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Tera da verujes u ljubav

Ne obracaj paznju ne
Ne obracaj paznju
na osecaju sumnje
Zalkjucaj hejtere svuda
Nece nas terati
Nece terati
Ne obracaj paznju
Jer znam da si bila povredjena
I ja znam kako cu te srediti
Nece nas terati
Nece terati
Nece nas terati
(Na na na na Na na na na)
Stavi svoje telo, svoje telo pored mog
(Na na na na Na na na na)
Stavi svoje telo pored mog
Baby kad se ovako osecas,
kad se ovako osecas,
Kazi mi da li verujes u ljubav?
Baby kad je prava stvar kao ovo,
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad je prava star kao ovo
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Baby kad se ovako osecas ,
kad se ovako osecas,
Kazi mi da li verujes u ljubav?
Baby kad je prava stvar kao ovo,
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad je prava star kao ovo
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Pusti da te branim
od ljudaka i od bola
Ne moras da poludis
Nece nas terati
Baby, dacu ti
Hejteri mrze bez obzira
Jos uvek ce mo da vrtimo na igru
Nece nas terati
Nece terati
Nece nas terati
(Na na na na Na na na na)
Stavi svoje telo, svoje telo pored mog
(Na na na na Na na na na)
Stavi svoje telo pored mog
Baby kad se ovako osecas ,
kad se ovako osecas,
Kazi mi da li verujes u ljubav?
Baby kad je prava stvar kao ovo,
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad je prava star kao ovo
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad se ovako osecas,
kad se ovako osecas
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Mozemo verovati u ljubav
Oh da
S tobom
Ne obracaj paznju
na osecaju sumnje
Zalkjucaj neprijatelje svuda
Nece nas terati
Nece terati
Baby kad se ovako osecas ,
kad se ovako osecas,
Kazi mi da li verujes u ljubav?
Baby kad je prava stvar kao ovo,
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad je prava star kao ovo
ti i ja ovako
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
(Na na na na na na)
Poverovaces mi, ljubav cemo nazvati to
Baby kad se ovako osecas,
kad se ovako osecas
Da li te tera da verujes u ljubav?


Ухватило ме је неупозорену
толико живота одједном.
Ухватило ме је тако беспомоћну
твоје истина тако несвесна.
Управо грлиш моју потребу за загрљајем
и лупаш ми прозоре
и појављујеш се великом буком.
Данас не разумем судбину, нити покушавам да то урадим.
Али долазиш испоручивајући своје начине,
измишљајући излаз,
поклањајући пролеће,
уклањајући ми страхове
сваки пут када ме прогониш, када се окренем.
И не чекаш и приближаваш се мојим уснама
и празниш моје кутије
и чиниш ме још луђом,
скидајући ми са журбом намеру
и удаљавајући моје поразе.
Правовремена случајност,
данас твој загрљај зна кућу,
добијајући ме тако слободну,
демонтирајући мој оклоп.
Управо љубиш моју потребу за пољупцем
и гризеш ми истине
и вичеш ми у тишини
данас не разумем судбину, нити покушавам да то урадим.
Али долазиш испоручивајући своје начине,
измишљајући излаз,
поклањајући пролеће
уклањајући ми страхове,
сваки пут када ме прогониш, када се окренем.
И не чекаш и приближаваш се мојим уснама
и празниш моје кутије
и чиниш ме још луђом,
скидајући ми са журбом намеру
и удаљавајући, удаљавајући моје поразе.
Али долазиш испоручивајући своје начине,
измишљајући излаз,
поклањајући пролеће,
уклањајући ми страхове
сваки пут када ме прогониш, када се окренем.
И не чекаш
и празниш моје кутије,
скидајући ми са журбом намеру
и удаљавајући моје поразе.
Али долазиш,
скидајући ми са журбом намеру
и удаљавајући моје поразе.

It's Five, Paris Wakes Up

I am the son of a station (?)
And the station does not know me
So many people leave
When it is still night
It's already five
Paris wakes up
Paris wakes up.
Bad milk will travel (?)
The proletarian to work,
While they go to bed
The artists of the Alcázar
It's already five
Paris wakes up
Paris wakes up.
Bakers bake bread
The tortilla makers marzipan, (?)
And the Crazy Saloon
The last bus leaves
It's already five
Paris wakes up
Paris wakes up.
The greengrocers are going to water
The greengrocers to scream, (?)
A cell is going to empty
And an executioner works.
It's already five
Paris wakes up
Paris wakes up.
The slaughterhouses are full
Dead meat is worth money,
Thick blood goes running
Fills the laundry rooms.
It's already five.
Paris wakes up
Paris wakes up.
Everything will be able to continue
The Tour Eiffel to culminate,
Elisha to govern
Between street and boulevard.
It's already five
Paris lights up,
It's already five
I cannot sleep.

