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Број резултата: 61


That everything's black

Days which resemble only the shadow of the night
Silence which echoes like a scream in the soul
When the eyelids don't even have the force of a storm
When the flood carries me away I can no longer see the shore
Love which wasn't born at the right time
When spring forgets to open its buds
The ever full moons which no longer smile at me
Like playing chess when the queen is lost
That everything's black
That everything's black
How can I tell you
That everything's black
How I fear
How I freeze
How can I tell you
When you're not there
That I am nothing
Without you
How can I tell you, tell me
How can I tell you
That I am like a smile
Without you
Which doesn't know
Where to fade
My knowledge which resembles nothing but the shadow of doubt
The good which does bad things when the bad overpowers you
When there's a monsoon in the heart of the iris
Spoiling the corn just before the harvest
I know I've lost you over the years
And you said a hundred times that you wouldn't come back
So I can leave like a lonely wolf
Lying down close to a beech to pass away
I would have wanted you to be that someone
With you I wanted so much to be someone else than who I am
Emballish the world in the depth of your belly
Forget who I am and close my eyes
That everything's black
That everything's black
How can I tell you
That everything's black
How I fear
How I freeze
How can I tell you
When you're not there
That I am nothing
Without you
How can I tell you
How can I tell you
That I am like a smile
Without you
Like a sad ship
Which doesn't know where to sail
When you're so lonely that even loneliness
Seems to be a friend whom you're leaving
The one who's by your side since your first breath
Who wouldn't leave you from this day on
When you no longer know that one day you were able to laugh
When the bad chose your soul as its empire
When all the romantics and the sad in this world
Chose your heart to cry in there
That everything's black
That everything's black
How can I tell you
That everything's black
How I fear
How I freeze
How can I tell you
When you're not there
That I am nothing
Without you
How can I tell you
How can I tell you
That I am like a smile
Without you
Which doesn't know
Where to fade


You who hugged me,
I can't see you anymore,
I'll let you go
Casually, It's never easy
To let you go no
Even though
Your traces are slowly
Fading Away somewhere
The house where you smell
Was Taught is now Goodbye
I want to hold onto you,
But now they are all scattered
It's not forever,
But don't forget it in your memory
May you take away only the happy memories
I hope you can fly more freely than anyone else
Don't turn around and wait for us to go
Let's Run and Play
You are a butterfly
I-I-I, I-I-I
I can't forget you, i want you to be engraved on my arm
I-I-I, I-I-I
You are my butterfly
When I was a child down the gallery
Filled in both hands
I've grown up already 19
More than half of my life
I get used to calling you again
You can't comeback
The empty space feels too big
Another few months go by, yes, even years go by
I can't forget you again often
It's not forever,
But don't forget it in your memory
May you take away only the happy memories
I hope you can fly more freely than anyone else
Don't turn around and wait for us to go
Let's Run and Play
You are a butterfly
I-I-I, I-I-I
I can't forget you, i want you to be engraved on my arm
I-I-I, I-I-I
You are my butterfly
I'm happy there
Running around
Anything at will
Tell me you were happy, know the truth
I sing this song for you for the first time
See you again
You are a butterfly
I-I-I, I-I-I
I can't forget you, i want you to be engraved on my arm
I-I-I, I-I-I
You are my butterfly
I-I-I, I-I-I
I can't forget you, i want you to be engraved on my arm
I-I-I, I-I-I
You are my butterfly

Повратак свом човеку

Женин гладан поглед у врућини
Довољно да се старац спусти с колена
Као део слагалице
То је тражио
Легао је да умре
Сад се враћа по још
Женски поглед
Ако те ухвати сама
Не видиш шта долази
Али има крви у костима
Прах ти је у џепу
и бродови у твом мору
Па, то се не догађа често
Али догодило ми се.
Затим се враћа човеку
Повратак свом човеку
Назад свом, назад свом човеку
У вашем путу је ратнички изглед
Али врх ваше стреле је лабав
зар то не знате?
И све што имате се изгуби у игри
Претураш по сопственим џеповима
Кога можеш кривити.
Можда не постоји ништа попут уметности љубави
Зависи о коме сањаш
И не можете побећи
када је осећај као силовање
Али ко кога силује?
Затим се враћа човеку
Повратак свом човеку
Назад, назад свом човеку (x2)
Она га не воли
Она га више не воли
Воли га, воли га (x2)
Не воли свог човека
Она не воли (x2)
Врати се свом мужу
Врати мужа
Назад, назад свом човеку.

