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Број резултата: 35
Moja bebo
Click to see the original lyrics (German)[Hook]
Ubiću te uskoro, moja bebo
Da li si stvarno mislio, da sam toliko glupa, moja bebo?
Znam detalje, moja bebo
Znam čak i kako se zove
Ne mogu ti oprostiti, moja bebo
Naručila sam Valter P
( marka pištolja)
Uskoro neće više boleti,
I sve zbog toga jer te volim
[ Prvi deo]
Da, bio si tako nespretan, znam sve o tebi
Samo ću zatvoriti jedno oko da te nanišanim.
Želiš da još jednom popričamo, želiš telefonirati,
pričaj bolje sa njom.
Nadam se da si već napravio testament,
jer dolazim večeras kada budeš zaspao.
Sunce sija, ja nemam šta da izgubim
Bila sam dugo previše dobra prema tebi.
A sada ako budem morala, ići ću u zatvor zbog tebe
Ubiću te uskoro, moja bebo
Da li si stvarno mislio, da sam toliko glupa, moja bebo?
Znam detalje, moja bebo
Znam čak i kako se zove
Ne mogu ti oprostiti, moja bebo
Naručila sam Valter P
( marka pištolja)
Uskoro neće više boleti,
I sve zbog toga jer te volim
[ Drugi deo]
Povlačiš moju stranu koju ne volim kod sebe
Za svaku moju suzu ćeš platiti
Vidi šta si zaboga od mene napravio
Luda sam a ti si skot
Zaustaviću srce ali ne i napad i nosiću crno za tu priliku
Ne, nije mi potpuno svejedno, zato što te volim
Ali ću ipak uraditi ono što moram, samo iz principa
Ubiću te uskoro, moja bebo
Da li si stvarno mislio, da sam toliko glupa, moja bebo?
Znam detalje, moja bebo
Znam čak i kako se zove
Ne mogu ti oprostiti, moja bebo
Naručila sam Valter P
( marka pištolja)
Uskoro neće više boleti,
I sve zbog toga jer te volim.
Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)Твоје очи никада нису напустиле мој сан
Реченица је била заузета, није ме могла одвојити од тебе
Нема користи од тебе волим
На ову љубавну рану
Ставио си две капи суза
Између мог живота
Нећу више спомињати твоје име, кунем се
Рекао је да неће да гори, Бог га благословио
Нема користи од тебе волим
На ову љубавну рану
Ставио си две капи суза
Између мог живота
Go Mad, Come Back
Versions: #1If your heart's burning,
stay away, don't ask me.
Explain yourself, then we'll burn if we should.
I would know, you go cold.
All you're left with is the fact that you've burned,
do I need to say more
If there is a place in you that's left intact and not broken,
ask your heart, is it still alive?
I can't still check up on you,
you can't know how I am, I forgot.
What I knew is left with you.
My heart's still searching.
My love, it can't find where you are.
I understood that I'm with you.
Go mad, come back. Go mad, come back.
Leave them, come back.
Go mad, come back. Go mad, come back.
Leave them, come back.
Poslednji put
Hodam kroz noc, i usamljena samTvoj broj je na mom telefonu i ti si napaljen
Ne znam,sta zelim,isto kao i ti
Ovo sa nama postaje opasno-plavo svetlo
Slazi me,daj mi vise toga,meni je svejedno,jer moje srce je otislo
Ti nisi ljubav,vec otrov opijenosti
Sve sto znam je: Da,trebas mi
Nemam pojma,sta ti samnom radis
Sve mi se pricinjava kao da je de ja vu
Hoce li me iko ikada izbaviti od tvoje kletve?
Iznova me sve privlaci ka tebi
Ne mogu vise da se branim
Ovo sa nama ce eskalirati
A jedno srce ce umreti
Voli me poslednji put
Samo jos poslednji put
Koliko dugo si budan,bebo?
Vozim se autom kroz noc bebo
4:30 na parkingu
A mi ostajemo budni sve do sledeceg dana
Dodji,mi cemo se pojaviti kao meseceva svetlost
Znamo oboje,da ovo nije zauvek
Ljubav je stvarna, samo kada boli
Bebo pocices samnom ili odlazis?
Nemam pojma,sta cinis samnom
Sve mi se pricinjava kao da je de ja vu
Hoce li me iko ikada izbaviti iz tvoje kletve?