Song of the Glazier

How fine it is
what you can see just like that
through the sand through the glass
through the window panes
here look for example
how fine it is
that woodcutter
way over there
who is cutting down a tree
to make planks
for the joiner
who has to make a big bed
for the little flower-seller
who is going to marry
the lamplighter
who lights the street lamps every evening
so that the cobbler can see
to repair the shoes of the shoe-shine boy
who brushes those of the knife-grinder
who sharpens the scissors of the hairdresser
who cuts the hair of the bird seller
who gives his birds to everyone
to put everyone in a good mood.


Dolazim na ovo mesto jer mi je potrebna pomoc
Sotona me ne zeli zato sto nisam kao oni
Ne dopadam im se zato sto ih zastrasujem
Ne zele me zato sto nisam kao oni
Zivite lazi svestenika u ime Bozijeg Sina
Koji je nestao i ostavio nas da lezimo
Savrseni zlocini crkve jagnjadi
Koja je ostala na cedilu za svoj opstanak
Na vetru covekovih krila
U cijem je srcu toliko tesko da vas edukuje
Tako ste slepi i puni vere za Sina
Da ste cak izabrali da ignorisete svakoga iza kapije!
Brzo gubim postovanje, ako im ne platim
Nece me pustiti unutra ako ih ne poslusam
Ne dopadam im se zato sto ih zastrasujem
Ne zele me zato sto nisam kao oni
Zivite lazi svestenika u ime Bozijeg Sina
Koji je nestao i ostavio nas da lezimo
Savrseni zlocini crkve jagnjadi
Koja je ostala na cedilu za svoj opstanak
Na vetru covekovih krila
U cijem je srcu toliko tesko da vas edukuje
Tako ste slepi i puni vere za Sina
Da ste cak izabrali da ignorisete svakoga iza kapije!
Pogledaj ih, zaista sam im potreban
Jos jedna dusa je udomacena
Tiha osuda ih sada hrani
Dusa za dusom, i tu nema kraja
I tako oni kontrolisu tvoje slobodno razmisljanje
Pitanja ni posto nisu odobrena
Sta vas cini tako cistim?
Zelite ovo, to mi nije jasno
Ali ja vam se nikada necu naklanjati
Zivite lazi svestenika u ime Bozijeg Sina
Koji je nestao i ostavio nas da lezimo
Savrseni zlocini crkve jagnjadi
Koja je ostala na cedilu za svoj opstanak
Svoj opstanak
Svoj opstanak
Svi, svi
Njihov opstanak
Svi, svi!
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

We're all going to die

This song is dedicated to the end of the world and the third world war.
Hooray ! Let's party !

We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The end of the world is nigh and yet we just party
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The end of the world is awaiting and we just party all the time
Nowadays only the very old people
still hope to die from old age.
As for kids, if they aren't born soon,
they'll never know what to do with Legos.
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The end of the world is nigh and yet we just party
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The apocalypse is awaiting and we just party all the time
This is the vengeance of the Good Lord,
That's what they say, those Jehovah's Witnesses.
Anyway, since they're good guys,
either they won't die, or if they do, they won't suffer.
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The end of the world is nigh and yet we just party
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The apocalypse is awaiting and we just party all the time
Osama and Georges W.
and the Israeli who are fighting against the Jews,
well over there some of them aren't Jews, rather Arabs
we don't understand a thing, but we'll get a beating anyway.
And then there's the Martians, they gonna throw fireballs at us
on purpose, just to burn us.
And then there's the giant planet-eating rabbit.
It eats planets while there are still people on them,
and that's really not a very smart move.
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The end of the world is nigh and yet we just party
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
but sometimes it's best to talk about something else.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Svaki put kad potražim te

Nikad nisam skontao zašto si ga ostavila,
ali ovaj odgovor moli to pitanje,
previše slep da vidim sutra,
previše švorc da bih tražio ili pozajmio.
Mlad i glup, ostavljen širom otvoren,
Srca su protraćena, životi uništeni.
Još jedna svrha svađe,
treba mi intervencija
Približavao sam se sa nejasnim namerama
izdao svoj kratki raspom pažnje.
Daljina, premosti granicu
Izmoli oproštaj, iza ugla.
Svaki put kad potražim te sunce zađe
i ja se zapitam kad cela ta stvar vrti se
ostavljam još jednu poruku, nikad nisi u blizini,
Ali svaki put kada potražim te snce zađe još jedanput
hoće li izdržatot, molim te zatvori vrata.
Više vremena odvojeni daće ti
još malo meseci za raspravu
je li previše ovo kroz šta se prolazi
uvek izgleda predaleko za vožnju
putokaz kući, pošalji još pisama
pomoli se sutra, bolje će se završiti.
Svaki put kad potražim te sunce zađe
i ja se zapitam kad cela ta stvar vrti se
ostavljam još jednu poruku, nikad nisi u blizini,
Ali svaki put kada potražim te snce zađe još jedanput
hoće li izdržatot, molim te zatvori vrata.
Nikad nisam učinio ništa što je tražila
nisam nikad dopustio ono što se dogodilo, ostaje u prošlosti
nisam nikad baš razumeo šta je mislila
u inat svemu, u inat svemu.
Svaki put kad potražim te sunce zađe
i ja se zapitam kad cela ta stvar vrti se
ostavljam još jednu poruku, nikad nisi u blizini,
Ali svaki put kada potražim te snce zađe još jedanput
ostavljam još jednu poruku, nikad nisi u blizini,
i ja se zapitam kad cela ta stvar vrti se
ostavljam još jednu poruku, nikad nisi u blizini,
Ali svaki put kada potražim te snce zađe još jedanput