Girl with Green Eyes

Full of longing,
My ship was floating on the high seas,
But without seeing
Another mast on the way.
Today, at last,
I anchored in your harbor,
To your shore with green waters
I bound a bridge.
My love is a girl with green eyes,
But I know that in her eyes you can ceaseless believe.
A girl with green eyes will always be for me
Like a celebration of my soul.
When I look at her
I live a true dream.
To love, to be loved
It's so wonderful!
Today I found out
That longing can sometimes
To turn the nights into the mornings
And tears into flowers.
Chorus (x3):
My love is a girl with green eyes,
But I know that in her eyes you can ceaseless believe.
A girl with green eyes will always be for me
Like a celebration of my soul.

Моја омиљена избледела фантазија

Могла би бити мој омиљени укус
Који ми је дотакао језик
Знам некога ко би ми послужио љубав
Али ме то не би испунило
Могла би имати моје омиљено лице
И омиљено име
Знам некога ко би могао одиграти ту улогу
Али то не би било исто
Не то не би било исто
Не то не би било исто
Не то не би било исто
Са тобом
Могла би бити моје омиљено место
На ком сам био
Изгубио сам се у твојој спремности
Да сањаш у сну
Могла би бити моја омиљена избледела фантазија
Окачио сам своју срећу о све оно што би могло бити
И све што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Са тобом
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Са тобом
Могла би чувати тајне које сачувале
Мене од себе самог
Могао бих те волети више него што би љубав могла
Све од пакла
Могла би бити мој отров, мој крст
Мој жилет
Могао бих те волети више од живота
Да нисам овако уплашен
Свега што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Свега што би, свега што би могло бити
Са тобом
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Свега што би, свега што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Са тобом
Процвета растворена љубав
Увек гледај како се магли
Никада не дозволи неком да оде или ће...
Никада нисам волео као тебе
Никада нисам волео, никада нисам волео
Никада нисам волео волео волео као тебе
Никада нисам волео
Никада нисам волео
Никада нисам волео

Lone moon

I met you - and don't regret,
That I opened up to you.
I confess, I'm able to tell you:
I took a fancy to you with all my heart.
As the lone moon
Will tell me, that you are sole.
Why do you come to me, tormenting,
Only in a dream? (end of chorus)
Let them say, that I need another girl,
It's not true, I want only you.
The friends repeat: you’re a stranger to me,
Ooh, girl of my dreams.

Look me again

I would tear up my dreams
to feel that you are there
And give way to reality
Now here among us
it's a still sunset -
there is no news.
We are free solitudes

My friend

My friend, don't be angry
take my money, my woman, my anything
but don't take my blues
that's shadowing my days!...
I'd suddenly be too happy
I'd be a happiness convict
and no one can understand and no one knows
how much does this thing cost sometimes...
My friend, don't be angry
I'd like to be sad

Remind me

We who believe only in dreams and that's it
we who smoke while pasta is cooking
we who mess up sending messages
nobody understands our errors
We who do not like pretending
we who sometimes do not have determination
dear Sally touch my hand
let's fuck on this couch too
And even if the world ended now
our life will stay the same
Embrace me, let's kiss
remind me
that no matter what it will be a success
embrace me, let's kiss
remind me
that no matter what it will be a success
You who tell me: dry your hair
you who always wakes up later than me
me who even doesn't know what day it is
but I am happy, we are going to holidays
And even if the world ended now
our life will stay the same
Embrace me, let's kiss
remind me
that no matter what it will be a success
embrace me, let's kiss
remind me
that no matter what it will be a success
Embrace me, let's kiss
remind me
that no matter what it will be a success
will be a success, will be a success

Senin Kalbin

Bir çok gece seni uyurken izledim
(Seni uyurken izledim)
Karşı koymaya çalıştım ama daha derinleşti
Ve yanımda olduğun zaman bile
Hala erişemeyeceğ bir yerdesin
Ama ben sadece seni istiyorum
Ruhum karanlık, geceyi zaptettim
(Geceyi zaptettim)
Ama sen bana ışığı gösteren meleksin
(Işığı gösteren)
Ve güçlü olmaya çalıştım ama hala seni istiyorum
Kalbine baktım ve kendimi keşfettim
Ama asla senin dünyanın bir parçası olamayacağım
Sana ihtiyacım var, sana ulaşamıyorum, dünyalarımız ayrı
Eğer bana ihtiyacın olursa, kalbinin içine bak
Canavarı evcilleştirdin, senin için kanıyorum
(Senin için kanıyorum)
Bana aşkı gösterdin,
Hiç bilmediğim bir şeydi (hiç bilmediğim)
Suçu üstleneceğim, hayatım bir utanç
Ama sadece seni istiyorum
Benim için bekleme (benim için bekleme kızım)
Asla olamayacağım (senin dünyanın bir parçası)
Ama sonsuza dek senin kalbindeyim
Nakarat 2x

