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Број резултата: 477


I Might Not See You in Weeks

I might not see you in weeks,
In months, in years, in lives.
Do you remember, my darling, how we wanted
To reread letters till morning?
To look for hugs behind words,
For kisses behind full stops,
And then suddenly — bam! — of all things,
It all got crumpled, it was for nothing...
I never liked squares,
Too crowded for my taste, too chaotic,
But I know that you pass them
On your way to the same bakery.
I follow your trail, I pry on you,
I look for signs of you as a tracker dog...
How close you are, how distant
In this hell-like chaos!
And, disconcerted by the wild wind,
I make my way through chunky buildings,
Suddenly, I start hoping that the me of tomorrow
Shall catch up with you, shall reach you!
I shall tug at your sleeve gently,
My heartbeat shall pick up...
'Oh my darling, do you believe me?
Darling, it's the me of yesterday!
I might not see you in weeks...
(repeated multiple times)

Be A Mountain And Don't Bind your Heart

She left, she left...
For my own sake I wish she was staying forever
What a shame it won't be possible to feel this or that
That this won't happen again in the reality
That your memory can't be pure
Her eyes, her eyes...
A blue sea filled with boats
Sailing, pulled along by a wind of love of your scent
Your scent, your scent...
A wind of your scent...
Be a mountain and don't bind yourheart
Be a river but stay still
You can cry, but don't be sad
The heights of your laughter
Don't forget your promise
It won't hurt you so
Don't forget life and sometimes
Don't forget you're alive
I want you, but free
That your scent should never be sad
My tears make a wish for you
That you won't be sad
Be a mountain and don't bind your heart
She left, for my own sake I wish she was staying forever
What a shame it won't be possible to feel this or that
That this won't happen again in the reality
Her eyes, her eyes, her eyes...
The heights of your laughter
Her eyes, her eyes

I love her

come on get up, sun
stay awake tonight
you're not allowed to set tonight
this day is unforgettable
our love will be renewed
my, oh, my, how I love her so!
years have passed and still
she's the one my heart trembles every time I see her
her you go, my heart, watch
draw yourself in the sky
let the whole world see
her name glowing inside of you
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


For you!

Do you remember our childhood?
Do you remember I was fighting till I bled?
For you, for you, for you!
My mama had problems with my broken knee or eyebrow.
For you!
And then there were countries with highways.
For you, for you, for you!
Mujahideen were shooting and only one thing kept me alive: You!
A birthmark looks like a grain on your shoulder
I'll drain my glass to the dregs for you!
For you, for you, for you!
I have sung a lot of songs on the night boulevards
For you, for you, for you!
The guys were surprised because I had never sung for anyone else
For you!
I'll go through every sunset and sunrise again and again
For you, for you, for you!
Do you remember our childhood?
I was fighting till I bled for you!
For you!
A birthmark looks like a grain on your shoulder
I'll drain my glass to the dregs for you!
For you, for you, for you!

keep me in your heart

keep me in your mind, be a piece of me
whoever falls in love with you cannot love anyone else
count on your hands why and why I can't live without you
how I love you so, how only God knows what's in me
keep me in your mind, be a piece of me
whoever falls in love with you cannot love anyone else
you're the warmth that takes away my wearies when you're with me
and you long for my embrace
I want to hide you from the whole world, only the one whose mother prayed for him shall have you
count on your hands why and why
I can't live without you
how I love you so, how only God knows what's in me
keep me in your mind, be a piece of me
whoever falls in love with you cannot love anyone else
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Ne postoji niko drugi

Secam se tog dana,
Kao da je juce bilo,
Ne postoji nista kao sto je ona,
Nije me cak ni nasla,
Jos uvek se secam,
Kada sam je poljubio,
Bila je moja prva ljubav,
I sada pisem za nju pesmu,
Ima jos nesto,
Neobjasnjivo kao pogled njen,
Neuporedivo na koji nacin me gleda,
I pokusava da sakrije da nije dobro,
Cuvacu te tokom noci,
Volecu te bez pogovora,
Nedostajaces mi u oluji,
Iako postoji hiljadu razloga da odustanem,
Ne postoji niko drugi,
Ne postoji niko drugi,
Odnela je sve, odnela je tugu,
Vise ne postoji mestu kod melanholije,
Jer sa njom, sve ima vise smisla,
Poneo sam sa sobom njene suze,
A stigli su mi osmesi,
Kada smo zajedno Zemlja se paralise,
Paralise se,
Ima jos nesto,
Neobjasnjivo kao pogled njen,
Neuporedivo na koji nacin me gleda,
I pokusava da sakrije da nije dobro,
Cuvacu te tokom noci,
Volecu te bez pogovora,
Nedostajaces mi u oluji,
Iako postoji hiljadu razloga da odustanem,
Cuvacu te tokom noci,
Volecu te bez pogovora,
Nedostajaces mi u oluji,
Iako postoji hiljadu razloga da odustanem,
Ne postoji niko drugi,
Ne postoji niko drugi,
Ne zelim nikog drugog,
Ne postoji niko drugi,
Ne postoji.

