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Број резултата: 17


I dalje je sve pomalo ti

Dan nakon prošle noći
I kiša ako padne, Ukvasiću se bez tebe, danas mi malo nedostaješ.
Danas mi malo nedostaješ, hodao sam nerazmišljajući.
Nisam usamljen već zatvoren prema spoljašnjosti.
Ne lažem. Nemam više snage.
Umorilo me je vreme.
Ne lažem. Nemam više snage.
Umorilo me je, veruj.
I dalje ti, i dalje je sve pomalo ti.
I dalje ti, i dalje je sve pomalo ti.
Taj brod vratiti se nece,
od čekanja umorio sam se.
Letnji sam dan koji još uvek počeo nije, kao da malo pijan sam...
Kao da malo niko nisam.
Koji voz na stanici je bio?
Tog dana sam te izgubio.
Malo si bila kiša,
malo si kišu glumila...
Ne lažem. Nemam više snage.
Umorilo me je vreme.
Ne lažem. Nemam više snage.
Umorilo me je, veruj.
I dalje ti, i dalje je sve pomalo ti.
I dalje ti, i dalje je sve pomalo ti.
Taj brod vratiti se nece,
od čekanja umorio sam se.
I dalje ti, i dalje je sve pomalo ti.
I dalje ti, i dalje je sve pomalo ti.
Taj brod vratiti se nece,
od čekanja umorio sam se.

for the last time

how are you, how is it going?
are you used to too?
are you okay in İstanbul now?
i heard you married, how did it happen?
have you finally found
the peace that you used to talk about?
i'm fine
everything is same
sleeping pills,
fake smiles
i'm fine
also you know me
whatever i do or say
the feeling of being late
i wish i see you for the last time
lose in your face
lost to you for the last time
even if you don't understand
i wish you to be mine for the last time
wake up with you
believe me, there's nothing new at all
i got older, sure
my hair has become a little spared
you left an endless night
and you fell a triple dot
i didn't show, i got lonely

Go to whoever touched you

Don't, don't touch me.
Go to whoever touched you.
Stay wherever you forgot me at.
I won't let you crush me.
Don't say ''I did it because I fell in love'', don't speak.
We don't call what you did 'love' here.
Even if the whole peoples of the world believed in you, I wouldn't.
Does your presence worth a penny
that your absence should hurt me?
Let all the peoples of the world bow down to you, I won't.
Don't, don't touch me.
Go to whoever touched you.
Stay wherever you forgot me at.
I won't let you crush me.
You taught me to cry,
to sob pressing a pillow on my face.
Even if the whole peoples of the world forgave you, I won't.
I'm not like them,
I still couldn't be 'a man'
''Man'' can be your slave, I won't be.
Don't, don't touch me.
Go to whoever touched you.
Stay wherever you forgot me at.
I won't let you crush me.

Once A Year

Versions: #1
You are a rose who withers in my heart without even blooming
I am always sorrowful, always sad
I will wait for you for months
As long as you come to me once a year
Even if my hair goes gray
Even if my cheeks wither
Even if my lips burn due to calling your name
I will dedicate my life to this love
As long as you come to me once a year

Everything is still a little bit you

Don't stay today from the evening
and if this rain falls
my loneliness would be wet
I missed you a little bit today
I missed you a little bit today
I always walked with no purpose
My inside isn't a desert so that I was left outside
i have no lies, I have no will of it.
Time has tired me.
And still you, everything is still a little bit you
everything is still a little bit you
and that ship won't turn back, I got tired of waiting.
Now I am a summer day whose not bright
As if I am a little drunk
and a little no one
Which train was on your lane
I lost you that day
You were always a little bit like rain
A little bit rain...


Sana Gel

Come on, come to me half, come, come.
I need you, come, come, come.
Come again, come again, come again.
Come on, come to me, half of me.
Come on, come to me half, come, come.
I need you, come, come, come.
Come again, come again, come again.
Come on, come to me half, come, come.
My eyes were on my way, my ears heard.
What do you want me to do
My heart, I said, without it, can not do it.
He was ill with insanity and madness.
Meet again, half meet, meet and see.
As in the past, secretly, love.
Me, embrace me, me, you shock
Secretly, let's kiss.
Come on, come to me half, come, come.
I need you, come, come, come.
Come again, come again, come again.
Come on, come to me half, come, come.
Come on to me, come to me, come, come.
I need you, come, come, come.
Come again, come again, come again.
Come on, come to me half, come, come.
Before you go to sleep, I go to bed and sleep.
If I can not speak, then I take the message.
The phone does not fall from my hand.
I was in bed, in my head, in my hand.
Now, what is the call, what is the message, and you
Once, but you must have done me.
But I love you, I love you.
I'm telling you, I do not.
Come on, come to me half, come, come.
I need you, come, come, come.
Come again, come again, come again.
Come on, come to me half, come, come.
Come on, come to me half, come, come.
I need you, come, come, come.
Come again, come again, come again.
Come on, come to me half, come, come.
Come back again, we stay the same as before.
Love, yet love, joy.
Do not know how to escape separately.
Whom are you waiting for?
I know that you also love me
You know, I'm waiting for you.
I know you well, because
I know you're on the road, you come
Come on to me, come to me, come, come.
I need you, come, come, come.
Come again, come again, come again.
Come on, come to me half, come, come.
Come on, come to me half, come, come.
I need you, come, come, come.
Come again, come again, come again.
Come on to me, come to me, come, come.

