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Број резултата: 183


Sleep My Little Love

Sleep my little love,
Outside the rain is weeping.
Mommy keeps watch over your gold,
Old leg bones and a little treasure chest.1
Let's not stay awake through dark nights.
There is much that darkness knows,
My mind is heavy.
Often I've seen the black sand 
Scorching green meadows.
In the glacier rumbles deadly-deep cracks.
Sleep long, sleep tight,
It's best to wake up late.
Hardship will teach you soon,
While the day becomes night,
That the people love, lose, cry and mourn.
  • 1. This refers to the sheep bones that were used as toys and were called 'leggur og skel' ('calf bone and seashell'). The chest is the box that held the bones and is called a 'völuskrín'. The bones represented animals for playing 'farm'

Fa, Fa and Flutter

Fa, fa and flutter the swans sing.
I pretend to sleep, but I'm still awake.
Baa, baa, be calm, the little children
Wander the mountains looking for lambs.

My Grandpa and My Grandma

My grandpa and my grandma
Live on the Bakkifarm.
They are both nice and sweet.
I want to fly there.
Umbarassa, umbarassa 
Umbarassasa, hey!

Around My Thoughts and Heart

Around my thoughts and heart now
Sweet sounds hover.
Ring, spring poem, ring
Out over the wide land.
Resound around the house there
Where cheerful flowers shine.
Peaceful rose, if you find her there,
Give her my greeting!

My Grandpa Went on His Red Horse

My grandpa went on his red horse
Somewhere south of town.
He wanted to get some sugar and bread.
A little of both.

Flee, Flee Folks

Flee, flee folks 
Flee from the coming danger 
Because the robbers want to attack us. 
Let's be brave, courageous and plucky 
Stay awake, stay awake, valiant men 
When the attackers come 
Whoever is the last one standing 
Will fight for all.

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Fingers

One little, two little, three little fingers.
Four little, five little, six little fingers.
Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers.
Ten little fingers on both hands.

Happy Birthday to You

It's his/her birthday today!
It's his/her birthday today!
It's his/her birthday, dear (*name),
It's his/her birthday today!


Versions: #2
Happiness is eternal
With everything promising
But only the mind changes
Even if you can also get
A new key
Yet again something is missing
I lost myself in your power
I was wary of you
I decorated my mind with flowers
Until I woke up
You can't touch me
Ever again
Where the light shines
There is my Shangri-La
There you won't have a container
I don't regret you
What don't I remember
In this moment is my truth
I know freedom
The light feeling
Silence is my salvation
Sometimes it tries to catch hold
Reaching inside me
But it doesn't rule me any more
That's where I keep my head
You can't touch me
Ever again
Where the light shines
There is my Shangri-La
There you won't have a container
In me you don't have a container
You can't touch me
Ever again
Where the light shines
There is my Shangri-La
There you won't have a container
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


Black-and-white melancholy

Haven't gotten laid in a hundred years
I haven't gotten laid in a hundred years
I'm between two area maps
Without intimacy
Don't be, don't be crazy
Don't be, don't be crazy
Don't be, don't be crazy
Don't be, don't be crazy
Don't be, don't be, don't be crazy
Don't be, don't be, don't be crazy
Don't be, don't be, don't be crazy
Don't show your feelings
A surveillance camera
I don't love
You anymore
I'm crazy about you
Thank God ordinary life is grey
Don't want to be me
I don't want to be me
This is a difficult equation
I want to be Laura Lepistö
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not crazy
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not crazy
I don't show my feelings
A surveillance camera
I don't love
You anymore
I'm crazy about you
Thank God ordinary life is grey
I don't love
You anymore
I'm crazy about you
Thank God ordinary life is grey
You're awesome
Just as you are
Any piece of clothing
Suits you
'I' am not made of
My achievements
So much as values
And values are actions

Along the street

I walk along the street, breathing in exhaust
That's my kind of comfort
All my friends drive around in cars
They spend their money on gasoline
That's certainly OK
But it's not for me
I'd rather walk along the street
I walk along the street, watching things happen
And I want nothing more
All my friends go on walks
They stare at trees and rocks out in God's nature
That's certainly OK
But it's not for me
I'd rather walk along the street