I adore you

You tame with your stare, disturb the peace.
You daydream about taking me away with you,
Kidnap, catch, don't let go
And you want to find out all my secrets
And I'm ready, you hear,
To be closer to you.
Let's forget about everything in the world1
We are the only ones on the whole planet.
I adore you,
I fly away with you
Higher to the stars
And I'm not returning.
I adore you
And I'm dissolving
Into love without a trace.
This is so sweet..
This is so sweet..
There are goosebumps on [my] skin and [I am] trembling.2
I fall asleep on your chest under the summer rain.
And you only lose control with me.
I feel that you're mine. Mm
Yes, I know, you hear
All you can breathe.
No more secrets, no more taboos.
I want you to tell me this so much:
I adore you,
I fly away with you
Higher to the stars
And I'm not returning.
I adore you
And I'm dissolving
Into love without a trace.
This is so sweet..
This is so sweet..
I adore you,
I adore you,
I adore you,
I adore you,
I fly away with you
Higher to the stars
And I'm not returning.
I adore you
And I'm dissolving
Into love without a trace.....
I adore you,
I fly away with you
Higher to the stars
And I'm not returning.
I adore you
And I'm dissolving
Into love without a trace.
This is so sweet..
  • 1. The word 'свет' usually means 'light', but it can also mean 'world' in some contexts, such as this one. The more common word for 'world' is 'мир' (which can also
    mean 'peace').
  • 2. 'Бросает в дрожь' is an expression that literally means 'puts (someone) in tremor'. It means to make someone shudder or tremble.

Od tebe nema drazeg

Imaj strpljenja jos minut podeli ovu vecnost sa mnom.Uzdigni iznad propasti snove nas dvoje.Niti drug,niti neprijatelji smo mi,jednostavno vece umorne ljubavi.Nismo razumeli gubljenje snage.
Nema drazeg od tebe,nije bilo i nece se naci!A srce je vezala jedna ljubavna prica.
Nema drazeg od tebe.Nije bilo i nece se naci!Stvorili smo ovaj raj sa tobom gde cemo biti samo mi.
Nema drazeg od tebe.Nije bilo i nece se naci.A srce je vezala jedna ljubavna prica.Nema drazeg od tebe!Nije bilo i nece se naci!Stvorili smo ovaj raj sa tobom gde cemo biti samo mi.
Nema drazeg od tebe!Nije bilo i nece se naci!A srce je vezala jedna ljubavna prica.

The Sky Colour Love

So hard to say ...
Simple words…
For simple warmth ...
It's so hard to wait ...
And who was wrong* ..
And who is not right** ...
The silent winter will forget ...
And there is no more strength ...
To overcome yourself ...
To lose you ...
To leave and to stay ...
So little of you ...
But much one cannot
Breaks and drives me crazy ...
Forgive me, Mom,
Such things happen
The sky colour love
Penetrates me ....
It fills me ...
From the very sky to the bottom ...
Forgive me, Mom,
Nobody will know,
Her like you
Now I miss ...
From the very sky to the bottom
There is no one like her
The only, the only, the only...
The only, the only, the only...
So hard to understand ...
When you're different ...
Such love
Such desires ...
And something inside ...
Still hurts ...
I wish to hear what it is being said ...
So many reasons
One on one…
Into quarantine
I will put my consciousness ...
Just understand ...
Love has no rules!
No one can change!
Forgive me, Mom,
Such things happen
The sky colour love
Penetrates me ....
It fills me ...
From the very sky to the bottom ...
Forgive me, Mom,
Nobody will know,
Her like you
Now I miss ...
From the very sky to the bottom
There is no one like her
Forgive me, Mom,
Such things happen
The sky colour love
Penetrates me ....
It fills me ...
From the very sky to the bottom ...
Forgive me, Mom,
Nobody will know,
Her like you
Now I miss ...
From the very sky to the bottom
There is no one like her
The only, the only, the only...
The only, the only, the only...
Forgive me, Mom...

