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Резултати претраге страна 11

Број резултата: 343


The Carnival

The Masquerade
ends here
But you have fun
a little bit more
it's always carnival
for those who haven't got
thornes inside the heart
The carnival goes goes goes
it has a bad ending goes goes goes
and this mask now is useless
you make me die
because of the heartbreak
and my tears for you are just confetti for you
And while i'm falling down down
you laugh more and more
but it's carnival
You make me die
because of the heartbreak
but you have fun, I'll not be a party pooper
It's carnival
I love you but it's useless
I know that your heart can't fell
The carnival goes goes goes
it has a bad ending goes goes goes
and this mask now is useless
you make me die
because of the heartbreak
and my tears for you are just confetti for you
And while i'm falling down down
you laugh more and more
but it's carnival
It's carnival

One Day. . .Death

One day, Death, that great demonic woman
Invited me into her fantastical abode.
For a long time, she had observed me, spied on me
Using her gifts, her magical charms.
She arched her feline rump,
Half-closed her sleep-heavy eyelids
Behind which shone two eyes of ambush.
Breath coming short, lips parted
She murmured: come to my home, come, come
Approach, come roll yourself up in my rest
My rest - rest - rest - eternal rest.
So, cutting my umbilical-cord emblem
I absorbed three tubes of restful sleeping-pills.
Thus began the maelstrom of decadence
Similar to that of the land which bore me
The killer-governments were always in place
Napalm burned our houses and our fields
The rich burst before the working class
Everywhere, there was nothing but tumult, war-cries
I ran, seeking to protect the children
The children, shit, why do that to children
The nursery-schools were leaping with dynamite
The Spanish houses of cards were collapsing
Victims of congenital malformations
Were the only ones left standing, victorious.
The Elysees, the White Houses, the Kremlins,
The cream-caramels, the chocolate creams--
Say, Death, dear woman, beautiful Death
You're squeezing me a little too close, too tightly
I'm not really a lesbian, you know?
Your arms, encircling me, hinder my breathing
Your perfume is making me nauseous--
Say, Death, dear woman, beautiful Death
On this side of the hereafter,
Where can one find the way of Love--
On earth, I refused the lie, the vanity of Being
Here, the typists tap on their bongos
Horrible rhythms which thunder through my entrails--
Say, Death, dear woman, beautiful Death
Send me back to that side of Life
I want to know the love of Peter-the-Recalcitrant
I still need to give and to receive
I need to fight for a new world
I want to know the Year 01 that our friends were talking about
I still want to build snowmen
In winter, on the white roofs of the factories
I want to blow up the highways
And walk in the tall grass of the countryside
I want to embrace boys and girls
Open-mouthed, kissing their hot lips
I want to get drunk on the saliva of my beloved
I want to love and to die a natural death
Like everyone, two feet in my shoes*--
Give me Life again, Death, Beautiful Death
And I will make you a child.
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word'.

Breath of Giants

Clink clink
There's a ringing in my head
The frogs' noises
Not the frogs' noises
It's the breath of the giant's
Clink clink
There's a ringing in my head
The frogs' noises
An intuition is not rising in me
The work of the giants
A dwarf like me
Don't you dare to move
Do not measure heights with giants
What's that?
What's that?
Suddenly an individual emerged
Standing on its hind legs
Strange creature?
Look at how it's looking
With its sphere eyes
Without moving, to me...
It has started to quiver
This cumcuma(?)
As it quivers,
Invisible wires float in the air
hitting my face...
I'm telling you to stop!
What is this quivering?
You're not listening
Looks like you don't want to listen
So then you,
I must kill..!
As I stretch my hand to the candle beside me,
I held the fire to the creatures head
And the fire...
It grew
It grew
And split in half
One part of it
It flew up in the air
And the ball of fire flew around in the air
It came,
Fell in front of me...
The iron was molten by the fire
The ball was shiny like a glass
As for the fire on the creatures head
It burned
It burned
And burned-out
Turned the creature mad
It started to leap around
Dragged its face along the floor
Started running up and down
It's face was swollen
He came and stood right in front of me
Its glowing eyes staring into mine
And it waited...
Now it's before me
A poet appeared
The poet is yelling, calling
'Pen! Pen!'
He is yelling...
He had a hunch...!
So you're looking for a pen
To pour on a paper
A pen, eh!
You'll write
You'll write but,
By throwing my writings aside
They're going to read your writings
They'll call me a dwarf
And think you're a giant
No pen for you!
Stop yelling and calling out for no purpose
Who will come to your aid..?
What's that?
The creature before me shook
And forwards...
And by throwing a pen
It leaped onto the poet's lap
It let out a silent hoot of laughter
As it stared at me...
Clink clink
There's a ringing in my head
The frogs' noises
Not the frogs' noises
It's the breath of the giants

