Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 38
Твој сам човек
Versions: #1Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ако желиш љубавника,
учинићу све што тражиш.
А ако желиш другу врсту љубави,
носићу маску због тебе.
Ако желиш партнера,
узми ме за руку.
Или, ако хоћеш да ме удариш у бесу,
ту сам,
твој сам човек.
Ако желиш боксера,
због тебе ћу ући у ринг.
А ако желиш доктора
испитаћу сваки твој центиметар.
Ако желиш возача,
уђи у кола.
Или, ако желиш да ме провозаш,
знаш да можеш,
твој сам човек.
Ах, месец је превише светао,
ланац је превише затегнут,
звер неће да заспи.
Пролазио сам кроз сва обећања
која сам ти дао, а нисам могао да испуним.
Знам да мушкарац никада није вратио жену
само молећи на коленима.
Допузао бих до тебе, мала,
и пао пред твоје ноге
и урлао од твоје лепоте
као пас у терању.
И забио бих ти канџе у срце
и поцепао бих ти постељину,
говорећи ти „молим те“ (молим те),
твој сам човек.
А ако мораш да одспаваш
мало на путу,
ја ћу возити уместо тебе.
И ако желиш да радиш на улици сама,
нестаћу због тебе.
Ако желиш оца за своје дете,
или само желиш да прошеташ са мном на кратко
преко песка,
твој сам човек.
Ако желиш љубавника,
учинићу све што тражиш.
А ако желиш другу врсту љубави,
носићу маску због тебе.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
Half Moon
Even on the longest dayof the most difficult year
i'll sing to you
what will i sing?
even on the fastest highway
words come out very slowly
because i'll sing so honestly
I'm driving to the silence
you kiss me cautiously
we almost burned red
And your hair is in the wind
i already feel insecure with you
And you with your smile, a half moon
inside i'm loved
outside seem like a half guest
running to the sea because it's good for us, good for us
we'll hold on so that won't fall apart for us
and you are like a shining star at night
you love everything within me
from the scratches until the top
that this shouldn't end for us
and the heart shouldn't burn for us
Even on the most rainy day
of the coldest year
i'll bring to you
what will i bring to you?
even the most beautiful song
it's only words and melody
so what can i leave behind for you
what can i leave behind?
I'm driving to the silence
you kiss me cautiously
we almost burned red
And your hair is in the wind
i already feel insecure with you
And you with your smile, a half moon
inside i'm loved
outside seem like a half guest
running to the sea because it's good for us, good for us
we'll hold on so that won't fall apart for us
and you are like a shining star at night
you love everything within me
from the scratches until the top
that this shouldn't end for us
and the heart shouldn't burn for us
And you with your smile, a half moon...
Za Njegovu slavu
Živim za Njegovu slavuNjegova reč nije priča
Kada sam pao, spasio si me
Yeshua, Gospode, oprostio si mi
Zašto moja braća ne vide, Gospode?
Zašto su slepi?
Izabrani su se udaljili od Tebe
Od kako je bilo ranije
Molim se da ćeš promeniti njihova tvrda srca
Možda danas
Jedan jevrej će prepoznati Tvoju istinu
i hodati Tvojim putem
Živim za Njegovu slavu
Njegova reč nije priča
Kada sam pao, spasio si me
Yeshua, Gospode, oprostio si mi
Kako se ovca izgubila u polju
Obmanuta od strane budala
Vukovi u ovčijoj koži pišu zakon
Bezbožna pravila
Molim se da će tragati za Njegovim Sinom
I osloboditi se lanaca
Jer je Istina ta koja će ih osloboditi na kraju
Da znaju Kralja, da, koji vlada
Živim za Njegovu slavu
Njegova reč nije priča
Kada sam pao, spasio si me
Yeshua, Gospode, oprostio si mi
Pogledaj me, Abba, zaljubljen sam
U Tebe
I sva moja braća i sestre ovde
Mi ostajemo istinski jevreji
Kako god Ti želiš da promeniš srce čoveka
Sve je u Tvojim rukama
Šta god bude, biće kroz Tebe
Onog sa planom
Živim za Njegovu slavu
Njegova reč nije priča
Kada sam pao, spasio si me
Yeshua, Gospode, oprostio si mi
Živim za Njegovu slavu
Njegova reč nije priča
Kada sam pao, spasio si me
Yeshua, Gospode, oprostio si mi
Versions:Čuo sam priče o tajnom akordu
Koji je David svirao da bi udovoljio Gospodu,
Ali tvoje uši muziku baš i ne štuju?