The first time I can pinpoint with my memory

Don't worry so much about me, I'm not scared!
Please, don't leave this way!
Don't shut the door
The days of loneliness don't have to return anymore...
It's for the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
I understand what and how
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
We have a chance to change the world
Today we'll get through this blizzard together
So you don't have to be scared anymore
Because for the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
I'll stand by your side!
Go back home
Go on with your life
Open all doors,
Come out to the sun's light
Alright, but...
Yes, I know...
You wanna help
But you'd better go!
Yes, I'm alone - but free as well!
So leave, if you wanna be safe!
It's already too late!
For what is it too late?
Everybody already knows about it!
What does everybody know about?
In Arendelle it keeps,
keeps, keeps, keeps heavily snowing...
How come?
Well, you've made a total winter in the whole country
In the whole country?
But that's cool, just make spring now!
You don't understand.
I... I can't!
Oh, come one, you can, believe me!
Because for the first time I can pinpoint with my memory...
Oh, the dream about freedom beluded me!
You needn't be afraid
I won't escape from storms at the bottom of my heart!
When we'll stand hand by hand!
This curse wants sacrifices
We'll right a wrong!
Oh, I beg of you, don't say anything more, no more!
Easy there!
Fear surrounds us here!
You'll see that the fog will vanish!
There's death in tears!
We'll turn everything around together!
There won't be an eternal winter any longer!
And you'll stand in day's sunlight
Like me!
Not me!

Your name is inside

The silence is full of images today,
Yesterday is just showing a picture on the screen
Every minute is full of you,
I've been grabbed by who are you.
I hold your name inside from today
It could happen to me too, you surprised me.
Finally dimness is over
It seems, you really arrived.
Your name is inside, I see you everywhere.
Every minute is about you today.
Your face already burnt in me
Nice scene, as you danced.
Heart finally been inhabited
Chamber is gleaming because of you
You are shining my dimness with your light
The sparkle flared up
Eyes-light, sensuality, charm
You caught me by your smile
Rich hair, soft lap, burning lips.
Intention is inside, already sure.
Your name is inside, I see you everywhere.
Every minute is about you today.
Your face already burnt in me
Nice scene, as you danced.
Your name is inside, I see you everywhere.
Every minute is about you today.
Your face already burnt in me
Nice scene, as you danced.
Your name is inside 3x
Your name is inside, I see you everywhere.
Every minute is about you today.
Your face already burnt in me
Nice scene, as you danced.
Your name is inside, I see you everywhere.
Every minute is about you today.
Your face already burnt in me
Nice scene, as you danced.

From dream to reverie

Whenever a shadow glows
as winter's aftermath
As we can one day be reborn
I found love
With you
I think I'm dreaming of you so much every day you are better yet1
And from dream to reverie everywhere I am
Every night sees itself open [like] a flower
Whenever your hand draws me whenever your hearts arrives2 [to] beat [in] my heart
You're the piano player and me I am your actor
A flame of joy for two
Falls on us from a sky in love
You you who taught me so much
Me in the shadow of your life
I live I live from dream to reverie
  • 1. Lit. 'better than yourself'
  • 2. Lit. 'descends'


Oh every time i see you
When i see your eyes
My heart keeps fluttering
Your my destiny
The only person i want to protect until the end of the world
Baby ohohohoh
Baby ohohohoh
Oh every time i see you
When i see your eyes
My heart keeps fluttering
Your my destiny
The only person i want to protect until the end of the world
When you look at me
When you look at me and smile
It feels like my heart will stop
How about you
It's really hard for me to handle
All day i think of you
We went in circles for a long time
But even now
I'm allright
Oh every time i see you
When i see your eyes
My heart keeps fluttering
Your my destiny
The only person i want to protect until the end of the world
Don't leave me
Even if we can't see our futures
Will you believe in me
and wait for me
Oh my one and only
Have i ever told you
That you are my everything
Your my destiny
I want to protect you until the end of the world
Baby ohohohoh
I want to love you
Your eyes, your smile,
Even your scent
Baby ohohohoh
We are always together
I love you

