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Број резултата: 5


Don't put any poison in

You'll never know
What I told her when she called
It's important that everything went well with her
Now you're the bad guy
I asked God for a life
in which I don't love you
But, I am asking, how can I lie to myself
When you're in my heart
Come on, pour me from the same
I'll drink it all up too
But don't put from the poison
that kills our hearts.
Nobody knows that but when I cry
I close my eyes so it's not apparent
Things don't last long for us
To be spending them and wasting with lies
They should've name a cigarette brand after you
So I could at least put you out
But that love that is burning inside me
Will stop my heart
Come on, pour me from the same
I'll drink it all up too
But don't put from the poison
that kills our hearts
Come here so we can make love
And drink for our health
Come, my baby, don't speak
Give life to our dreams 1
  • 1. Note that I have very little knowledge of the Greek language so if they are mistakes in the translation of the verse, I'm sorry
Please do not publish my translations anywhere without my permission.

Ovde njegova žena čuva

U poslednje vreme nisam normalna
i svi mi kažu koliko sam smršala.
Sa jednim srcem manje težim,
tvoje ruke su mi ga ukrale.
Kada ti se druga približi - ja ludim,
ali ne ljuti se na mene,
ljuti se na svoje roditelje,
što si lep rođen.
Da, istina je, nije glasina,
opasna sam za žene, ako me nerviraju.
I za dobro tražite drugog,
od malena mrzim da diraju ono što je moje.
Da, čula sam, da sam mnogo ljubomorna,
pokuša li neka da te dirne.
Na ulazu, sa klinom i čekićem,
prosto napisah ''Ovde njegova žena čuva''
Moji bivši su za tebe rekli,
da ćeš od svih njih biti najprokletiji.
Ali znam kako se iznutra od jada jedu,
zbog njih sam sada tvoja sreća.
ako druga ti kaže ''Zdravo'' predamnom.
Ti, ljuti se na svoje roditelje,
što si lep rođen.