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Број резултата: 76


Iako me duša boli

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Iako me boli duša
Moram da ti priznam
Da je kraj
I moram, moram
Da te ostavim
Vrijeme je da se oprostimo
Hajde da sklopimo savez
Bićemo prijatelji
I nećemo spominjati ljubav
Vrijeme je da se oprostimo
Hajde da sklopimo savez
Bićemo prijatelji
I nećemo spominjati ljubav
Iako me duša boli
Trebaš mi
Boli me duša, a moja ljubav vrišti u meni
Hajde da se dogovorimo
Podijelimo tugu za ovom ljubavi
Da budemo prijatelji i nikad više ne spomenemo ljubav
Hajde da se dogovorimo
Podijelimo tugu za ovom ljubavi
Da budemo prijatelji i nikad više ne spomenemo ljubav
Iako me duša boli
Trebaš mi
Boli me duša, a moja ljubav vrišti u meni
Bićemo prijatelji
I nećemo spominjati ljubav
Iako me duša boli
Trebaš mi
Boli me duša, a moja ljubav vrišti u meni
Bićemo prijatelji
I nećemo spominjati ljubav
Podijelimo tugu za ovom ljubavi
Da budemo prijatelji i nikad više ne spomenemo ljubav

Moje misljenje

Ja samo iznosim svoje pravo misljenje,
Nikada nisi ni bio nesto bitan,
Zao mi je, nemoj me pogresno shvatiti,
Ali otisao si iz mog zivota bez posledica za mene.
Nesto mi nije u redu,
Ovakva veza vise ne funkcionise, ne ide vise,
I sto je vise popravljamo,
Ona se lomi sve vise i vise.
Okrecem novi list,
Znam te, poznajem te dobro,
Nisi ti za mene, a ako te zanima zasto...
Ja samo iznosim svoje pravo misljenje,
Nikada nisi ni bio nesto bitan,
Zao mi je, nemoj me pogresno shvatiti,
Ali otisao si iz mog zivota bez posledica za mene.
Nikada nisi bio onaj kog sam cekala,
Moja druga polovina i uzdrzana osecanja mog srca,
Okrecem novi list,
Znam te, poznajem te dobro,
Nisi ti za mene, a ako te zanima zasto...
Ja samo iznosim svoje pravo misljenje,
Nikada nisi ni bio nesto bitan,
Zao mi je, nemoj me pogresno shvatiti,
Ali otisao si iz mog zivota bez posledica za mene.


Haide, I wanted to raid
Haide, your new apron
Raid, raid, the old stuff
Raid, raid, your new apron
Haide I'll come and get you
Even if I'll go on trial and lose everything
Raid, raid, the old stuff
Raid, raid, your new apron
You look like the sun and like the moon
Your beauty shines like a pearl
Raid, raid, the old stuff
Raid, raid, on the bagel table

Sada mogu

Sada mogu.
Da srušim sve mostove,
Da ne plačem više što si otišao,
Nikada nisi ni bio ovde.
Sada mogu,
Ne želim više poruke,
I prekidam sve veze,
Koje su me dugo vezivale.
Sada mogu
I dajem ti slobodu,
Ne želim više da budem sporedna uloga,
Sada mogu,
Da spalim svoje planove,
I iz svog pepela,
Ponovo da se rodim.
Sada mogu
I dajem ti slobodu,
Ne želim više da budem sporedna uloga,
Sada mogu,
Da spalim svoje planove,
I iz svog pepela,
Ponovo da se rodim.

I was seeing a married man

I was seeing a married man
But I'm done
His wife had been watching over him1
With2others3not with me
But after so much and so much
His wife surprised him
She shotted him five times
By miracle didn't shot me
My friends asked
Helenita what happened?
Because when I loved him
The other one surprised us
I was seeing a married man
To be the best lover
But with what has happened
I won't see him again
My friends asked
Helenita what happened?
Because when I loved him
The other one surprised us
I was seeing a married man
To be the best lover
But with what has happened
I won't see him again
I was seeing a married man
  • 1. she was suspicious
  • 2. the wife was wary of other women
  • 3. females


