Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 8
Milion stvari da ti kažem
Bez imena sam ja, bez imena si ti
Pričamo sve dok nam ime ne treba više
Polagano ja, polagano ti
Starimo nežno da bi se razumeli bolje
Mi smo kao dve zvezde jutrom odbegle
Ako mi ostaneš blizu niko nas ugasiti neće
Imaćeš moje srce da u tvojim očima svetla ozvuči
Podigao sam te na ramena i osetio kako letiš
Sa rukama u blatu da tražimo sudbinu, postaješ sve lepša svakim tvojim dahom. I život mi produžavaš nesvesno, Milion stvari bih da ti kažem, ali ništa ne govorim. U moru srećnih dana moja pamet se davi I imao sam milion stvari da ti kažem, ali ne kažem ništa, ali ne kažem ništa.
Ja sam tvoj put, ti- moje odredište
I otkriće da je voleti teže, nego voleti malo više
I moja ruka koju stežeš, sada se ne boji
I ako ne uspem da te podignem, ostaću s tobom na zemlji
Imaćeš moje srce da u tvojim očima svetla ozvuči
To će biti dovoljno, to će dovoljno biti
Sa rukama u blatu da tražimo sudbinu, postaješ sve lepša svakim tvojim dahom. I nesvesno mi život produžavaš. Milion stvari bih da ti kažem, ali ništa ne govorim. U moru srećnih dana moja pamet se davi I imao sam milion stvari da ti kažem, ali ne kažem ništa, ali ne kažem ništa.
Dajem ti svoje srce da u tvojim očima svetla ozvuči
I ne govoreći nikome, naučićemo da letimo
Ti mi nesvesno život produžavaš. Milion stvari bih da ti kažem, ali ništa ne govorim. U moru srećnih dana moja pamet se davi I imao sam milion stvari da ti kažem... Ali ne kažem ništa.
Srce da ozvučim- ja, oči da osvetle- ti
A million things to tell you
I don't have a name, you don't have a name
And talk until we no longer need a name
Me without a hurry, you without a hurry
We touch each other delicately
To understand a little more
We are like two stars who escaped the morning
If you stay close to me, nobody will turn it off
You'll have my heart in rattles
For your headlight eyes
I took you on my shoulders
And I heard you fly
With your hands in the mud
To seek the destiny
You become more beautiful with each breath of yours
And you extend my life unknowingly
I have a million things to tell you, but I'm not saying anything
In a sea of happy days, my mind drowns
And I have a million things to tell you
But I don't say anything
But I don't say anything
I'm your journey, you're my station
And find that you love yourself
It is more difficult than loving each other a little more
It's my hand you hold, don't worry
And if I can't get you up, I'll stay with you on the ground
You'll have my rattle heart for your headlight eyes
We will make it enough
We will make it enough
With his hands in the mud to seek the destiny
You become more beautiful with each breath of yours
And you extend my life unknowingly
I have a million things to tell you, but I'm not saying anything
In a sea of happy days, my mind drowns
I have a million things to tell you
Just a million things to tell you
I give you my rattle heart for your headlight eyes
And without telling anyone
We will learn to fly
You extend my life unknowingly
I have a million things to tell you, but I'm not saying anything
In a sea of happy days, my mind drowns
And I have a million things to tell you
But I don't say anything
But I don't say anything
Rattle heart me
Headlight eyes you
Stars of the long nights
My love,
the hand that is now writing to you may be slightly shaking
and maybe I'm shaking too but it's not fear, no,
the desire to see the sun on your face
and our children competing to see who'll grow up first.
How is the little one doing?
Tomorrow, yes, I'll be back.
With only a flower in my hands I'll leave
and these nights full of stars, down here, they never end,
they're so long.
I hope you'll wait for me.
My love,
the hand that is now writing to you hasn't changed, you know,
it's full of caresses and life, the one I'd want for us.
Gunpowder is like fog but not for me,
for me who's never known what to choose,
if not you.
