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Број резултата: 8


Kill Me

Pipe by pipe line by line, I'm sick of the world where I am blamed
You blame me she blame me I don't trust anyone, man is a pig
Just to humiliate and use it, you must agree to it
If you are weak, they will eat you here
These vultures have been sitting on me for a long time
I finish this verse and start the next
You made that fucking mark on me
He will write two more lines in total
I was not and I am not and I will not be the first
I mean nothing to you and never meant anything
Kill me for the dreams I dreamed of you
Kill me for not stopping to love
Still kill for the fact that I had to write it
I mean nothing to you and never meant anything
Kill me for the dreams I dreamed of you
Kill me for not stopping to love
Still kill for the fact that I had to write it
Fucked life totally to shreds
Happy vultures from my tragedy
Too little comedy in this life of yours, you enjoy death on my frontier and you applaud mocking smiles left and right
And who gave you the right to judge me here
You have no right to manage my life
I mean nothing, that's why I drink
I mean nothing, that's why I take drugs
I mean nothing and I was left alone
I mean nothing to you and never meant anything
Kill me for the dreams I dreamed of you
Kill me for not stopping to love
Still kill for the fact that I had to write it
I mean nothing to you and never meant anything
Kill me for the dreams I dreamed of you
Kill me for not stopping to love
Still kill for the fact that I had to write it

All of Poland is singing with us

I wake up everyday, and open my eyes, fuck's sake, i'm in Poland again. And i've lost all my motivation. All i wanna do is get out of this polish mess. I hate this country.
Yo, cypisolo. Back then poland was inhaling into noses, and now all of poland is inhaling, but in a restraining order.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
Here are dates, there are dates, dates for getting money back. Situation's fucked, poland will be fucked. The tv is turned on and my head already hurts. I don't believe in Covid, like in honour of words. Dance floors are closed, they have owners up their ass. But on the tv they play concerts by themselves. And they don't have covid, how fucking unfair. What the leaders are doing, it is fucked up. Gyms are closed, but the churches stay opne. 'Get the fuck out with masks!'. Our throats are sore.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
They won't let you in the hospital, but privately sure. What are these collections going for, there's no logic. Everyone's plowing how they can, and we'll all die soon. And not because of the virus, but because of these hyenas. We wanna work and live like before. I see that poland's becoming a ghetto. The army will be on the streets, the public will go crazy. Nobody's taking your shit, it was like this always. Investors are failing, companies on strike. The cabinet went crazy, and it's all the fault of Kaczyński.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
The creator is on the plane, and the dj on his heavy ass. Disco polo on the tv, and we're in our asses. But who would care about us, calm down buddy. You're asking how long this'll last? Probably a few years. They are thirsting for hunger, lying all the time. Whatever you do won't surprise me. Give back the people their jobs, because living's impossible. You drunken swine, you won't buy them bread. You won't pay their taxes, you won't give their family food, and when they go play, both will start going gray.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!

Где је бела хемија?

Једина ствар у мојој глави,
Кокаина пет грама, да одлетим сам
До ивице пропасти,
Мислим се у себи,
Кад ће да се ово заврши,
Кад год нећу бити сам,
Јер ће бела јегуља доћи
Једина ствар у мојој глави,
Кокаина пет грама, да одлетим сам
До ивице пропасти,
Мислим се у себи,
Кад ће да се ово заврши,
Кад год нећу бити сам,
Јер ће бела јегуља доћи
Имам јебено пропадање,
Не хватам звезде,
Лежим као пањ,
Не верујем шта се дешава,
Кљуцам као кокошка гладна,
Као вукодлак испод месеца,
Глава ми празна као улица,
Испред твоја врата,
Распадам се ко полуга,
Која седи на столу,
Распадање је кад не вучеш,
Брате, лице ми се зајебало,
Глава ко бурдељ на ТВ-у,
Не изненађен таквим стањем,
Нема робе, у глави стонд,
Дал ћу се извући или не,
Све ћу из куће продати,
Ја сам већ зајебан,
Али све је већ продато,
Једино се мучим са дуговима,
Нос ми је ко табалуга,
Дан други без вучења,
Где је змија? Бела хемија,
Распад је много зајебан,
Ко да ти пацов одгриза курац,
Једина ствар у мојој глави,
Кокаина пет грама, да одлетим сам
До ивице пропасти,
Мислим се у себи,
Кад ће да се ово заврши,
Кад год нећу бити сам,
Јер ће бела јегуља доћи
Хемијска журка, оћу да скијам,
До дилера не на Алпе,
Мислим да ћу да умрем,
Ако нешто не извучем,
Оћу да дотакнем звезде,
Ал ништа од тога јер се распадам,
Тотални јебани распад,
А ја сањам да улазим ко змај,
Имаш ли паре? Распадаш ли се и ти?
Епа јебига, данас не трчим,
Оћу да шутирам као пантер,
Нема шема код дилера,
Више нема, то је сигурно,
Мислим да ме смрт расклапа,
Ништа не гутам, јежим се,
Још колко ће ово говно да траје?
Ово стање ће да траје,
Сањао сам камион коке,
И грам хероине, да му да укус,
Оћу да возим кадилака,
Газим другове са мојим мислима,
Али сваком нешто дугујем,
Одпада опција узајмљења,
Као са маказама скраћен сам,
Једина ствар у мојој глави,
Кокаина пет грама, да одлетим сам
До ивице пропасти,
Мислим се у себи,
Кад ће да се ово заврши,
Кад год нећу бити сам,
Јер ће бела јегуља доћи
Пси на 'Дисковери',
Оћу да будем испуцан ко из пушке,
Оћу хероин и другу робу,
Нос ми празан, чујем жамор,
Имаш број од Гаргамела?
Можда у котао има жуто,
Знам да причам глупости,
Али немам ништа на столу,
А џепови су ми јебено пусти,
Срећна шестица би била корисна,
Или бар нека четворка,
Летео би ко пљувачка,
Као пчелица маја,
Док ми на уво свира Каја,
Ово је шала, не верујем,
Лежим изврнут ко да сам мртав,
Грозница ми се погоршава,
Модар ко факирова буља,
Као прљава курва,
Лежим јебено врео,
Еј џони, волео би да посипам,
И по ливади да ко зец скачем,
Али све иде низбрдо,
Венем као исчупана травка
Једина ствар у мојој глави,
Кокаина пет грама, да одлетим сам
До ивице пропасти,
Мислим се у себи,
Кад ће да се ово заврши,
Кад год нећу бити сам,
Јер ће бела јегуља доћи

