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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 13


His last winter

A man went to make fire
Around his heart flamed his soul, it was wild
In a battle where his father was forgotten, it was his last, long, cold winter
A warrior big, with a mind out of breath
He was lead into the valley of fog
From his arian palace
It was his last, long, cold, last winter
Christians* and jews are now celebrating
They thought the belief in Odin would pass
But the battle has now begun
This is his largest, greatest victory

Hate Is the Law

Severed seven arms
Vienna 1683
Elite's uproar
A step towards the abyss
Orient- silent majority
Abandon belief-
Doubt in thought
Blastproof agenda
Behind my cynical defence game
Orient- silent majority
The betreyal of Jesus
Confound Satan
-they live indistinct life
Like salt buttresses in boiling sea

In a Hall with Pork and Mead

In an old ash hung a nosecold man.
Under a black sky from where the rain poured down.
None went thither to cut the corpse down,
For no one could know whereat the hanging took place.
Lonely man he was when he went to Allfather's place,
He arrived clothed in a body armour to a marvellous, grim palace.
A thousand year had passed since last man went thither,
They cried in a gloomy happiness when at last a son there came.
North of the trolly cape was a place of mist far down.
Rows of Norse sons wandered thither north and nie.
None in lack of grave and none in lack of sons,
For they went by fire and pestilence there to the beds of the coldhouse.
Only few of the guardian's children came to the rich row of their father,
For cunning deceit bore most of them far down.
Yet one can hear the song each heathen old feast
Aye! still the feasts are held among the faithful sons of Od.

A Hill in the Deep Forest

A hatch stood open, a rider appeared.
A cold mist had lain upon the field.
Nine black horses and nine armed men.
An eye stared furiously down from a flag.
Silence fell, as the company stopped,
They stopped in a circle around the stone.
Silently they rode towards it, and disappear when they arrived
For stones were a thought filled with power.
Stars on a sky, that never fall down.
Lightning in a night that lasts forever.
A thousand cold winters, with only chill and hatred.
There is no summer without winter.
In an old forest, where trolls and gnomes wandered,
There was a stone that moved and came to life.
Nine armed men, on nine grey proud horses,
Bore a flag upon which the eye appeared.
Each night is a new darkness.
Each winter I freeze,
And yet never shall I cry,
For proud I did ride times behind
Out of the deep forest.

The Castle in the Distance

Can you see the castle in the distance?
And its merry, noisy feast
Couples dancing, couples laughing
Couples swimming in unconscious sin
And under the sun whom the dark ones worship
They celebrate new year with feasting and jokes
A shameful sin which gods reckon
As spiritual failure
And the holes are graves
Which are only for them
With spiritual needles
That will forever...
Torment every limb
Can you see the castle in the distance?
From your dark, grim cave
So you can hate for a thousand years
Rejoicing in the pain they receive.


In the deep chasm, a place in the Nordic lands
Numberless they gather together
With ravenwings
They act war councils
For times to come
They remind of the pestilence, and heathen age
At the beginning of times
They want to formule the end of times
Bearer of pain
Bearer of hate
Bearer of despise
Bearer of heathen age.

The Grave in the Misthouse Halls

Naberg arose,
Close by Mannaheimen garden
Axetime, swordtime, there was not war
Yet the plague of pestilence
No one hosted their kindred,
None the priest,
No one went to town
Without their lance and on horseback
In the dawn of time they sang songs
To themselves and their fathers
Today only songs
For the betterment of tomorrow are sung
Songs of our fellow man
No songs about the best
Deceit and lies has gained its seat
On the palace of the Midgard Jotuns
One man wandered, slowly,
Surely, Proud there between houses
He wandered there among the people,
Stepped uncared there among mice.
Hundreds of men he visited
Each cold night
He was one eyed, tall and thin
And on his head he wore a hat
Lonely man he wandered
Over Bifrost one cold morning
He shook his head
Over the losses of man
For they assured themselves a seat
In an unborn tragic heaven
They wandered north and nie
They rot in Hell's peace.


