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Број резултата: 5


Friends with benefits

I lend you my eyes, so you can see how beautiful you are,
I lend you my hands, so you can touch the clouds if you want to.
I lend you my fingers so you can remember
everything we did that Friday night,
I lend you my kisses and you give them back to me,
so I have an excuse to see you again.
I don't ask you to fall in love,
let's be eternal only tonight,
I don't ask you to be a couple,
If we are friends we give each other everything.
Friends with benefits
and all your spite
You take them off with me like no one else has done
Friends with benefits,
Let it be our secret
Only the walls will be witnesses of what we have.
(Hey, hey, listen to how we met, haha, come)
It was 8:15 on the Plaza de San Juan
You were walking with a couple more friends.
You played the naughty one, like you don't want the thing
You threw me a mysterious look.
Kill me, intoxicate me with that little mouth
come with your body, seduce me.
Let's remove the clothes, you look more sexy naked
For me you are my lady,
I'm your Maluma baby,
Friends with benefits, your good profit
I lend you my fingers so you can remember
everything we did that Friday night
I lend you my kisses and you give them back to me,
so I have an excuse to see you again.
I don't ask you to fall in love,
let's be eternal only tonight,
I don't ask you to be a couple,
If we are friends we give each other everything.
Friends with benefits
and all your spite
You take them off with me like no one else has done
Friends with benefits
Let it be our secret,
Only the walls will be witnesses of what we have.
Uh-uh-uh-uh (woh-oh)
Uh-uh-uh-uh (yeh-eh)
Let's kiss and let it be our secret.
Uh-uh-uh-uh (woh-oh)
Uh-uh-uh-uh (yeh-eh)
although the whole world already suspects what we have...

Gostinska soba

Znam da mi je bolje samoj
Volela bih da ti nikada nisam dopustila da spavaš u mojoj sobi
Razmišljala sam o načinu na koji bih mogla povući nazad
Tu noć kada sam se izgubila u tebi
Ti znaš da svaki put kada čujem tvoje ime odgovorim
Vrhovi tvojih prstiju na mom dovratku i izgubih nadu
Molila sam se za način na koji bih se mogla osetiti spašeno
Ali nikada te neću preboleti
Volela bih da ti nikada nisam dopustila da me voliš
Iako si rekao da nikada i nisi
Volela bih da si spavao u gostinskoj sobi
Jer možda bih se onda i dalje osećala živom bez tebe
Sasvim sam sigurna da je sve ovo moja krivica
Ja sam ta koja je tebe prva poljubila i skinula se
Ti znaš kako da me učiniš sasvim samom
Ali kada sam ispod tvojih zuba, osećaj je kao dom
Rekao si da ne bi trebali voditi ljubavi već se samo ševiti
Nađoh drugi način da se zacelim
Ti znaš da me cediš sve dok ne mogu videti jasno
Razmišljala sam o tvom telu na najgori način
Volela bih da te mogu izvući iz svojih vena
Jer mi je muka od osećaja izdanosti
Volela bih da ti nikada nisam dopustila da me voliš
Iako si rekao da nikada i nisi
Volela bih da si spavao u gostinskoj sobi
Jer možda bih se onda i dalje osećala živom bez tebe
Sasvim sam sigurna da je sve ovo moja krivica
Ja sam ta koja je tebe prva poljubila i skinula se
I mislila sam da ću ti nešto značiti
Više od kože na koju spuštaš svoju kožu
Mislila sam da ću ti nešto značiti
Volela bih da si spavao u gostinskoj sobi
Jer možda bih se onda i dalje osećala živom bez tebe
Sasvim sam sigurna da je sve ovo moja krivica
Ja sam ta koja je tebe prva poljubila i skinula se

Friends with benefits

I lend you my eyes so you can see
how beautiful you are,
I lend you my hands so you can touch
the clouds if you want to.
I lend you my fingers so you can remember
everything we did that Friday night,
I lend you my kisses and you give them back to me,
so I have an excuse to see you again.
I don't ask you to fall in love,
let's be eternal only this night,
I don't ask you to be a couple,
If we are friends we give each other everything.
Friends with benefits and all your spite
You take them away like no one else has done
Friends with benefits, let it be our secret,
that only the wall are witnesses of what we have.
Hey, hey, listen to how we met...
It was 8:15 on the Plaza de San Juan
You were walking with a couple more friends.
You played the naughty one, like you don't want
the thing, you threw me a mysterious look.
Kill me, intoxicate me with that little mouth
come with your body, seduce me.
Let's remove the clothes
That way you look more naked, baby.
For me you are my lady, I'm your Maluma baby,
friends with benefits, your good profit
I lend you my fingers so you can remember
everything we did that Friday night ,
I lend you my kisses and you give them back to me,
so I have an excuse to see you again.
I don't ask you to fall in love,
let's be eternal only this night,
I don't ask you to be a couple,
If we are friends we give each other everything.
Friends with benefits and all your spite
You take them away like no one else has done
Friends with benefits, let it be our secret,
that only the wall are witnesses of what we have.
Let's kiss and let it be our secret.
although the whole world already suspects what we have...

Ostavi tvoju voljenu

Trebali bi da ostavimo svolje voljene
I budemo jedno s' drugimž
Provlači svoje prste kroz moju kosu
I sakrij se ispod mojih pokrivača
Trebali bi da ostavimo svoje voljene
Trebali bi da podjemo jedno za drugim
Možemo deliti naše tajne
Dok ne progutaju jedna drugu
Trebali bi da ostavimo svoje voljene
Trebali bi, trebali bi da ostavimo svoje voljene
Ali ti nikada nećeš ostaviti tvoju voljenu
Ne, ti nikada nećeš ostaviti tvoju voljenu, ne
Trebali bi da ostavimo svoje voljene
Trebali bi, trebali bi da ostavimo svoje voljene
Trebaš mi kao niko drugi
Ne, ja nikada neću naći drugog, ne
Nadji me u tišini
Pustiću te da me rasečeš
Progoni me iznutra, kao usporeni snimak
Osećam te u svojoj krvi
Bebo, približi svoje telo
Voli me svojim tužnim očima
Isuši moju boju
Ali ti nećeš napustiti svoju voljenu
Ne, ti nikada nećeš napustiti svoju voljenu
Trebaš mi kao niko drugi
Ne, ja nikada neću naći drugog
Trebaš mi kao niko drugi
Ne, trebaš mi kao niko drugi
Trebaš mi kao niko drugi
Ne, ja nikada neću naći drugog
Trebali bi da ostavimo svoje voljene
Da možemo izabrati jedno drugo