Melancholie, I summon you by this name
Melancholie, I know how much I loved you
The melancholy wraped us up like a grey coat
and I can still hear as it plays romances for me
Oh, Melancholie, the world has turned into a vale of tears
It was a home to me, today it is a thorn
The unwiped tears hurt me so much
Undreamed dreams hurt me so much
of our short days
On my ways I will be sick with you
sick with you, my love
Melancholie, I am always nearer to you
I will bring you there earrings made of tears

the MareMare

MareMare of the indians
cannot be comprehended (x2)
whoever dances it dances
and whoever doesn't should learn (x2)
when MareMare died
the indians danced tura (x2)
and after they danced
a fever they had (x2)
from Maremare they found
only its little bones (x2)
and the indians took them
to bury in its little ranch (x2)
Maremare died
on the road to Angostura (x2)
i did not see it die
but i did see its grave (x2)

Ne mariš za mene dovoljno da bi zaplakala

Siđi sa svoje planine
O, nedostaje mi tvoja sveta vika
Ovih dana ne mogu te naterati da pustiš glas
Odvedi me u vremena
Kada bismo pogledali u nebesa
I popeli se gore i povukli grom dole
Sada silim sebe u stvar
Kroz koju si ti već prošla
Ali draga, ne mogu da učinim ništa povodom svojih osećanja
A tebi treba nešto jače
Lek da ubiješ glad
I ublažiš užasan bol ovdašnjeg života
A ja sam ta vrsta ljubavi koju boli gledati
I možda bismo trebali da shvatimo to kao znak
Kada sam utučen zbog odlaska
Veličajući sve svoje demone
A ti ne mariš za mene dovoljno da bi zaplakala
Sanjao sam kako bih te poveo sa sobom
I ti bi rekla da mi opraštaš
I proživeli bismo neku laganu, drevnu pesmu
Sada, evo nas ovde, napušteni smo
U veličanstvenim, dragim uspomenama
Izgubila si čak i želju da se poneseš loše prema meni
A ja sam ta vrsta ljubavi koju boli gledati
Ali jednom sam bio dovoljan da bi pokušala
Sada sam pod kamenicama
Pokušavam da ne osećam nevolju
A ti ne mariš za mene dovoljno da bi zaplakala
Dakle, ja se nadam da mogu da promenim sutra
Želela si svom snagom
Ali ja preklinjem, kradem, i zajmim
Tako sam prokleto dobar u patnji
A ti ne mariš za mene dovoljno da bi zaplakala

Sećam te se

Ne mogu
Da se zaljubim ponovo
Slomio si ovo naivno srce
Koje je kucalo za tebe, druže!
I kažem kako imaš srama samo da se vratiš i kažeš da ti je žao
Čemu to?
Imaš srama da slomiš moja osećanja i poigraš se sa mnom, sada ti je žao
Čemu to?
Jer sve što radim
Sve što radim - sećam te se
Sećam te se, tebe, tebe, tebe!
Sve što radim
Sve što radim - sećam te se
Svega što sam prošla!
[Druga strofa]
Imaš srama da odeš i misliš na mene
Čemu to?
Imaš srama da pričaš svima tu pogrešnu priču
Čemu to?
Možda ću jednoga dana razumeti
Biću ta, reću ću to večeras!
Jer ne mogu da nastavim da doživljavam neuspeh i da dozvolim da je ovo srce oprhvano zbog tebe
Jer, dušo
Jer sve što radim
Sve što radim - sećam te se
Sećam te se, tebe, tebe, tebe!
Sve što radim
Sve što radim - sećam te se
Svega što sam prošla!
Neee, neee, neeeeeee...
[Treća strofa]
Vidiš, sanjala sam
Sanjala sam da ćemo biti zaje-e-e-e-e-edno!
I kada sam rekla da smo to ti i ja
Trebalo je da misliš da će biti zau-u-u-u-u-evek!
Sada, ovo je sve što činim - ispuštam nekoliko suza zbog tebe, tebe, tebe
I ne mogu da promenim crvenilo mojih očiju u koje si ih ti izgleda upustio
Jer sve što radim
Sve što radim - sećam te se
Sećam te se, tebe, tebe, tebe!
Sve što radim
Sve što radim - sećam te se
Svega što sam prošla!