The first time I can pinpoint with my memory

It managed to open the windows, the doors
Hinges withstood rust years
There are no old stains on porcelain
I won't be alone among these walls
In the ballroom they'll start to dance
Finally, the gates will open
There'll be live people in here –
It's an impossible thought
But I want this variety today
It's the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
There'll be a ball and a power of lights
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
I'll be dancing all night
And I feel joy and heartburn at once
No wonder, because for why
Today is the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
I won't be alone anymore
You have no idea how many guests there'll be
And maybe some great guy?
And in a dress like from a beautiful dream
I'll tempt guests here –
Incarnate grace, subtle style and chic
Until suddenly I'll see that
There's a handsome young man standing alone
After a few chocolates, shame will pass
Then there'll be a conversation until the morning
Time will run away like crazy
I'll meet something like this for the first time
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
There'll be magic, there'll be laughter
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
Someone will finally notice me
Although it's just crazy
Making a love plan like that
But for the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
At least I have a chance
Nobody shall know
Don't give away anything
No emotions
You must live like that from that day on
Without words, without dreams
Not to surrender to tears
Because today I can't afford
On the smallest mistake
But it's only one day
It's only one day
What's next, who knows?
What's next, who knows?
Let them open the gates. I want like that!
I want like that!
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
Nobody shall know
Don't give away anything
The days of loneliness will pass away
No emotions
You must live like that from that day on
I wanna dream this sleep with someone
Without words
I wanna be in love
Without words, without dreams
Not to surrender to tears
I know, I'll wake up tomorrow
But I'm still dreaming today
It's the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
I'm going where I want

Because We Believe

Look outside: it's morning already
This is a day you'll remember
Hurry, get up and go
There are those who believe in you
Don't give up
Once in every life
There comes a time
We walk out all alone
And into the light
The moment won't last, but then
Katherine & Semino:
We remember it again
When we close our eyes
Katherine & Semino:
Like stars across the sky
And in order to shine
You will have to win
Katherine & Semino:
We were born to shine
All of us here because we believe
Look ahead and never turn your back
On the caress
Katherine & Semino:
Of your dreams
Your hopes and then,
Turn towards the day that will be
There is a finish line there.
Katherine & Semino:
Like stars across the sky
And in order to shine
You will have to win
Katherine & Semino:
We were born to shine
All of us here because we believe
Don't give up
Katherine & Semino:
Someone is with you
Katherine & Semino:
Like stars across the sky
We were born to shine
And in order to shine
Katherine & Semino:
You will have to win
And then, you will win!
You will win!

I'll finally live happily ever after

Rapunzel: Yes, I'll finally live happily ever after1
And it's just as beautiful as in fairy tales
Everything's new and I'm feeling so free
There's so much to see
And nothing at all will stand in my way anymore
True, there's still a lot I often forget
And it doesn't always go as I like
Not so much fun, also rules and controlling yourself
That I have to admit
And still I'll live here every new day
Yes, there are corsets and ribbons and so on
Everything requires skill
But some day I'll surely be happy here
This end is really happy, so lucky
King Frederic: I finally have you here in my arms with me
I'll never let you out of sight
I'll keep every danger far away from you
This end is really happy, so lucky
Eugene: We'll live truly majestically
It came exactly as it should have
But first now it's becoming really great
For Rapunzel and me
Tonight I'll surprise her
I'll vigorously fall on my knees
And get the ring out of the case
And during the dessert, where I'll flirt some more
She'll be about to be called Rapunzel Fitzherbert
She'll be about to be called Princess Fitzherbert
Eugene & Rapunzel: Yes, I'll finally live happily ever after
The story turned out really fantastically
Eugene: So much luxury
Rapunzel: So much to do
Eugene: We're in Paradise
Rapunzel: I'll attend my duties year after year
Eugene & Rapunzel: And so at the end our dream will finally come true
Nothing will hold us back anymore
Because our future is absolutely clear
This end is really happy, so lucky
Rapunzel: So at the end my dream will finally come true
But everything seems so small to me
Everything's arranged, foreseeably planned
Is this end actually really happy, and lucky?
  • 1. Lit. 'I'll finally live happily until my end'
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Dobro vece (Dolazim po tebe)

