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Број резултата: 18


Moj nepozvani gost

Da li je to slucajnost, ljubav se vratila u tvoje ruke
Kapljice zaustavljaju neizbeznu kisu
Mnogo sam mokar, hladno mi od tvojih ociju
Teska je to ljubav
Bespomocno sam mokar
Nemoj me pitati o proslosti ne stavi me opet u tezak polozaj
Voli me danas
Svuda oko mene ljubav hajde ponovo od pocetka
Voli me potpuno
Moj nepozvani gost, moj nepozvani gost
Moram prestati pre nego sto ljubav bude u meni zarobljena
Osmesi se hajde da izadjemo iz mraka
Kome nameravas da budem tvoja sudbina
Ooo luda letnja kisa ljubavi

Letter to Hélène

This letter that I'm sending you
God knows when you'll receive it
At the other end of the hemisphere
Where the seasons rotate backward
What an idea, my sweet Hélène
To exile yourself on Kerguelen island
Hélène, if I'm writing you
At Kerguelen, it's because here
Unknowingly, you left someone that loves you
Hélène, my heart is cold
On my side of the equator
At the antipode, did you find somebody that loves you?
Geography and I
We became good friends
And I spend entire hours
Alone with the planisphere
But, of your island, I don't know anything
Except that it is in the Indian Ocean
Hélène, if my call
Reaches your archipelago
By first-class mail, send me some news
Hélène, I love you
Hélène, what's the point
To live in the south and still feel cold
And to spend summer like the winter?
Hélène, I love you
Hélène, if I'm writing you
At Kerguelen, it's because here
Unknowingly, you left someone that loves you
Hélène, if my call
Reaches your archipelago
By first-class mail,
Send me some news
Hélène, I love you
Hélène, if I'm writing you
At Kerguelen, it's because here
You left someone that loves you, Hélène

Lone Star

No clouds are in the sky, no tears in my eyes
Not turning back or leaving a word, just to fight to the bitter end
Tightly holding hands will never evade
No matter how much danger I encounter
This stubborn heart wants to leave nothing
But to float in the air, oh...
I walk haughtily but alone as if I were the only one left in this world
So many heart have parted while so many are just watching
Am I well used to the name, that's solitude?
Am I destined to hang in the coldest nightsky?
Ask me not if there's tomorrow
Leave me confront it alone
My dream will never again wrong be
Ask me not who's still my best friend
Just let me souvenir your kiss
My song will always you accompany
(Repeat Above)
Ask me not if there's tomorrow
Leave me confront it alone
My dream will never again wrong be
Ask me not who's still my best friend
Just let me souvenir your kiss
My song will always you accompany

Doll Seller

Versions: #2
I love this city, but it keeps silent at night.
Unarmed and killed, it is an apathetic witness of its own funeral, it is indifferent towards its executioners.
Looks like someone has decided that we are as naive as children.
But not a chance! And no matter how calm our enemy is,
but still I can see everyone around, dying of boredom,
is heading right into his arms.
But not a chance! I’ll steal you, just give me a sign.
You have to run fast before you are driven into that corner,
where the doll seller is waiting, the doll seller is waiting.
Warm my fingers, after all he doesn’t feel pity for us.
Look, he's scared, he is setting traps for the others and for himself. He doesn't take the calendar off the walls,
since he believes that we are big toys.
But not a chance! And no matter how calm our enemy is,
but still I can see everyone around, dying of boredom,
is heading right into his arms.
But not a chance! I’ll steal you, just give me a sign.
You have to run fast before you are driven into that corner,
where the doll seller is waiting, waiting for dolls.

Poor Man's Palm Tree

The palaces
Along the seashore
Where the rich are crowded
And the promenade
Of those old sick English folk
Under the palm trees
Well aligned
It's not the place I dreamt
Best for me to take you
Far away from the jam-packed beaches
Under the poor man's palm tree
Which has no worries
Under the poor man's palm tree
Where we have
The sun, love and the sun
Within reach
Under the poor man's palm tree
All's well
I imagine myself
In the Grenadines
Where my boat sinks
Then I swim
Along a beach
Bathed in clear water
Brilliant blue
Under the poor man's palm tree
Which has no worries
Under the poor man's palm tree
I see us
(Under the poor man's palm tree
Under the palm man's palm tree)
All's well
In this place I dreamt
Where I'd like to take you
Far away from the jam-packed beaches
The sun, love and the sun
Within reach
Under the poor man's palm tree
All's well
Under the poor man's palm tree
Which has no worries
Under the poor man's palm tree
Where we have...

Cadaver's Star

For you, I have died
And must in every cage
stand up again.
My eye has glared
And no one has
seen within this moment.
For you, I have died
Very slowly , but the chimney
only shortly spewed smoke.
No moon was there to bay.
I have only
Naked neon lights spat at.
For me Treblinka is every day.
Soweto and My Lai.
For me Golgatha is every day
And the war never ends.
The war never ends...
For you, I have died.
That's how you survive
Your sick life.
How can you merely stand
That you, from my birth on,
Give me no chance.
For you, I have died
And above you, always hangs
This burnt smell.
You name the history of the world
But you are still today
Just an animal experiment.
Now I grab at the trash
From the rich table of the Lord
Somewhere far above
On the Cadaver's Star.
On the Cadaver's Star....