What's happening is I hang myself

Remind me that I have to attend couples therapy,
to begin to understand why you don't leave me,
if I don't do it well, I am Julio Alberto I'm on the spree,
if I can make you hate me and soon afterwards you love me.
I can assure you that I also love you
and that I am going to give you all that I am, if I arrive whole,
if I play my cards bad I can lose you and I do not want [it],
I will fashion traps to leave you win a game.
What's happening is I get into trouble when I go out and when I begin already everything really knows me, for always I go on
and of stopping I don't see the moment,
-softer, piano, that is sweeping.
What's happening is I hang myself,
for the hours are minutes, for the nights are so short
for I always need time,
but arriving home and seeing you in bed how bad I felt.
I know that this what I'm doing is nothing good, for I'm a lad,
and you know that I don't understand the why that you go on with me,
if you are the raft and I the stream that overflows the river,
if you are my guardian angel and I, I am a bastard.
They say that behind every great man is a great woman,
but in my case it isn't so, for it is backwards,
you are the great woman, I the man who, secretly,
has attached himself behind [you] and doesn't stop hitting you in the rear.
What's happening is I get into trouble when I go out and when I begin already everything really knows me, for always I go on
and of stopping I don't see the moment,
-softer, piano, that is sweeping.
What's happening is I hang myself,
for the hours are minutes, for the nights are so short
for I always need time,
but arriving home and seeing you in bed how bad I felt.
What's happening is I get into trouble when I go out and when I begin already everything really knows me, for always I go on
and of stopping I don't see the moment,
-softer, piano, that is sweeping.
What's happening is I hang myself,
for the hours are minutes, for the nights are so short
for I always need time,
but arriving home and seeing you in bed how bad I felt.
I regret, and it's that I
I regret


Wing wing wing wing
Hey, I’m going crazy
Boom boom boom boom
I threw it toward your heart, oh my god
But the arrow came back to me like pyoo
And it tortures me, no no no no
What are you? What
You drive me crazy, drive me crazy
I’m pretty decent too, hey
But how come you make me feel so small?
I don’t know Know
Oh your face, your actions, every single thing, love it
No no no no no
No no no no no
Look at me, only look at me
Only stick close to me
Oh my love, don’t go
Wing wing wing wing
Hey, I’m going crazy
Am I the one who’s spinning or the one who’s throwing?
Hey, I’m going crazy
Boom boom boom boom
I’m running to you, oh baby, come into my arms
I’ll be honest with you, there’s no other guy like me
Never let you go
I’m a fool who only looks at you, oh what
People keep teasing me
But I don’t care, whatever they say
I only need you, all I wanna do
Oh your face, your actions, every single thing, love it
No no no no no
No no no no no
Look at me, only look at me
Only stick close to me
Oh my love, don’t go
Wing wing wing wing
Hey, just throw it
Am I falling for you or bewitched by you?
Hey, just throw it
Boom boom boom boom
Baby, do you know? Don’t you know?
How much I want you?
I promise you, I only have you
I promise, wherever it is, I’ll take you there
Whatever anyone says, I don’t care
I can put a ring on your finger
Wing wing wing wing
Hey, I’m going crazy
Am I the one who’s spinning or the one who’s throwing?
Hey, I’m going crazy
Boom boom boom boom