Prijatna tama koja je daleko
Polako dolazi
Na kraju zalaska sunca koje se vidi sa zgrada
Mislim na tebe
Prevazidji tamu
I otvori ovu noc
Zelim da se najdemo, sada, Oh
Mesecina se uzdize
Pre nego sto je kasno dolazim po tebe
Zamisli kako ces biti iznenadjena, dolazim po tebe
Dolazim po tebe, dolazim po tebe
Bez ijednog razloga, dolazim po tebe
Prevazidji ovu noc, dolazim po tebe
Ako se desi da razmisljas o meni
Dolazim kod tebe sad
Veoma je pusto kada je noc
Ne zelim da izdrzim
Sada dolazim po tebe
Moje disanje postaje tesko
Prilazimo sve blize
Kada si rekla da ti nedostajem
Moje srce je postalo nestrpljivo
I zato sam ubrzao
Kao kisa na prozoru
Ti jasno sijas
Sve nase price nas teraju da ostanemo bez daha
Sto blize koracam ka tebi
Moj ceo svet se menja kroz tebe
Zelim da znam sve tvoje momente
Pre te mesecine
Mogu da osetim
Gledamo jedno drugo kroz ta vrata
Da vidimo...
Tvoje oci, nos, usne, obraz
Iako si dalje od neba
Poslacu svoje srce oblacima
Ove noci na svetloj mesecini
Mesecina se uzdize
Pre nego sto je kasno dolazim po tebe
Zamisli kako ces biti iznenadjena, dolazim po tebe
Dolazim po tebe, dolazim po tebe
Bez ijednog razloga, dolazim po tebe
Prevazidji ovu noc, dolazim po tebe
Ako se desi da razmisljas o meni
Dolazim kod tebe sad
Veoma je pusto kada je noc
Ne zelim da izdrzim
Sada dolazim po tebe
Vidim te iako si daleko, Oh
Tebe, tebe, tebe, tebe
Prevazidji ovu noc
Dolazim po tebe

It rains happiness

I'm not afraid of the stairs
The higher it gets, I want to go up higher
and climb like a climbing plant that has learned to live among the rocks
I will follow you in this journey because I've been made brave like you
Together, let's go together
Our music is not a thing of this world
I follow you in the sun, you wanderer
Your chords call me with their deep cry
Together, let's go together
No one will be able to take us down from the stars
There go your soul and mine keeping each other company, they are raining happiness.
Free like a leaf that has fallen
You dance next to me and I go with you
Angels that have never been engraved, spinning around infinity.
I will follow you in this journey because I've been made out of corals like you
Together, let's go together
Our music is not a thing of this world
I follow you in the sun, you wanderer
Your hands call me with their deep cry
Together, let's go together
No one will be able to take us down from the stars
There go your soul and mine keeping each other company, they are raining happiness.
My dear, let's go together
Together, let's go together
Our music is not a thing of this world
I follow you in the sun, you wanderer
Your hands call me with their deep cry
Together, let's go together
No one will be able to take us down from the stars
There go your soul and mine keeping each other company
My dear, let's go together
Playing for happiness

Rasipa se sreca

[Verso 1: Malú]
Nemam strah od merdevina,
sto vise se podize, vise zelim da se popnem
i da se penjem kao puzavac
koje je izmedju kamenja naucilo da zivi.
[Pre-Estribillo: Malú]
Ja cu te pratiti na ovome putu,
zato sto su me napravili od hrabrosti kao tebe.
[Estribillo 1: Malú]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
jer nasa muzika nije stvar ovoga sveta,
pratim te na suncu, vagabundo,
to su tvoje strune koje me zovu sa njihovim dubokim vriskom.
[Estribillo 2: Malú]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
sa zvezda nas niko nece moci spustiti,
tamo idu tvoja dusa i moja praveci jedna drugoj drustvo,
idu rasipajuci srecu.
[Verso 2: Alejandro Sanz]
Slobodna kao list koji je pao,
pleses pored mene i idem sa tobom,
andjeli koji se nikada nisu snimili
kruzeci beskonacno.
[Pre-Estribillo: Alejandro Sanz]
Ja cu te pratiti na ovome putu,
zato sto su me napravili od korala kao tebe.
[Estribillo 1: Malú, Alejandro Sanz]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
jer nasa muzika nije stvar ovoga sveta,
pratim te na suncu, vagabundo,
to su tvoje ruke koje me zovu sa njihovim dubokim vriskom.
[Estribillo 2: Malú, Alejandro Sanz]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
sa zvezda nas niko nece moci spustiti,
tamo idu tvoja dusa i moja praveci jedna drugoj drustvo.
[Puente: Malú]
Moj zivote, hajdemo zajedno
[Estribillo 1: Malú, Alejandro Sanz]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
jer nasa muzika nije stvar ovoga sveta,
pratim te na suncu, vagabundo,
to su tvoje ruke koje me zovu sa njihovim dubokim vriskom.
[Estribillo 2: Malú, Alejandro Sanz]
Zajedno, hajdemo zajedno,
sa zvezda nas niko nece moci spustiti,
tamo idu tvoja dusa i moja praveci jedna drugoj drustvo.
[Final: Malú, Alejandro Sanz]
Moj zivote, hajdemo zajedno
i svirajmo zbog srece.