Gdzie jest biały węgorz? (Zejście) [English Lyrics]

Versions: #1
The only thing in my head
Is five grams of coke, fly away alone
To the land of oblivion
I have thoughts in my head
When will all this end
Maybe when I’m no longer alone
Because a white eel will enter
The only thing in my head
Is five grams of coke, fly away alone
To the land of oblivion
I have thoughts in my head
When will all this end
Maybe when I’m no longer alone
Because a white eel will enter
Fuck, I’m having a bad acid trip
I can’t reach the stars
I’m lying there like a log
I can’t believe it
What’s going on
Clucking like a starving chicken
Howling to the moon like a werewolf
My head’s empty like a street
I’m in front of your house
Melting like a chocolate bar
That’s lying on the counter
Coming down is like not sniffing
Bro, my face is getting fucked up
My mind’s a mess
I’m not surprised by this state
I’m out of stock, I’m getting high in my mind
Maybe I’ll make it, maybe I won’t
I’ll just fucking sell everything in my house
Well, I’m fucked anyway
However, I already sold everything
Fuck, I’m struggling with the debts
Got a nose like Tabaluga
Second day without snorting
Where is the snake? White chemistry (biała chemia)
This comedown is fucking awful
It’s like a locust bit my dick
The only thing in my head
Is five grams of coke, fly away alone
To the land of oblivion
I have thoughts in my head
When will all this end
Maybe when I’m no longer alone
Because a white eel will enter
Chemparty, I wanna go skiing
To the dealer, not the Alps
Oh fuck, I think I’ll die
If I don't snort something soon
I want to touch the stars so badly
But none of that since I’m on a comedown
Total fucking mega comedown
And I’m dreaming of a “big entrance”
You got the money? I owe you one too?
Well, then fuck it, I’m not running today
I want to kick like a panther
There's no deals at the dealer
Not anymore, that’s for sure
I think death is breaking me down
I can’t swallow anything, I’ve got chills
Fuck, how much longer
Will this state last?
I dreamt of a van with coke
And a gram of heroin, just for flavor
I want to drive a Cadillac
In my thoughts, I run over my friends
But in reality, I owe something to everyone
Loan is not an option
Because I cut like scissors
The only thing in my head
Is five grams of coke, fly away alone
To the land of oblivion
I have thoughts in my head
When will all this end
Maybe when I’m no longer alone
Because a white eel will enter
A mess like on Discovery
I want to shoot myself out from a gun
I want heroin and other goodies
Nose so empty you can hear murmurs
Do you have Gargamel’s number?
Maybe he’s got heroin in his boiler?
I know I’m talking bullshit
But I’ve got nothing on the table
And my pockets are fucking empty
Winning the lottery would be useful
Or at least a four out of six
And I’d be flying like a swallow
Like Maya the Bee
And Kayah would be singing to my ear
This has to be a joke, I don’t believe it
I’m lying there like a dead animal
My fucking fever's getting worse
All ragged like a fakir’s ass
Like a dirty slut
I’m fucking burning up
Hey Johnny I’d like to sprinkle
And bounce around in the meadow like a rabbit
But all this time coming down
I wither like a torn out weed
The only thing in my head
Is five grams of coke, fly away alone
To the land of oblivion
I have thoughts in my head
When will all this end
Maybe when I’m no longer alone
Because a white eel will enter