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What am I without you?

what am I without you? I'm nothing
your eyes are everything to me
when I blink
and my eyes are closed for a bit, I miss you so much
my heart is warm, not cold
your love is fundamental to me
I always hold you on my head 1
and I'll forever long for you
look at your eyes! what are they hiding?
you'll find a lover who looks out for them 2
may death come take me, may death come take me
but you don't walk out and leave
your cheeks are blushed with shyness
you're a flower and your scent has melted me
your eyes are mesmerizing
God, how I like her!
look at your eyes! what are they hiding?
you'll find a lover who looks out for them
may death come take me, may death come take me
but you don't walk out and leave
  • 1. an expression of endearment and respect
  • 2. her eyes
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Owner Of Myself

I've already lost myself trying to find me
I've already run away wanting to get back
I think twice before I say something
Because life's crazy, dude
Life is crazy
I've always been quiet, now I'm gonna speak
If you have mouth, learn to use it
I know how much I am worth and you don't have idea
Because life's crazy, dude
Life is crazy
I got lost somewhere along the way
But I don't stop, no
I've cried seas and rivers
But I don't drown myself
I always get by with my ways
It's kida rough, but also with love
Because God made me like this
Owner of myself
I let my faith guide me
I know that one day I'll make it out alive
Because God made me like this
Owner of myself
I no longer care about your opinion
What you think doesn't change my vision
I said so many 'yes' and now I only say 'no'
Because life's crazy, dude
Life is crazy
All I care about is what makes me feel good
Bullshit won't keep me going
Don't limit me, I want to see what lies beyond
Because life's crazy, dude
Life is crazy
I got lost somewhere along the way
But I don't stop, no
I've cried seas and rivers
But I don't drown myself
I always get by with my ways
It's kida rough, but also with love
Because God made me like this
Owner of myself
I let my faith guide me
I know that one day I'll make it out alive
Because God made me like this
Owner of myself


То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
Немац нас не разуме када пијемо вотку
Енглез би хтео као ми, али са слабим учинком
Грк не воли ништа да ради, споро сипа узо
Не можемо да пијемо мало и много радимо
Француз је осетљлив, воли добра вина
Више него што тамо попију, овде пије девојка
Клео, Донатан, Енеј!
Боли да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
Говоре да је то Европа и говоре да је лепо
Али када хоћеш да пишаш пођеш иза стаје
Овде су друмови јадни и све је скупо
Драги Председниче, знаш бре зашто пијанчујемо
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
Сипајмо, браћо
У чаше од кристала
За Лесју, Катју, свеједно
Сасућемо пиће у грло
Нека цела Европа зна
Како ми знамо да се забављамо
Пијемо жестице, ми Словени
И наше су девојке још лепше!
То је та словенска браћа
Воли много да пије и да спава
То је та словенска браћа
Воли да пије и да спава.
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!


Lady of these tricksters
Always true dreams
Oh! Lady of these animals
Lady of your ideals
Through the streets where you walk
Where you command us all
We are always messengers
Waiting for your voice
Your wishes, an order
Nothing is never, never is no
Because you has this sure
Inside your heart
Toc, toc, toc, knock on the door
You do not need to see who it is
To feel impatience
From your woman's wrist
A look throws me to the bed
A kiss makes me love
I do not get up, I do not hide
Because I know you're mine.
Lady of these tricksters
Always true dreams
Oh! Lady of these animals
Lady of your ideals
There is no stone in your path
There are no waves in your sea.
There is no wind or storm
Preventing you from flying.
Between the snake and the birdie
Between the dove and the hawk
Or your hate or your affection
They carry us by the hand
It's the Maid from Ditty
The Woman of Creation
Sometimes our friend
Other, our damnation
The power that raises us
The force that makes us fall
Which one of us still does not know
That this all makes you
Lady! Lady!
Lady! Lady! Lady!

