, Alberta,
Devojko ti si mi u mislima
Nikog nisam voleo
Previše dugo.
Alberta, Alberta,
Gde si bila toliko dugo?
Alberta, Alberta,
Gde si bila toliko dugo?
Nikog nisam voleo
Otkad si otišla.

A Summer day in 1993

You have a proportion makes you look like a different person.
Oh, you are my angel at the water's edge.
For the first time,
you showed me your bare skin and your sexy.
A highway running through skyscrapers.
Oh, a pool in silver color.
You turned into a flying fish
like cutting through a buzzing city.
Dramatically, SAY LOVE
Mysteriously, SO TIGHT
Even though, I was with you so much.
In nineteen ninety three,
I fell in love. Oh, I'm crazy about you.
I thought you are just an ordinary woman.
But I was wrong. Oh, It's not that.
I suddenly fell in love with you
on a summer day.
You can't measure it from the top of your clothes.
Oh, sexy charming.
You were trying to escape from my view.
It makes me worry.
Scandalously, SAY LOVE
Like diamonds, SO TIGHT
Everything is a treasure trove.
In nineteen ninety three,
It's jealousy. Oh, I'm crazy about you.
I thought I wasn't suitable for you.
From today, Oh, it will be outrageous.
I will be confused by your mysterious feelings,
on a summer day.
Dramatically, SAY LOVE
Mysteriously, SO TIGHT
Even though, I was with you so much.
In nineteen ninety three,
I fell in love. Oh, I'm crazy about you.
I thought you are just an ordinary woman.
But I was wrong. Oh, It's not that.
I suddenly fell in love with you
on a summer day.

The Legends of the White Horse

I'll take you on a white horse
Challenging the sun and immensity
Into swamps unknown to the Gods
Far from the city
Just two of us
And thousands of wild horses
Will make a circle in order to isolate ourselves
Can't you hear all the guitares
Singing joy while we're riding ?
I'll take you on a white horse
Challenging the sun and immensity
Into swamps unknown to the Gods
Far from the city
Just the two of us
However I know It's just a dream
Why does It have to be ?
Despite everything I can hear the ode to love
I can previously hear her alleluia

Staza u šumi

Prve zvezde na nebu već sjaje
Kroz grmlje vetar šapuće i ide
Šuma na mesečini poput čarolije
strasne bajke tebi pripoveda
Dođi, ima jedna staza u šumi,
znam njeno ime,
želiš li i ti da znaš?
Dođi, to je staza srca
gde se rađa ljubav
koja ne umire nikada.
Tamo među drvećem
upleteno u cvetnim granama
Ima jedno gnezdo
u kome se ljubav rascvetava
Dođi, ima jedna staza u šumi,
znam njeno ime,
želiš li i ti da znaš?
~ ~
Dođi, to je staza srca
Gde sanja ljubav
koja ne umire nikada
Tamo među drvećem
upleteno u cvetnim granama
Ima jedno gnezdo jednostavno
u kome se ljubav rascvetava
Dođi, ima jedna staza u šumi,
znam njeno ime,
želiš li i ti da znaš?


I hid it inside my heart, the loneliness I used to embrace
I clutched it so close to me it hurt, that bright future
As I wield my blade I head onto an unknown tomorrow
I'll take this heartbeat with me towards the audience's thundering applause
The 'brilliance' lit up
That dark painful road for us
Tears are frustrating, aren't they?
Let's join our hearts, Stage Girls
99 Seize it! ILLUSION!
Reach it! All the way to the finale, come on, run!
I face you and the stardust
If I'm with you then we can breathe life into this two-dimensional world
That only exists on paper
The stage is my life!
It seems as though it's encouraging me, this beautiful light
Let's go even higher! Aiming for a bigger place
With your naked feelings, you have to become a strong arrow
It's as fragrant as the swaying leaves, and those true words
'The stage is our life!'
Someone taught them to us
We'll show you our way of life
Let's join our dreams Stage Girls
Become a burning star!
In your heart we don't need any tricks, you're perfect the way you are
That 'brilliance is nothing but the reflection of an illumination
So I don't want to show you any lies
The stage is my life!
I'm sure you learned through trial and error
Repeating it over and over again until you could walk by yourself
It looks as though you wanted your figure to be dyed 'blue'
And now you're smiling
Reach it! All the way to the finale, come on, run!
I face you and the stardust
If I'm with you then we can breathe life into this two-dimensional world
That only exists on paper
The stage is my life!
Reach it! All the way to the finale, come on, run!
I face you and the stardust
Become a burning star!
In your heart, we don't need any tricks
The stage is my life!
Shine bright
99 ILLUSION is my life!