Let me drink wine

Tra, la, la, la...
Don't tell me not to drink
let me drink this wine,
I say, don't tell me not to drink
that maybe one day
I'd want to do it and might not be able to,
because I lack happiness.
A child got lost,
track to Santa Eulalia,
a child got lost,
my goodness, Candelaria!
made her1 find God
and orbs2 I prayed for her.
  • 1. ''hicirmela'', what's that?
  • 2. Not sure
Just learning.

Пре употребе прочитај упутсво

Желиш, желиш да ме имаш -
бесан си, страшан си, дивљи си, не прихваташ: 'Не!'
Држиш, држиш и не пушташ,
добро си загризао! (као да си луд)
Али када се са мном ухватиш
и када ме рукама обухватиш,
бићу добра и рећи ћу ти целу истину!
Пре него ме употребиш, рећи ћу ти -
читај упутство да после не плачеш!
Упозорен за споредне ефекте!
дођи, са мном буди, али да знаш - боли!
Пре него ме употребиш - рећи ћу ти
читај упутство, да после не плачеш!
Узми, испиј ме, затвори очи и гутај,
прихвати да ћеш бити мој!
Играј до краја кад започеш -
мувај ме, подигни ме и направи ме још луђом!
Играј са жељом до краја,
настави уверљиво! (и настави даље)
Али када се са мном ухватиш
и када ме рукама обухватиш,
бићу добра и рећи ћу ти целу истину!
Рефрен: (х3)
Пре него ме употребиш, рећи ћу ти -
читај упутство да после не плачеш!
Упозорен за споредне ефекте!
дођи, са мном буди, али да знаш - боли!
Пре него ме употребиш - рећи ћу ти
читај упутство, да после не плачеш!
Узми, испиј ме, затвори очи и гутај,
прихвати да ћеш бити мој!

Curls Or Not

I have a two years old son with big, blond curls
I have a three years old boy with big, brown eyes
Well, but I just have one more than you do
Okay, maybe so, but none are better than mine
'Cause he's just so special if I say so myself
Curls or not, we love our children
Brown eyes or not, you love your children
'Cause one thing's a certain
We hope that everyone will get what they want
If they're four or sixty, if they have curls or not
'Cause one thing's a certain
We hope that everyone will get what they want
Whether they're four or sixty, whether they have curls or not
Long live all children
Bright curls or not, we love our children
Brown eyes or not, you love your children
'Cause one thing's a certain
We hope that everyone will get what they want
Whether they're four or sixty, whether they have curls or not
(Long live children, whether they have curls or not)
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

I'm Up (I'm In My Chaos)

I'm up, in the clouds I fly,
When I hold you in my embrace baby,
I'm up, I don't know where I'm going,
I only know one thing, how much I love you.
I'm in my chaos,
When I have you next to me,
And when you are apart,
My sadness eats at me.
I'm up, in the clouds I fly,
When I look into your eyes baby,
I'm up, no one can catch me,
With your love, you have made me into a bird.
I'm in my chaos,
When I have you next to me,
And when you are apart,
My sadness eats at me

Diamonds and cherries

On evenings like this
I want to kiss the pistol
Lay a cherry on my head
And say thanks and farewell
And I open the door
With a bang
That takes me over the bridge
And through a mountain and
Up on the top
Say good night to my body
Give yourself to the wind and let the legend live on
But she wants to see colors
And I show her grey
She does what she wants
I do a few things I must do
Like breaking bottles
Sidewalk curbs
The closest I come
Diamonds and cherries
Diamonds and cherries
Diamonds and cherries
Diamonds and cherries
Because it's me and you
In the world's most beautiful lie
Come on, come on
We're fooling ourselves tonight, oh oh
And the days spin
Around bottles and women
I disappear into the light
And sell the shine so cheaply
So I straighten my back
And pull myself through the storm
Come with me and bask in the sorrow
Up on the top
Say good night to my body
Give yourself to the wind and let the legend live on
But she wants to see colors
And I am just blue
She does what she wants
I do a few things I must do
Like breaking bottles
Sidewalk curbs
The closest I come
Diamonds and cherries
Diamonds and cherries
Diamonds and cherries
Diamonds and cherries
Because it's me and you
In the world's most beautiful lie
Come on, come on
We're fooling ourselves again to just - boom
Give ourselves over
While they just, they
They sleep
And we just
Give ourselves over
To diamonds and cherries...