Iznova me sve privlaci ka tebi
Ne mogu se vise braniti
Ovo sa nama ce eskalirati
A jedno srce ce umreti
Voli me poslednji put
Samo jos poslednji put
Videla sam vas danas,Videla sam kako joj se smesis.
Tako odvratno srecni
Ja sam te retko kad takvim činila.
A sigurno ona može mirno spavati
Na mojoj strani kreveta.
To je bila nekada naša kuća,
Sigurno ona sada živi u njoj.
Sada znam...
Svaki put, kada to bude 'večno'
Budem sutra dan sama.
Sledeći put,kada to bude večno,
Postaviću se drugačije
Na sledeći put 'zauvek' sigurno neću biti u tome.
Možda tako treba biti,
A mozda i ne.
Kako se vremena menjaju,
Jer joj ti jedeš iz ruke,
A ona se dopada tvojim roditeljima,
Ja nisam bila tako šarmantna.
Ti kažeš,da si mi zahvalan.
Molim te,ne idi tako predaleko.
Ja sam vaš put samo raščistila.
Za vašu budućnost u dvoje.
Radujem se zbog tebe,
Stvarno to činim,
Ipak ostatak čuvam samo za sebe.
Sada znam...
Svaki put kada to bude večno
Budem sutra dan sama.
Sledeći put kada to bude večno,
Postaviću se drugačije.
Na sledeći put 'zauvek',
Sigurno neću biti u tome.
Možda tako treba biti,
A možda tako i ne treba.
Možda tako i ne treba biti.
Vidim vas, i prolazim pored vas
200 letnjih dana
Ti vidiš kao ja,Voliš iste stvari kao ja
Misliš li isto što i ja
Da li si odavde?
Prati me jedan deo,
Onda ćeš osetiti,
Kao da je godinama tako
Ti ne poznaješ put
I moraš sada ići
A ostaćeš u meni.
Ti znaš,da ne mogu da te izbacim iz glave
Kao 200 letnjih dana
Ti činiš moj život lakšim
I ti osećaš isto...
Oh oh ohoh slobodno?
A dani prolaze
ja sam se zaljubila u sebe,a ti si se zaljubio u nekog drugog
Dolazi zima,
A ja tako želim,
da se ponovo vidimo
Jer osećaji su isti
samo ne prolaze preko puta
I ne mogu da te izbacim iz glave
Kao 200 letnjih dana
Ti činiš moj život lakšim
I ti osećaš isto...
oh ohoh oh slobodno?
Imam te uvek pokraj sebe
I znam,
Da ćemo se negde ponovo videti
Onako usputno,onako usputno
Ležim u tvojim rukamaOvde sve miriše na poverenje
Ti otklanjaš moju bol
Zaključaj je,ne puštaj je napolje
Ja sam u tvom svetu
Pričaš mi o sreći i odricanju
Ti nisi toliko toga doživeo
Ipak kažeš,da zbog toga imaš mene
Kao što deca to često rade
Trčim i ja iz znatiželje u tvojim cipelama
Htela sam samo prosto da ti kažem Hvala
Jer mi ti svakoga dana jedan novi život poklanjaš
Dobrim i lošim danima
Znam da ti misliš na mene
Hoću samo da ti kažem Hvala zato što si ti moj dom
Dobrim i lošim danima
Znam da ti moju ruku nikad nećeš ispustiti
U tvojim sam snovima
I vidim tamo sve
Da bih već ujutru mogla da ih ostvarim za tebe
U tvojim sam strahovima
Da ne budeš tamo sam
Svejedno koliko budem ostarela
Uvek će tako biti
Onako kao što to deca često čine
Zauvek u tvojim cipelama
Želim samo da ti kažem hvala
Jer mi ti svakoga dana jedan novi život poklanjaš
Dobrim i lošim danima,
Znam da ti misliš na mene
Želim samo da ti kažem hvala
Zato što si ti moj dom
Dobrim i lošim danima
Znam da nikada nećeš moju ruku ispustiti (2x)
Part 1: ELIF]Kada sediš u autobusu,ali ne želiš da sidješ, iako je upravo tvoja stanica.
Kada nemaš vazduha, i želiš samo da izadješ.
Jer ovde ne možeš biti,onakav kakav jesi.
Tebe ne bi trebao niko gledati, ipak noću u tvom krevetu, sanjaš ti o domu, u kome je sve jednostavnije.
Hej, i ja sam bila tu, molim te veruj mi
Hook: ELIF]
Nije svako sa kim se boriš tvoj neprijatelj.