a life-death matter

Oh you were a life-death matter
a life-death matter
a life-death matter
let it stay away
No, one farewell is not enough for a lot of time
Words can't come to my heart, I can not do it without him
No, it can't end with just a word from you
Love is not enough, for that who goes, every road is an excuse
Maybe I should've understood
I should've seen, love is done.
Did I force you to stay?
It took me time to see, forgive me,
Oh, I was the sealed doors' regular goer
The silence listener
Waiting for someone who won't come
Let it be that way
Oh you were a life-death matter
a life-death matter
a life-death matter
let it stay away
Oh you were the reason for my ruined dreams
Oh you were the shadow of the dead ends
a life-death matter
let it stay away.


Maybe I'm Kid

Maybe I'm a kid
A wood sword in my hands
And I'm offended you
You won't be awere of it
I've woken up this morning
As I'm saying 'just give me back'
No place left for me inside in me
I've woken up this morning
As I'm saying 'just give me back'
Believe that no power left in me
Aman aman* your love ate me up
Aman aman your love ate me up
Aman aman
Maybe I'm a kid
A killing doubt inside in me
Maybe you didn't love me at all
You won't be awere of it
I've woken up this morning
As I'm saying 'just give me back'
No place left for me inside in me
I've woken up this morning
As I'm saying 'just give me back'
Believe that no power left in me
Aman aman* your love ate me up
Aman aman your love ate me up
Aman aman
I used to say If I would go
If I would run away
Aman aman* your love ate me up
Aman aman your love ate me up
Aman aman

Ne želim da padnem

Osećam se kao prazna ulica
u kojoj si bila jednom
Znaš gde... gde je
Ali te više nije briga
Ali u redu je, više ne krvarim
I nisam više izgubljen
Kada te vidim, pada kiša
I uopše ne pomaže
Samo želim da znaš
Da ne želim da padnem
Ja, ja ne želim da padnem
Izgubio sam previše usput
Ne želim da padnem
Nema šanse, nema šanse

Problem života i smrti

Ah ti si bio jedan problem života i smrti
Jedan problem života i smrti
Jedan problem života i smrti
Drži se podalje od mene
Jedno zbogom nakon ovoliko vremena nije dovoljno
Reči ne dolaze do srca, ne može srce bez njega
Ne, ne može da se završi tek tako s jednom rečju
Za onog koji odlazi ljubav nije dovoljna, svaki put je izgovor
Možda je trebalo da shvatim, da vidim da se ljubav istrošila
Da li sam te terao da ostaneš? Kasno sam shvatio
Ah ti redovni posetioče mojih zapečaćenih vrata
Bila sam ona koja je tvoju tišinu slušala
Koja je čekala iako nikad doći nećeš
Nek bude tako
Ah ti si bio jedan problem života i smrti
Jedan problem života i smrti
Jedan problem života i smrti
Drži se podalje od mene
Jedno zbogom nakon ovoliko vremena nije dovoljno
Reči ne dolaze do srca, ne može srce bez nje
Ne, ne može da se završi tek tako s jednom rečju
Za onog koji odlazi ljubav nije dovoljna, svaki put je izgovor
Možda je trebalo da shvatim, da vidim da se ljubav istrošila
Da li sam te terala ja da ostaneš? Kasno sam shvatila
Ah ti, koji si razlog srušenih snova
Seko ćorsokaka
Bio si jedan problem života i smrti
Drži se podalje od mene
Ah ti si bio jedan problem života i smrti
Jedan problem života i smrti
Jedan problem života i smrti
Drži se podalje od mene
Ah ti si bio jedan problem života i smrti
Jedan problem života i smrti
Jedan problem života i smrti
Drži se podalje od mene

My Troubled

Cliff cliff you are the one who I look trough your eyes
You are the person who I put on my neck as shackles
I miss you like the mountain lakes
You are the one who I sleep at nights as sleep
I burn, I burn
I flame up I burn
My fire burn
you and me my troubled
You are the one who I lost in jungles
You are the one who I add to my lifespan as lifespan
Emerge yourself like a crazy in boranes
You are the one who I tasted the salt of your skin
I burn, I burn
I flame up I burn
My fire burn
you and me my troubled
You are the one who I stamp on my heart
You are the one who I found in the rage of cities
Where is the ground where is the sky where am I
You are my border I reached asking these questions to myself
I burn, I burn
I flame up I burn
My fire burn
you and me my troubled