Ide ovako,
Četvrti, iza kojeg peti odmah vreba,
Dok mol pada, dur se uzdiže do neba
Zbunjeni kralj komponuje Aleluju
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Tvoja vera bila je jaka al’ si ipak dokaz tražio
Kupala se na krovu kad si je spazio
Lepotom i mesečinom svet ti zaleluja.
Onda te je za kuhinjsku stolicu vezala
Razbila je tvoj presto i kosu ti odrezala
I s tvojih usana izmamila je: Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Dušo, bio sam ovde već
Znam ovu sobu kao svoj džep
Živeo sam usamljeno pre naših oluja,
Tvoja zastava na mermernom svodu
U mom umu živa je slika,
Ljubav nije marš pobednika
Ne, hladna je i mračna Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Pričala si mi nekad davno
Šta se dole dešava stvarno
Ali sad skrivaš reči kao noge guja.
Sećam se kad sam se u tebe doselio,
Sa sobom sam i svetu golubicu preselio
I svaki uzdah koji smo unosili bio je Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Možda iznad nas Bog i anđeli postoje
Ali sve što sam naučio od ljubavi to je
Kako da nadigram bržeg iz dvoboja
I to što čuješ večeras nije zločin
Niti je poklonik koji tvrdi da su svetlost ugledale njegove oči
Ne, već je hladna i veoma mračna Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Kažeš da uzalud ime uzeo sam
A ja ga čak i ne znam
Sve i da jesam, zaboga, šta to tebe žulja?
Plamen svetlosti prožima sve reči
Nije važno koja u tebi ječi
Sveta ili iskvarena Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Znam da je malo, ali sve sam od sebe dao
Pokušao sam da dodirnem jer ništa nisam osećao
Ne lažem te, nisam nikakva hulja
I iako se sve odigralo kako ne sme
Staću ispred Gospoda pesme
Ni sa čim na jeziku osim: Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja
Makes Me Trouble
You make me troubleEach time I come in
Fix your hair
Maybe change your pants
That’s how you want me
Charming and elegant
So they’ll look and have their jaws fall to the floor
You make me trouble...You make me trouble...
You make me trouble
Each time I come in
Fix your hair
Maybe change your pants
That’s how you want me
Charming and elegant
So they’ll look and have their jaws fall to the floor
You make me trouble...You make me trouble...
And all your questions
Make me trouble
Where were you? In the centre or in the south?
Or both?
That’s how you want me
One that updates
But I live like a butterfly
I’m not used to being stuck in a cage
You make me trouble
Each time I come in
Fix your hair
Maybe change your pants
That’s how you want me
Charming and elegant
So they’ll look and have their jaws fall to the floor
You make me trouble...You make me trouble...
It's Possible That In The End It's Only The Two Of Us
Every street that i walked onalways led to you
this future memory
upon reflection will dry up your tears.
Like you i was more mature then
today i am more daring
shadows fell on my cheeks
the reverberations spouted wings
It's possible that in the end
in the end it's only the two of us
it's possible that the place we'll go
is where we came from.
Good morning also to the enemy
to one that is dissapointed, to one that disappoints
good morning also to the friend
about what was said and will be said
It's possible that in the end
in the end it's only the two of us
it's possible that the place we'll go
is where we came from.