I ne moraš biti tako strog prema sebi
Najveća tegoba prolazi, iako to ti sada ne možeš videti.
I uvek kada više ne vidiš izlaz, neko je za tebe tu, neko ko te voli.
Nije svako sa kim se boriš tvoj neprijatelj
I nisi sam
[Part 2: ELIF]
Kada te sve sjebe i nemaš volje,da ideš tamo, gde te niko ne razume.
I ona gledaš druge koji nikada nisu sami.
Znam,rado bi bio kao i oni ( na njihovom mestu)
Onda sediš na prozoru i uzimaš joj jedan dim
I to te čini tako iscrpljenim, kada misliš da su svi drugi bolji od tebe.
Hej,i ja sam bila tu,veruj mi molim te
Hook: ELIF]
Nije svako sa kim se boriš tvoj neprijatelj
I ne moraš biti tako strog prema sebi
Najveća teskoba prolazi, iako ti to sada ne možeš da vidiš.
I uvek kad ne vidiš izlaz,neko je za tebe tu, neko ko te voli.
Nije svako sa kim se boriš tvoj neprijatelj i nisi sam .
Part 3: Azad]
Osećaš se napušteno, i prevareno od strane sreće
Gubiš nadu,tvoj pogled ide sve do tla
Ti misliš da se tvoji neuspesi lepe za tvoja stopala
Ali baci pogled na raj,umesto na zemlju,i možeš da vidiš zvezde.
Ne ide sve,ali ide puno toga,kada pokušaš i veruješ u to
Veruj mi, i ja sam bila tu,došla sam odatle
Vidi,svakom ide nekad u životu loše
Ali,život je pre svega, ono što od njega napraviš, veruj u sebe.
Hook: ELIF]
Nije ti svako sa kim se boris neprijatelj
I ne moraš biti tako strog prema sebi
Najveća tegoba prolazi, iako ti to sada ne možeš da vidiš
I svaki put kada ne vidiš izlaz, neko je za tebe tu, neko ko te voli.
Nije ti svako sa kim se boriš neprijatelj
I nisi sam
Činim tako,kao da smo bili drugoviKao da mi je bilo svejedno kako me gledaš
Činim tako,kao da nismo postojali
Pritom me to čini iscrpljenom, šta ti povlačiš za sobom.
Nemaš predstavu,šta se samnom dogadja
I ja sve to podnosim,samo da te ne bih izgubila
I činim tako,kao da smo bili prijatelji
Pritom znam ja tačno,neću to postići.
Slušam govornu poruku od marta,da
Gde mi kažeš, kako ti tako puno falim
Da to više nećeš moći izdržati
Već si otputovao, kako mi sada fališ
Poznajem tvoje ožiljke,sve tetovaže na tvojoj koži
Sada gde si na putu,proverila sam
Koliko mi sada trebaš
Čitam poruke od oktobra
Gde mi pišeš: 'Gotovo je'
Došao si mi, i skoro je kao i pre
Samo, opet odlaziš i negde drugde spavaš
Činim to kao da smo prijatelji
Kao da mi je bilo svejedno kako me ti gledaš,
Činim tako, kao da više ne postojimo
Pritom me sve to čini iscrpljenom, šta ti povlačiš za sobom.
Nemaš predstavu,šta se samnom sada dešava
I to sve podnosim,samo da te ne bih izgubila
I činim tako,kao da smo prijatelji
Pritom znam tačno, neću to postići
Sećaš li se, od našeg rastanka nisi me više video bez šminke
Sedam puta sam promenila garderobu
Za žurku na kojoj si i ti.
Ne mogu više peniti, želim to sve potisnuti
Ali mi ne uspeva
Jer mislim na tebe, gde god da sam
Ti si u mojoj glavi
Ne želim čuti o tvojoj novoj(devojci)
Ipak kažem, da se radujem zbog tebe
Ti mi dolaziš
I skoro je kao pre
Samo opet odlaziš i negde drugde spavaš
Tada sam postojala samo ja i gitaraProfesor je rekao da neću uspeti
Niko ne zna tačno, šta ja sada radim
Sada imam hitove u tašni (rukavu)
Rodjena u Berlinu, Charite Moabit
Odrasla u jednom getu, Abi, šta je geto?