Hrabrost da se nastavi napred

Ucini da osetis
Ucini da osetis (Ucini da osetis)
Ucini da osetis
Ucini da osetiss
U cekanju za cudom
iako dodje sa zakasnjenjem,
koliko puta ovo vreme nam je ukralo secanje,
da svakako sve prolazi,
takodje kada ti ne zelis
i pronadjes se sa svojim godinama i sa vecnim snovima.
Reci mi Boze, gde je hrabrost da se nastavi napred?
Takodje kada bi zeleo da ostanes.
Reci mi ti, gde je impuls koji
dolazi i koji ucini da na kraju ustanes?
Izaci ces na ulicu
i poceti od nule
i shvatiti da niko i i nista ne moze da ti ukrade buducnost,
vazno je,
ti si vazan.
Ali u sebe moras da verujes,
kada svet ne bude radio vise,
ostavi uvek neki otisak
i ljubav ce ga se secati,
da svakako sve ostaje,
iako ti to ne primetis,
bice u tvojim ocima
odgovori koje cekas.
Reci mi Boze, gde je hrabrost da se nastavi napred?
Takodje kada bi zeleo da ostanes.
Reci mi ti, gde je impuls koji
dolazi i koji ucini da na kraju ustanes?
Izaci ces na ulicu
i poceti od nule
i shvatiti da niko i i nista ne moze da ti ukrade buducnost,
vazno je,
ti si vazan.
(Ucini da osetis)
Ucini da osetis
(Ucini da osetis)
Ucini da osetis
Izaci ces na ulicu
i poceti od nule
i shvatiti da niko i i nista ne moze da ti ukrade buducnost,
vazno je,
ti si vazan.
Ucini da osetis (ucini da osetis)
ti si vazan!


Nothing is better than to face the cold with you
There are people that emigrate to warm countries
But whe don't have money in our cold hands,
so we just go to your parents in Zoutelande, in Zoutelande
And so we sit here in the old beach house
What you tell me keeps me sober and warm
Above my head I see the grey clouds
I'm happy you're here, happy you're here
We sit here in the worn out house
I've never cared where we were
We drown ourselves in your dads spirits
I'm happy you're here, happy you're here
Nothing more beautiful than crossing the country with you
Having you with me in dejected places
And seeing that it's good, that we're vivacious
And with vodka and with bloater between lifebuoys
And so we sit here in the old beach house
What you tell me keeps me sober and warm
Above my head I see the grey clouds
I'm happy you're here, happy you're here
We sit here in the worn out house
I've never cared where we were
We drown ourselves in your dads spirits
I'm happy you're here, happy you're here
I'm happy you're here
I'm happy you're here
I'm happy you're here
I'm happy you're here
And so we sit here in the old beach house
What you tell me keeps me sober and warm
Above my head I see the grey clouds
I'm happy you're here, happy you're here
I'm happy you're here
I'm happy you're here
I'm happy you're here
I'm happy you're here
We sit here in the worn out house
I've never cared where we were
We drown ourselves in your dads spirits
I'm happy you're here, happy you're here
in Zoutelande
in Zoutelande

Build Your House on Love

Morning sun, morning joy.
It begins for us both
every new day becomes a festival.
Yes, we have the time and
found our lucky recipe,
and it simply said:
Build your house on love and don't build from sand,
love can withstand the ravages of time, and wind, and weather.
What helps with the best plan, cement and brick?
Without love, it all collapses!
Friendship, which one offers to friends,
big plans to hammer out,
remain only in daydreams.
Every now and then a pub crawl,
and sometimes a big hustle and bustle
all that, and all for two.
Build your house on love and don't build from sand,
love can withstand the ravages of time, and wind, and weather.
What helps with the best plan, cement and brick?
Without love, it all collapses!
Build your house on love and don't build from sand,
love can withstand the ravages of time, and wind, and weather.
What helps with the best plan, cement and brick?
Without love, it all collapses!
Without love, it all collapses!

What are little boys made of?

What, what, what
Are little boys made of?
Of freckles and firecrackers,
Rulers and batteries.
That's what little boys are made of!
That's what little boys are made of!
What, what, what
Are little girls made of?
Of flowers and bells,
Notebooks and glances
That's what little girls are made of!
That's what little girls are made of!
What, what, what
Are little boys made of?
Of springs and pictures,
Glasses and blotting paper.
That's what little boys are made of!
That's what little boys are made of!
What, what, what
Are little girls made of?
Of tangles and kerchiefs,
Riddles and jellybeans
That's what little girls are made of!
That's what little girls are made of!