Three Possibilities
Tell me one timeand then we can continue to lie
what is your logic
and how is all of this supposed to connect together
Tell me one time
and we will talk about another subject
what is my logic
and how is all of this supposed to connect together
The words wake up and i put them to sleep
i am sleeping and they are waking up
Three possibilities
before each decision
i can't choose
one time to go
one time to go
without looking back
Tell me this
tell me one time
believe me
you love me a lot
just because you know me a little
The words wake up and i put them to sleep
i am sleeping and they are waking up
Three possibilities
before each decision
i can't choose
one time to go
one time to go
The Small Good Deeds
You don't need moneyin order to do good in the world
your smile is worth millions
and there are people that for them it is perfect
You don't need to write books
in order to awaken inspiration
you have friends
for whom your word or compliment
will deeply touch their souls
more so than a complete library
The small good deeds
they are really quite large
they are the here and now
they fill our lives with color
And in the end i am also grateful more than all
for the good deeds that were the smallest of all apparently
by a friend(male) that props me up and says a kind word
by a girlfriend that embraces and grants me love
And it is possible that they do not know at all
how deep inside they touched me
how pleasant it was for me
and how much they strummed my heart strings1
We are not obliged
to engage in kindness and charity
in order to be kind people
for small gestures that are done with sincerity
you don't need money or resources
only the intentions and willingness
to give
from the heart
- 1. lit: strings of my emotions
A Flower In Spring
It's cold for her in spring and she worriesamong her friends she is alone
a few times she calls
he doesn't answer, this is different, he is in the army
The noise of helicopters, an officer talking on the radio
when everyone else hears she listens
the world as its custom behaves as it will
and mother again holds her breath
No, don't worry, i will return
end of the week, month, not more
a flower in spring, will return to bloom in your garden
that the night protects from a distance
Staring at the ceiling and not able to fall asleep
all her body is shaking and not from cold
perhaps the door will suddenly open
and the light will return home!
No, don't worry, i will return
end of the week, month, not more
flower in Spring, will return to bloom in your garden
that the night protects from a distance
Šta se desi srcu
Radio sam napornoAli to nikad nisam nazivao umetnošću
Doveo sam se u red
Spoznao Hrista i čitao Marksa
Izneverilo je moju slabu vatru
Ali je umiruća iskra svetla
Idi reci mladom mesiji
Šta se desi srcu
Tu je magla letnjih poljubaca
Gde sam pokušao da se parkiram
Rivalstvo bilo je opako
Žene su bile glavne
Nije to bilo ništa, to je bio samo posao
Ali je ostavio ružan ožiljak
Došao sam ovde da se podsetim šta se desi srcu
Prodavao sam svete drangulije
Oblačio sam se nekako odvažno
Imao mačku u kuhinji
I pantera u dvorištu
U zatvoru nadarenih
Bio sam prijateljski nastrojen prema čuvarima
Tako da nikad nisam morao da spoznam šta se desi srcu
Trebalo je da to predvidim
Nakon svega, znao sam obrazac
Samo pogled na nju bio je nevolja
Nevolja od samog početka
Naravno, glumili smo zadivljujući par
Ali nikad nisam voleo taj deo
Nije lepo, nije suptilno
Ono što se desi srcu.
