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Број резултата: 37


All The Time

All the time I say that I'll leave
but I don't go anywhere
and unfortunately I stick to my word
and I don't do anything
Because nowhere is better than you
my love for me there isn't
anywhere better than you and I know I won't find it again
I'm telling you my love there isn't
anything more beautiful than you
nothing can even come close to you
All the time I say that I'll leave
but I'm still here
I put on a show but you never come
it doesn't happen
Don't take my angry words seriously
the angry words are just said one minute
and if I said something to see you get scared
don't be dumb you know that...
All the time I say that I'll leave you
but I don't mean it
at the start I get angry but then I call you
and I'm asking for your forgiveness
Because nowhere is better than you
my love for me there isn't
anywhere better than you and I know I won't find it again
I'm telling you my love there isn't
anything more beautiful than you
nothing can even come close to you
All the time I open my wings
but I never fly
I act brave but my heart belongs
to you whom I love
I took a drag and made a fuss
so that you'd be scared
to see where you'd come to if you ever lost me
and if you were ever deprived of me
Because nowhere is better than you
my love for me there isn't
anywhere better than you and I know I won't find it again
I'm telling you my love there isn't
anything more beautiful than you
nothing can even come close to you

Dah od tebe

Koji ces sada odgovor da das?
Koji glas u sebi ces zakljucati?
Uvek je bila tvoja logika
Tvoja odbrana, tvoja snaga
Gledas me i znas kako imam
Svaki razlog da ne ucestvujem
U to sto zoves ljubav
To je bila samo iluzija
Kako, kako si sve promenio?
Ja sam jedan dah od tebe
I ti me nisi sustigao
Ja sam jedan korak pored tebe
A ti si me izgubio
Da zamislim
Naucila sam u tvojoj senci
Da zamislim
Koliko gresaka sam na kraju napravila...
Jedan razlog nisam nasla da ostanem
Boli me sto tako odlazim
Moje srce da se bez govora
Da se ljuti, da se ugasi
Mozda ce mi biti potrebno vreme da zaboravim
Nemoj mi govoriti da cu izgubiti ako odem
Ali takvi su ljudi
Tek kada odes ti kazu da ostanes
Kako, kako si sve promenio?
Ja sam jedan dah od tebe
I ti me nisi sustigao
Ja sam jedan korak pored tebe
A ti si me izgubio
Da zamislim
Naucila sam u tvojoj senci
Da zamislim
Koliko gresaka sam na kraju napravila...
Tvoj svet mi se cini suvise malim da bih se uklopila
Ono sto je vredno da postoji, to ce izdrzati
Ti si jedan krug, koji se za mene zatvorio
Nisam vise ona osoba koju si poznavao

Lek srca mog

Kad me ostavljaš samu, rekla sam ti
i kao cvet koji nisi zalio, venem
Samo tebe želim
kunem ti se
uveče kad te nemam
mučim se
ostavljaš me i u tugu svoju uronim
kažem ti ...
Lek si srca mog
dođi kad te čekam
samoću moju oteraj
izleči me pošto ti umirem
Lek si srca mog
dođi u zagrljaj moj
Samo tebe želim
život si i vazduh moj
nemoj da mi odeš ponovo, daleko od mene
Kad me ostavljaš samu
gubim se
od velike panike
koja me obuzima
Samo tebe želim
kunem ti se
uveče kad te nemam
mučim se
ostavljaš me i u tugu svoju uronim
kažem ti ...


Time goes by too fast
I won't be able to spend as much time as I want with him, once again
The time when he will leave me is coming
And I'll lose him until the next time
But when he's about to leave I hug him
I hold him very tightly and I yell
Time, time
I ask you for a favor
Forget me here forever
Time, time
Preted that you haven't seen me
I love him very much
Time, time
My time is ending
Don't do this to me
Time, time
Stop right at this moment
Go back to the start
I'd like to be able to freeze time
While he holds me into his arms
And he tells me he only wants me
And that he's never felt before what he feels now
And when he's about to leave I hug him
I hold him very tightly and I yell
Time, time
I ask you for a favor
Forget me here forever
Time, time
Preted that you haven't seen me
I love him very much
Time, time
My time is ending
Don't do this to me
Time, time
Stop right at this moment
Go back to the start
But when he's about to leave I hug him
I hold him very tightly and I yell
Time, time
I ask you for a favor
Forget me here forever
Time, time
Preted that you haven't seen me
I love him very much
Time, time
My time is ending
Don't do this to me
Time, time
Stop right at this moment
Go back to the start
Time, time
Time, time

Nešto nije u redu

Vetar tuge dolazi nepozvan
Podseća me da mi nedostaješ
Baca me na pod kao parče papira
U zoru tvoja ćutanja su kao meci
I neka tvoja stara 'Dobro jutra'
Govore mi da je proslava gotova
Sa nama
Sigurno nešto nije u redu
Duboko u sebi znam da si me voleo nekada
Ali nisi dovoljno hrabar da pronađemo šta nije u redu sa nama
Nešto nije u redu sa nama
Tvoj način da se boriš je što nisi ovde
I bez objašnjenja si me obrisao
Nešto nije u redu sa nama
I ne zaboravljaš da me zaboraviš
Tvoji tragovi u meni su neizbrisivi
Nada je odeća koja nikada nije nošena
Moj mesec je maleni svitac
Sve izgleda drugačije bez tebe
Jedino mesto gde želim biti je košulja koju si nekda nosio
I imam prazan pogled
Toliko je snova je srušeno
Nešto nije u redu sa nama
Tvoj način da se boriš je što nisi ovde
I bez objašnjenja si me obrisao
Nešto nije u redu sa nama
I ne zaboravljaš da me zaboraviš
Tvoji tragovi u meni su neizbrisivi