An elevator ride to heaven

My beautiful sir that I've seen once on technicolor TV
This is the last letter I'm writing to you
I'll no longer need this pocket mirror with your picture on it
It's time for me to get married today
My beautiful sir--I do not love him and that's the truth
You're the one playing the lead role in my every dream
But a girl can't go through life all by herself
That's just life--you know that, don't you
Here they come, with a wedding dress and a veil for me
The Gypsy band is waiting to play their music
The horse's tail is swishing in rhythm with the music
Its hooves are clip-clopping the wedding march away
They'll throw some rice on me for good luck
A crowd of guests will sing a song out of tune
They'll push a golden ring on my finger
And put me in an elevator going up to heaven (x2)
My beautiful sir, I was so nervous I couldn't sleep
So I couldn't dream of you today
And so I'm leaving you with no goodbye, quite suddenly
Somebody has shut the door between us
They'll throw some rice on me for good luck
A crowd of guests will sing a song out of tune
They'll push a golden ring on my finger
And put me in an elevator going up to heaven (x2)
They'll throw some rice on me for good luck
A crowd of guests will sing a song out of tune
They'll push a golden ring on my finger
And put me in an elevator going up to heaven (x2)

A heart by half

They sewed me the heart, piece by piece
Now it seems to beat again
At the rhythm of deafening news
And it pulses, pulses, and it wiggles, breaks in thousand pieces
And it still searches
They're many questions, they're only questions
Until you won't tell this humanity
they're only questions, they're many questions
Tell me the world: we deserve more
Than a heart by half
They left me alone
Abbandoned in the surface,
Hard and egoist
Then shout me this truth
That survives at any cost, it illudes and changes idea
And still searches
They're many questions, marked in stories
From the anxiety and humanity faces
I'd like to understand, try to unite
The pieces of a heart
Broken by half
What will it be of us?
But we know the answers
We suffocated them
And that's demeaning how it hurts
How it hurts
You blow on it, tell us the world
Maybe a heart is going to wake up
A heart by half
What will it be of us?
Heart by half

To Forget

I know you do not mind showing up today
And you know how it hurts to tell you no more
but it is that to love you need two
And you have not been around for a long time
And although it sounds like a lie, I was better
Life taught me how to live without you
And I could be happy even though you're not here
Understand that I do not want you to say sorry
And insecurity gets into me
You know I never knew how to tell you no
To forget
Give me back my dreams
Keep your voice
And even if you do not want to see him, we are no longer two
I'm going to be strong, I do not want to see you
to forget
what you felt inside if you were here
Your kisses, my songs, the sleepless nights
You already know how it feels, I do not want to see you
to forget oh oh oh oh oh oh
To forget oh oh oh oh oh oh
I have sworn in a thousand songs not to be with you anymore
Then comes always madness and I am your friend again
But it is that to love you need two
And you have not been around for a long time
And although it sounds like a lie, I was better
to forget
Give me back my dreams
Keep your voice
I came to lose the fear of staying all alone
When it hurts that you're not around, I ignore it
you have to cry in order to laugh
To forget you have to suffer oh oh oh
To forget

Everything I need

Balance to the sky
The court is the only thing I know
Only one thing I need
This marble
[Which] smells like incense
[And] this Gordian temple
Is everything I need
That's my home
There is my brother, father, mother,
Every stone, it's all there
There are my things,
My place, my entire world
My ancestors lived there
And now it's my turn
I am the Prince of Egypt*
I'm the son who passes the faith
I'm proud of these [things]
[And] I know that this is everything I need
Everything I need {2x}
This is the home that you know
The river wanted you and saved you
I told you the truth, be happy that you're here
Your fate is a gift from heaven
Be thankful for it
You said 'keep it up!' So I did.