Sada anđeo ima violinu
Đavo ima harfu
Svaka duša je kao sitna riba
Svaki um je kao ajkula
Slomio sam svaki prozor
Ali kuća, kuća je mračna
Brinem, ali veoma malo o tome šta se desi srcu
Onda sam ucio sam ovim prosjakom
Bio je prljav, bio je uplašen
Kandži mnogih žena
Koje nije uspeo da zanemari
Nema basne ovde, nema lekcije
Nema pevajuce livade
Samo prljavi prosjak koji pogadja
Šta se desi srcu
Uvek sam radio naporno
Ali nikada to nisam nazivao umetnošću
Samo nekom starom konvencijom
Kao konj upregnut u kola
Nisam imao problema s opkladama
U poplavi, pored barke
Vidiš, ja sam znao za kraj
Šta se desi srcu
Bio sam vešt sa puškom
.303 mog oca
Borio sam se za nešto konačno
A ne za pravo da se ne slažem
In the Nights
So where are you and where does it touchWhat doesn't your heart tell
Like a sunset, I drown in the sea
How much time passed and who tells
Our love is behind me
It was both good and also didn't work out
Look now where we got to in the end
Everything is washed away and how the time passes
Don't reveal to me what's going on with you
What's going on with you
And in the nights who is discovering your body
Gives you everything, even dreams that we never dreamt
So just give me one more minute that I won't forget
I forgot to ask if you're forever or just going
You're just going
So where does your instinct call you
He's not one to lie
Beauty today became the key
You caused the righteous to go blind
And how, now that we've just arrived
We dived again but too deep
Without air I'll meet you above
I'm not one who gives up
Don't reveal to me what's going on with you
What's going on with you
And in the nights who is discovering your body
Gives you everything, even dreams that we never dreamt
So just give me one more minute that I won't forget
I forgot to ask if you're forever or just going
You're just going
Just don't tell me that in your heart it didn't work out
That in the nights he discovers you and it turns out
That you fall asleep with him with ease
And at night who is discovering your body
Gives you everything, even dreams that we never dreamt
So just give me one more minute that I won't forget
I forgot to ask if you're forever or just going
And at night who is discovering your body
Gives you everything, even dreams that we never dreamt
So just give me one more minute that I won't forget
I forgot to ask if you're forever or just going
You're just going
The other Jerusalem
My love, on your tall towers
The sunset coat is spread, with blushed edges
It's hard, so hard, not to be prophets within you
Or at least poets, Jerusalem
But between your soothsayers who desperately prophesied within you
Of kingdom and blood and sword
I want to be the first child
to wake up in the other Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem of peace
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem of peace
My love, in front of the (British) Police Academy
And the ammunition hill of blood and sadness
All the wounds of the foxholes, as in stitches,
Are healed by time with cool bandages of grass
And in the colorful markets the street cries out
such hoarse Hebrew and throaty Arabic
When the future pays a debt before its time
In a down-payment for the other Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem of peace
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem of peace
My love, the warm stones of the wailing wall
Recite, after thousands of notes full of sorrow
The path of the doves flying above the walls
With tomorrow, who paces within you
And in front of the Tower of David lovers return
In Yemin Moshe and Abu Tor, slowly and quietly,
To simply pluck clusters of stars,
So good night to the other Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem of peace
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem of peace
Versions: #2I love God That exists
I love God That doesn't exist
I love opportunist people
Those who don't 'opportune'
I love the people from my planet
I love those who don't
Those who eat with bread
Those who eat with hands
I love violets, I love chops
I love castanests, I love
I love crowns, my cat purring
My friends blatherin, I love
I love the Gange bothering
The Gange bothering not
Those who smile at angels
Those who speak latin
Those who speak with hands
Those who dance moving kidneys
Those who dance with dolphins
I love Eurofoot, I love Bollywood
Play the oud, I love
I love Jean smiling
Confetti, the guiliguilis I love
I love D. That exists
I love D. That doesn't exist
I love opportunist people
Those who don't 'opportune'
I love the people from my planet
I love those who don't
Those who eat with bread
Those who eat with hands
I love ghosts, I love chewing gums
The little rum glasses, I love
I love laces, I love ladybugs
I love faithful peole, I love
I love na ni na na na
I don't love na na ni, na na na
I love when you love me
Прими овај валцер
Versions: #2Тренутно је у Бечу десет лепих жена,
И раме на ком Смрт долази да плаче,
И предворје са девет стотина прозора,
И дрво на које грлице долазе да мру,
Ту је и мир од зоре отргнут
И обешен у Галерији мраза.
Прими овај валцер,
Овај валцер стиснутих зуба.
О, ја те желим
На столици са књигом за мртве,
У пећини на врху љиљановог цвета,
У холовима где љубав не постоји,
У кревету где се зноји и Месец,
У долини плача с отицима стопала и песком.
Прими овај валцер,
Зграби руком сломљени струк.
Прими овај валцер,
Док Смрт са препознатљивим задахом брендија
Вуче свој реп ка мору.
Постоји концертна сала у Бечу,
Где ти уста броје хиљаде утисака,
И један бар где су младићи престали да причају
Јер их је блуз осудио на смрт.