Every morning I'm searching for you

Every morning I'm searching for you, all day long I'm searching for you
And every sunset I always ask about you
And I spend all my nights with distress and pain
But my heart never said a complaint
But my heart never said a complaint
because the pain I have for you is sweet, my sunshine
My love, the pain of separation is unbearable
Like the candle, slowly, my spirit will be consumed by the flame
Another woman will never be touched by my spirit in my whole life
And I will never try to find consolation and breath in another love!

Now that you get married

Now that you get married,
I tell you one more time that I love you
and yet, I say farewell
because you are a woman of anguish.
For ten years I have loved you,
the best years of my youth.
The reason I'm now in pain
is you, who caused the suffering to both of us.
Now you go away, with another man
to lie down in your bed every night.
But you will figure out soon enough
that you will be missing my kisses.
I have told you so many times that
what we lost will never be found again.
Now I will tell you only one thing,
in my heart, there will be a place for you too

The multiple reflection of yours

You hang out in the 'Little Coffee' (name of a cafe/bar)
and I hang out in 'Myrovolos' (another cafe/bar)
so, no matter how much we want it
we shall never meet each other
I wake up at seven
and you wake up at noon
and when I shake the carpets
you always run to your volleyball training
You go to the pub at nine p.m.
and I go from eleven p.m. to one a.m.
so, no matter how much we want it
we shall never meet each other
But as time passes by
and so do the troubled years
maybe a dusk will come
when we shall meet again

Melody of Love

Love's melody
divine music,
Love's melody
who gently touch the soul
For every street
it seems to take our hand
and it says 'I love you',
It repeats 'I love you'.
Love's melody,
Eternal music,
Who caress my heart
and doesn't let it go.
And everyday
everyhour it sings in me,
Love's memory
that I've to give to you
Murmur and fly,
Fly my song,
My, with your sweetest,
Sweetest melody
Love's melody
Love's melody
For every street
it seems to take our hand
and it says 'I love you',
It repeats 'I love you'.
Love's melody,
Eternal music,
Who caress my heart
and doesn't let it go.
And everyday
everyhour it sings in me,
Love's memory
that I've to give to you

I don't want to be with you anymore

Versions: #2
I don't want to be with you anymore, I gaze at the clouds up there
In you I looked for tenderness, the one I don't have
For the understanding that I can't manage to find in this shallow world
You're not that person anymore,
That person (I was looking for) isn't you
This is where it ends,
The ones that go - how they hurt you!
My eyes are laden* with clearwater streams
Whence I will drink, I'm looking for woods that suit me
And dales where the sun burns hotter than you!
I don't want to be with you anymore, I gaze at the clouds up there
And when I go, you have to smile to me if you can
It won't be easy but, you know, it kind of feels like we die** in order to live.
Goodbye my love, so long,
the clouds are already leaving
This is where it ends,
The ones that go - how they hurt you!

I Love You

Mohie: You and only you are my fate
And days after you being gone cannot be felt
More than you by one time and a half
I love you
Sherine: You are the love of my heart and eyes
You are the world and love
If you are in the East or in the West,
I love you
Mohie: Once you called me, you gave the world
a shape, a flavor, a meaning and a color
Oh my, oh my, Around a million
'I love you'
Sherine: And you are the one with whom I felt
that I'm living the sweetest life
Oh yes, darling, I love you, yes
I love you
Mohie: When I'm away from home, when I'm traveling around
Your love is on my mind and in my thoughts
My heart has never told someone else other than you:
I love you
Sherine: And even if your absence goes on long
Even if they pant the world for me in hopes
Even if they bring me treasures of riches
I love you
Mohie: My heart is always aching for you
Your love is like air, necessary
And even if I met thousands [of others], I love you
Sherine: And even if I went around the world and circled round
I swear I would never find tenderness like yours
I never feel any fear when I'm with you
I love you
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Close Your Eyes (And Wish for a Dream)