Hallelujah (Great Is The Lord)

Versions: #3
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised,
In the city of our God, in His Holy place
I will come before Your throne, The God of my joy
I will give You the fruit of my lips
And remember the great things You did, for me
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised,
In the city of our God, in His Holy place
Behold the tabernacle of God, is now with man
As His people all nations will rise
He will wipe every tear from their eyes
Death, pain and mourning will cease forevermore!
Hallelujah for the Lord God Almighty reigns,
Hallelujah Lord of Hosts the Almighty reigns
Hallelujah for the Lord God Almighty reigns,
Hallelujah Lord of Hosts the Almighty reigns
Rejoice, oh rejoice my soul, And give Him praise
Rejoice, oh rejoice my soul, And give Him praise
Hallelujah for the Lord God Almighty reigns,
Hallelujah Lord of Hosts the Almighty reigns
Hallelujah for the Lord God Almighty reigns,
Hallelujah Lord of Hosts the Almighty reigns

Izgubljeni snovi

Prešao sam, dugačak put
Tuga na ramenima, ali ne zaboravljam
Nazad, ponovo da se vratim
Duša me napušta, tebe se još drži
Toliko, izgubljenih snova, oči moje pune tuge
Ne gledajte unazad
Nije nam bilo suđeno, nedostaje vam
Nedostaje nama
Dalje, u predvečerje
Nada još živi, govori srce
Možda, jednom dođe
U zagrljaju da se nađemo
Toliko, izgubljenih snova, oči moje pune tuge
Ne gledajte unazad
Nije nam bilo suđeno, nedostaje vam
Nedostaje nama
Pepeo, naš život je pepeo
Zamrzao se vazduh, ljudi krvare
Pepeo, od mržnje
Rat je otac, rat je ubica
Rat je ubica

Она је таква

Као светлост жива је,
лепа је као цвет,
пуна доброте
и невиности.
Уз виолину своју пева,
одзвања њен смех,
славујев има глас:
Она је таква.
желим да насликам
твоју насмешеу фигуру,
жено Буенос Аиреса.
И кажем
ономе ко хоће да ме чује,
уз звуке ове танго песме:
Она је таква.
Када своју љубав даје
ватрена је и страсна,
стидљива, верна
и скромна.
Мржње нема, племенита је
она опрашта сваки грех
и неверство највеће:
Она је таква.
Срце је женско,
материнско срце,
илузија плава,
топлота дома.
Он може, без страха
и убити и умрети,
за пријатељску љубав:
Она је таква.

To sweat

Come, but don't freak out with my hills
It's part of my show, if you don't like it, I'll discard you.
Come, but come into my world smoothly.
Pay attention, Ill give you a lesson in my way.
The night falls but the energy onlly increases.
Feel the drums,get the tone and everything warms up.
Shake it, goes down, maneuver, shake it up.
Won't a man be born to control me.
It's never enough, attitude is always good.
Handle it, I'll own you with the rhythm of my song.
Shake it, goes down, maneuver, shake it up... Wait. You want me to teach you?
My nigga, come here
I'll make you dance
I'll make you sweat
My nigga, come here
I'll make you dance
I'll make you sweat
Do you wanna feel power?
Just watch me.
I'm the owner of all of it and I'm makin' it boil.
Class is a rule, swag as well.
Black people don't be intimidate, they shine calmly, my dear.
Envy people can't do with us, they just watch us.
The Owner, negociates, develop and shake it up.
So punk, afro black, soul, funk
These girls worth diamonds
My nigga, come here
I'll make you dance
I'll make you sweat
My nigga, come here
I'll make you dance
I'll make you sweat
Come, but don't freak out with my hills
It's part of my show, if you don't like it, I'll discard you.
Come, but come into my world smoothly.
Pay attention, Ill give you a lesson in my way.
The night falls but the energy onlly increases.
Feel the drums,get the tone and everything warms up.
Shake it, goes down, maneuver, shake it up.
Won't a man be born to control me.
It's never enough, attitude is always good.
Handle it, I'll own you with the rhythm of my song.
Shake it, goes down, maneuver, shake it up... Wait. You want me to teach you?
My nigga, come here
I'll make you dance
I'll make you sweat
My nigga, come here
I'll make you dance
I'll make you sweat
My nigga, come here
I'll make you dance
I'll make you sweat
My nigga, come here
I'll make you dance
I'll make you sweat