Kada bih ti verovao

Imam šupljinu Božjeg oblika
Koja je zaražena
I skemeni me pomisao da ostajem sam, o
To je patetično, znam
I bacio sam se i okretao po krevetu
Kao da sam izgubio pamet (izgubio pamet)
A kada bih ti verovao, da li bi ovo prestalo?
Ako ti kažem da mi trebaš, da li je to ono što želiš?
I slomljen sam i krvarim i molim za pomoć
I pitam te, Isuse, pokaži se
Pomislio sam da sam te sreo jednom ili dva puta
Ali to je bilo samo zbog toga što su stvarčice bile fine i otvorile moj um
Pokazati mi svest je primarno u svemiru i došao sam do otkrića
Ja biću dete tvoje ako insistiraš
Pa mislim, ako si ti napravio moje telo
Verovatno nije trebalo učiniti me ateistom
Ali o, ja sam lezbejski poljubac
Ja sam evangelista
A ako ne želite da krenete u pakao i promašite, bolje da počnete da prodajete ove priče, da
A kada bih ti verovao, da li bi ovo prestalo?
Ako ti kažem da mi trebaš, da li je to ono što želiš?
I slomljen sam i krvarim i molim za pomoć
I pitam te, Isuse, pokaži se
Ako sam izgubljen, kako da se pronađem?
Ako sam izgubljen, kako da se pronađem?
Ako sam izgubljen, kako da se pronađem?
Ako sam izgubljen, o, kako onda da se pronađem?
Ako sam izgubljen, o, kako onda da se pronađem?
Ako sam izgubljen, kako da se pronađem?
Kako onda da se pronađem?
Ako sam sada izgubljen onda kako da se pronađem?
Da, da, da
Ako sam sada izgubljen onda kako da se pronađem?
Da da

I don't love

Your innocent eyes can't stop me
My heart is so wounded, you don't care
It can't be done by only one
Whatever I do that can't go on
Always lies, always excuses, your job never ends
I don't love, I don't love
I can't come without noticing any of your lies
In that way you make me to worry
I can't come to this kind of love

Nije bitno

Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
U redu, spreman sam sada, spreman sada
Neću, neću da padnem nazad, ne
U redu, preuzeću, preuzeću na sebe
Preuzeću, hmm, dušo
Sve što pitam, što pitam
Je da li, je da li ćeš mi biti ljubavnica?
Večeras, i ponesi, ponesi to sa mnom
Ponesi to sa mnom
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno
U redu, spreman sam sada
Neću, neću se zaustaviti sada, ne
U redu, preuzeću, preuzeću na sebe
Preuzeću na sebe, ohh dušo
Sve što pitam, što pitam
Je da li, je da li želiš da vidiš moju vatru?
Večeras, i ponesi, ponesi to sa mnom
Ponesi to sa mnom, hmm dušo?
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno
Šta ako bih otišao a da to nema smisla
I rekla bi svojim prijateljima
I oni bi te držali za ruku
Dušo, nije bitno, nije bitno
Nije bitno, nije bitno

At nine o'clock

What do you mean, you have to go? I just saw you arriving
You just give me in a while what you have to give
I hope it's a joke, even though I really understand it
You neither want honesty nor for me to continue lying to you
I know you're leaving at nine, I know I'm dying at ten
You know, I'm by your side, don't beg me that this
When the night shuts down you'll give me one single kiss
My mind is tired and my skin leaves with you
You explained it to me a thousand times already, what I see is what you are
I know you're leaving at nine, I know I'm dying at ten
I cannot give guarantees
If it goes out everyday, I don't know if I can wait
I wanted to make it easy for you, distance is not the end
But i don't want to give myself over and for something to die inside me
I know already, you have no idea, you leave and I stay
I only will forgive you because I don't want anything else
I know you're leaving at nine, I know I'm dying at ten
I know you're leaving at nine, I know I'm dying at ten
At nine, I'm dying at ten