Mango frizura,Emo stil
Nikakva Nemica,nikakva Turkinja,htela sam da budem drugačija
Letnji raspusti u skejterskom parku
Jeftino vino iz tetrapaka,o daa
Poster Nirvane iznad mog kreveta
I bez mojih junaka ne bih bila sada ovde
Tada sam postojala samo ja i gitara
Profesor je rekao da neću uspeti, niko ne zna tačno šta ja sada radim
I imam hitove u rukavu
Sve što dodirnem postaje zlatno
Jednostavno se izdižem iz mase
U studiju sada svi čekaju na mene
Tada sam postojala samo ja i gitara
Tada u školi su mi uvek govorili
Ja sam bila ballaballa na sjeban način
Skoro sam se bila privikla
I onda pomislila: ' Ma pusti to!'
Pa šta treba da se desi ,druže?
Zašto tako kao ona,druže?
Ja pripadam samo sebi,druže
Šta bi trebalo da studiram,druže?
Daj mi radije jedan oskar,jednu pesmu,jednu melodiju, i prešišaću ih, druže
Oni pevaju moje pesme,
a ne poznaju me
Uznemirujuće ali super, pravim novac za slavu,daa
Čoveče,ne znam ni sama ,šta ću sutra raditi
Ipak kad god poželim , pevaću na autotjunu.
Tada sam postojala samo ja i gitara
Profesor je rekao da neću uspeti
Niko ne zna tačno šta ja sada radim
A ja imam hitove u rukavu
Sve što dodirnem postaje zlatno
Jednostavno se izdižem iz mase
U studiju sad svi čekaju na mene
Tada sam postojala samo ja i gitara
Kunem se u svoj život, snovi postaju stvarnost
[Part 1]I see her car in front of your door
And somehow it hurts me
You feel the same, when he takes me out on a date
To our past favorite cafe
I didn't want to imagine how it feels
When you stay with her next to me
And that it's difficult for me, I don't let anyone see
I don't let anyone see, even though this tear reveals it
Babe, I miss you, fuck, I need you
I don't know, I thought that it would be forever
And my heart, it doesn't beat anymore, since you're gone
And I'm sitting alone in my room
And now she's drawing a fucking heart
On your mirror, with my red lipstick
And my pain doesn't vanish, cause you're gone
And I'm sitting alone in my room
[Part 2]
I believe you miss me like I miss you
But none of us confesses
I pretend to be happy, meet guys just rarely
But somehow nobody is like you
And Babe, I am homesick, even though I'm home
Falling asleep when others go to work
It will never end, staying out all night
I never want to see daylight again
Babe, I miss you, fuck, I need you
I don't know, I thought that it would be forever
And my heart, it doesn't beat anymore, since you're gone
And I'm sitting alone in my room
And now she's drawing a fucking heart
On your mirror, with my red lipstick
And my pain doesn't vanish, cause you're gone
And I'm sitting alone in my room
Please, tell me that you'll leave her
Please, say that you have never loved her
I don't care if you hurt her
I know exactly that she doesn't deserve you ever
Please, tell me that you'll leave her
Please, say that you have never loved her
I don't care if you hurt her
I know exactly that she doesn't deserve you ever
Babe, I miss you, fuck, I need you
I don't know, I thought that it would be forever
And my heart, it doesn't beat anymore, since you're gone
And I'm sitting alone in my room
And now she's drawing a fucking heart
On your mirror, with my red lipstick
And my pain doesn't vanish, cause you're gone
And I'm sitting alone in my room
Sitting alone in my room
Sitting alone in my room
[Part 1: ELIF]When you sit on the bus but you don't want to get off, even if it is your stop
When you can't breath and just want to get out
Because here you can't be yourself
Nobody should be able to tell but at night you dream of a normal home, where everything is easier
Ey, I have been there, please believe me
[Hook: ELIF]
Not everybody you're fighting is your enemy
And you don't have to be so hard on yourself
The tightest situation will pass, even if you can't see this right now
And every time you can't see any way out, somebody is there who loves you
Not everybody you're fighting is your enemy
And you are not alone in this
[Part 2: ELIF]
When everything fucks you up and you don't give a damn, to go places nobody understands you
And you're seeing others who are never alone
I know you would like to be like them
Then you're at the window taking another puff
And it almost kills you to think that everybody is better than you
Ey, I have been there, please believe me
[Hook: ELIF]
Not everybody you're fighting is your enemy
And you don't have to be so hard on yourself
The tightest situation will pass, even if you can't see this right now
And every time you can't see any way out, somebody is there who loves you
Not everybody you're fighting is your enemy
And you are not alone in this
[Part 3: AZAD]
You feel left alone and betrayed by fortune
Your hope went missing, you're looking down
You think bad luck is sticking to your heels
But if you look up to the sky instead of the ground you will see stars!