In Prešov1 a ring road is going to be build...
What sort of impact will it have on our people?
Life is already easier here because of it
and traffic jams in the entire town will maybe become a bit thinner.
I sing an ode of joy to the tunel...
'By 2010', that promise probably reeked.
Words are spreading around the town streets,
that surely the children of our children will have the ring road.
In spirit I'm already going around Prešov,
They also already envy us in Sabinov2 those future new ring roads.
I'm already going around Prešov,
hurray hurray, even though only in spirit for now.
In spirit I'm already going around Prešov,
They also already envy us in Sabinov those future new ring roads.
I'm already going around Prešov,
hurray hurray, even though only in spirit for now.
Aďa is already flaunting to her friends,
that the grandchildren of our grandchildren will go through the northern ring road.
Nowhere will life be as fine as in our town,
in a hundred, two hundred years it'll be a joy to drive on the road.
Evening man wrote, that everything in town will change,
higher-up have already hammered the founding stone.
They've promised that in the year two thousand twentyone,
we're going to have a nice ring road, like that Vienna has.
I'm already going around Prešov,
They also already envy us in Sabinov those future new ring roads.
I'm already going around Prešov,
hurray hurray, even though only in spirit for now.
In spirit I'm already going around Prešov,
They also already envy us in Sabinov those future new ring roads.
I'm already going around Prešov,
hurray hurray, even though only in spirit for now.
So I'm calling you now, mom,
I'm going down from Three3 to Šváby.
We'll see each other in two weeks
approximately, if this goes quickly.
So I'm calling you mom, that we should have
chosen to live in Lipany.
Here are constantly slogans on billboards,
I'm a bit peeved.
Now I've had it, I've gone bad,
'cause (of) a problem hundred times spoken about,
the ring road not-finnished-outlining,
and mainly not-finnished-building!
Roads are like water slides,
in a traffic jam a driver spooked,
we're constantly being drowned in lies.
At one point the constraints will break!
We'll unite with the Moravians,
we'll tear out your larynxes,
we'll chew out the bed foam
we'll saw down the conifers!
You, fucking chestnuts,
you'll tremble at once,
when the others come with us
we'll end the traffic jams!
I'm already going around Prešov,
They also already envy us in Sabinov those future new ring roads.
I'm already going around Prešov,
hurray hurray, even though only in spirit for now.
In spirit I'm already going around Prešov,
They also already envy us in Bardejov- wait, they already have their own.
I'm already going around Prešov,
hurray hurray, even though only in spirit for now.
We thank you, our dear state, for taking care of us.
We thank you, our dear state, for taking care of us.
  • 1. The second largest town in Eastern Slovakia.
  • 2. A smaller town lying a bit northwest of Prešov.
  • 3. a route

Не знам колико те волим

Не знам колико те волим
љубав нема меру,
од сунца је већа
и недостижна погледу.
У почетку је била варница
и једна кап кише
Варница је постала пожар
а кап море.
Љзбав која нас је спојила
неће упознати бол
ми смо две капи воде
из исте чесме.
У почетку је била варница
и једна кап кише
Варница је постала пожар
а кап море.

Пробај ме

Држимо дах, реци ми гдје идемо сад
докле возимо, завршавамо у слијепој улици
Тренуци стају, а минуте пролазе
држимо се лажи и поново их покрећемо
А ја гледам и не дишем
познајем ову игру и зато се не предајем
Реци ми једну добру лаж и освоји ме
реци ми како ниси жив без мене, превари ме
Приближи се, хајмо испочетка и пољуби ме
још могу да издржим, пробај ме
Држимо дах, реци ми гдје идемо сад
све сад заборављамо и идемо даље
Одједном не причамо, више се не надамо
у очи више не гледамо истину коју разбијамо
А ја гледам и не дишем
познајем ову игру и зато се не предајем
Реци ми једну добру лаж и освоји ме
реци ми како ниси жив без мене, превари ме
Приближи се, хајмо испочетка и пољуби ме
још могу да издржим, пробај ме
Реци ми једну добру лаж и освоји ме
реци ми како ниси жив без мене, превари ме
Приближи се, хајмо испочетка и пољуби ме
још могу да издржим
Реци ми једну лаж па да славим
да заборавим шта је било
Приближи се да те загрлим
да те ухватим, да заборавим...

The Neighborhood

In my neighborhood everyone's making fun of me
And they always have something to talk about
Every day that I go out for water
I want to turn and look at your window
Chorus (x2)
I can't live without you
Where are you now so I can tell you
How I love you like crazy
I am the only one who knows
Now everybody knows the secret
And they know who the love is
That I crave so badly
Chorus (x2)
I can't live without you
Where are you now so I can tell you
How I love you like crazy
I am the only one who knows

Try me

We're holding our breath, tell me where are we going now
Where are we driving to, we end up in a dead-end
Moments stop, minutes keep going
We are stuck in lies and we're cooked again
But I'm staring without taking a bow
I know this dance that's why I insist
Tell me a good lie and win me over
Say you can't live away from me, fool me
Come closer from the start and kiss me
I can take much more, try me
We're holding our breathes, tell me where are we going now
We forget about everything, moving on into 'in general'
Suddenly we don't talk, we through away the hope
We don't look anymore in the eyes the truth we break
But I'm staring without taking a bow
I know this dance that's why I insist
Tell me a good lie and win me over
Say you can't live away from me, fool me
Come closer from the start and kiss me
I can take much more, try me
Tell me a good lie and win me over
Say you can't live away from me, fool me
Come closer from the start and kiss me
I can take much more..
Tell me now a lie to celebrate
To forget what has been done
Come closer so I can hug you
Touch you, forget you