Versions: #2
Come the best mitzva (good deed) and sinniest,
come the spirit of my life
You swarthy thief of forbidden who is dedicated to love
Ah ordial, ah frisky wolf
Beauty of a land poisoned with love
Overlay your lovelocks to my afire skin
Rebellious, combative, free
Myrrh that I nibble in the backyards
Come naked and pure
Come the best mitzva (good deed) and sinniest,
come the spirit of my life
You swarthy thief of forbidden who is dedicated to love
Ah ordial, ah frisky wolf
Beauty of a land poisoned with love
Overlay your lovelocks to my afire skin
Rebellious, combative, free
Myrrh that I nibble in the backyards
Come naked and pure
Wrap me up to your bare
Mix me up to your clay
Spill from your fount thunderously
So augment yourself
Let the mountains get floods
And the floods get wrap with fire
Break down gardens vineyards
Grapes are drunk on the branch
I'm scattered
Wrap me up to your bare
Mix me up to your clay
Spill from your fount thunderously
So augment yourself
Let the mountains get floods,
And the floods get wrap with fire
Break down gardens vineyards
Grapes are drunk on the branch
I'm scattered
Wrap me up to your bare
Mix me up to your clay
Spill from your fount thunderously
So augment yourself
Let the mountains get floods,
And the floods get wrap with fire
Break down gardens vineyards
Grapes are drunk on the branch
I'm scattered


Galloping from Far Asia
and stretching into the Mediterranean like a mare
this country is ours.
Bloody wrested, teeth clenched, feet bare
and this soil a silk carpet,
this hell, this heaven is ours.
Shut the gates, don't let them open again,
destroy man's servitude to man,
this invitation is ours.
To live like a tree alone and free
and in brotherhood like the forests,
this yearning is ours.

Игра плакања

Знам све што треба да се зна
о игри плакања,
играо сам ја штошта игара плакања.
Прво дођу пољупци,
онда дођу уздаси,
а онда, пре него што
схватиш где си,
изговараш „збогом“.
Једног дана, ускоро, рећи ћу месецу
за игру плакања,
па ако он зна за њу,
можда ће ми објаснити
зашто срце боли,
зашто сузе теку
и шта човек да учини
да не буде тужан
када љубав нестане.
Прво дођу пољупци,
онда дођу уздаси,
а онда, пре него што
схватиш где си,
изговараш „збогом“.
Нећу више да играм игру плакања,
нећу више да играм игру плакања...
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Happy and healthy

I'll vanish, I'll disappear
I'll find myself, you'll lose me
I'll be dispassionate for good
But maybe if you look for me
I can regret it
And even accept dating you
Because I'm happy and healthy
Very happy and healthy
Sometimes I think it's over
That you'll never like me
Sometimes yes, sometimes no
I already asked for my heart
But it only increases confusion
Sometimes no, sometimes yes
You can call that I'll not answer
I'll take revenge, I'll make you suffer
You'll see, I'll drive you crazy
I'll mistreat you to learn
But I can regret it
And even accept dating you
Because I'm happy and healthy
Very happy and healthy

I truly do love you

You have a pair of eyes that can speak
You have an empathetic heart
I do not know the immensity of heaven and earth
Your smile always makes me fascinated by you
You have a pair of affectionate eyes
You have the magic of melting snow and ice
I never dared to ask/beg
I could never hide from your beauty
Why is it that your fragrance
Never fades away
My world,
When did it
Start to become hard to tell night from day,
Turning it upside down (lit: Sky and ground, flipping and shaking over each other)
It's all because of you
I... secretly love you
But I dare not tell you
Because I know
I could never give you what you want
I can only think of you secretly
(I) can only look at you secretly
I never have the courage,
Never could say aloud that I truly love you
You have a pair of affectionate eyes
You have the magic of melting snow and ice
I never dared to ask/beg
I could never hide from your beauty
Why is it that your fragrance
Never fades away
My world,
When did it
Start to become hard to tell night from day,
Turning it upside down (lit: Sky and ground, flipping and shaking over each other)
It's all because of you
I... secretly love you
But I dare not tell you
Because I know
I could never give you what you want
I can only think of you secretly
(I) can only look at you secretly
I never have the courage,
Never could say aloud that I truly love you
I... secretly love you
But I dare not tell you
Because I know
I could never give you what you want
I can only think of you secretly
(I) can only look at you secretly
I never have the courage,
Never could say aloud that I truly love you

Forget about You, Forget about Me

When you say you want to leave
At the moment I don't want to wave hand
Love is an emptiness after all
Who says that our past will be ended in wordlessness
Don't forget that I ever had you
You also ever loved me
*When you leave me
The pain that I don't want to accept
Love is still a dream in the end
Don't said that our worlds had too many differences.
Just say you've forgotten me
You want to leave me
# Who could tell me
Whether I've given too much
Just treat it like I never ever had
Or It's disappeared in my heart
Who once reminded me
My love wasn't certain
Just treat it like I never ever had
Or just forget about you, forgot about me
Repeat *, #, #