I love you

everytime I try to forget
the memory brings me back
and you should know, I still you and see you from time to time
your farewell, oh your farewell
broke my heart and tormented me
and I vow to love you until the day of judgment 1
my love, do you know what
in your absence wearies me so much?
I feel like you've suddenly slipped right out of my hand in the blink of an eye
no one else makes me cry
and no one else makes me happy
everyone is around me and I'm still waiting for you to come
  • 1. when the whole world arises from death and stand up to be judged by God and then either be thrown to hell or enter heaven
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


I love you so much I could cry

Raise your stare to this christmas sky
Wish for all your dreams to come true.
My life was not so happy before I met you.
This is just for you. You love them so,
these white flowers.
I love you so much I could cry,
every sigh feels like the first time.
Instead of deceitful words,
here is a cloud of roses.
I shall make you a bed
of white roses petals.
I love you up to tears,
I love you madly.
The delicacy of your pale skin,
the beauty of your divine hair,
I worship you, nothing is more precious,
and for us it is just the beginning.
I love you so much I could cry.
I love you so much I could cry.
every sigh feels like the first time.
Instead of deceitful words,
here is a cloud of roses.
I shall make you a bed
of white roses petals.
I love you up to tears,
I love you madly.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Grateful to you

Versions: #2
I’m thankful to be alive
In this town, where melodies thrive
In currents candid and clandestine.
I'm grateful to have been your fool,
That, when others played it icy and cool,
Your heart was opening and melting.
For each quarrel and every sigh,
Eternity, the blink of an eye,
This burnt-out star that still revolves around you.
For the laughter and the tears,
Fond farewell and souvenirs—
But, most of all, I’m grateful to you.
For the laughter and the tears,
Fond farewell and souvenirs—
Yes, most of all, I’m grateful to you.
I’m thankful for all that was willed,
What was fated and now fulfilled,
That another will come to know your fruition.
It matters not whom you prefer to me
I still love all that you were with me—
And this gratitude needs no permission.
For each quarrel and every sigh,
Eternity, the blink of an eye,
This burnt-out star that still revolves around you
For the laughter and the tears,
Fond farewell and souvenirs—
But, most of all, I’m grateful to you.
For the laughter and the tears,
Fond farewell and souvenirs—
But, most of all, I’m grateful to you,
Yes, most of all, I’m grateful to you.
English text © Thomas Beavitt, 2017


Ona ide sa mnom ali nisam joj drug
još odavno sam mogao biti nešto više
Iako njeno srce ima bravu
niko ne zna da ja imam ključ
Odavno sam je naučio da se zaljubi
Ono što ona voli jeste da joj pevam na uho noću
da je gledam da joj pričam da je volim ponovo
Traži da dam srce samo njoj
kažem joj da me je sanjala ponovo
Ono što ona voli je...(ponovo,ponovo)
ona mi traži da...(ponovo,ponovo)
Voli kad joj dam ram pam pa pa pam
jer kaže da joj dajem ono što drugi nemaju
Kaže da kada sam tu,tuga odlazi
čim me nema oseća se tako usamljeno
Kao Eva u raju bez Adama
provodi noći hladne,dane bez sunca
Zato što sam ja taj koji joj daje toplinu
kada joj je hladno i nikada ne zaspim
Davao sam joj nežnost i ljubav i ranije
Ja je lečim i mazim i činim srećnom
kažem joj volim te i ona kaže voli me
Obožava kako pevam
obožavam kako pleše
i lomi bokove kao da su od plastike
Oh vau,dobijam infarkt
moje srce bije brže
Zato što je ona moja superzvezda
njen dečko sam ja
Ono što ona voli je...
Njoj se sviđa kako pevam
a meni se sviđa njeno lice
I zamera mi što nisam svetac
ali istog trenutka me doziva
Jer ne želi da bude sama,ne ostavljam je samu
i plašim se da budem zaljubljen
ali jedno voli onog koga voli
Ono što ona voli je...