The Ten Commandments

One day God saved His people
from being enslaved by the kingdom of Egypt,
they were guided by a man and his staff,
they headed towards a better land.
To a place
chosen by God,
Moses came
and waited for his people.
And while he
etched with fire
the laws of the stone tablets
(the laws of the stone tablets).
The Ten Commandments
their God's laws,
etched into stone
with ever-burning fire
that burned in Heaven.
The Ten Commandments
their God's laws,
etched into stone
with ever-burning fire
that burned in Heaven (oh oh oh).
The Ten Commandments
their God's laws,
etched into stone
with ever-burning fire
that burned in Heaven.
The Ten Commandments
their God's laws,
etched into stone
with ever-burning fire
that burned in Heaven (oh oh oh).
When Moses descended the mountain
to how the Laws to his people,
he found them adoring another God
and in anger he threw unto them the tablets.
And in that moment he raised his staff
and divided his people in two
and throughout the world, his people taught
the laws of the stone tablets
(the laws of the stone tablets).
The Ten Commandments
their God's laws,
etched into stone
with ever-burning fire
that burned in Heaven.
The Ten Commandments
their God's laws,
etched into stone
with ever-burning fire
that burned in Heaven (oh oh oh).

Sveta noć

Sada kad osećam da si sa mnom,
sada kad si se vratila da osetiš dubinu mog srca,
Čuvaj svetlo u meni ove noći
ako želiš da ova noć bude sveta...
Dovela si nebo i horizont u moje srce.
Potakni me, bez straha, da iz mene iziđe ono najbolje,
ako želiš da ove noći iziđe sunce,
ako želiš da svaka noć bude sveta...
Jer sada možeš opet da veruješ,
možeš opet da se uzdaš!
Možeš opet da oslobodiš
sve ono što imaš za dati:
jer svetlo se već ugasilo,
a to čudovište se nije vratilo,
i u sebi moći ćeš da pronađeš
ono što ti je nedostajalo...!
Šta ne vidiš da je sve završilo,
a u tebi se nije ništa promenilo?
Dovela si nebo i horizont u moje srce.
Potakni me, bez straha, da iz mene iziđe ono najbolje,
ako želiš da ove noći iziđe sunce,
ako želiš da ova noć bude sveta...
Ako želiš da svaka noć bude sveta...

Love Soldier

I crashed down at least ten heavens
I had God knows what in my blood
They were breaking me a hundred times, they never did
You came like joy in a load of sadness
I would cuddle your face with my breath
I would never move away from sight
They were breaking me a hundred times, they never did
You came like joy in a load of sadness
On my palm
Since the first moment
You're the holly drop
For you I am
Ready to lose
Everything without a question
And to go blind
For the whole world
My angel
Sleep now
My shoulder is your city
I'm yours, don't worry
Love soldier
I would cuddle your face with my breath
I would never move away from sight
They were breaking me a hundred times, they never did
You came like joy in a load of sadness
On my palm
Since the first moment
You're the holly drop
For you I am
Ready to lose
Everything without a question
And to go blind
For the whole world
As long as I live
Inside me only you will be
The symbol of happiness
For you I am
Ready to lose
Everything without a question
And to go blind
For the whole world
My angel
Sleep now
My shoulder is your city
I'm yours, don't worry
Love soldier


Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, minao
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, minao
I sense hunger! Hungry for communication!
I sense hunger! Hungry for communication!

My heart is dying for her

For a long time, there is nothing left on this path
And it's time that I wake up from sleep
Although I know that I will love for all times
Forgotten touch of her lips
She pulls my threads and it has to be like that
She is the most beautiful of all I know
She pulls my threads and it has to be like that
I know that I'll stay alone forever
Because I repeat her name as a prayer even in dream
And everything still smells of home
And when I don't talk about that, my heart is dying for her
My heart is dying for her
Do I give up everything?, dear, forever
Like a dream she remains even when she leaves
The only one who knows my secret
Now without her all steps lead me to the empty
And the heart is just a sound in the chest
She pulls my threads and it has to be like that
She is the most beautiful of all I know
She pulls my threads and it has to be like that
I know that I'll stay alone forever
Because I repeat her name as a prayer even in dream
And everything still smells of home
And when I don't talk about that, my heart is dying for her
My heart is dying for her
Do I give up everything?, dear, forever