Andres Pou Gelane Mesa All Ponane

summers and winters
words like the anemones
Promise of love words
of great delusion.
In my mind they always
roam you they remind me
Night you said our love
will endure
But you betrayed me
before sunrise
men who laugh in them
They make a heart of
stone, they don't lygane.
Men who laugh in the
back don't spin
in their souls tears hide
and they keep their world.
Autumnal images become
a separation centuries
and for Senane, they talk
about the mistakes that
In my mind they always
roam you they remind me
Night you said our love
will endure
But you betrayed me
before sunrise
men who laugh in them
They make a heart of
stone, they don't lygane.
Men who laugh in the
back don't spin
in their souls tears hide
and they keep their world.

Got No Enthusiasm

Hey, ever since you're not here
I've lost sleep
Feeling unwell
One more night like that
Could, for me
Be deadly
The questions torment me, torment me
And not a dime worth of answers
One word torments me, torments me
I think it's called 'forever'
A month already
Neither air nor food
I've got no enthusiasm even to breathe
May I be long gone
For I do not inspire you to love
I would open up all
the windows in the room
And (jump) right down
To make all of them worry
Because some loves
Hurt so much
The questions torment me, torment me
And not a dime worth of answers
One word torments me, torments me
I think it's called 'forever'

Slomljena obecana zemlja

Andjeli padaju sa neba
Zamisli to , zamisli to
Niko nece izaci odavde ziv
Nema povratka , nema povratka
Ko ce napolju jamciti za sve nase rasprsene snove
I zagrebati nesto istinskog postenja sa ovih gradskih ulica ?
Nema vremena za molitve , vi koji klecite ustanite
Ima nade znam , van tog usamljenog puta
Jer dom je tamo gde si ti i gde sam ja
Udahni , izdahni , to je sada sve
I sve sto imam drzim u svojim rukama
Javljamo se sa najnovijim vestima iz slomljene obecane zemlje
Zatvorimo oci i jednostavno nestanimo
Kliznimo kroz pukotine , ne gledajuci nazad
Bicemo milionima kilometara daleko odavde
I pustimo da proslost samo polako nestajanjem bledi ka crnom
Dakle sta ste naucili zivljenjem zivotom u kome zalite za necim ?
Nema potrebe za strahom od onoga sto se jos nije dogodilo
Pa ja cu vas zaboraviti ali vi ne mozete da zaboravite
Ima nade znam ,van tog usamljenog puta
Jer dom je tamo gde si ti i gde sam ja
Udahni , izdahni , to je sada sve
I sve sto imam drzim u svojim rukama
Javljamo se sa najnovijim vestima iz slomljene obecane zemlje
Zato ustani moj pali andjele
Hajde sada , hajde sada
Sijaj , ne dozvoli im da te slome
Hajde sada , hajde sada
Hajde sada , hajde sada
Hajde sada , hajde sada
Hajde sada , hajde
Postoji nada znam , van tog usamljenog puta
Jer dom je tamo gde si ti i gde sam ja
Udahni , izdahni , to je sada sve
I sve sto imam drzim u svojim rukama
Javljamo se sa najnovijim vestima iz slomljene obecane zemlje
Najnovije javljanje iz slomljene obecane zemlje
Najnovije javljanje iz slomljene obecane zemlje

Marry me

I don't need a diamond necklace
I don't miss a giant house
Nor going somewhere on an elephant
I only want your love
Don't gift me luxury coats
Nor the first Picasso's painting
Your insincere charm doesn't work on me
Love is what counts
Better save your fortune
I only want to watch the moon
Marry me with empty pockets
And you'll see, that your kisses will suffice
Marry me without papers, in front of a river
And nothing more, your heart and mine
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
I fell in love in your serenades
Without commitments and silver wedding
And if that results in bad
You won't tell me I'm ungrateful
Better save your fortune
I only want to watch the moon
Marry me with empty pockets
And you'll see, that your kisses will suffice
Marry me without papers, in front of a river
And nothing more, your heart and mine
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Marry me with empty pockets
And you'll see, that your kisses will suffice
Marry me without papers, in front of a river
And nothing more, your heart and mine
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh


