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Unsolvable Negotiation

Four letters inside the liquid crystal fill up my empty heart
You're playing so much it's unfair, tell me your expectations
Damp words come to mind, I don't want to keep my hopes up
It goes by opaquely, I'm bad at playing games
In the days passing by languidly
I've constantly looked at you sleeping
I'm charmed by this thing that is like love
The loneliness of finally getting there
A melody for passing time
A parody of a romantic drama
There's gasoline in my chest, playing with fire1
The days when I'm waiting for you, my heart palpitating with presentiment
In flowers there's nectar, in our gaze a kiss
Over and over I play back the message you gave me
Just a conversation of little importance
But an instant is a treasure I want to guard
So I'll always remember you
Becoming lovers in due time, our hands reaching for each other in due time
Getting closer and closer each time, in the narrow seat of the bus
Playing hide and seek and other things
Like 'Oh baby are you ready?' 'No, not yet!'
The woman I love is a cherry
Look, why don't we eat while it's early
Getting a little closer, your fingertips touch me and we hold hands
...or so I'm thinking but I wake up into reality
How can I tell you about me and get us to connect
I wanted to stay here in the trance at the deep bottom of my heart
Over and over I rewind the tale of us
It's an ordinary story
But if you're looking for a friendship that's fine
So let me always be by your side
My wavering thoughts blur into the sunset, autumn is drawing near
Sweat is drying up, and I want to tell you before putting on long sleeves
Over and over I play back the message you gave me
Even just a conversation of little importance
An instant is a treasure and it's special
But it never changes
Again and again I rewind the thoughts I'm getting addicted to
If you wave your hands to me, it's fine, face forward
Gently in your direction
The summer wind pushes my back, so I'll walk
Four letters inside the liquid crystal fill up my empty heart
You're playing so much it's unfair, tell me your expectations
Damp words come to mind, I don't want to keep my hopes up
It goes by opaquely, I'm bad at playing games
  • 1. 火遊び (hiasobi) also means flirting.