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Број резултата: 7


How About That?

It would be nice if it was always summer and Pokémon existed. It would be nice if our pets spoke the same language as us.
There are many things that can not be changed, but that does not apply to everything.
We buy less rubbish, We use less plastic,
We are kind to each other, how about that? Let us take care of the earth, peace everywhere, how about that?
It would be nice to be able to fly everything and be able to do a little magic.
It would be nice to do everything you want,
Get everything you want.
There are many things that cannot be changed, together we can still do so many things.
We can smile more, listen more to children, plant more trees and turn the offensive defense.
We can love more, we can love more. That would be nice.
We buy less rubbish,
We use less plastic,
We are kind to each other, how about that? Let us take care of the earth, peace everywhere,
How about that?
We buy less rubbish, we use less plastic, we are kind to each other, how about that?
Let us take care of the earth, peace everywhere, how about that?


Language limit
Ideas that can be called nothing
I choose and I reject
Varies between people and mountains
But if I know something, I know that I need to belong to something bigger
Something that takes me for who I am
Is that too much to expect?
No, is it?
I need to pull myself out
Because I've been in for far too long
Drink in my culture
It is not enough to live in your own skin
But if I know something, I know that I need to belong to something bigger
Something that takes me for who I am
Is that too much to expect?
No, is it?
But if I know something, I know it I need to belong to something bigger
Something that takes me for who I am
Is that too much to expect?
No, is it?

10 godina

Zajedno smo već deceniju sada
Idalje si lepa, volim te više
Ako bih mogao sve ovo da ponovim
Verovatno bih uradio sve isto kao i pre
Ne želim da znam šta bi se desilo da nikada nisam imao tvoju ljubav
Nisam bio svoj dok te nisam upoznao
Ne želim da znam šta bi se desilo da nikada nisam osetio tvoju ljubav
Volim sve u vezi tebe
Počelo je tako brzo
Sada možemo da usporimo
Ali potrebno je vremena
Potrebno je malo po malo vremena
Jer stari kao vino
Kako ona postaje sve bolja?
Svaki dan naša ljubav nalazi način da postane veća
Vreme koje provodimo zajeno
Hmm, jednostavno je lepo
Ova naša stvar dobro ide
I onda kada sam pomislio da mi je srce puno
Nađem mesta koja nikada nisam istražio
Tako si fascinantna
I ne mogu da se setim poslednjeg puta kada mi je bilo dosadno
Ne želim da znam šta bi se desilo da nikada nisam imao tvoju ljubav
Nisam bio svoj dok te nisam upoznao
Ne želim da znam šta bi se desilo da nikada nisam osetio tvoju ljubav
Volim sve u vezi tebe
Kako ona postaje sve bolja?
Svaki dan naša ljubav nalazi način da postane veća(nalazi način da postane veća)
Vreme koje provodimo zajeno
Hmm, jednostavno je lepo
Ova naša stvar dobro ide
Kako ona postaje sve bolja?
Svaki dan naša ljubav nalazi način da postane veća
Vreme koje provodimo zajeno
Hmm, jednostavno je lepo
Ova naša stvar dobro ide

How would it be?

It would be nice if it was always summer and Pokémon existed. It would be nice if our pets spoke the same language as us. There are many things that can not be changed, but it does not apply to everything.
Let's buy less rubbish, use less plastic, be kind to each other, how about that? Let us take care of the earth, peace everywhere, how would it be?
It would be nice to be able to fly and do a little magic. It would be nice to do everything you want, get everything you want. There are many things that cannot be changed, together we can still do so many things.
We can smile more, listen more to children, plant more trees and turn the offensive defense. We can love more, we can love more. That would be close.
We buy less rubbish, we use less plastic, we are kind to each other, how about that? Let us take care of the earth, peace everywhere, how would it be?
Let's buy less rubbish, use less plastic, be kind to each other, how about that? Let us take care of the earth, peace everywhere, how would it be?


All I see is what I see through the screen
People I’ve never met, but we’re still so close
Pick up the phone, point it into the distance
Then check how many hearts I just got
Don’t do much but take a photo, check in on my empire
because I need to hear everything I do is the shit
Get the right angle, not too early in the morning
Prevent the content-thirsty from dehydrating
Are you in control or are you being controlled
when the profile picture is new and yet somehow so phony?
Is this you or just the image?
(Then there’s a little something that sounds like this:)
Do we even need to go over this
the decline of the spirit, man, rowers who can’t swim
I don’t need this, rip out my spinal cord
I stare into the light until I lose consciousness
Homie rolling onto the scene like a character from Wall-E
My b-b-bionic body
Now all my secrets are just food for a program
I’ve got warts and viruses
(?) in dirty machines
wrapped in cables and wires
with everything in my hands
Are you in control or are you being controlled
when the profile picture is new and yet somehow so phony?
Is this you or just the image?
Are you in control or are you being controlled
when the profile picture is new and yet somehow so phony?
Is this you or just the image?

From Within

I am what I hear
That’s all that I am
Discover something
that I hadn’t explored
What takes over
when we walk in
The rhythm is the only
thing that I feel
Let’s slow down a little
No stress
There’s no one in here
who isn’t in high spirits
Go wild, let’s see
For you to have fun
is all that I want
If you want to see, look from within
because the body has it down pat, move before you explode
There are more people here
You’re not alone with me
but let’s forget that for a while
Just for this song
Let’s be
I don’t need any more than that
It’s enough for me
just to belong
Let’s dance
all we want
Let’s find each other
Let’s understand
There’s no rush
to leave
Let’s just
If you want to see, look from within
because the body has it down pat, move before you explode
There are more people here
You’re not alone with me
but let’s forget that for a while
Just for this song
If you want to see, look from within
because the body has it down pat, move before you explode
There are more people here
You’re not alone with me
but let’s forget that for a while
Just for this song

Doesn't matter

It just doesn't matter to me
That this here isn't the standard
That I'm not 'in'
Because I just don't feel any desire to be
I'm not going to stay in the same place
Pretty much don't care what you think about that
And I need to experience
My own life but not the life of others
Why blend into the crowd
And live to please those
That are always talking
But add nothing to this world?
Trust me when I say
There's no point in asking me
If this is allowed
You need to discuss that with yourself
Because I don't have the answers
That you're looking for
Just don't drive along the tracks
Because there are plenty of people that do so
It just doesn't matter to me
That this here isn't the standard
That I'm not 'in'
Because I just don't feel any desire to be
I'm not going to stay in the same place
Pretty much don't care what you think about that
And I need to experience
My own life but not the life of others
I'm still testing the waters
I'm not going to put the anchor down
And those that don't like that
Can jump up into themselves
It just doesn't matter to me
That this here isn't the standard
That I'm not 'in'
Because I just don't feel any desire to be
I'm not going to stay in the same place
Pretty much don't care what you think about that
And I need to experience
My own life but not the life of others
I don't have the answers
That you're looking for
Just don't drive along the tracks
Because there are plenty of people that do so
It just doesn't matter to me
That this here isn't the standard
That I'm not 'in'
Because I just don't feel any desire to be
I'm not going to stay in the same place
Pretty much don't care what you think about that
And I need to experience
My own life but not the life of others