Song for Donald Trump: I like myself

I love my orange colored skin
Everyone that builds a wall
I also like Santa Clause
(You're fired, get outta here! )
He doesn't care about climate change
Oops, that would be me..
I love to stand up front
So everyone can see me better
I love to hold hands
My old lady however, doesn't
But the flag is holding still
I can grab it, whenever I want (1)
I love all of this, (ROAR..)
And even more.... myself!
(Schwapp schwabbi dubi du...)
(schwabba dabba du...)
And I love Israel...
The wailing Wall, simply amazing
Yad Vashem, also cool as hell
I give weapons to islamists
But you guys are awesome, too
I love to surround myself with fools
Cause it makes me look smarter
Sometimes a little air strike
And when my daughter-in-law meets the russians
I'm the biggest patriot
But this old shriek gives me the creeps
I love bagpipe music
And probably a little war
I love all of this
And even more... myself!
(Schwapp schwabbi dubi du...)
(schwabba dabba du...)


her tkan sha aq her un kam qa
Kam renu me fjal nzemer me kan vra
Sa her tkan sha aq her un kam qa
Kam renu me fjal nzemer me kan vra
Me ka than me ty me u nda
Me ka thon me tu mos me u pa
Mi kan thon 1000 mi fjal per ty
Largohu nga ai se nuk esht per ty
E tash jam pishman qe askend se kan ngu
Mua me nda me ty krejt bota esht mundu
E tash jam pishman qe askan se kan ngu
Dhe ne fund jam bind qe ti sishe per mu
Sa lutje mi bon vec un ty me te lon
Por asnjeri ska mujt pre teje tme ndaj
Sa lutje mi bon vec un ty me te lon
Por asnjeri ska mujt pre teje tme ndaj
Me ka than me ty me u nda
Me ka thon me tu mos me u pa
Mi kan thon 1000 mi fjal per ty
Largohu nga ai se nuk esht per ty
E tash jam pishman qe askend se kan ngu
Mua me nda me ty krejt bota esht mundu
E tash jam pishman qe askan se kan ngu
Dhe ne fund jam bind qe ti sishe per mu

Forgive me buddy

Forgive me buddy if I mess with you
but you're dancing with my girl
Forgive me buddy that I speak so cold
I figure out that you realized that you told me off
She said 'we're through'
but later suddenly she cried
Forgive me buddy for interrupting you
Forgive me buddy if I say it this way
are this tears that I can't forget
And you'll see by looking at her eyes
that honestly she's not with you
I shivered when I saw her again
she dancing with another but always thinking of me
Forgive me buddy for interrupting you
And you'll have to look for another couple
because this girl dances with me
Forgive me buddy for interrupting you
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Дона Дона

{Донна, Донна, Донна, Донна
Донна, Донна, Донна, ду,
Донна, Донна, Донна, Донна
Донна, Донна, Донна, ду}
На вагоні, їздивши на ринок
Є там теля з скорботним оком.
Високо над ним є ластівочка,
Швидко літаючи по небу.
Як сміються вітри
Вони сміються всією силою
Сміятися і сміятися весь день
І половину літньої ночі.
'Зупиніть нарикання', - сказав фармер
'Хто сказав тобі тельцем бути?'
Чому у тебе немає крил, зчим літати
Як ластівка настільки горда і вільна? '
Як сміються вітри ...
Телята легко зв'язані і зарізані
Ніколи не знає причину чому.
Але той, хто ціннить свободу
Як ластівка мусить навчитись літати.
Як сміються вітри ...
Дона дона

Danube's Steamship Company Captain

Everyone would like to sail on the Danube
Because the area is incredibly beautiful,
But fate should hold onto one thing,
That you do not end up sailing as a captain!
His uniform makes him likable,
All ladies would love to have him.
But his happiness in love is problematic,
And of this you should hear a little song:
No song was ever so beautiful
As that about
'the Danube's steamship company captain'
He sails along the Danube,
And all the girls who see him,
Become love sick.
He must go from place to place,
He cannot stay with anyone,
And because of the long word1
No one wants to write him [letters] either
As soon as one barely sees him
One says 'Good bye'
Oh dear
'Danube's steamship company captain'
To sail on the Danube is magnificent
For there are no sharks
And also pirates are hard to meet there,
Neither an iceberg nor the evil Loreley.
On the ocean, it's dangerous,
On the Danube, however, stable,
For I tell you frankly and honestly:
Between shark and carp, there is a difference...
Come here, let's sing it together!
No song was ever so beautiful
As that about
'the Danube's steamship company captain'
He sails along the Danube,
And all the girls who see him,
Become love sick.
He must go from place to place,
He cannot stay with anyone,
And because of the long word1
No one wants to write him [letters] either
As soon as one barely sees him
One says 'Good bye'
When one is sailing it's fun
With the
'Danube's steamship company captain'
  • (As in his title) Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän = 'the Danube's steamship company captain'
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Forgive me