Not everything is possible but a lot, if you try and believe
Believe me, I have been there, but I got out
See, somehow everybody will be really pissed off by something.
But life is what you make of it, believe in yourself
[Hook: ELIF]
Not everybody you're fighting is your enemy
And you don't have to be so hard on yourself
The tightest situation will pass, even if you can't see this right now
And every time you can't see any way out, somebody is there who loves you
Not everybody you're fighting is your enemy
And you are not alone in this
From: spending the evening in the park and then going home arm in armTo: 'Don't go on my nerves' and then just hanging up
From: Going together to Turkey, packing at night and then taking off
To: 'You're fucking me up, I gonna sleep on the couch'
And we argue until our voices break
I listen but I can't hear you
You want to know if there is still something
But I can't find the words
Damn, what happened to us?
Are we really done?
I loved you so much
And now I started chain smoking again
I'm taking some random person home
And I am feeling lousy
Oh man, what did we do?
Are we really done?
Us in the car, we argue, I'm racing
I want to get on with you again, but you want to hit me
Your father wants us to separate, because we're in war
I don't have much but still we go to the Louis V-store
Baby, it's like Karma, I hate everybody who was close to you
And now I am on snow1 like a snowboarder
I'll let you wait and you ask me, if I will still show up today
I'm in a police check since a few hours
Too high on drugs, too many intoxicants
Can't go up, don't have the keys
I see you behind me in the mirror
And you want to kill me like in a love movie
You're crying, I am so sorry
Yes, I know, I am too drunk again
I am so cold, I am freezing
So alone, but I am waiting for you downstairs
Damn, what happened to us?
Are we really done?
I loved you so much
And now I started chain smoking again
I'm taking some random person home
And I am feeling lousy
Oh man, what did we do?
Are we really done?
And we argue until our voices break
I listen but I can't hear you
You want to know if there is still something
But I can't find the words
Damn, what happened to us?
Are we really done?
I loved you so much
And now I started chain smoking again
I'm taking some random person home
And I am feeling lousy
Oh man, what did we do?
Are we really done?
Are we really done?
Are we really done?
- 1. snow meaning cocain
Everything helal
[Verse 1]I'm drinking Vodka Tonic and pray at night
Dancing on the bar counter, sometimes, and then I take off
I want to dream of heaven, with my boyfriend, naked in bed
And preferably every day
Dad, your daughter lives in sin
And she has good reasons
You know, I love you all, Dad
Maybe we won't enter the same paradise, Dad
I have to know how life tastes, trying every gunk
Don't say, I waste my life
I know, I don't do everything right but I think this is important
Ah yeah, what is still allowed?
Everybody believes in what they believe and I believe:
Everything is helal, everything is helal, everything is helal, everything is helal
Ah, yeah, do you want to know what I believe?
When I die I will be light and you too!
Everything is helal, everything is helal, everything is helal, everything is helal,
Everything is helal, everything is helal
[Verse 2]
I clasp my hands and I pray
Praise the lord, I am alive!
While I am raving with my girls, just want to be high
And listen to music in a car!
I am alright even if I don't marry tomorrow
A few rendezvous just so that I won't grow lonely
Can't be an angel, because the devil is ruling this world
I have to waste myself, I declare my own boundaries
The world is mad and I am part of that, Dad
I am working hard but it's never enough, Dad
You even say that God is the greatest and that is true, Dad
And I hope God loves me just like I am, Dad
Ah yeah, what is still allowed?
Everybody believes in what they believe and I believe:
Everything is helal, everything is helal, everything is helal, everything is helal
Ah, yeah, do you want to know what I believe?
When I die I will be light and you too!