Uvek Biti

Druze moj, ti si infekcija
Krajnje si odvratan
Zar tada to nisam znao?
Znao sam, znao sam
Ti si prost, ali tezak za definisanje
Jednostavan ali nekako subliman
Znao sam da ces ponovo napasti
Znao sam, Znao sam
Ti si sve sto je pogresno
Sa tvojom glupom pesmom
To je sve sto ces ikada biti
Ne mozes nista da ucinis
Zato sto je to sve sto ces ikada biti
Isplorian, svetlucas kada si obasjan
Ali si truo i kipis iznutra
Svako pada na tu foru
Znao sam, Znao sam
Ti si sve sto je pogresno
Sa tvojom glupom pesmom
To je sve sto ces ikada biti
Ne mozes nista da ucinis
Zato sto je to sve sto ces ikada biti
Uvek biti, nikada ne biti, zelis da budes bog
Sve ces biti, stvoren si da budes, drzis sina
Bacas to, slamas to, iznad sopstvenog groba
Saljem te nazad odakle si i dosao
Mora da je tesko biti na tvom mestu
Nista nije uredu sa tobom
Ti si sve sto je pogresno
Sa tvojom glupom pesmom
To je sve sto ces ikada biti
Ne mozes nista da ucinis
Zato sto je to sve sto ces ikada biti
Uvek biti/nikada ne biti/ zelis biti (Ponavlja se)
Ti to nikada neces biti (Ponavlja se)
Zelis da budes Bog (Ponavlja se)
Bog je sve (Ponavlja se)
Sve je nestalo (Ponavlja se)
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

My Love, My Vanita*

My love, my Vanita,
Her weird** eyes are beautiful,
Past her teeth you can see the universe,
Her... memories kill molerats.
(Hey! It's 'Her farts' not 'Her memories'!
Uncle! There's a young boy here.)
Her hair feels just like a broom,
Her voice is as sweet as a crow's,
She would have become my bride,
Had I been a dependable young man.


Calm down, don´t need to hurt me, no
Put this gun down, I´ve already raised my hands
Take away whatever that has value
It´s not a robbery, it´s a favour you´re making me
Take away the impregnated car
By the scent she was using
Take away this wedding ring, it has no value to me
Wait, where are you going?
The most importante you don´t want to take
Take away my cell phone
Cause if I drink, I will want to call her
Crying, begging her to come back
You can take it, you can take it
Take away my cell phone
Cause if I drink, I will want to call her
Crying, begging her to come back
You can take it, take everything, without pity
Thankfully I don´t know
her number by heart
Calm down, don´t need to hurt me, no
Put this gun down, I´ve already raised my hands
Take away whatever that has value
It´s not a robbery, it´s a favour you´re making me
Take away the impregnated car
By the scent she was using
Take away this wedding ring, it has no value to me
Wait, where are you going?
The most importante you don´t want to take
Take away my cell phone
Cause if I drink, I will want to call her
Crying, begging her to come back
You can take it, you can take it
Take away my cell phone
Cause if I drink, I will want to call her
Crying, begging her to come back
You can take it, take everything, without pity
Thankfully I don´t know
her number by heart

Do your best

Tonight, I’ve fallen to my knees once again
But even though it tough, I’ll stand up again
And should I fall again, I’ll stand up and go on running
There will never be renounce for me
You can’t simply flap your wings Even if you fall, you will rise
Nobody can learn without trial and error
There’s no renounce, I’m not going down
I’ll go right to the end and start again
I’m not leaving I’ll try everything
I’ll keep challenging even though I could fail
There’s no renounce, I’m not going down
I’ll go right to the end and start again
I’m not leaving I’ll try everything
I’ll keep challenging even though I could fail
Oh oh oh oh oh Do your best
Oh oh oh oh oh Try hard
Oh oh oh oh oh Do your best
Oh oh oh oh oh
Look at your back
It filled about love
It’s alright, now you have a rest.
Don’t bear yourself up
You don’t do that
Because you are in here, most shinning than others.
There’s no renounce, I’m not going down
I’ll go right to the end and start again
I’m not leaving I’ll try everything
I’ll keep challenging even though I could fail
There’s no renounce, I’m not going down
I’ll go right to the end and start again
I’m not leaving I’ll try everything
I’ll keep challenging even though I could fail
I don’t afraid about making mistake
I’ll turn every day in a new day
I’m not afraid
Oh oh oh oh oh Do your best
Oh oh oh oh oh Try hard
Oh oh oh oh oh Do your best
Do your best

Love lasts

How can a moment be stopped?
Actually nothing is forever
But if there is love for us
All the rest will be enough
Joy fills our hearts
It catches us for some instants
Everything comes and goes
Love lasts
Minutes (turn) to hours
Days to years and then
Although all seems lost
Love still remains inside of us
Some moments were
Filled with difficulties
But knowing some difficult moments is important
Not to have a half-life
Then when the dark sneaks up on us
When the sorrow catches us
We'll still feel that
Love lasts
How can a moment be stopped?
Despite troubles and darkness
Oh, love is a feeling
Of pureness and of beauty
Love blooms like a flower
And it can make any fear disappear
It makes us whole, it binds us and it warms us up
Love lasts
Minutes (turn) to hours
Days to years and then
When it already seems like all is lost
There is still love inside if us
How can a moment be stopped?
With the love inside of us

I'd like to [I'll Try]