Oh no no Yatra Yatra she goes with me but I'm not her friend
For a very long time I can be something more and even though her heart has a key nobody knows but I have a key , for a very long time I learned to fall in love What she likes is that I sing to her ear in the night I look at her I say to her I love her again, she asks him to give his heart only to her I tell her that she has me dreaming again what she likes is that (again, again) she asks him that (again, again) what she likes is that I give her Pam pa pa pam because she says I give her, what other don't give She says when I am, the sadness goes but not being I feel so lonely again like Eve in the paradise without Adam
Cold nights and days pass without sun because I'm the one who gives her warmth when it's cold and I never fall asleep I give her affection and love before I pamper her, I indulge her and I make her happy I tell her mami I love you and she tells me I love you papi She's a fan of who I sing I'm a fan of how she dances and breaks hips as If they were made of plastic oh.... wow She got me hooked she got my accelerated heart beating of so much love because she's my super star I'm her stud I'm her stud ( I'm here stud) what she likes is that I sing to her ear in the night that I look at her that I say to her I love you once again she asks him to give his heart only to her I tell her that she has me dreaming once again what she likes is that (once again, once again) she asks him that (once again, once again) Yatra Yatra She likes how I sing I like her face and she wants me I'm not a saint but she calls me anyway cause she doesn't want to be all alone I won't leave her alone and I'm afraid of being in love but one loves whoever he loves what she likes is that I sing to her ear in the night I look at her I say to her I love you once again she asks him to give his heart only to her I tell her that she has me dreaming once again
What she likes is that oh......Wow she got me hooked oh....Wow she got me hooked oh....Wow she got me hooked oh....Wow (once again, once again) Yatra Yatra (once again, once again)

Ratni Ožiljci

Rana zarasta,ali to nikada ne čini
Zato što si u ratu sa ljubavlju
U ratu si sa ljubavlju, da
Ovi borbeni ožiljci,ne izgledaju kao da nestaju
Ne izgledaju kao da će ikad otići
Nikad se neće promeniti
Ove bitke
Nikad ne dozvoljavam da me rana uništi
Ali osećam se kao da me ruševina vuče
Strele koje se nikad ne zatvaraju od kupida u pucnjavi
Osećam se glupo zato što znam da to nismo ti i ja
Ali kada pokusavaš da pobediš
Pokušavaš da zadržiš svoje klimanje i znaš da treba da znaš
I pusti je da ide ali strah od nepoznatog
Držeći drugog jakog ljubavnika šalje te nazad u zonu
Bez Toma Hanksa da te dovede kući
Ljubavnik nije borac na frontu sa pesmom
Pokušavam da napišem pušku
Možda oštri pesmu
Da se ​​boriš protiv tenkova i drona da budeš sam
Želeo bih da nikad nisam pogledao,želeo bih da nikad nisam dotakao
Želeo bih da te prestanem voleti toliko
Jer ja sam jedini koji pokušava da nas održi zajedno
Kada svi znaci kažu da je trebam zaboraviti
Voleo bih da nisi najbolja, najbolja koji sam ikad imao
Želim da dobro nadmaši loše
Jer nikad neće biti gotovo, dok mi ne kažeš da je gotovo
Ovi borbeni ožiljci,ne izgledaju kao da nestaju
Ne izgledaju kao da će ikad otići
Nikad se neće promeniti
Ove bitke
(I onda samo napusti)
Ne bi trebalo da imaš, ali to si rekla
(I nadam se da se nikad nećeš vratiti)
Nije trebalo da se desi, ali to si pustila
Sada si na terenu koji vrišti medic
Jedina stvar koja dolazi je posttraumatski stres
Štitovi, telo armature i prsluci
Ne radi ispravno, zato si u ormaru puna povreda
Neprijatelj je unutar i sve vatre od vaših prijatelja
Najbolji lek je verovatno da je samo pusti da pobedi
Želeo bih da ne osećam, želeo bih da nisam mogao voleti
Želim da mogu da zaustavim jer to toliko boli
I ja sam jedini koji pokušava da nas održi zajedno
Kada svi znaci kažu da je trebam zaboraviti
Želeo bih da nisi najbolja,najbolja koju sam ikad imao
Želim da dobro nadmaši loše
Jer nikad neće biti gotovo, dok mi ne kažeš da je gotovo
Ovi borbeni ožiljci,ne izgledaju kao da nestaju
Ne izgledaju kao da će ikad otići
Nikad se neće promeniti
Ove bitke
Želeo bih da ne osećam, želeo bih da nisam mogao voleti
Želim da mogu da zaustavim jer to toliko boli
I ja sam jedini koji pokušava da nas održi zajedno
Kada svi znaci kažu da je trebam zaboraviti
Želeo bih da nisi najbolja,najbolja koju sam ikad imao
Želim da dobro nadmaši loše
Jer nikad neće biti gotovo, dok mi ne kažeš da je gotovo
Zato što si me zapalila
Nikada se nisam osećao tako živo,da
U nadi da će rane zarastati, ali to nikad ne učine
To je zato što si u ratu sa ljubavlju
I ja sam na mestu lomljenja
I to je nemoguće protresti
Vidiš, nadala si se da će rana zarastati, ali to nikad ne učini
Zato što si u ratu sa ljubavlju
Nadam se da će da se leči, ali to nikad ne učini
Zato što si u ratu sa ljubavlju!
Ovi borbeni ožiljci,ne izgledaju kao da nestaju
Ne izgledaju kao da će ikad otići
Nikad se neće promeniti
Ove bitke
Ovi borbeni ožiljci,ne izgledaju kao da nestaju
Ne izgledaju kao da će ikad otići
Nikad se neće promeniti
Ove bitke

