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Број резултата: 3



Versions: #1
I see the mud in the people, the smile in all of us
Bugged softwares, robot carcasses
I sing about the change, I'm looking for the update
That can separate the fear and the hate
And part of the problem: no one's brighter
You point your finger, tap it on your cheek
Do you stay down when you fall? In excuses you bathe?
Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today!
Life's fun, I'm not complaining
But every day is another railroad-switch
And our choices keep me awake
That's why tomorrow doesn't give me any rest
Where we came from and where we arrived
I haven't managed to find an answer
No matter how much I've hoarded, it's not enough
Our purpose's hidden to me
Mirrors that tell stories like a painting
Whisper that tomorrow might be worse
You've built walls around you
From the biped walk to the first walk on the moon
We made smalls steps, we fell behind
We made fast steps, broke away from the flock
And steps behind that break our hope
We're taking huge steps for mankind
But way too small for humanity
The progress looks great on paper
When you measure tech accomplishments
I'm talking with people around the globe
But I don't greet my neighbors
I'm lucky to have wings, I don't fly at all
There're so many egos to keep me in place.
Where we came from and where we arrived
I haven't managed to find an answer
No matter how much I've hoarded, it's not enough
Our purpose's hidden to me
Mirrors that tell stories like a painting
Whisper that tomorrow might be worse
You've built walls around you
To understand life, we've rewritten the genome
But haven't managed to understand man
That's why out in society
It's full of armies of depressed primates
Yesterday's monkey is a dog today
In the iron jungle, it fights for bread
When we forge coins
We build ourselves spaceships, want a different planet
`Cause we`ve traded the green trees for gray flat units
And the blue sky for red cars
And we stole the children's stars
From cities and suburbs
Where we came from and where we arrived
I haven't managed to find an answer
No matter how much I've hoarded, it's not enough
Our purpose's hidden to me
Mirrors that tell stories like a painting
Whisper that tomorrow might be worse
You've built walls around you


I see the mud in the humans, slime from us all
Softs with bugs, robots enclosures
I sing about change, I'm searching the update
Witch can separate the fear and the hate
And part of the problem: no one is brighter
Cause you're pointing with the finger, beath him on the cheek
You're staying down when you fall? You scalp in excuses?
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today!
Life has fun, do not make a nose
But each day is another turn
And our choises keep me awake
that's why tomorrow I do not give up
Where we left and where we came from
I could not find an answer
No matter how close I get, it's not enough
Our goal is still hidden
[Chorus EM] x 2
Mirrors that tell stories as a picture
I whisper that maybe tomorrow is worse
You've built walls around you
From the biped walk to the first step on the Moon
I took steps slowly, I lagged behind
We made fast steps, we broke the flock
And steps back to what the hope is
That we are doing great steps for mankind
But too small for humanity
Progress looks good on paper
When you measure achievements in technology
Communicate with people anywhere in the world
But I do not greet the block neighbors
I'm in luck, I'm not flying at all
It's so much of my pride to keep me on the spot.
Where we left and where we came from
I could not find an answer
No matter how close I get, it's not enough
Our goal is still hidden
[Chorus EM] x 2
Mirrors that tell stories as a picture
I whisper that maybe tomorrow is worse
You've built walls around you
To understand life we have rewritten the genome
But we could not understand the man
That's all through society
It's full of army of depressed primates
The monkey yesterday is a dog
In the jungle of iron it is on the bread
When we coin the coin even on the coin
We're making a rocket, we want another planet
I gave green trees to gray blocks
And the blue sky on red cars
I stole my children's stars
From cities and suburbs
Where we left and where we came from
I could not find an answer
No matter how close I get, it's not enough
Our goal is still hidden
[Chorus EM] x 2
Mirrors that tell stories as a picture
I whisper that maybe tomorrow is worse
You've built walls around you