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Број резултата: 8


Били бам бам

Слушајте другови, треба ми помоћ
рањен сам у љубави и није ми добро,
не функционишем, не препознајем се, истину вам кажем
а срце моје поново удара бај били бам бам
Брзо ми доведите кардиолога
губим се, гасим се, најхитније ми треба преглед,
срчано болестан, то је разлог
а срце моје удара бај били бам бам
И гледам Бели торањ у Атини,
а Партенон је отишао у Каламарију,1
није ми добро, другови, нећу издржати ни месец
а срце моје удара бај били бам бам
Недељама те тражим, око моје, на Кипру
посвећујем ти песме ОНЕ-а2
али ти на Миконосу уживаш са неким ликом
а срце моје удара бај били бам бам
Да, воли ме, гледа ме
ах, да барем знам где то иде
и боли ме срце.
Отићи ћу да играм у Најслабијој карици3
ових дана је све за мене немогуће
постаћу парола исписана на зиду
а срце моје удара бај били бам бам
Теби за љубав ћу да закрвим са свима
постаћу ударна вест
изаћу го на улицу и викаћу за тобом
а срце моје удара бај били бам бам
Да, воли ме, гледа ме
ах, да барем знам где то иде
и боли ме срце.
Брзо ми доведите кардиолога
губим се, гасим се, најхитније ми треба преглед,
срчано болестан, то је разлог
а срце моје удара бај били бам бам
  • 1. Бели торањ један је од симбола Солуна. Партенон се налази у Атини, а Каламарија је део града Солуна.
  • 2. грчко-кипарски бој бенд чији је члан био и Константинос Христофору, били су веома популарни почетком 21. века
  • 3. квиз-шоу

Love Suits You

Don't, stop talking
They way you're smiling
Just wink at me
Don't, say no more words
Just feel, be, want
Because this is what love is
Love touches you, hits you in the heart
Brings so much to mind, but forgets only a few
Love gets crazy
Talks and shows
Love suits you, suits you, ay, ay, ay
Love touches you, hits you in the heart
Brings so much to mind, but forgets only a few
Love gets mad
But it never ends
Love suits you, suits you, ay, ay, ay
Don't, stop talking
Just look sweetly
Keep touching my hand a little bit
Don't, say no more words
Just feel, be, want
Love only knows these things

Only For Us (Long Version)

Tonight, my sweetheart, the moon is in half
Like a swing that takes us to the sky
Let's flee from the earth, every wound of hers
Can wait until dawn
This night, my love, is amorous
Only for us all the stars in the sky
Are making boats and then they fall into the seashore
Make as many wishes as you want, there is no room for remorses in our night
Live, the shivers of happiness are only for us
Don't tell, ah, anyone
Let the others be in the dark
Invisible celebration, just me and you
And don't ask me anything else
Love is throwing a party
Just for us
Only for us all the stars in the sky
Are making boats and then they fall into the sea
Make as many wishes as you want, there is no room for remorses in our night
Live, the shivers of happiness are only for us
Only for us all the stars in the sky
Are making boats and then they fall into the sea
Make as many wishes as you want, there is no room for remorses in our night
Live, the shivers of happiness are only for us

This evening

Together again and end of loneliness
I leave myself in your hands again
Together again falling into the fire
falling both and wherever it might bring us
This evening is going to be ours too
for our love and our dream
This evening is going to be ours too
for our love and our dream...
Together again and our time stops us
in our most secretly of Eros(=love) time
Together again to live for the first time
the most crazy trip in our life
This evening is going to be ours too
for our love and our dream
This evening is going to be ours too
for our love and our dream...

Come and tell them to me

I hugged you, you hurt me
I believed you, you deleted me
the mistake is a weight in my heart you say
to me, come tell them to me
You never understood
who I was, what I offered you
the responsibility was mine you say
to me, come tell them to me
Come tell them to me
to me that you never spoke honestly to me
but I am not like you/don't look like you
there are some people who still love honestly
don't talk to anyone
after what you did the only one you deserve is silence
come tell them to me
and after you finish while you leave a sorry is enough
Our friends think
that I was the one who blew it
everything in a night in the air
to me, come tell them to me
To whoever knows us
they learned us, lived us
I threw the last bullet
to me, come tell them to me
Come tell them to me
to me that you never spoke honestly to me
but I am not like you/don't look like you
there are some people who still love honestly
don't talk to anyone
after what you did the only one you deserve is silence
come tell them to me
and after you finish while you leave a sorry is enough