Tomorrow, yes, I'll be back.
With only a flower in my hands I'll leave
and these nights full of stars, down here, they never end,
they're so long.
I hope you'll wait for me.
The partisan heads to war
he holds a rifle in his hand.
The partisan heads to war
he holds a rifle in his hand.
Tomorrow, yes, I'll be back.
With the same flower in the hands I'll find you
and these nights full of stars, so long, I'll look at them with you
and I'll stop shaking.
With you I'll stop shaking.
The partisan heads to war
he holds a rifle in his hand.
The partisan heads to war
he holds a rifle in his hand.
Stars of the long nights, tomorrow I'll be back.
If I'll look at you with my love I'll stop shaking.
I'll stop shaking.
If I'll die as a partesan,
oh farewell my beautiful, farewell my beautiful, farewell my beautiful, farewell, farewell
this is the flower of the partesan
who died for freedom.
The wind of life
Going foward and then come back
To the starting point
To then start my run with no destination
That's how I love to do
For the desire to never miss anything in the course
In the race of life
Where run is not enough
You have to go faster
And often you'll lose friendships and false loves
But it falls into the norm
I'm used to it
I just need to know that
I did not waste any time, I got windy
To inflate my sails
Surfing in unknown seas
I have not wasted time
Sometimes I lost myself
To then find myself and leave again
To start again towards you
Still towards
Fall, get up and then dream
Get back to get hurt
It's the price to pay to feel good
And I force myself
Every damn time
But it's not just luck
Indeed it is a great effort
And there are many obstacles
I'm used to it
I just need to know that
I did not waste any time, I got windy
To inflate my sails
Surfing in unknown seas
I have not wasted time
Sometimes I lost myself
To then find myself and leave again
To start again towards you
Talking, I'm tired of talking
With people who think they know what the direction is
But do not listen to a word I'm used to it
I did not waste any time, I got windy
I did not waste any time, I got windy
I did not waste any time, I got windy
I did not waste any time, I got windy
I did not waste any time, I got windy
I did not waste any time, I got windy
To inflate my sails
Surfing in unknown seas
I have not wasted time
Sometimes I lost myself
To then find myself and leave again
Still towards you
Still towards you
Still towards you
Still towards you
Still towards you
Go ahead and then return to the starting point
To then start my run without haste
Alcoholic Love
Like you
I'm kiling myself too
And I vomit a few words that make no sense
Just for
Being able to make room for thoughts that
Drinking hurts
Smoking kills
Nobody ever will tell you that it is worse to love
It creates dependencies
Serve me a little
Of alcoholic love
Like you
This city is more beautiful in the evening
Like you
She dresses beautiful not to be alone
Yes, it's you
The most present absence there is
For me
Drinking hurts
Smoking kills
Nobody ever will tell you that it is worse to love
It creates dependencies
Serve me a little
Of alcoholic love
Like you
I remember a little about the 1990 World Cup
Do you know what's up?
Our picture still moves me
I think that
Time is just a lie
I don't know about you
I always deceive it with nostalgia
Drinking hurts
Smoking kills
Nobody ever will tell you that it is worse to love
It creates dependencies
I apologize, but I do not know why
You do no good to me
Smoking kills
Life as well
Serve me a little
Of alcoholic love
Who Can Save Me?
Hey Lady,
how are you?
I already know
you won't tell me.
They fly,
the angels,
but from here,
they are not seen.
And it seems like I'm stealing
when I look into the eyes of people
but something is always missing.
Even infinity has everything except an
The things we search for
are wings that
never fly.
And it seems like I'm stealing
when I look into the eyes of people
but something is always missing,
if even infinity is missing.
And it seems like I'm failing,
but it is letting go that becomes strength
and something is always missing
even infinity has everything except an
just like yourself.
There were angry words
a moment ago
in order to not feel the boredom
which devours us,
and accepting that the point
is only that which is
affection dies of starvation
and does not kill itself
Run, people.
Run for your life.
And as for love
who can save me?
