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Број резултата: 11



Јутрос врло рано
пошли смо из села са шеширима
И у свитање зоре стижемо
и почињемо да радимо…
стижемо певајући као птице:
Јутрос врло рано.
Kренули са пута у стрњику
и као вредни мрави се окомили
добро гледајући и пазећи на
снопље и оштро класје.
Ај, ај, ај, који посао нам дао Бог
жњети и купти
цео дан на ваздуху и на сунцу.
Ај, ај, ај, сети ме се, жетеоче
не привлачи ми погледе класје
јер са српом идем ja.
Сакупљачице са својим корпама
у сенци изгледају као дружина
муче се сакупљачи иза жетеоца
човека који жање и коси…
да покупе снопље
скупљачице са својим корпама
Чује се крцкање пужевих кућица
По пшеници они иду сами
Закићени маком
Нанижу се без реда као перле
Ај, ај, ај, који посао нам дао Бог
жњети и купти
цео дан на ваздуху и на сунцу.
Ај, ај, ај, сети ме се, жетеоче
не привлачи ми погледе класје
јер са српом ја идем.
Ај ај ај! Не чувам ја моја поља
зато што чекам да ми овде дођеш ти
да чујем колико вреди права љубав.
Ај ај ај! Ако ме љубав чека поред тебе
не занима ме ни ваздух ни Сунце
нити да покупим жетву.


Не постоји место као што је ово
Где су пољупци слатки као шећер
Свеж као поветарац са океана,
ја пловим, пловим по ваздуху
Сваки дах
Ме тамо враћа
Никада нећу заборавити
Време које смо тамо провели
Једна летња ноћ у Малебуу
Осећам као да не припада овом времену
Осећам љубав, само љубав према теби
Под небом које је као шећерни слаткиш
Једна летња ноћ у Малебуу
Површина океана се пресијава
Моји најдивљији снови се остварују
Заједно прелазимо сваку границу
Без икаквог обазирања
да разазнам, каква дивља вожња
Замагљени прозори, замућен поглед
Са тобом је све могуће
Сваки дах (ће ме заувек)
враћати тамо (никада више)
Заборавићу (сањам о томе)
Време које смо тамо провели
Једна летња ноћ у Малебуу
Осећам као да не припада овом времену
Осећам љубав, само љубав према теби
Под небом које је као шећерни слаткиш
Једна летња ноћ у Малебуу
Површина океана се пресијава
Моји најдивљији снови се остварују
Заједно прелазимо сваку границу

Being with you

I have a thousand stars
and the moon and the sun
and the light of your look,
and the light of your look in my heart.
I have the clouds of the sky
and the tides of the sea
and if I have your love,
and if I have your love I don't want anything else.
By being with you, with you, with you
suddenly I feel happy,
and when I look at you, at you, at you
I forget the world an myself,
how wonderful is to love you this way
by being with you, with you, with you I feel happy.
When the new day is snowing
I don't feel the lack of sun
and the snowflakes,
and the snowflakes look colorful.
When the evening ends
and everything gets cloudy
my road lights up,
my road lights up if you look at me again.
By being with you, with you, with you
suddenly I feel happy,
and when I look at you, at you, at you
I forget the world an myself,
how wonderful is to love you this way
by being with you, with you, with you I feel happy.
how wonderful is to love you this way
by being with you, with you, with you
by talking with you, with you, with you
by dreaming with you, with you, with you
I feel happy.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

How good, how good

How good, how good, how good!
To know that you feel the same I do
How good, how good, how good!
To know that I'm inside your heart
How good, how good, how good!
To know that the love you give to me is true
How good, how good, how good!
To know that happiness is waiting for me
Hours seem like centuries, days seem like the eternity
Then when I'm with you, time passes flying
But, how good, how good, how good!
To know that your kisses are now for me
How good, how good, how good!
How good the love I feel for you!
How good, how good, how good!
How good the love I feel for you!
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The early bird