Everything is helal, everything is helal, everything is helal, everything is helal,
Everything is helal, everything is helal
Everybody believes in what they believe and I believe:
Everything is helal, everything is helal
Everybody believes in what they believe, everybody believes in what they believe, everybody believes in what they believe
Everything is helal, everything is helal
Everything is helal, everything is helal
Eyes Closed
I love you, even though I sufferNobody believes in us two
But nobody kisses me like you do
I trust you even with eyes closed
I know the salt of your tears
And you the pain of my soul
And nobody kisses me like you do
I trust you even with eyes closed
I only dreamed about you the whole night
Believe me, Cano
Lie to mom and tell her, you're just a friend
But we're going to Milano
Don't interfere when we fight on the street
No matter what, we always have to exaggerate
Friends are saying I will regret this with you
But they have no clue
Because you are like me, head against the wall
And no matter what happens, you're still my man
I love you, even though I suffer
Nobody believes in us two
But nobody kisses me like you do
I trust you even with eyes closed
I know the salt of your tears
And you the pain of my soul
And nobody kisses me like you do
I trust you even with eyes closed
I did not regret last night
It's possible that I love you
I know you dreamed about me
Golden colt and I'm shooting (Pah, pah, pah, pah)
I sit in the club, am kafa, down the Raki
You break me and I hug the Maserati
That's not me but Iblis, my darling
Tell her: 'Baby with me you're as safe as a locker'
Six in the morning and you're calling Unknown
Your voice just like Nancy Ajram's
No time, you know that I am on the run
I'm sorry, baby, because I am a Mujrim (Rrah)
Canım, I am clean (I am clean)
And my heart beats to the rhythm, ephedrine (ephedrine)
I know that you love me
Drive the Jeep, yell: 'Your ex is a Piç!', rrah
I love you, even though I suffer
Nobody believes in us two
But nobody kisses me like you do
I trust you even with eyes closed
I know the salt of your tears
And you the pain of my soul
And nobody kisses me like you do
I trust you even with eyes closed
Sve je dozvoljeno
[Strophe 1]Pijem vodku tonik i noću se molim
Plešem ponekad na pultu i onda poletim
Želim da sanjam svoj raj, sa dečkom gola u krevetu
I po mogućnosti svakog dana
Tata, tvoja ćerka živi u grehu
I za to postoje dobri razlozi
Znaš da te mnogo volim, tata
Možda se nećemo susresti u istom raju, tata
Moram okusiti ovaj život, isprobati svaku prljavštinu
Nemoj reći da upropašćavam svoj život
I sama znam da ne radim sve ispravno, ali verujem da tako treba
Ah da, šta je još dozvoljeno?
Svako veruje u ono što želi, i ja tako
Sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno
Ah, želite li znati šta ja mislim?
Kada umrem, postaću svetlost a i ti ćeš!
Sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno
Sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno
[Strophe 2]
Sklopim ruke i molim se
Alahu u koga verujem
Dok rejvujem sa drugaricama, želeći da se zabavimo
A onda slušamo muziku u kolima!
Dobro sam, iako se sutra ne udam
I ne idem na sastanke samo da ne bih bila usamljena
Ne možeš biti anđeo jer đavo vlada ovim svetom
Želim da proživim, da razjasnim granice sa sobom
Svet je bolestan i ja mu pripadam, tata
Trudim se ali nikad nije dovoljno, tata
I sam kažeš da je Bog veliki i to je istina, tata
I nadam se da me voli takvu kakva jesam, tata!
Ah da, šta je još dozvoljeno?
Svako veruje u ono što želi, i ja tako
Sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno
Ah, želite li znati šta ja mislim?
Kada umrem, postaću svetlost a i ti ćeš!
Sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno
Svako veruje u ono što želi, i ja tako
Sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno
Svako veruje u ono što želi, svako veruje u ono što želi, svako veruje u ono što želi,
Sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno
Sve je dozvoljeno, sve je dozvoljeno
Dad says, I don't have a good reputation.Have tried too many guys.
Mama says, there's a curse on me.
Can only fail, no matter what I do.
Sometimes I think I'll get just as sick as everyone else.
They said I'm going crazy and yes, I’m slowly starting to believe them.
Minus seven degrees, I'm running alone through the city park
The down jacket keeps me warm, but in my heart is Alaska.
The down jacket keeps me warm, but in my heart is Alaska.
I don't know what love is
No matter how much I get, I need more of it.
It tears me apart, inside.
When I don't know where to get it again.
Even my therapist says he doesn't know what to do next.
My dark side, stronger than the white.
Youth was poisoned, the future uncertain, yes.
It's the way it is, yeah, it's the way it is, yeah.
Dad says, I don't have a good reputation (Dad says, I don't have a good reputation.)
Have tried too many guys (Have tried too many guys.)
Mama says, there's a curse on me. (Mama says, there's a curse on me.)