We Must Live

Let's seek the light because we have to live.
We have to save defenceless dreams,
because they have so little chance,
for them not to be killed by the world,
and this world is us!
Let's seek the light even when the wind
blows in our eyes with ashes from the stars.
Life is a game, a dream and awake,
to the end, day after day.
Save your dreams before they lose!
In the gardens of dreams, flowers do not lose their colour,
and cannot be reached by a cruel hand!
In the gardens of dreams, no bottomless river flows
and you have wings like a young bird!
Like a carousel, fate revolves.
Happiness is fragile like thin glass.
And when someone hurts us,
signposts will be broken by the wind,
you have to go against the flow!
You have to struggle every day,
to believe again in what is possible.
And when you only have dreams,
Give them a shine of faith!
Only dreams will survive the world!
In the gardens of dreams, flowers do not lose their colour,
and cannot be reached by a cruel hand!
In the gardens of dreams, no bottomless river flows
and you have wings like a young bird!

Don't think about what tomorrow brings

Have fun with us - don't be ever sad!
We will advise you on bad days!
When a tear drops off your eye
Then you can see better shades of the day
The worries will go within a couple of moments
Don't think about what tomorrow brings
Grab the world in your hands
There is no such sorrow
That lasts forever
Dancing will boost the pulse of your young blood
The songs will wake up the beauty that sleeping inside of you
Who is having fun doesn't know what tears are
No worries have fun like us!
Complaining is useless
Singing and dancing teach life!
The world is waiting for us on the doorstep
Time to hit the road!
Don't think about what tomorrow brings
Grab the world in your hands
There is no such sorrow that lasts forever
A smile will remove sorrows fi they're around
Sadness isn't bitter when it's gone!

With a smile through autumn

I wanna go through autumn with a smile
Not to worry
I've already had enough of memories
And those days when I was running alone
Without the word: YOU
I've already had enough of memories
I want days with no tears to come over
Such days where you can dream about
A world that is no stranger to girl's hearts
Who bloom just once
I wanna go through autumn with a smile
so help me!
I've already had enough of memories
And those word that only divide like a sharp knife
I've already had enough of memories
I want to be a white bird and nothing more
To sail into the distance for the sky-blue ball
I can also take you with me if you catch me up
Before I vanish in milky fogg
I want to live I wan to dream and avoid grey days
Help me
I want to live I want to dream and drink autumn wine with you
I wanna go through autumn with a smile
Not to worry
I've already had enough of memories
And those days when I was running alone
Without the word: YOU
I've already had enough of memories
I want to be a white bird and nothing more
To sail into the distance for the sky-blue ball
I can also take you with me if you catch me up
Before I vanish in milky fogg
I want to live I wan to dream and avoid grey days
Help me
I want to live I want to dream and drink autumn wine with you
To sail into the distance for the sky-blue ball
I want to be a white bird and nothing more
Perhaps you will still have time to give me love
Before I vanish in milky fogg
Help me I have had enough of memories

Alleluia - love of yours

Alleluia - love of yours
It keeps on going like sunshine above us
Alleluia - let the bells ring out today
Let the whole world adore thee - alleluia!
Alleluia - the world is singing
Alleluia - it's a sign of love
Alleluia - let love above us
Play on golden strings - alleluia!
Alleluia - love of yours
It keeps on going like sunshine above us
Alleluia - let the bells ring out today
Let the whole world adore thee - alleluia!
Alleluia - the song keeps on going
Alleluia - take it up to the sky!
There where there's sun, there where's wind
Where a bird is singing cheerfully
It is singing a simple song - alleluia!
Alleluia - let the bells ring out today
Let the whole world adore thee - alleluia!

When autumn comes

There are such days when autumn comes
That you get lost inyour thought like in the woods
There are such days when we miss the sun
And you have to smile until the end
Let's love what we can in the next autumn
Because even it has a seed of hope
Let's love what we can in the late autumn
Until the world wakes up in green again
There are days when the world outside the window
Is leaving far away and getting wet
Let's love what we can in the next autumn
Because even it has a seed of hope
Let's love what we can in the late autumn
Until the world wakes up in green again
There are such days when we miss the sun
And you have to smile until the end

Life in the rhythm of Zorba

I know such a country where everywhere you hear singing
Where there's May in December and the blood flows faster
There is the mother's voice there and the father's footprints in the tavern
They're hidden behind the fogg and seen only in dreams
A bell tolled in a little white church for a good morning
It gives a wonderful tone to live in the rhythm of Zorba
In that rhythm I have been wandering until I was out of breath
The words can't express it when in the night
The wine is poured, the boys declare love to their girls
There is such a movie from many many years ago
Anthony Queinn and the black and white frame
The melody of those day have stayed with us
The whole world seems to be better with it
A bell tolled in a little white church for a good morning
It gives a wonderful tone to live in the rhythm of Zorba
In that rhythm I have been wandering until I was out of breath
The words can't express it when in the night
The wine is poured, the boys declare love to their girls