Forgive me,
If this time I decide not to wait for you
Sitted in front of the door, with my soul opened
If I don't care you mention her name
Of the one that joins you every night
If I prefer not to be mentioned
If you look for me and you can't find me.
Forgive me,
If I've returned every kiss, one by one
That once tasted like back room love,
If I emptied all those words
That fills senseless speechs
If I prefer not to hear you saying my name
If I slam the door in your face
I learnt to let myself be free
To start over again
To feel myself stronger
While I was ripping out* your voice
Taking care of my pain
Making me braver.
And I made a mistake
Seeking you shamelessly was, perhaps, the craziest thing
But I can't be stone and you know it
I can't keep myself quiet, no matter how hard I try
Today I ask you, please, don't mention me
Don't try to hurt me, stay away.
I learnt to let myself be free
To start over again
To feel myself stronger
While I was ripping out your voice
Taking care of my pain
Making me braver.
How many nights of twists and turns
How crazy life is, playing with memories
How many times I spent with you alone
With your half-heartedly love,
Allowing those naked kisses
Which, with no excuses, we left unfinished.
How painful can an empty space be
How much time, neither yours nor mine, is trying to comfort us as it passes by...
I learnt to let myself be free
To start over again
To feel myself stronger
While I was ripping out* your voice
Taking care of my pain
Making me braver.

Oprosti mi

Oprosti mi,
ako ovaj put te ne sacekam da dodjes
sedeci na vratima sa dusom otvorenom,
ako nije bitno da kazes ime
od onoga ko te prati u vecnim nocima,
ako vise volim da me ne pominjes,
ako kada me budes trazio vise nikad me ne pronadjes.
Oprosti mi,
ako sam vratila jedan po jedan poljubac
koji su me juce znali za ljubav u tajnoj sobi,
ako sam ispraznila sve te reci
koje pune govore bez nogu i glave,
ako vise volim da me vise ni ne spominjes,
ako ti zatvorim vrata odjednom.
Naucila sam da dopustim sebi da pobegnem,
da ponovo pocnem,
da se osetim jos jacom
i otisla sam odbacivajuci tvoj glas,
cuvajuci moj bol,
postajuci hrabra.
I pogresila sam,
mozda je bila ludost sto sam zelela da te trazim u pogresno vreme
da te imam prisutnog,
ja ne mogu biti kamen i to znas,
ne mogu da cutim koliko god da pokusavam.
Danas ti trazim da me ni ne pominjes,
ne zelis me raniti, ni ne priblizavaj se.
Naucila sam da dopustim sebi da pobegnem,
da ponovo pocnem,
da se osetim jos jacom
i otisla sam odbacivajuci tvoj glas,
cuvajuci moj bol,
postajuci hrabra.
Koliko noci odlaska i dolaska,
da se ludi zivot igra secanja.
Koliko puta sama sa tobom,
sa tvojom ljubavi koja ne dostigne premijeru,
dozvoljavajuci gole poljupce
koje smo bez vise izgovora ostavili na pola.
Kako boli prazan prostor,
koliko vremena ni tvog, ni mog, koje nas u prolazu tesi...
Naucila sam da dopustim sebi da pobegnem,
da ponovo pocnem,
da se osetim jos jacom
i otisla sam odbacivajuci tvoj glas,
cuvajuci moj bol,
postajuci hrabra.