Because alone it hurts.
Pure air,
a shower of darkness too,
a whole sun poisons you,
of happiness.
Because alone it hurts
who can save me?
Because alone it hurts,
alone it hurts,
because alone it hurts,
who can save me? (who can?)
Ништа ми нисте помогли
У Каиру људи не знају колико је сати
Сунце у Ла Рамбли данас није исто
У Француској траје концерт, гдје се људи забављају
неки пјевају гласно, неки вичу 'умрите'
У Лондону увијек пада киша, али данас не боли
небо не даје попуст, чак ни за сахрану
У Ници море је црвено од ватре и стида
људи су на асфалту и крв је по путу
И овом великом тијелу које зовемо земља
органи су рањени од Азије до Енглеске
Галаксије људи су расуте свуда по простору
али најважнији простор је онај када грле
Мајке без дјеце, дјеца без очева
блиједог лица, као зид без слике
Минут ћутње, који нарушава један глас:
'Ништа ми нисте помогли'
Ништа ми нисте помогли
Ништа ми нисте одузели
Мој живот сад иде даље
упркос свему, упркос другима
Ништа ми нисте помогли
Ништа нисте добили
Јер свијет је много више
од ваших бесмислених ратова
Неки људи се крсте, неки се моле на тепиху
Цркве и џамије, имами и свештеници
Различити улази у исту кућу
Милиони људи који чекају нешто
Загрљаји без руку, лица без имена
И да промијенимо кожу, испод ње сви смо људи
јер наш живот није тачка гледишта
и бомба мира не постоји
Ништа ми нисте помогли
Ништа ми нисте одузели
Мој живот сад иде даље
упркос свему, упркос другима
Ништа ми нисте помогли
Ништа нисте добили
Јер свијет је много више
од ваших бесмислених ратова
од ваших бесмислених ратова
Руше се небодери, руше се подземне станице
супротни зидови, подигнути због новца
Али против терора који нам стоји на путу
свијет се подиже са дјечјим осмијехом
са дјечјим осмијехом
са дјечјим осмијехом
Ништа ми нисте помогли
Ништа нисте добили
Мој живот сад иде даље
упркос свему, упркос другима
Ништа ми нисте помогли
(вашим бесмисленим ратовима)
Ништа ми нисте помогли
(вашим бесмисленим ратовима)
Ништа ми нисте помогли
(вашим бесмисленим ратовима)
Ништа ми нисте помогли
(вашим бесмисленим ратовима)
Свјестан сам да више никад ништа неће бити исто
срећа је одлетјела
као балон
You did nothing to me
In Cairo people don't know
What time is it now
Today the sun over the Rambla
Is not the same
There's a concert in France
People is having fun
Someone's singing loudly
Someone's screaming 'to death'
It always rains in London
But it doesn't hurt today
The sky doesn't make concessions
Not even at a funeral
In Nizza the sea is red
For fires and shame
Because of the people on the concrete
And the blood in the sewer
And this enormous body
That we call earth
Wounded in its organs
From Asia to England
A galaxy of people
Lost in space
But the most important one
It's the space of an hug
From childless mothers
From children without a father
From faces enlightened
Like walls without paintings
Minutes full of silence
Broken by a voice
'You did nothing to me'
You did nothing to me
You took nothing from me
This is my life that goes on
Beyond everything, beyond the people
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
There are people that cross themselves
People that pray on carpets
Churches and Mosques
Imams and all the priests
Separated entries
In the same house
Billions of people
That hope for something
Handless arms
Nameless faces
Let's change our skin
We are humans deep down
'cause our lives
Are not a point of view
And it doesn't exist a
Pacifist bomb
You did nothing to me
You took nothing from me
This is my life that goes on
Beyond everything, beyond the people
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
Your useless wars
Skyscrapers will fall apart
And the subways
And against all kind of terror
That inder the path
The world gets up on his feet
With a child smile
With a child smile
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
I am aware
That nothing will come back
Happiness flew
As a bubble flies away