Grlim te

Znaj, nisam verovao sve do susreta s tobom
Da na svetu postoji ljubav
na prvi pogled
Ja sam smatrao da se to dešava samo u filmu (bukvalno: u bioskopu)
A onase slučajno desila meni
To mi je već potrebno!
I sad, molim se za jedno
Da zauvek budemo zajedno
Grlim te, silno
Grlim te, strasno
Nema na svetu ničeg lepše
Nema na svetu ničeg tako lepog
Grlim te jako
Šaljem ti topao zagrljaj
Za mene, na ovom svetu nema
ničeg dragocenijeg poklona, od tebe
Ti si mene spasla od nezgoda
i moj život si sjedinila sa svojim
dobre vesti
Ti si moj dom ukrasila nadom
i unela si radost u njega
radosne pesme
I sad, molim se za jedno
Da zauvek budemo zajedno
Grlim te, silno
Grlim te, strasno
Nema na svetu ničeg lepše
Nema na svetu ničeg tako lepog
Grlim te jako
Šaljem ti topao zagrljaj
Za mene, na ovom svetu nema
ničeg dragocenijeg poklona, od tebe (2x)

'2032': Track 24 – Continuation of Self

We’ve hit a dead end
We’ve got a problem in our search for the meaning
Of the inner “self”
Of all the sentient beings:
But, just like always,
There are thoughts that seem so crazy,
As if everything around us
Was just a meaningless bunch of substances.
And we are going
To the other extreme:
If everyone in the world
Sees everything in the same colors,
Then it seems that it’s so easy
To find the life’s path for all at once
In the shine of their happy eyes!
Will draw our world in such a way that
The people will love and perceive each other as a continuation of self
The whole world will become a single organism
Will be no place for evil, envy and cynicism.

And what about life?
It’s following its own rules
Putting things on practice is wiser
Than arguing about the abstract ideas
And love will always be
Just a means of achieving happiness
And happiness can be achieved
In hundreds of different ways!
The change of formations,
Epochs and ideas
Has paved us hundreds of ways
But, just like before,
In the life of every person,
Most people are always
Just decorations of the daily routines!

Are not meant to build our world in such a way that
The people will love and perceive each other as a continuation of self
I’m not going to cry about it:
Are following the natural path!
Even though, the door to the past is already closed,
And there will be no turn back, believe me!
Maybe, now it’s time for us to risk
And try to find the path we have drawn?

Washing my hands here!
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.

Just You I Desire, My Blessing...

Just you I desire, my blessing,
My beauty, this Earth never knew!
My sun in the darkness distressing,
For my burning heart you are dew!
Inspired by my love to you, I
Shall scramble to fight fate anew.
Like spica half-scorched by the lightning,
I'll bow into dust before you.
For ecstasy never acquitted,
I'll pay with my life for miscue!
And even if crime I've committed -
I want only you!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


Can you feel that I am waiting
The sun is setting and I see that you're longing
We're going out to paint this city blue
You know you can't resist
Denim jacket and a bottle of wine
Everything's prepared for this evening to be fine
And we'll pretend that this is our last chance
And we'll use the time we have to dance
Tell me what you're dreaming about
It's due time to stop pretending as if
Now I'm holding you and your hands
A feeling we never forget
Meeting the others of our squad
Talking about why life's fucked
Now we put behind us all the unpleasant thoughts
Know, we are young and our hearts beat
Ohhhhhhh (can you feel our hearts beat)
Ohhhhhhh (feel our hearts beat)
Ohhhhhhh (can you feel our hearts beat)
Ohhhhhhh (feel our hearts beat)
Ohhhhhhh (feel our hearts beat)
Ohhhhhhh (feel our hearts beat)