I have loved and I will love

My dear (girl), and oh my!
And I said, green royal apple
I have loved and I will love
Neica, at least if I go in sane
And what I like , I keep on loving
Because in my life I have loved
Both gypsy girls, and armenian girls(also) -- (I dont know if it does't refer to aromanian and not armenian)
A beautiful girl from Ploiesti city
I love her because she is so darling to me
Come on, come on, three times
May your mouth smell like florwers
And your lips smell like like gilly flowers
And may Neica bite from them
My dear (girl), and oh my!
And what has my soul loved?
Even if I die I am not sorry
Neica, what my heart had loved
I won't forget even if I die
Oh my!, I pull and I break (or snap)
I'm not going to no ugly girl
You Neica, even if someone would hold me bound
I would still break free and escape
Come on, come on, three times
May your mouth smell like florwers
And your lips smell like like gilly flowers
And may Neica bite from them

My baby has went away from me

Green leaf, thorny plants
My, oh my
My baby girl (or woman) has went away from me
My dear (girl), ('ahaaa' as if he pretends he cries)
And everyone is happy about it
And everyone is happy about it
I have lost the opportunity (this is what the expression means in this context)
My, oh my
Just when everything was sweetest to me
My dear (girl), ahaaa
---'Mi-a zburat puiul cu teiul'---(see comments)
Just when I was doing what is most important

Oh, how much I miss you

Oh, how much I miss you
Your dear (girl)
Neica, my desired baby
That my heart inside me is crying
Ever since we broke up
Neica, who separated me from you?
Oh my!
Neica, may he do bad in his life
Who broke us up
May that beloved live the terror of death

You wench, you flower

Oh my you wench, you flower
You have been glamorous to me for so long!
You wench , you have turned hefty men out of the way (in this context for 'voinic' instead of 'heafty', 'brave' is better )
You have turned brave men out of the way
You wench , If you would have turned me also
There would be no more brave men in the world
There would be no more.... brave men in the world
Oh my you wench, you flower
You have been glamorous to me for so long!
You wench, before I got to know you
Whereever I would lay, I would sleep
You wench, but now that I got to know you
I can no longer take a rest
I can no longer.... take a rest
Oh my you wench, you flower
You have been glamorous to me for so long!
You wench, I swear I don't know what you did to me
That you have been so dear to me
Wench, I did nothing to you
But I have a saying that is charming
Wench, I have a saying that is charming ('mângâioasă'and 'cu lipici' both mean the same thing in this context)
I will make you go home no more
I will make you.... go home no more
Oh my you wench, you flower
You have been glamorous to me for so long!
Wench , you have turned brave men out of the way
You have turned brave men out of the way
You wench , If you would have turned me also
There would be no more brave men in the world
There would be no more.... brave men in the world

At that black shawl

At that black shawl (or scarf) (see my comments)
I was loving with sweetness
A young girl
With dense hair
With big black eyes
And red cheeked face
And red cheeked face....
And an elegant body
One day
I invited to eat
Some good friends
Which I was talking to
I was feeling to good
I was feeling happy
About unhappiness
I wasn't even thinking
I was feeling too good
When I was sitting near her
Without realising
That she was loving someone else
And right then with ease
She was beliving in love
And unhappiness
She wasn't even knowing about

Who has a grown up girl

Who has a grown up girl
Well Sir, is enduring great sadness
Well Sir, he/she works very hard to raise her
Your dear (girl), oh my!
Well Sir, and someone at random will take her (marry her)
Well, but who has a boy
Well Neica (Neica is a name)
Is very pleased
Well that's why it's good for you to have a boy
Because you are very pleased
Well Sir, because the boy will always be a boy
Aaa, oh my!
Well Neica, he goes on his way, he goes in that (certain) village
Ooohhhh, when the human grows old
Well Sir, will still have to deal with the boy
But it's good for you to have a girl also
Well Sir, because she gives you a cup of water
But it's good for you to have a girl also
Because she gives you a cup of water
Well Sir, she will weep for you until you die
Your dear (girl),
Well Neica, and cries from the bottom of her heart 'father'


Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
How crazy things can be
When you love intensely, with sentiment
All the promises
Fly like the ones you keep inside
What do you want from me?
I've opened my chest to you, my love
Now I can't get used to
See myself in other arms and feel other lips
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
How crazy things can be
When you love intensely, with sentiment
All the promises
Fly like the ones you keep inside
What do you want from me?
I've opened my chest to you, my love
Now I can't get used to
See myself in other arms and feel other lips
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed
Daddy, don't leave me here, abandoned
With this sad smitten face
I don't want to be deluded by illusions
Hit me with that and you'll leave me destroyed


