Резултати претраге страна 2
Број резултата: 38
In my heart it's autumn,
I'm now
Waiting in vain -
Perhaps -
My house is falling,
Again in fog
It's gray and dark.
And in my eyes...
God is great -
He has to forgive,
If my heart is all earth.
My life is light - like a rain of leaves
Not a trace remains.
And you left, outside leaves are falling,
And the loneliness continues.
The sun is in amber colors,
With something that already passed.
But outside there are just falling leaves,
And my flame is fading.
Your memory is a view so dear,
Now far, now cruel.
Above my head sadness floats -
And you don't care...
Your image is a shadow -
A dying lily -
But in God's name, so pure.
I hate, love to the end,
In this madness today,
I will clearly not forget you...
And the nights,
My beverages,
Drunk as a lord.
All my ships are drowning,
But I will continue drinking.
For you have left, outside leaves are falling...
My dozing head -
The cold cuts -
But your memory is not asleep,
And it returned with the rain
[Which is] impetuous and innocent.
And you left...
Outside there are just falling leaves,
And the loneliness continues.
The sun is in amber colors,
With something that already passed.
But outside there are just falling leaves,
[And my flame] is not, is not fading.
Your memory is a view so dear,
Now far, now cruel.
Above my head sadness floats -
Falling leaves...
My soul is fading...
Outside the leaves are falling.
A Wedding Song
I shall bring you dew from Mount Gilad, my sister bride.
I shall find you gold from Ophir, my sister bride.
I shall braid black lilies in your hair, my bride.
I shall braid black lilies in your hair, my bride.
I shall fish you out a pearl, my sister bride.
And I shall sew you clothes of royalty, my sister bride.
I shall braid black lilies in your hair, my bride.
I shall braid black lilies in your hair, my bride.
You will come to my garden silently,
To my garden when no one sees.
All of my roses are black, like the bread of the poor,
Like the song of love.
All of my roses are black, like the bread of the poor,
Like the song of love.
I shall bring you a portion of carob, my sister bride.
And put on you a pauper dress, my sister bride.
I shall braid a cold and distant star in your hair.
I shall braid a cold and distant star in your hair.
You shall sweeten my bitter day, my sister bride.
And wedding wear you will bring me, my sister bride.
I shall braid a cold and distant star in your hair.
I shall braid a cold and distant star in your hair.
You will come to my garden silently
To the garden when no one sees
The roses are beautiful like the bread of the poor,
Like the song of love
The roses are beautiful like the bread of the poor,
Like the song of love.
Ecoute chéri
If you will smile at me more, and say: love is not just work, and even if you tell me that you are mine and I swear I didn't ask for more, and even if you get mad at me, and feel hurt, and want to give up, you should know, to enter my heart, just Iike you I asked for a code,
Listen dear,
Stop with this game
You know my name is Meg
Girls like me, know how to make men turn their heads.
Don't tell me
Now listen to me,
You will never have someone better than me
And to have me, you will need to make me beliving you, that I am the only one.
If your life is with me, just say it. Why wastig time,
I will have trouble sleeping, if we have a fight
If you are smiling and stop eating from ecxitement,
You should know, to enter my heart, before you,
I never gave more
Listen dear,
Stop with this game
You know my name is Meg
Girls like me, know how to make men turn their heads.
Don't tell me
Now listen to me,
You will never have someone better than me
And to have me, you will need to make me beliving you, that I am the only one.
Believe in me now, instad of fighting and you feeling doubtful, lets just love and tell everyone
If you will smile at me more and say: I love you my Meg, marry me, I want you for ever, and if you will smile at me more and say love is not just work, and tell me ' you are mine', and 'I swear I never asked for more'.
Am încercat să te părăsesc ...
Am încercat să te părăsesc, nu neg
Am închis cartea despre noi, de cel puțin o sută de ori...
M-aș trezi în fiecare dimineață alături de tine.
Anii trec, îți pierzi mândria...
Copilul plânge, așa că nu ieși afară,
Și toată munca ta este chiar în fața ochilor tăi.
Noapte bună, draga mea, sper că ești mulțumită,
Patul este cam îngust, dar brațele mele sunt deschise larg...
Și iată un bărbat care încă lucrează pentru zâmbetul tău!
Dana Kósa
אופיר כהן וליאנה בא אלייך קליפ Ofir Cohen and Liana
'Everything you will ever ask for, I will give it to you all, right from my heart
Everyone in the city knows, that I love you
And you are the only one that I want so much
You rock\ shake my life, girl
Like a boat that swept away in a middle of a storm
If you call my name, I will come running to you
To walk with you, and to give you a hand
Because you are not alone anymore
I am coming to you, so I could 'live '[lit. be an important part in your life] in your life
To be in your arms, and to give you love
I am coming to you, to 'live' in your life
It is hard for me to be alone without you tonight, I am coming…
You have entered joy and happiness into my life
And you have lighten up the light in my eyes again
You are for me, the one and only
I will never ever know\meet someone like you
I am yours, girl
Čuo sam da je postojao tajni akord
koji je David svirao i koji je prijao Gospodu,
ali ti i ne mariš baš za muziku, zar ne?
Ide ovako
četvrti, peti,
mol pada, dur se uzdiže,
zbunjeni kralj komponuje Aleluju
Aleluja, Aleluja,
Aleluja, Aleluja
Tvoja vera je bila jaka ali trebao ti je dokaz,
video si je da se kupa na krovu,
njena lepota i mesečeva svetlost su te srušile
Vezala te
za kuhinjsku stolicu,
slomila je tvoj tron, odsekla tvoju kosu,
i s tvojih usana izvukla je Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja,
Aleluja, Aleluja
Dušo, bio sam ovde pre,
znam ovu sobu, znam ovaj pod,
živeo sam sam pre nego što sam te znao
Video sam tvoju zastavu na mermernom svodu,
ljubav nije pobednički marš,
hladna je i slomljena Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja,
Aleluja, Aleluja
Bilo je puta kad si pustila da znam
šta se zaista dešava iznad
ali sad mi nikad ne pokazuješ, zar ne?
Sećam se
kad sam se doselio u tebe,
sveta golubica se selila takođe
i svaki uzdah koji smo izvukli bio je Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja,
Aleluja, Aleluja
Možda postoji Bog gore
ali sve što sam ikad naučio od ljubavi
je kako da upucaš nekoga ko te otrgnuo
I nije plač
to što možeš čuti noću
To je neko ko je video svetlost,
to je hladno i slomljeno Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja,
Aleluja, Aleluja
Rekla si da sam uzeo ime uzalud,
ja čak ni ne znam ime
Ali i da znam, zaista, šta je to za tebe?
Tu je plamen svetlosti
u svakoj reči,
nije bitno koju si čula,
sveto ili slomljeno Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja,
Aleluja, Aleluja
Dao sam sve od sebe, nije mnogo,
nisam mogao da osetim, pa sam pokušao da dodirnem
Rekao sam istinu, nisam došao da te izigram
I iako je
sve ispalo pogrešno,
ja ću stati pred Gospodara pesme
ni sa čim na svom jeziku osim Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja,
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja,
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja,
Aleluja, Aleluja
Aleluja, Aleluja,
Aleluja, Aleluja