Can only fail, no matter what I do. (Mhh)
Sometimes I think I'll get just as sick as everyone else.
They said I'm going crazy and yes, I’m slowly starting to believe them.
Minus seven degrees, I'm running alone through the city park
The down jacket keeps me warm, but in my heart is Alaska.
The down jacket keeps me warm, but in my heart is Alaska.
It's snowing, snowing - ice age.
A fire burns inside me that wants to get out
Freeze to death without a family.
Have said it, have screamed it, but they don't believe it.
Okay, then without you guys, yes, I've known it since I was nine.
Build something for myself, yes, and then buy two houses.
Know what I've seen, learn from your mistakes.
Do it differently later, I'll do it differently later.
Dad says, I don't have a good reputation (Dad says, I don't have a good reputation.)
and punishes me with withdrawing his love. (and punishes me with withdrawing his love.)
Mama says, there's a curse on me. (Mama says, there's a curse on me.)
Can only fail, no matter what I do. (no matter, what I do).
Sometimes I think I'll get just as sick as everyone else.
They said I'm going crazy and yes, I’m slowly starting to believe them.
Minus seven degrees, I'm running alone through the city park
The down jacket keeps me warm, but in my heart is Alaska.
The down jacket keeps me warm, but in my heart is Alaska.
Always on the road, no matter where100 messages on my phone
Our anniversary I-Phone code
My dreams were so high for you
And for a while I was thinking everything is good
I don't look at the prices anymore
Everyone hears what I write
Though, ı feel alone
Something doesn't let me go
And I keep asking myself why
No matter where I am
I always just think about you
Will you come today or not
I can't figure it out anymore
What does that mean for me
Ey, My head is really fucked up
I've made it but where are you?
Why do I feel myself so alone
Everything is gold but where are you?
Why do I feel so shit
Are you really the price for all this
I swear I wanted to share with you
So much happened, but where are you
I feel alone
Everyone knows my name
Though no-one says it the way you say
I smile to the camera
But no-one asks how is it really going with me
And I think what happened is total bullshit
Feels like it is a game
Never noticed when it is too much
I ask myself why you are not here
Something doesn't let me go
And now I slowly understand why
Thousands of dreams
I'm in thousands of dreams and one darkness.I'm not able to find my way without you.
I'm about to get lost.
An exit, a sunny yard
put my eyes to sleep.
I'm not able to find my way without you.
I'm about to get lost.
Toss me aside if you want, or if you wish hit me once again.
I don't get scared when I think of you.
I watched as you go, I saw the road ended there so I put on the brakes.
I should find my way whenever I think of you.
Tough, nights are too tough on me.
Nights don't pass alone,
nights feel like they last for eternity.
You don't understand (x2)
Child's times are over, child's times were freeYou have not traveled in years and only move in circles here
Been blonde for so long, but the color washes out
'Hey, rain city!'
Just go to the kiosk and buy a flint
Give everyone a short notice, but nobody is really happy
You say: 'see you again soon, nothing will happen to me
Hey taxi, the flight is booked! '
Everything in front of you, make it gold. Take it with you
And no matter what you will choose
I give you fire, I wish you fire
And no matter how long you'll need to find yourself
I give you fire, I wish you fire
Until your universe gives you an answer
and your scale weighs heavier on one side
I give you fire, I wish you fire
A thousand kilometers away, a thousand kilometers light
And your red sky sparks and you get hot again
Don't have a blanket when you go to sleep tonight
'Hey compass, bring her home safely!'
Everything in front of you, make it gold. Take it with you
No matter what sky you see, you will be missed here
And no matter what you will choose
I give you fire, I wish you fire
And no matter how long you'll need to find yourself
I give you fire, I wish you fire
Until your universe gives you an answer
and your scale weighs heavier on one side
I give you fire, I wish you fire
And I know that it will burn
So high, so far, my friend
And everyone will be able to see you
See you soon, I'm waiting for you
And no matter what you will choose
I give you fire, I wish you fire
And no matter how long you'll need to find yourself
I give you fire, I wish you fire
Until your universe gives you an answer
and your scale weighs heavier on one side
I give you fire, I wish you fire
Until your universe gives you an answer
and your scale weighs heavier on one side
I give you fire, I wish you fire
My Rose Wilted
My rose wilted,nightingale have quited down,in those the heart of mineHeart got grieved,the body got scorched,in those foreign land
The name of my love is every particle and in my every breath
The ignorant don't know ,beloved knows my remedy you are x2
The idea got confused,tongue have remained without word,there is love in my head
There was to break up with you in my this fate
The idea got confused,tongue have remained without word,there is love in my head
The heart's road gradually atteches to the girl that i love
Fall in love who have hold the burden of love reaches destination
İn the road who goes from heart to heart,souls cauterizes
The heart gets hurt piece by piece it reaches ti the girl that i love
Can it please stay like this?