Ako mislis da je moj dvorac
Napravljen od peska
Slobodno donesi plimu
A onda odjebi i umri
Ako mislis da je moje strpljenje
Veliko poput okeana
Ili duboko kao reka
Onda odjebi i umri
Odjebi i umri!
Odjebi i umri!
Odjebi i umri!
Odjebi i umri!
Odjebi i umri!!
Ako mislis da je moj bol
Dobro ocuvan
Onda slobodno mozes
Da odjebes i umres
Odjebi i umri!!!
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Hodati Paklenim Poljima

Sa prebivalista demona
Krila pentagrama
Dolazi sok koji je naslikao
Moje srce i moju dusu
Oni su obrisani crnilom
Obrisan sam crnilom
Iz ove duse izlaze oci
Koje ce pogledati u deset tvojih
Prelepih glava sa odusevljenjem
Moje srce
Je ono sto ce cuvati tvoj plamen
I prisvojiti ga
Mi delimo ovaj duh
Moje srce je tvoje...
Ja sam tvoj ucenik
Stoga sam i svoj ucenik
Bicu tvoje oruzje
Uz demone koji me poseduju
Jahacemo sedam smrtnih grehova
Koji me odvode to katarze
Znak tvojih rogova
Je moja najdraza vizija
Oni nabijaju sve sto je sveto i slabasno
Gledas me kako se suocavam sa ogledalom
I vidis skravljenje
Svojom umetnoscu
Ja sam pesnica u licu boga
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Pod pogrebnim mesecom

На дан моје последње жртве
Хладан челик отвари ми вене
Крв ми кожу умаза
Сребрни путир мора бити испопуњен
Пијем отровану крви
Улазим у засенчен сандук
Два козија рога у мојим рукама
Подижем руке и затворам своје очи
Да чујем пеклене повике
Од мог брата у земљи проклетих
Завијајући ветар дува кроз голо дрвеће
Обасјана месечином поља сијају у мраку
Испод мене, пут до гробља
Где ме воде духовне браће
Стадоше пред сенкама храста
Моја ноћна сахрана започе
Док лежим у свом богохулном сну
Спустише ме у раку
Гавран пева моју последњу песму
Док се вукови завијањем опраштају
Погребни месец сада снажно сија
Јер ја сам скоро тамо
Ове ноћи касног октобра
Тамна страна отвори своје капије
Морбидне душе чекају на мене
За сатанску заверу
Цвећа пропасти
Почињу расти
Нашу бесмртност!

Transilvanijska Glad

Transilvanijska Glad... hladna...dusa
Tvoje ruke su okrutne...da bi proganjale..da bi proganjale
Planine su hladne...dusa...dusa...
Pazljivo..bledo...vecno u Noci
Uzmi me...zar ne osecas poziv
Vecno me prigrli u dremezu tvoje dnevne svetlosti
Da bi be ogrnula senka tvoje morbidne palate
Oh, Mrzim zivot... Jedina toplota je topla krv
Tako cista... Tako hladna
Transilvanijska Glad
Pozdrav istinskim, intenzivnim vampirima
Prica stvorena za bozanstveno ispunjenje
Da bi bili oni koji uzdisu vetar tuge
Tuga i strah, najdraza katarza
Prelepi, Zli Ja postacu morbidni grof
Deo sporazuma koji je divno besmrtan
Oseti kako te poziv zamrzava nadmocnom zeljom
Transilvanijska Glad... moja planina je hladna
Tako cista... Zla, Hladna
Transilvanijska Glad
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Bljesak Na Severnom Nebu

Pocuj proganjajuce skandiranje
Koje lezi u severnom vetru
Dok nebo postaje crno
Oblaci melanholije
Siluj zrake
Devoidnog umiruceg sunca
I daleka magla prilazi
Koven zaboravljene slasti
Cuj ponos severne oluje
Trijumfalan prizor na severnom nebu
Gde su dani mracni
I noc je ista
Mesecina je pila krv
Stotina paganskih muskaraca
Preko deset stotina godina je proslo
Pre nego sto je kralj na severnom tronu
Doneo price onoga koji je razapet
Koven obnovljene slasti
Hiljadu godina je proslo od tada -
Godina izgubljenog ponosa i pozude
Duse bogohuljenja,
Pocuj proganjajuce skandiranje -
Mi smo bljesak na Severnom nebu
Sledecih hiljadu godina su nase
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)