Autunm eats its leaf out of my hand: we are friends.
From the nuts we shell time and we teach it to walk:
then time returns to the shell.
In the mirror it's Sunday,
in dream there is room for sleeping,
our mouths speak the truth.
My eye moves down to the sex of my loved one:
we look at each other,
we exchange dark words,
we love each other like poppy and recollection,
we sleep like wine in the conches,
like the sea in the moon's blood ray.
We stand by the window embracing, and people look up from the street:
it is time they knew!
It is time the stone made an effort to flower,
time unrest had a beating heart.
It is time, it were time.
It is time.

If you are not mine

Versions: #2
If you are not mine
then I don't know whose you are
you have childish face
and incredible hair
from 1000 caresses
1 will be enough
let's both try to be
guilty even without guilt
If you are not mine
then I don't know whose you are
you have childish face
and incredible hair
by the parting in your hair
I'll come to meet you
the song about the two of us
isn't for children anymore
Ch: everyone can be jealous of us
they say, that love doesn't exist anymore
everyone can be jealous of us
that I like you
let's keep standing like this for a while
we have time for everything beautiful
I know, that you are just the one, just the one
who I like
If you are not mine
then I don't know whose you are
you have childish face
and incredible hair
from 1000 caresses
1 will be enough
let's both try to be
guilty even without guilt
Ch: everyone can be jealous of us
they say, that love doesn't exist anymore
everyone can be jealous of us
that I like you
let's keep standing like this for a while
we have time for everything beautiful
I know, that you are just the one, just the one
who I like

This Love of Ours

This love of ours builds us a room
So we can feel alone in the world
It made us four walls, just no door
So we'll be closed inside forever
And when someone bangs from the outside, I can't hear them
It sounds like a distant explosion or something unclear
This love of ours builds us a room
And it's got a place for a lot or for nothing
And the room felt a bit small so we opened up the door
And when the air came in, so did other people
And when someone bangs from the outside, I can't hear them
It sounds like a distant explosion or something unclear
This love of ours builds us a room
And it's got a place for a lot or for nothing
And it's got a place for a lot or for nothing
And it's got exactly what I wanted

Say it to me in front of her

-You say that you live only
thinking of making me happy,
and that you would give your life
for me, if it were necessary,
that if I am not by your side,
nothing would have any value,
and that there isn't in the world
a love comparable to mine.
Now, say it to me in front of her,
don't lie to me anymore.
-Shut up, please.
-Say it to me in front of her,
if all that is true.
-All that is over.
-Say it to me in front of her,
stop pretending.
-Believe me once more.
-Say it to me in front of her,
that, like this, I won't go on.
Now... say it to me on front of her.
-You know very well
that, for you, I changed the way I am,
and that I have, even, done things
that I hadn't done until now.
Than I am nothing but the reflexion
of whatever you want to see,
and that, next to me, you will have
all that you want to have.
-Today, the moment is here
to make room for my love.
Forget, already, those words
if you still have some courage left.
Now, say it to me in front of her,
don't lie to me anymore.
-Shut up, please.
-Say it to me in front of her,
if all that is true.
-All that is over.
-Say it to me in front of her,
stop pretending.
-Believe me once more.
-Say it to me in front of her,
that, like this, I won't go on.
Now... say it to me on front of her.