A Matter of Life and Death

Ah, you were a matter of life and death ...
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
Keep away!
No, after all this time the farewell wouldn't be enough
I can't tell anything to the heart without you
No, it doesn't end just with one word
Love isn't enough for the leaver, never-ending excuse
Maybe I should have understood, I should have seen that love was over
Did I force you to stay? I understood it too late. Forgive me!
Ah, I was the inhabitant of the sealed doors
I was the listener of their silence
I was waiting for the one that never comes
Be it so
Ah, you were a matter of life and death ...
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
Keep away!
No, after all this time the farewell wouldn't be enough
I can't tell anything to the heart without you
No, it doesn't end just with one word
Love isn't enough for the leaver, never-ending excuse
Maybe I should have understood
I should have seen that love was over
Did I force you to stay? I understood it too late. Forgive me!
Ah, you were the reason of wrecked dreams
You were the shadow of dead-end roads
You were a matter of life and death
Keep away!
Ah, you were a matter of life and death ...
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
Keep away!

Ne ostavljaj me tamo gde si me ranila

(Zapravo, znam da niko nikog zaista i ne voli)
Ne ostavljaj me tamo gde si me ranila
Ne mogu da podnesem ničije odsustvo
Ne ostavljaj me tamo gde si me ranila
U meni sve viče, ja ništa nisam mogao da kažem
Milion stvari imam na pameti
Da nisi otišla čula bi
'Da si samo jednom na mene mislila'
Sa time sam želeo da počnem
Ne mogu čak da kažem 'Čuvaj se'
Ne mogu čak da kažem 'Čuvaj se'
I da progovorim, nema svrhe ali ne mogu ni da ćutim
Ne ostavljaj me tamo gde si me ranila
Ne mogu da podnesem ničije odsustvo
Ne ostavljaj me tamo gde si me ranila
U meni sve viče, ja ništa nisam mogao da kažem
Samo jedna stvar mi je na pameti
Da sam mogao da progovorim
Želeo sam da vičem
'Ne ostavljaj me tako'
Ne mogu čak da kažem 'Čuvaj se'
Ne mogu čak da kažem 'Čuvaj se'
I da progovorim, nema svrhe ali ne mogu ni da ćutim
Ne ostavljaj me tamo gde si me ranila
Ne mogu da podnesem ničije odsustvo
Ne ostavljaj me tamo gde si me ranila
U meni sve viče, ja ništa nisam mogao da kažem
Ne ostavljaj me tamo gde si me ranila
Ne mogu da podnesem ničije odsustvo
Ne ostavljaj me tamo gde si me ranila
U meni sve viče, ja ništa nisam mogao da kažem

Showy loneliness

Versions: #4
I want to die ,die ,die
Right now !
I want to go ,run away
At the very now.
This time is very showy loneliness.
As enemy as a woman who is deceiving.
It's abusive moreover
Its not leaving without hurt.
This time is very showy loneliness.
As enemy as a woman who is crying.
It has set a trap moreover
Its not leaving without hurt.
I'm dying in my all breathe.
I do what the hell I want.
I ran and tired so.
And now, I fall too.
I swore, swore ,swore
To the world ,
To the sorrows,
To the streets,
To belong to humans,
This time is very showy loneliness.
As enemy as a woman who is deceiving.
It's abusive moreover
Its not leaving without hurt.
This time is very showy loneliness .
As enemy as a woman who is crying
It has set a trap moreover
Its not leaving without hurt.
It hasn't worth the effort
and This time I have no strength
To endure , to endure..
I'm dying in my all breathe.
I do what the hell I want.
I ran and tired so.
And now, I fall too.

Teško meni!

Ostavio sam reči, da bi opet bila dobro
Da se dani više ne bi skraćivali
Nije laž, i ja sam gotov, srce mi je slomljeno
I obećao sam, nisam ti preprečio put
Ali teško je izdržati ako je 5 ujutru
Ako se umoriš i ako si u Istanbulu
U istom onom Istanbulu koji me je spalio
U meni je opet zemljotres, teško meni
Više ne mogu da izdržim, teško meni
Opet iz mojih očiju pada tišina, teško meni
Opet nema vesti o tebi, teško meni

Ne želim da mi više nedostaješ

Ovo sam samo tebi rekao, ali ti nisi čula
Nisam uvređen, povređen
Možda sam pomalo uznemiren
Davao sam ti ogromna obećanja na malim i lepim mestima
Nisam ih održao, bila si u pravu
Kao da si mi svojim odlaskom učinila uslugu
Kasnije sam pronašao malo samoće u džepu
Tvoje ime je na mojim usnama, nisam nikome mogao da kažem
Kad me nema srećna si, ja nisam ništa tvoje
Dok sam padao i ustajao...ne želim da mi više nedostaješ
Kad me nema srećna si, ja nisam ništa tvoje
Dok sam padao i ustajao...ne želim da mi više nedostaješ