Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 9
I Don't Have Anyone
For days, for days I don't knowWhat I'm interested in
Sun won't come to my window
For days, every step heads your way
I lie to people that I'm happy
In the nights, all the tears head your way
In the eyes
To find you, to break you
In the nights, to bring you back to my body
So you'd sleep here on my chest
Because I don't have anyone
But you, the only one
No, I have no one
Love betrayed me
Oh, if you were here, if you were here
If only luck would turn my way
Because I don't have anyone
You mean the life to me
For days, I'm only interested in
Seeing you
All I have is yours
For days, my heart waits on you
Like good news knocking on the door
In the nights, all the tears head your way
In the eyes
To find you, to break you
In the nights, to bring you back to my body
So you'd sleep here on my chest
Само сам уморна
У овом видеу, ја...Нећу бити стидљива
У овом видеу, ја...
Само ћу бити само ја
Увијек сам покушавала
Смешити се, смејати се
Сада плачем
Шта се десило са мном?
Само сам уморана, не разумем
Само желим да пустим.
Уморана сам, све напуштам
Више нећу бити тужна
Желим постатанем мудрија и само
Са душом ка свему оносити се
Желим бити срећнија, само
Желим да се променим, желим да се променим
Само сам уморана, не разумем
Само желим да пустим.
Уморана сам, све напуштам
Више нећу бити тужна