Close your eyes and wish for a dream
from the land of illusions
close your eyes because there, in this land
you will also always be happy
so many people are alone
They don't understand so much in this world
They dream of being there once
where only counts nice hours
A life like in the paradise
is to your liking even in your fantasy
There where people who love you count,
the people who spoil you and hold on to you
Close your eyes and wish for a dream
from the land of illusions
close your eyes because there, in this land
you will also always be happy
And if you wake up from the dream,
then life will still go on
Oh well, that is the course of life
And everything definitely has its purpose
Close your eyes and wish for a dream
from the land of illusions
close your eyes because there, in this land
you will also always be happy
Lalala lala… lala lala lala…
Lalala lalala lala…
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

The Remainders of Leavers

The life does not leave away out like this from within
Finally The yesterday said words of you was two steps away
The Suffering was reality but It was not my choice
The Remainders of Leavers wandering at the every corner
Come on Forget, come on Forget yourself
Come on put to sleep one more time
It's clear the night will be more longer
Long time left to tomorrow
Every separation looks like a Bullet wound
The Separation is similar to giving up the ghost
The Heart is Shattered, The full of holes Heart
The Bastard Does not kill moreover.
The Suffering was reality but It was not my choice
The Remainders of Leavers wandering at every corner
Come on Forget, come on Forget yourself
Come on put to sleep one more time
It's clear the night will be more longer
Long time left to tomorrow
Every separation looks like a Bullet wound
The Separation is similar to giving up the ghost
The Heart is Shattered, The full of holes Heart
The Bastard Does not kill moreover.

Orkanski visovi * (napomena ispod teksta pesme)

Napolju na divljim, vetrovitim padinama
mi smo se kotrljali po zelenilu
Tvoja naprasitost, moja ljubomora
previše vrela, previše pohlepna
Kako si me mogao ostaviti
kad sam morala da te imam?
Mrzela sam te
i volela istovremeno
Ružni snovi u noći
rekli su mi da ću izgubiti bitku
i morati da napustim moje Orkanske
Orkanske, Orkanske Visove
Hitklif, to sam ja, tvoja Keti
Vratila sam se kući, hladno mi je,
pusti me kroz svoj prozor
O, tako je mračno, tako je usamljeno
bez tebe
Mnogo čeznem, padam bez tebe
Vraćam se nazad, ljubavi,
okrutni Hitklife,
mom jedinom snu,
mom jedinom gospodaru
Predugo sam lutala u noći
Vraćam se njemu da ispravim sve
Vraćam se kući na Orkanske
Orkanske, Orkanske Visove
Hitklif, to sam ja, tvoja Keti
Vratila sam se kući, hladno mi je,
pusti me kroz svoj prozor
O, daj mi je
Daj mi da uhvatim tvoju dušu
O, daj mi je
Daj mi da uhvatim tvoju dušu
TI znaš da sam to ja, tvoja Keti
Hitklif, to sam ja, tvoja Keti
Vratila sam se kući, hladno mi je,
pusti me kroz svoj prozor
Hitklif, to sam ja, tvoja Keti
Došla sam kući, tako mi je hladno
To sam ja, tvoja Keti
Došla sam kući, tako mi je hladno...

Tvoje oči

Tvoje oči se utapaju u prazninu i nestaju
Želeo sam da pogledi bez vlasnika budu moji
Tvoje tajne tkaju mrežu bola
Izgubio sam se i poželeo da i ti staneš
Prvi put sam zbog tebe plakao
U mojim rukama je zapravo slomljen život
Ja sam zatvorenik laži koje sam izrekao
Svi izlazi su zatvoreni, moja duša je uvek na ulici
Tvoje tajne tkaju mrežu bola
Izgubio sam se i poželeo da i ti staneš
Prvi put sam zbog tebe plakao
U mojim rukama je zapravo slomljen život
Ja sam zatvorenik laži koje sam izrekao
Svi izlazi su zatvoreni, moja duša je uvek na ulici

Betrayal (infidelity)

When I rewind the movie back
When I remind about everything
Gale and storm
And golden dawns
From (of) the whole world
I'd choose you again
You or no one
And your betrayal
Crucified me to the cross
Lady in white, it was not me
When other one hugs me
I start to cry, because I know
That I belong only to you

When I scream at my life
I call out the God
Where does this love lead
There are no borders, aren't they?
And why is heart guilty
And who'll save it
I hoped for you
Because you're my love
(Refrain 2x)
That I belong only to you
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

Baby, baby

You watch me for days, I feel you do
Because of you I wear crazy dresses
It's our time now
These are right years now
No, I won't come first to you, it's not right order
Come on, it's all simple, don't be pale
It's our time now
These are right years now
I miss flower, seduce me a little bit
I also care for you
Let music of every
Radio (radiostation) be about love
Oh, baby, baby, gather yourself up,
It's gonna be good for us, relax
It's not your first time and there's no reason
To be stressed by everything
Oh, baby, baby, gather yourself up,
It's gonna be good for us, relax
And breathe normally, and there's no reason
To be stressed by everything