Μελαγχολικός άνθρωπος

Είμαι ένας μελαγχολικός άνθρωπος, αυτό είμαι,
Όλος ο κόσμος με περιβάλλει και τα πόδια μου βρίσκονται στο έδαφος.
Είμαι ένας πολύ μοναχικός άνθρωπος, κάνοντας αυτό που μπορώ,
Όλος ο κόσμος με εκπλήσσει και νομίζω ότι καταλαβαίνω
Ότι πρόκειται να συνεχίσουμε να μεγαλώνουμε, να περιμένουμε και να δούμε.
Όταν όλα τα αστέρια πέφτουν
Στη θάλασσα και στο έδαφος,
Και θυμωμένες φωνές φέρνουν τον άνεμο,
Μια δέσμη φωτός θα γεμίσει το κεφάλι σου
Και θα θυμάσαι όσα ειπώθηκαν
Από όλους τους καλούς άντρες που ο κόσμος αυτός είναι γνωστός.
Ένας άλλος άνθρωπος είναι αυτό που θα δείς,
Ποιος μοιάζει με εσένα και μοιάζει με εμένα,
Και όμως με κάποιο τρόπο δεν θα αισθανθεί το ίδιο,
Η ζωή του έφτασε στη δυστυχία, δεν σκέφτεται σαν εσένα και εμένα,
Γιατί δεν μπορεί να δει αυτό που εσύ κι εγώ μπορώ να δω.


Heute Nacht komme ich zu deiner Tür,
und bleibe da, solang ich dein Gesicht nicht gesehen habe.
Du weißt, dass ich es bin, aber du möchtest nicht aufmachen,
du schweigst und antwortest nicht, du willst mir nicht verzeihen.
Ich werde die ganze Nacht hier vor deiner Tür sitzen,
wie ein Obdachloser, der sich vor der dunklen Nacht fürchtet.
Du weißt, dass ich es bin, aber du möchtest nicht aufmachen,
du schweigst und antwortest nicht, du willst mir nicht verzeihen.
Das, was ich jetzt brauche, ist einfach,
dass du mir mit der Hand durch die Haare streichst.
Ich bin heute Nacht gekommen, um dich um Verzeihung zu bitten
und, dass du dich meiner erbarmst.
Ich knie vor dir wie ein ergebener Diener,
der eine Kanne mit Wasser zebrochen hat.
Und ich traue mich nicht, dir in die Augen zu schauen,
damit ich nicht sehe, wie sehr ich versagt habe.
Zwischen uns erlöscht die Liebe,
ich habe das wertvollste aufs Spiel gesetzt.
Du weißt, dass ich es bin, aber du möchtest nicht aufmachen,
du schweigst und antwortest nicht, du willst mir nicht verzeihen.
Du weißt, dass ich es bin, aber du möchtest nicht aufmachen,
du schweigst und antwortest nicht, du willst mir nicht verzeihen.
Das, was ich jetzt brauche, ist einfach,
dass du mir mit der Hand durch die Haare streichst.
Ich bin heute Nacht gekommen, um dich um Verzeihung zu bitten
und, dass du dich meiner erbarmst.
Ich knie vor dir wie ein ergebener Diener,
der eine Kanne mit Wasser zebrochen hat.
Und ich traue mich nicht, dir in die Augen zu schauen,
damit ich nicht sehe, wie sehr ich versagt habe.
Ich habe dir nicht gut genug zugehört,
habe meine Lippen einer anderen hingegeben,
jetzt stehe ich ganz alleine da,
aus deinem Herzen werde ich entfernt.
Ich knie vor dir wie ein ergebener Diener,
der eine Kanne mit Wasser zebrochen hat.
Und ich traue mich nicht, dir in die Augen zu schauen,
damit ich nicht sehe, wie sehr ich versagt habe.


I'm still wondering infinitely
Why everything has an end
And in my later thoughts
I have to see you again, Melancolie.
I just don't like your face at all
and then you come so unsuitable like a foolish thought
Turning my life into a soap-opera
pointing finally with an orchestral intermezzo
Melancholy, such a nightmare!
Doors, windows are sitting closed, still in vain
Melancholy, ordinary thief
through my dreams
leaving cold wind in my soul, cold wind...
Until you don't come, I feel OK
Only when I hear in my soul a deaf sound of keys
And I feel that I'd miss myself...
And then I'd clean my soul
If I only knew that somehow you'll disappear
If there'll be some detergent to defeat you
I'd be his first client!...
Melancholy, ordinary thief!...