I am old enough by now
And I know reality
But I will never give up
And I don't want to cry
Not me, not me...
I don't have trust anymore
Now I don't believe anymore
In those beautiful stories always full of poetry, magic and fantasy
I'd like to...
to succeed to believe in it also
I'd like to
that, that one day it was mine
I'd like to....I'd like to....I'd like to
Everything is changing and no one knows where it's going
I can't wait anymore for
the day in which my city will burn
I'd like to...to succeed to in it also
I'd like to...
that, that one day it was mine
I'd like to...I'd like to
And sooner or later, I will understand, that the difference is there....
between true love, and that fear, hidden inside me...
Now finally, I can also believe in those beautiful stories
always full of poetry, magic and fantasy...
Now I too, I can believe by now in that
Me too, and I will fly sooner or later...
Me too...Me too...me too...me too......
With you.

I will achieve my goal

I have fallen to the very bottom long ago
But that's only your fault
I'm evil, but it's all right, I'm not ashamed of myself
You'll pay a heavy price
[If] It's time to attack
Or to back down
There's only one right answer
I will rise off the knees
I move on and fight
I am ready, I am ready, that's for sure
I will achieve my goal
[If] It's time to attack
Or to back down
There's only one right answer
I swear on my weapon
I will achieve my goal
Are you ready?
I'm in! 1
[Pete & Stan:]
We're in!
[Royal Guards:]
We're ready!
I will achieve my goal
Do you think we can do this?
Together we will succeed!
I will be heard!
[Royal Guards:]
[If] It's time to attack
Or to back down...
They will trust me!
[Royal Guards:]
There's only one right answer
I will save my home and my family
[Royal Guards:]
There comes a moment
And there's no doubt
And I'm in!
I'm in!
[Rapunzel & Frederic:]
I'm in!
I will achieve my goal
  • 1. also can be translated as 'I am with you' which is more literal but not completely wrong

Life is a cherry

Life is a cherry
Death is a stone*
Love, a cherry tree.

dve nevesti

Dve nevesti tikve brale bre
Dve nevesti tikve brale bre
Kude brale tu zaspale bre, bre, bre tu zaspale bre
Kude brale tu zaspale bre, bre, bre tu zaspale bre
Svekrva gi razbudila bre
Svekrva gi razbudila bre
oj neveste mrzelivke bre, bre, bre aj stanujte bre
oj neveste mrzelivke bre, bre, bre aj stanujte bre
Neveste se razlutile bre
Neveste se razlutile bre
pa počnale da se karat bre, bre, bre pa zborile bre
pa počnale da se karat bre, bre, bre pa zborile bre
Perva vika oj ti svekre bre
Perva vika oj ti svekre bre
oj svekrvo kotrljavo bre, bre, bre kotrljavo bre
oj svekrvo kotrljavo bre, bre, bre kotrljavo bre
Druga vika oj ti svekre bre
Druga vika oj ti svekre bre
oj ti svekre divi vepre bre, bre, bre divi vepre bre
oj ti svekre divi vepre bre, bre, bre divi vepre bre

I'll Try (Hetalia Multilanguage)

I'm not a child now
I can take care of myself so well
And I will show them now
I can't show that I'm weak
I'm perfectly okay
I rarely bother to listen
I am too old for that
Mother's childish thoughts
I see nothing in faith, trust and pixie dust
_________,I don't see like you anymore
If I can, If I can
If I can
abandoned in this city
in flames, hmm, a city in tears.
But sometimes, I want to believe it
I try,
but I can't see it
I try
but It's impossible
I try and try
To understand the distance in between
The love I feel, the things I fear
And every single dream
In the distance sparkles
a star there which is blue
Full of wonderful stories,
for no man can deam without it.
Magic and fantasy....
now i can believe in it myself too
So much
I can see what you see
So much, So much
I can fly
Fly, I'm flying in the wind

The end has come, my revenge lives [Ready as i'll ever be]

- The time is near, your highness -
Now i'm the one who undertook,
The role of the bad.
And the desire for revenge heats me, it drives me more and more.
- Varian! -
Silence! I know, i'm not a saint,
But the wound is too big, which was carved into
my heart by the shadow of the past.
- Please, Listen to me! -
Words don't affect me, because i have to make a life-changing step,
There's no way back.
Nothing distracts me,
Now i have to fight!
And i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid!
I keep the goal in mind!
We have to fight, with every single enemy.
Who is a coward, [that should] run away right now!
This sword blade calls everyone into battle,
Who is not afraid!
I'm not afraid, i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid!
We keep the goal in mind!
Our victory might have a narrow squeak.
As long as i see you, there's hope.
The revenge will be done!
Now the battle is waiting for me!
I have to protect, who i love!
And i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid!
The end has come, my revenge lives.