Ref. (2x)
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

I look into the blue lake

I look into the blue lake, I pick up camomiles in the field
I call you Russia, I call you my only one
Ask me, ask me again
There is no other land more beautiful to me
Here I was given a Russian name once
I look into the blue lake, I pick up camomiles in the field
I call you Russia, I call you my only one
I can't think of a greater happiness
Than to share the path of life with you
To be sad with you, my land and to celebrate with you
The years and troubles couldn't change your beauty
You were always proud of your Ivans and Marias
Not every hero came back home
Someone is alive, someone is killed
But their fame belongs to you
The years and troubles couldn't change your beauty
You were always proud of your Ivans and Marias
I can't think of a greater happiness
Than to share the path of life with you
To be sad with you, my land and to celebrate with you

Where to for a weekend

I got totally blotto in my head
Urgently I called a taxi
Theoretically I'm alive
But not in practice
Overtired taxist asks me where to drive
I tell him 'be friend,
so brother, help me'
Drive me there where the chaos, chaos, chaos is
Drive me there where the chaos, chaos, chaos is
Drive me there, come on, stop, stop, stop
There where the mess, alkohol is, where the gramophone is spinning
I'm rocking for a long time, give me a cold Tuborg*
So you can see the way I'm barking and jumping, like a buldog
Where to for a weekend, where to for a weekend, where to for a weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend
Where to for a weekend, where to for a weekend, where to for a weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend
I want any new trip
Because boredom gulps me
I'll take on any new form
I'll get out of the right way
So that's why tonight I choose my bad side
I'll wait for a Monday to come back to normality
Drive me there where the chaos, chaos, chaos is
Drive me there where the chaos, chaos, chaos is
Drive me there, come on, stop, stop, stop
There where the mess, alkohol is, where the gramophone is spinning
I'm rocking for a long time, give me a cold Tuborg*
So you can see the way I'm barking and jumping, like a buldog
Where to for a weekend, where to for a weekend, where to for a weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend
Where to for a weekend, where to for a weekend, where to for a weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend, weekend

My heart, they sold you out

Drop by drop, the rain pierces through marble
bitterness* by bitterness, the soul ends up black
My heart, they sold you out
very cheaply, on clearance
but you have so many dreams
that were in vain
Pull pull the rope, it'll break at some point
patience is too a tree that gives way
My heart, they sold you out
very cheaply, on clearance
but you have so many dreams
that were in vain
*a bitter incident


Tchin Tchang Tchong (Hello¹)
She speaks Thai (Hello)
You put yourself in a mess (You have no idea)
Ah she cuffed you (yeah yeah yeah)
You don't answer to your homies anymore (yeah yeah yeah)
She goes crazy, she shows off (yeah yeah yeah)
In clubs all night, you wait for her call
Ah she cuffed you (yeah yeah yeah)
You don't answer to your homies anymore (yeah yeah yeah)
She goes crazy, she shows off (yeah yeah yeah)
In clubs all night, you wait for her call
Nah she did not cast a spell on you, you're the one who is weak
Little suit, Louboutin, it is true that she's really hot
You want to impress her, in clubs you empty the garage
You intend to take her to the hotel but she slips away
She slips away with another guy (yeah yeah yeah)
She sat to your table to scrimp 2, 3 glasses
It hurts badly when she wines, wines, wines
She'll suck your blood then tell you bye bye bye
Ah she cuffed you (yeah yeah yeah)
You don't answer to your homies anymore (yeah yeah yeah)
She goes crazy, she shows off (yeah yeah yeah)
In clubs all night, you wait for her call
Ah she cuffed you (yeah yeah yeah)
You don't answer to your homies anymore (yeah yeah yeah)
She goes crazy, she shows off (yeah yeah yeah)
In clubs all night, you wait for her call
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (Hello)
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (Hello)
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (Hello)
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (Hello)
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (Hello)
Ah ah ah, you put yourself in a mess (yeah yeah)
Let me finish my joint and I'll tell you the truth
She's a knockout in the head so I hand the Christian Dior over to her
Ah cousin, you sunk, you can't see anything, you fall asleep
She wants her Célines bag, that sly tricks you
She draws lines with her nostrils, it's Medellín vibe out there ²
You, you took yourself for Mesrine, you took yourself for Pablo
She does not want your ring, she wants the Audi four-ring
Ah she cuffed you (yeah yeah yeah)
You don't answer to your homies anymore (yeah yeah yeah)
She goes crazy, she shows off (yeah yeah yeah)
In clubs all night, you wait for her call
Ah she cuffed you (yeah yeah yeah)
You don't answer to your homies anymore (yeah yeah yeah)
She goes crazy, she shows off (yeah yeah yeah)
In clubs all night, you wait for her call
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (chika chika chika she cuffed you)
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (chika chika chika she cuffed you)
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (chika chika chika she cuffed you)
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (chika chika chika she cuffed you)
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (chika chika chika she cuffed you)
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (chika chika chika she cuffed you)
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (chika chika chika she cuffed you)
She's going to 'tching tchang tchong' you (chika chika chika she cuffed you)
Ah she cuffed you (yeah yeah yeah)
You don't answer to your homies anymore (yeah yeah yeah)
She goes crazy, she shows off (yeah yeah yeah)
In clubs all night, you wait for her call
Ah she cuffed you (yeah yeah yeah)
You don't answer to your homies anymore (yeah yeah yeah)
She goes crazy, she shows off (yeah yeah yeah)
In clubs all night, you wait for her call