Uhum, uhum
Gloria Groove
Go! Hold this up
It's because I'm the owner
Owner of the whole party, party
I'm the owner
Owner of the whole party, party
If you have any further questions
Let me answer this
I'm the owner!
The owner of the whole party
Owner! Owner!
The owner! Owner!
I'm the owner!
I own all this fucking thing
Excuse me, boss
Let me introduce myself
I'm Gloria Groove from Brazil
I've come to stay
You can tell your friends, go ahead
Call the whole gang
Yeah, tell them who arrived
The owner of the game
You can get along
There's no gossip
Here the shit is strong
We run side by side
To one day tell the story
Of the chick that changed everything
Who came from the east side
To become the owner of the world
It's because I'm the owner
Owner of the whole party, party
I'm the owner
Owner of the whole party, party
If you have any further questions
Let me answer this
I'm the owner!
The owner of the whole party
Owner! Owner!
The owner! Owner!
I'm the owner!
I own all this fucking thing
Oh, Jesus!
What is this thing?
Is it a woman?
What thing is that?
Pleasure to meet you, I am art, my darling
So you can give me a standing ovation
I represent effort
The type of talent
I create respect
Drag culture is mission
I want to give shout out to all the Drags Queens of our nation
I run with you
I know that it's never easy
Remeber the guys
Thinking that drinking fee pays wig?
When will it change?
I will not submit
It's hard to say
I'll make myself clear
It's because I'm the owner
Owner of the whole party, party
I'm the owner
Owner of the whole party, party
If you have any further questions
Let me answer this
I'm the owner!
The owner of the whole party
Owner! Owner!
The owner! Owner!
I'm the owner!
I own all this fucking thing

Mrs. Modesty

I remember Mrs. Modesty
I have childhood memories, I remember Mrs. Modesty
I remember she covered her body from feet to neck, hiding it all.
Her smile was a rotten one, because she never used it
That's why whenever she talked, nasty things came out, full of resentment
However, she was a decent one, because she never fell in love
But on her heated nights, Oh, how she regretted it all!
That memory get shattered by a crow's squawking
That sends me to another time, in another dimension
To a future spent in a solitary pantheon
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty
Here comes the immoral one
Moving wildly because she's breaking with laughter
A lying laugh, because in her soul she cries
A laugh that's a barrier but does not console
She wanted to be different
Wed in white feeling loved
She wanted to be the pride of her poor family
But she had to be the one who maintained them
That memory get shattered by a crow's squawking
That sends me to another time, in another dimension
To a future spent in a solitary pantheon
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty
Now I'm in this body
In this time, in this reincarnation
I understand the reasons they both had
It was the circumstances, their pain was a great one
But, what a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty!
That memory get shattered by a crow's squawking
That sends me to another time, in another dimension
To a future spent in a solitary pantheon
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty
That memory get shattered by a crow's squawking
That sends me to another time, in another dimension
To a future spent in a solitary pantheon
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty

Oprosti mi

Oprosti mi
Zato što sam verovao da si bila moja, svakoga dana.
Voleo sam te kad sam dobro znao, da nisam mogao.
Kada si me gledala osećao sam
Da svet ne postoji, samo tvoj osmeh.
Oprosti mi
Zbog ljubavi i što sam se kleo da je toliko jaka
Što sam verovao da sam jedini u tvojoj glavi,
Oprosti mi, oprosti mi
Što sam te ljubio sa toliko zatvorenim očima i grlio čvrsto u svom naručju.
Oprosti mi što sam verovao
Da je ova ljubav prava, oh.
Sada vidim da ti nikad nisam trebao.
Razumem dobro.
Više nema smisla da te zovem.
Kada si me gledala osećao sam...
Tolika samoća boli zaista
Oprosti mi
Zbog ljubavi i što sam se kleo da je toliko jaka
Što sam verovao da sam jedini u tvojoj glavi,
Oprosti mi
Oprosti mi, bez inata sam već doneo odluku
Znam koliko vredim i zato ti kažem
Oprosti mi
Što sam te ljubio sa toliko zatvorenim očima
i grlio čvrsto u svom naručju
Oprosti mi...
Već sam zaboravio, znam da sam slobodan
Sada ti kažem zbogom i molim Boga,
Oprosti joj.