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Број резултата: 3


Lagana muzika

Ako bi postojao orkestar da priča umesto nas
Bilo bi najlakše odsvirati jedno zbogom
Za odrastanje bio bi jedan krešendo
sa violinama i nevoljama
I tambure najavljuju nevreme
Učitelj je otišao
Pusti malo lagane muzike, zato što mi nije ni do čega
Reči bez tajni, vesele, ali ne previše
Pusti malo lake muzike u glasnoj tišini
Da ne bi upali u crnu rupu
koja je na korak od nas, od nas
Ako bi bio dovoljan jedan koncert da se rodi cvet
među zgradama srušenim neprijateljskim bombama
U ime nekog Boga koji se neće pojaviti sa olujom
Učitelj je otišao
Pusti malo lake muzike, zato što mi nije ni do čega
Reči bez tajni, vesele, ali ne previše
Pusti malo lake muzike u glasnoj tišini
Da ne bi upali u crnu rupu
Koja je na korak od nas, od nas
Ostaće u pozadini u supermarketima
Pevaće je vojnici, alkoholisani sinovi
Napredni sveštenici, čućeš je u izolovanim kvartovima
Kakva lagana tutnjava!
Gnezdiće se u mislima u teretani
Držaće na nogama čak i ogavnu zabavu
Razmisli ponovo o svom životu
I stvarima koje si propustio
Upašće u prostor tvoje životinjske ravnodušnosti
Pusti malo lake muzike, zato što mi nije ni do čega
Reči bez tajni, vesele, ali ne previše
Pusti malo lake muzike u glasnoj tišini
Da ne bi upali u crnu rupu
Koja je na korak od nas, od nas

Arab Moon

the Normans1 dizzied from African potions
an Englishman on vacation is pissing in the sea
a uniformed boy cries
because he would not like to leave
some bored children on the Scala dei Turchi 2
abandon themselves, calm from a burping contest
they are very happy so they have time to get hurt
It's a primal instinct,
being unable to get hurt
An Arab moon takes us
and drags us inside
the transparent water
its light stops there since forever
phosphorescent, nothing is left behind
where you remained to wait for me
there was the safe sea
an Arab moon takes us
and doesn't let us go
The Spanish people in Ortygia3 with their hearts in a suitcase
the teachers gone to smoke in the courtyard
there's recess
unless he's not the Student of the Year
The lazy French women in the busy premises
the kids from the villages have descended to dance
have descended to search
to conquer new foreign lands
It's a primal instinct
searching to feel well
An Arab moon takes us
and drags us inside
the transparent water
its light stops there since forever
phosphorescent, nothing is left behind
where you remained to wait for me
the safe sea existed
an Arab moon takes us
and doesn't let us go
and doesn't let us go
Where you remained to wait for me
there was the safe sea
An Arab moon takes us
and doesn't let us go