I just wanted to be in
Your soft light
I see it now,
A heavenly grace
I'm still looking for
The warmth of your soul
I still can't find the answer
But I can pray


Because you aren't here
I thought I was fragile
Because I'm hurt
I thought I fell
Because you're insulting
You thought I was offended
You thought I surrender
And can't do anything without you
But I'm not as what you think I am
I'm strong and never be restless
I do what I want
All you can do is giving me orders
Don't complain about it
Don't wonder about it
I don't need you
I live for Him
Eyes, don't, don't think I am weak
Eyes, with hook on left and right, with bleeding lips
Eyes, look, look, at the one who's defeated
Eyes, hands up and retreat, you better surrender
Even though I went missing
Doesn't mean I am broken
Even though I lost once
The night is not pitch dark
Even though I stay silent
I'm still on fire
You don't know
Who I actually am
I'm just waiting for the right time
I won't be hasty
I know my strength
No one will defeat me
Don't complain about it
Don't wonder about it
I don't need you
I live for Him
Eyes, don't, don't think I am weak
Eyes, with hook on left and right, with bleeding lips
Eyes, look, look, at the one who's defeated
Eyes, hands up and retreat, you better surrender
Thunder comes along
But I'm still standing
Waiting for the morning
You know it, right?
Who I am, who I am
Without you!
Oh... Oh...
Eyes, don't, don't think I am weak
Eyes, with hook on left and right, with bleeding lips
Eyes, look, look, at the one who's defeated
Eyes, hands up and retreat, you better surrender
Eyes, don't, don't think I am weak
(don't, don't think I am weak)


The fear of
reckless and loneliness
is inviting me tomorrow
I've got to carry on
even though I can't see anything
Look up
Right now
We can do anything
It's gonna be alright
Our hearts
Keep on burning
I want more
and more
Together as one
Together as one
We're not scared
So we're carrying on now
Go on
Go on
I said hi to the people
who are laughing at me
When I messed up
I hold my head up
and smile
Look up
Right now
We can do anything
It's gonna be alright
Our hearts
Keep on buring
I want more
and more
Together as one
Together as one
We're not scared
So we're carrying on now
Go on
Go on
Look at the sky
Right now
We can do anything
It's gonna be alright
Our hearts
Keep on burning
I want more
and more
Together as one
Together as one
We're not scared
So we're carrying on now
Go on
Go on

Stay A Little Longer

[1. Verse]
I have never been so sure of anything
As I was sure of that it had to be you and me
But now you're leaving me
Because we are that annoying coupe
That always make it against all odds
But now you're leaving me
I have never seen you look so serious before
Your eyes are cold
You're so far, far away
Give me a little, give me what's burning inside of you
That thing you're hiding
Come on
Give it up, give me a slap
Give me something that makes sense
As long as you don't give up, God damn it
You, you say we are in pieces
But broken heart are still working
I'm sure they'll heal, if you just stay a little longer
Stay a little longer
Oh, stay a little longer
[2. Verse]
I have felt so sure about you
And thought, she'll be there when I come home
But now you're leaving me
You say, you're sure that this is what you want
Before, when tears were streaming down your face
I'd say something silly until you'd smile again
But now you're leaving me, yes
And I can tell you realy mean it
Your eyes are cold
You're so far, far away
Give me a little, give me what's burning inside of you
That thing you're hiding
Come on
Give it up, give me a slap
Give me something that makes sense
As long as you don't give up, God damn it
You, you say we are in pieces
But broken hearts still work
I'm sure they'll heal, if you just stay a little longer
Stay a little longer
Oh, stay a little longer
Please, take off your jacket and put down your bag
Unpack and put your clothes back
Call your friend and tell her that
You won't come there tonight
Cause baby, if you really go
Then I will fall apart
I know you are in there
Let me get to that woman, that doesn't just give up
Wake up and give me a little
Give me a little, give me what's burning inside of you
That thing you're hiding
Come on
Give it up, give me a slap
Give me something that makes sense
As long as you don't give up, God damn it
You, you say we are in pieces
But broken hearts still work
I'm sure they'll heal, if you just say a little longer
Hey oh, stay a little longer
Stay a little longer
Oh, stay a little longer
Please, don't give up
Don't give op
Stay a little longer
Don't give up
Don't give up
I beg you, stay a little longer