Summer Dates

Versions: #1#2#3
As if you are an illusion
you appear in front of my own eyes
east and west
the wings of the horizon
Summer dates on your body
summer 'I love you's' on the sand
the whole island looks like a shingle on your feet
the whole earth is like your own embrace
Holy nectar
drinking it out of your lips
Aphrodite is jealous
of the beauty you possess
Summer dates on your body
summer 'I love you's' on the sand
the whole island looks like a shingle on your feet
the whole earth is like your own embrace


И када бих очи склопила у ноћи тмурној и бесаној
Ко на жару лед - бих се топила
Опијена, љубиш ме нестварно
Крочила сам путем злочина
У самоћи пола ме је нестало
На перону таме сам искочила
Из воза који водио те само њој
И још те тражим у магли лажи
У хладној шпиљи наших пустих снова
И ко клинка веровала бих у лажи
Без тебе моја душа је ко празна соба
Отрове, мој отрове
Отрове, отрове…
Видим поред ње све време си
А бреме бола бацио си на мене
Таблете за смирење иду ми уз Хенеси
Јер дуге ноћи сећају ме на тебе
Ово боли ко нож у плећа
Моја колена су ране
Више не могу да клечим
Коме се молим, мој смех је јецај
Вишак сам ко краљица у шпилу са четри кеца
Крочила сам путем злочина
У самоћи пола ме је нестало
На перону таме сам искочила
Из воза који водио те само њој
И још те тражим у магли лажи
У хладној шпиљи наших пустих снова
И ко клинка веровала бих у лажи
Без тебе моја душа је ко празна соба
Отрове, мој отрове
Отрове, отрове…
Мокар јастук, а душа ко барут
Дала сам ти све и села на последњи такси
Трудим се, али тебе не могу да убедим
Да си прокоцкао нас као келнер бакшиш
Док ко окови ломе сузе и утехе
Ко око врата уже, ко пиштољ у главу уперен
Емоције ко руже увену чим их убереш
Рђу са срца стружем, само чекам да увенем
Ко те послао кад не знам да волим те
Молим те, шта је остало – то срце да сломим
Ау, ау, а уосталом умирем јер боли те
И сав отров у теби зове се именом мојим
И кад би очи склопила у ноћи тмурној и бесаној
Ко на жару лед би се топила
Опијена, љубиш ме нестварно
Крочила сам путем злочина
У самоћи пола ме је нестало
На перону таме сам искочила
Из воза који водио те само њој
И још те тражим у магли лажи
У хладној шпиљи наших пустих снова
И ко клинка веровала бих у лажи
Без тебе моја душа је ко празна соба
Отрове, мој отрове
Отрове, отрове…
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please.
СР: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'.
EN: You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author.
СР: Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена.

Ljubav postaje blagoslov

U besanoj noći moje misli si ti zatvorila
Ne mogu sve da prihvatim, teško je
S našim rastankom, sunce će izaći
Ljubav postaje blagoslov
Ili će se planine spojiti
Ili će oluje nastati
Ili će biti smak sveta
Ako se s tobom tako rastanem
Sada odlično razumem
Život nije disati vazduh
Nešto poput ostati u vatri
I kad tako voliš da se rastanete