Pizza boxes,Car tires,
Just us two,
infinite loops,
missing nothing,
folding hands,
glaring lights,
not stopping
Empty streets
rain drops,
Ash tray,
Red eyes,
never sleeping again,
happy without a word - for days already
happy without a word.
We are not thinking,
and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
(we) don't have a plan
and cannot be bothered to decide.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
We are driving through the night.
I'm awake with you.
No idea what is going to happen today.
We aren't thinking and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Let us please stay like this.
Free flowing hair
night over,
time to grow,
full hands,
The first rays of sun touching my face.
two-bed room
ceiling lamp,
water bottles
from the gas station.
forgetting time.
happy without a word - for days already
happy without a word.
We are not thinking,
and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
(we) don't have a plan
and cannot be bothered to decide.
Can it please stay like this?
Can it please stay like this?
We are driving through the night.
I'm awake with you.
No idea what is going to happen today.
We aren't thinking and we're drifting.
Can it please stay like this?
Let us please stay like this.
Let us please stay like this.
So Light
First comes the worldand then comes our problems.
What would they even be worth
if there's nothing left for us tomorrow?
We still feel immortal,
as if this happiness could never end.
Would everything still be important
if nothing's left for us tomorrow?
We might never feel so light again,
and maybe we won't be.
Like a thousandth of a second,
the blink of an eye in time,
the trajectory of a step
in the marathon of existence.
And you're really worried
about what was yesterday.
I'll take you in my arms
Do you still think about tomorrow?
That was so long ago.
I'll take you in my arms.
Oh, come take me in your arms.
We might never feel so light again
Let's see everything as a whole.
Are we so insignificantly small?
Oh, what will we leave behind?
What will be left of us?
We might never feel so light again,
and maybe we won't be.
Like a thousandth of a second,
the blink of an eye in time,
the trajectory of a step
in the marathon of existence.
And you're really worried
about what was yesterday.
I'll take you in my arms
Do you still think about tomorrow?
That was so long ago.
I'll take you in my arms.
Oh, come take me in your arms
We might never feel so light again
We still feel immortal,
as if this happiness could never end.
We still feel immortal.
I'll take you in my arms.
Oh, come take me in your arms.
We might never feel so light again
We might never feel so light again
We might never feel so light again
We might never feel so light again
Running Start
You have found my weakest pointand said it'd be okay.
You embraced my ugliness
You were my best time, you held a place ready for me
Hello, you...long nose-dive1
I never felt so connected
I thought I had finally found family in you
Always get a running start, take off running with a full heart
Always jump a little higher, always get a running start
Always get a running start, till it works, till I get it right
I was the most beautiful woman for you
You even tinted with black, white, and gray
your big-picture-view for all the little things: your photos,
your movies, your hands, your voice.
Your understanding of my chaos, my hustle and bustle
Oh, I've always been one for drama
Just couldn't live without you.
Covered up with my humor, I swore I could handle it
But again it didn't work out
I failed, I failed
And you know exactly where the problem lies,
it was my black, white, and gray.
And now I've disappeared from your heart
And I thought I had finally found family
Always get a running start, take off running with a full heart
Always jump a little higher, always get a running start
Always get a running start, take off running with a full heart
Always jump a little higher, always get a running start
Someday I'll find a hand that fits in mine,
a heart that makes my heart fuller,
a good spirit that watches over me.
And you'll fly on so many clouds,
fall in love with yourself again.
You'll become a father without me,
and I'll find my home
Because we will always get a running start, take off running with a full heart
Always jump a little higher, always get a running start
Always get a running start, till it works, till it works
- 1. This is a literal translation, I'm not sure if it means something figurative.
I said Elif, Be
I said “Elif”, 'Be” (1)Girl, what did I say to you?
Even if the bird’s wing was a pen
It couldn’t write my misery.
My Elif was dotted. (2)
My anguish grew more and more
Help me mother, help me father…
Wooden planks were placed in my grave (3).