А, ко се пење ка твојој слици
С букетом свеже набраних суза?
Прими овај валцер,
Прими јер умире годинама.
Има једно поткровље где играју се деца,
Где ћу ускоро лећи са тобом,
У сновима мађарских лампи,
У магли слатких поподнева,
И схватићу шта си ланцима свезала за тугу:
сва твоја стада оваца, љиљане и снег.
Прими овај валцер,
С мојим „Не заборављам, знај.”
Овај валцер...
И плесаћу с тобом у Бечу,
Маскираћу се у једну реку,
Са дивљим зумбулом на рамену,
И росом на устима.
У албуму ћу сахранити душу,
С фотографијама старим и маховином.
И предаћу поплави твоје лепоте
Ову стару виолину и крст,
И носићеш ме сопственим плесом
До изворишта што носиш у зглобу.
Прими овај валцер,
Твој је сад. Он је све што постоји.
In the moments the you leave
It happens that sometimes I send a good morningIts legitimate because I didnt stop loving yet
Remember how possessive you were about me
I loved until the infinite
And you loved only yourself and thats it
Admit you're good without me
When you're not above me anymore
Be careful because its dangerous outside these days
We are a generation that looking for a reason to run the whole day
Dont be like these people, from separation to a ring
And leave me some place for comfort when I cant sleep
Only you in the world...
And it happens to me at nights, I remember those moments you leave
Not afraid that I will forget you with others
Who will love me like you, tonight or the whole life I will have quiet
Because im sick of waking up from the dreams...
When we were childs we were only afraid of wars
And today im more afraid to be alone in between the sheets
Silence sometimes does some good with me since you have left
Anyway you were here quietly
Disconnected of my life
Doing your own so I dont want to hear, dont want to weep
Just want to forget there you are excist
Please dont look for me anymore
I learned in life that sometimes you need to give up
Dont be like these people, from sanity to insanity
And leave me a key in the closet I promise
That this is night is the last night
I cant fall asleep, only you in the world
In the middle of life
In the middle of life, I had some passing thoughts
to where everyone rushing, and are there any
happy people,
We are chasing after nothing, and it is difficult
for us to get up,
time flies, and here we are in the middle of life
In the middle of life, I had some hesitations,
Did I waste the time, where do we go from here,
I want to get excited, and to hug my kids, and to say thanks
That we are all humans
Maybe we did good, maybe we got it wrong
with our choices,
we have learned to feel pain, and we insisted to love,
one way or another, I love you,
one way or another, I love you
In the middle of life, I am not feeling left behind anymore,
I had my share of pain, and my hair is greyer
I am ready for forgiveness, and reaching
a compermise, is not considered a curse anymor,
I guess that is how it is in the middle of life
Maybe we did good, maybe we got it wrong
with our choices,
we have learned to feel pain, and we insisted to love,
one way or another, I love you,
one way or another, I love you
Maybe when you will look at me,
maybe this time you will see an old guy,
who is tired from games
time had taught me that love is not just a taste/a flavour
it is work, love is a distance running
Maybe we did good, maybe we got it wrong
with our choices,
we have learned to feel pain, and we insisted to love,
one way or another, I love you,
one way or another, I love you
Hello there, my princessIt's true that you find it weird that I'm calling again
For two years now you're not with me
And I'm already sick of hugging my pillow
Waking up alone again
And on cold nights I grab a paper and a pen
Writing more songs for you, etching the chorus in blood
Words spill out like a river
And the night is cold and it's raining again
I leave the house, wander the streets
Can't process it's over
Downtown, I look around
And ask people
Where are you today, where are you today
Come back, I'm lonely
The night is cold, I am scared
And where are you today, where are you today
Where are you today...
Hello there, my princess
I just wanted to tell you how much I suffer and how sad it is downtown
Don't you turn off the light
Do you remember how we used to do everything you wanted in the dark
I was touching you for hours, we took off our clothes
A love with no boundaries and no conditions
Where are all those days
Everyone's allowed, allowed to make some mistakes
I'm only human, I have feelings too
Even the devil is allowed to cry...