Listen boy that it can happen
that something in life will call you.
Love issues sometimes use to be
simple things to overcome.
That one who comes singing and goes
is so happy that he can't be happier
and if he says first
'I love you', he's winning.
The early bird catches the worm.
Who comes first will win.
The early bird catches the worm.
Life stuff and nothing more.
The gone days will never return
run to her side and make up your mind.
Love issues sometimes use to be
simple things to overcome.
Go and calm your nerves boy
that girl likes you surely
and if you say first
'I love you', you're winning.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

A sun of man

I dreamed that one day
would cross in my way
that man who the destiny
would take me to his love.
While dreaming I imagined him
young, strong, pretty and tall.
As there were none of them left,
as there were none of them left,
I found a baldy.
But that's really a man, a man
who worths at least by three.
And I bless his name, his name
and I love him the way he is.
Because he got me at his feet
because he got me at his feet
and because he's a sun of man.
In my sad nightmares
he placed peace and became the owner
of my love and its dream
of my love and its dream
that now he inspires them.
And that owner of my love
is you, you doctor.
And that owner of my love
is you, you, you, you, you,
you, you doctor.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Remember, remember,
Remember, remember.
That road of the lighthouse, remember,
when the evening fell, remember,
the tides of that beach
was sleeping in ther light,
your hand over mine
remember, remember.
The evening glows golden,
with the sun dying
the tides of that beach
were sleeping with the night.
Remember, remember,
Remember, remember.
I took you by the hand
out at sea of love,
I took you by the hand
out at sea of love
Remember, remember,
Remember, remember.
The others know nothing,
and they must not know,
I took you by the hand
until we lost the trace.
Remember, remember,
Remember, remember.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

We Made It.

Versions: #2
Could be the wind will shift, run out of breath, that I am wrong.
Could be you get confused, the tide could turn, or everything dry up.
Could be the sea calls out, could be that shadows fall.
Could be clouds block the sun and could be that all the rules change.
It’s going to happen to us.
Come raining down upon us in every way.
But you will see, that we’re going to rise above
Dodging the pitfalls
Running so quickly
Outwitting all the fears
You’ll see just how you’re going to dance
when I say to you in the end
We made it.
Could be that everything’s easy, the days just roll on, it all goes together.
Could be the dreams are matching, the mirror laughs, and it never gets tired.
And could be there comes a time it grows foggy some winter
Could be because you’ll see I’m not always successful.
It’s going to happen to us.
Come raining down upon us in every way.
But you will see, that we’re going to rise above
Dodging the pitfalls
Running so quickly
Outwitting all the fears
You’ll see just how you’re going to dance
when I say to you in the end
We made it.
Because we have got this.
We even avoided the routine
That everything that goes up must come down
but it goes back up again. (x2)
And you will see, that we’re going to rise above
Dodging the pitfalls
Running so quickly
Outwitting all the fears
You’ll see just how you’re going to dance
when I say to you in the end
We made it.

Miluj me

Miluj me
sa ludim rukama, izludi me
sa noktima i osmesima, voli me,
ljubav prema ljubavi, ljubav koze.
Miluj me
i ugusi me u tvom zagrljaju, cuvaj me
i ubij me polako, gledaj me,
ne vidis da umirem.
Miluj me
tako nezno kao vazduh ljubavi,
tako jako kao uragan
da zaslepi moj um.
Miluj me
i potopi me tvojom neznosti ljubavi,
zarazi me tom ludosti
koja postoji u tvom stomaku.
Miluj me
i ukradi me kao dijamant ljubavi,
dominiraj me kao ljubavnicu,
polako, konstantno.
Miluj me
ja sam jarko crvena, uzmi me,
sva sam u otkucajima, cela koza
i budi srecan imajuci me.
Miluj me
i ugusi me u tvom zagrljaju, cuvaj me
i ubij me polako, gledaj me,
ne vidis da umirem.
Miluj me
tako nezno kao vazduh ljubavi,
tako jako kao uragan
da zaslepi moj um.
Miluj me
i potopi me tvojom neznosti ljubavi,
zarazi me tom ludosti
koja postoji u tvom stomaku.
Miluj me...