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Број резултата: 18
Rondo - Black prince
Elizabeth!What magic
is stopping me from moving away from you
Like all the others?
There's no coming without going
No light without night
Without disappointment no understanding
Shadows, swaying
By invisible force
Become eternal and pass away
Everything from the moment
When your gaze understood me
Suddenly there is clarity in the longing
In the moment
when your feelings found me
A hunch suddenly became the truth
Anything but to guide you
and overcome you
I want to be loved
and to bind your hope to me
Because I want you to want me
to confess to me
To find your dream in me
I recognize you, Black Prince
And I do not fear you
You're not like they describe you
You see right through me, Black Prince
And you're mirrored in me
Let me stay by your side
Instead of completing my mission in silence
I want to be loved and feel your warmth in me
Because I want you to want me
and to confess to me*
Until then I will wait
No life without death
No dreams without sleep
No sinking without floating
From that moment
(Until you dare)
When your gaze met mine
(To surrender yourself )
My wish was to live in you
The Shadows Are Getting Longer
Versions: #2[Death:]
It's time for us to finally get to talk
Time to break through the silence
You know me.
Yes, you know me!
Dy you remember still, you were a lad
when I promised you
I would
always be near you.
Oh, I've never forgotten you
My Friend, I'm calling after
when my fears consume me...
I came because you need me
The shadows are getting longer
and yet all stay
blind and mute
To the tune of the Ratcatcher
they frantically dance
around the Golden Calf
The shadows are getting longer!
It is five to twelve!
It's about time.
Time, to see the world's fissure (?)
If only I could turn the helm!
But I must stand next to it
My hands
are tied.
There's nothing worse than to know
how disaster develops
and to have to watch it helplessly
It completely
makes me ill!
The shadows are getting longer,
and the songs get
chilly and shrill.
The vicious circle narrows
but one only believes
what one wants to believe.
The shadows are getting longer!
It's five to twelve!
Why does everyone hold still?
What is holding you back?
This is the moment!
Seize the power!
Do it in self-defence!
[Together with Choir:]
The shadows are getting longer
what is to happen
is to happen now.
The vicious circle narrows!
One should withstand
the disaster.
The shadows are getting longer!
Rudolf the Emperor
will go to meet Time.
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. Thank you!
If I Want to Dance
Versions: #2[Elisabeth]
What a triumph!
[der Tod]
My triumph!
What a festival!
[der Tod]
My festival!
I have overcome the enemies
[der Tod]
So you change the course of the world in my mind
We are so closely connected
I did not do it for the world
[der Tod]
Not for the world
But for me
[der Tod]
For me!
Now I have found my way
[der Tod]
They have laughed at you
But now you have prevailed and defeated them
They held me tight as a dancing puppet
But I will not be a marionette!
If I want to dance
Then I dance as I like
I alone determine the hour
I alone select the music
If I want to dance
Then I dance
In my particular style
At the edge of the abyss
Or only
In your gaze
[der Tod]
Black seagull, fly!
I fly
[der Tod]
I alone
[der Tod]
Will accompany you through night and storm
I do not want to be accompanied any more
Not even by you
I will not be led
[der Tod]
You are only free because of me
Only because of me
[der Tod]
Only for me
For me
[der Tod]
For you shall pave the way for me
Now I'm going my own way
I've separated myself from you
Leave me alone!
[der Tod]
You fell in love with me
Because freedom does not exist without me and
None can understand you but me
If I want to dance
Then I dance as I like
I alone determine the hour
I alone select the music
If I want to dance
Then I dance
In my particular style
At the edge of the abyss
Or only
In your gaze
I am strong enough alone
[der Tod]
You were strong only as long
As you still believed yourself weak
I will not call you
[der Tod]
You will call me
I will not seek you
[der Tod]
You will seek me
I begin to love life
[der Tod]
Soon you will hate it
If I want to dance
Then I dance as I like
I alone determine the hour
I alone select the music
If I want to dance
Then I dance
In my particular style
At the edge of the abyss
Or only
In your gaze
If I want to dance
And with whom I want to dance
Only I decide