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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 3


Od njih sam učio

Danas ću ti pričati o svojim herojima
Koji su me gledali dok odrastam
Od lava koji je postao kralj
Do princeze koja je prekršila zakon
Ako me pitaš
Od njih sam učio
Da postoje osobe koje su vredne topljenja
Sve je moguće, čak i nemoguće
Nekad su vrline ispod površine
Lepota je u unutrašnjosti
Seti me se čak i ako 'zbogom' izgovorim
Moram da prestanem da se pretvaram da sam nešto što nisam
Tuga me uverava u probleme života
Izbaci iz života ono što ti osmeh ne izaziva
Za svaku suzu postoji osmeh
Hrabriji si nego što misliš
Zašto nam je potrebna vera?
Druga zvezda desno i
Idi pravo ka svitanju
Drži se onoga što te drugačijim čini
Ako tražiš pravi trenutak, evo ga
Ohana znači porodica
A porodica se uvek drži zajedno
Neka tvoja duša bude slobodna
I neka nikada ne bude kasno da budeš mlad
Nastavi da plivaš, nastavi da plivaš
Želim da budem poput tebe
Hakuna Matata, živi i pusti druge da žive
U meni se nalazi prijatelj
Tako mekan da bih mogao da umrem
Od njih sam učio
Svaki kišni dan ima dugu
Pravi put nije onaj najlakši
Ogledalce, ogledalce
Večno zahvalno
Ne fokusiraj se na ono što je iza tebe
Traži ono najživotnije
Slušaj svoje srce i razumećeš
Da, verujem da si potpuno poludeo
Ali otkriću ti tajnu, samo za nas
(Najbolji ljudi su upravo takvi)
Ako nemaš ništa lepo da kažeš
Najbolje je da ćutiš
Do večnosti i još više
Život ne mora biti savršen da bi bio predivan
Ja sam jedan prelepi leptir
Tvoj identitet je tvoje najdragocenije vlasništvo
Zaštiti ga po svaku cenu
Uvek zapamti ko si i to je to
Nastavi da plivaš, nastavi da plivaš
Želim da budem poput tebe
Hakuna Matata, živi i pusti druge da žive
U meni se nalazi prijatelj
Tako mekan da bih mogao da umrem
Od njih sam učio
Povuci ručnu
Sram bilo tvoju kravu
Koja ide da traži neistraženo
Da niko nije mrdnuo!
Posedujem zmaja i ne plašim se da ga upotrebim
Zaista, za dobro
Nastavi da plivaš, nastavi da plivaš
Želim da budem poput tebe
Hakuna Matata, živi i pusti druge da žive
U meni se nalazi prijatelj
Tako mekan da bih mogao da umrem
Od njih sam učio
Sada kada sve ovo znaš, veruj mi
Kada ti kažem da životinje govore
Da ću jednog dana naučiti da letim
Da je čarolija stvarna
Od njih sam učio
Da koliko god odavde budem odleteo
Oni će uvek u meni ostati

The song of 2020

Sports marathons at home
Biscuits for video calls
College and university
You telecommute in your pajamas and from the couch
Face masks in order to go to the subway
There is a very rare bug on the loose
Coronavirus what's that all about
You're in the middle of a global pandemic
No nights of partying, no flying
Supermarkets without milk and rice
The hospitals are full
The coolest sanitizer
There are UFOs in the sky, the whole planet is quarantined
To the balcony in order to see what happens, we don't know if the world is ending
When it seemed that the 3rd world war was coming
It was just Anonymous, going back to the social network
With Kanye West for President, she looked at me and I looked at her
Although there are days when the sun does not rise, at least I can dance on Tik Tok
Two thousand and twenty, it came up strong
Global pandemics and disasters
You just want it to end
Two thousand and twenty is not forever
Global pandemics and disasters
Now we are stronger than ever before
Tsunamis, explosions, hurricanes and planes,
And volcanoes, earthquakes, floods
Let Australia not catch fire again,
poor plants, poor Koalas!1
Let the killer wasp not return
Or is it that there is life on Venus?
Ultimately we feel alone
Someone save us from everything
For those who are gone, I cried
For Black Panther and Kobe too2
And for a kiss from the Flaca I'd give anything
for Pau Donés3 to come back
We keep screaming Black Lives Matter
For George Floyd and those who are missing
Until there is justice there'll be no peace (there'll be no peace)
And how difficult love is, in
In times of covid forget it, I
I'm afraid flirting is not an option, and
They broke my heart (but)
I want to thank the one that broke it for me
Now I'm sure I'll find someone better
And all the songs that you made me write
I dedicate them to you my love!
Two thousand and twenty, it came up strong
Global pandemics and disasters
You just want it to end
Two thousand and twenty is not forever
Global pandemics and disasters
Now we are stronger than ever before
Who here is the impostor?
I'm just a crew member looking for my mission
Take refuge in some song
Find my place among all this lack of control
And of the years that will come I only ask
Health and good vibes for you, for me and for mine
More love, more art
More kisses, more hugging you
And when I'm bigger and older
To be able to tell my children and grandchildren
The stories that it has left us
That strange year
As much as the years go by
This will stay recorded
We finally canceled
the culture of cancellation
Even if the 20s keep barking
the wretches, leave them!
And, nothing, we have overcome
the 100 millions
and this month I release a record
to silence these pastors
For me it seemed that nothing was going well anymore
I had to get away from the media to see
all the good that has escaped our attention4
like that there are more equal marriages
the world has struggled to be less racist
A second person has been cured of AIDS5
and there is less pollution
for having been at home
  • 1. Australia had in 2019-20 an unusually intense season of bushfires.
  • 2. Chadwick Boseman, who played Black Panther, died of cancer in August 2020. Kobe Bryant, basketball player, died in a helicopter crash in January 2020.
  • 3. Pau Donés was a Spanish musician and member of the group 'Jarabe de Palo' whose first studio album was 'La Flaca'. He died of cancer in 2020
  • 4. Literally 'that has escaped us'
  • 5. In March 2020 it was found that 'the London Patient' two years after end of treatment still was HIV free.