Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 5
My Most Beautiful Defeat
Versions: #1
I wonder how far away are
the good days?
You broke my wings
So don't become somebody elses sky
My prayer, and the one who listens to it, is certain
The rest is predestination.
My heart did not die out of impatience
It has a murderer...
If they ask me about you
I'll say he's my most beautiful defeat
If I go back to you, they’ll call it a suicide
I wasn't going to give that last value.
Call me
What (great) nights we had together
Storms breaking through our bodies
Then you cut like knife
I did not ask, you did not say
I had a few lovers after you
But believe me, i never felt this way
Why did you cut like knife
I did not ask, you did not say
Call me whenever you feel like
When crazy things cross your mind
If you feel the same love like
I do
Call me, don‘t wait any longer
Call me, I kiss you
I miss you so much, like crazy
Call me, I kiss you
I miss you so much, like crazy
Moja rupa bez dna
Bio si poput deteta koji je u gostima
Došao si, sve rasturio i otišao
Ja sam svaki dan tvoj miris udisala
Ti si onaj zbog koga sam ćutala i pisala
Život se ne poverava onome koji ne ume da da srce
Nije ti dovoljna sreća ako ti to sudbina dozvolila nije
Ti si moja rupa bez dna u sam svojevoljno padala
Postao si glavna uloga u mojim neostvarenim snovima
Umorila sam se od traženja načina da ti oprostim
Šta misliš da te neko može voleti kao ja?
My Bottomless Pit
You were like a guest child
You came, messed up then went
Every day, I kissed your smell
I wrote your name but didn’t read
Life can’t be commended to those not knowing how to make peace
Luck can’t afford what fate doesn’t let
You were my bottomless pit where i can’t get enough of falling
You became the lead actor of my dreams broken
I got tired of finding ways to forgive you
Who do you think will love you like I do?
You re like once in a blue moon
Versions: #3
It doesn't matter anymore
as a matter of fact , we will handle it the right way now
your story in past doesn't bother me
we re somehow rewriting it from now on
right in front of my eyes 1001 nights
I have a love that gets the mountains down
just take notes of the catchies
we will complete the small necessities one by one
and you came into the world for a reaction to everything
what a grace she has, oh my God , You re gorgeous
just may she have a fault at least,there s one has and not
It's really unbalanced , You re like once in a blue moon