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Број резултата: 21


Ružine usne

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Zvali su je Ružine usne
stavljala je ljubav, stavljala je ljubav
zvali su je Ružine usne
stavljala je ljubav iznad svega.
Čim je sišla na stanici
u malom selu Sant Ilario
svi su znali na prvi pogled
da nije bila časna sestra.
Ima nekih koji vode ljubav iz dosade,
neki to izaberu kao profesiju.
Ružine usne nije ni jedno ni drugo,
vodila je ljubav iz strasti.
Ali strast često vodi
do zadovoljenja vlastitih želja
ne gledajući da li objekat nečije žudnje
ima slobodno srce ili ženu.
I tako je bilo iz dana u dan
Ružine usne je privukla
bes prokletih kučki
kojima je preotela kost.
Međutim, malograđanke
se ne ističu svojom iskrenošću,
i dotadašnje reakcije
behu ograničene na ogovaranja.
Poznato je da ljudi vole deliti dobre savete,
misleći da su poput Isusa u hramu,
ljudi vole deliti dobre savete
ako više ne mogu dati loš primer.
Dakle, stara usedelica koja nikada nije bila supruga,
nikada nije imala dece i nije imala više želja
uzela je bol i svakako zadovoljstvo
delenja pravih saveta drugima.
Obratila se rogatim (prevarenim) ženama
pametnim rečima:
„krađa ljubavi biće kažnjena
– rekla je – od strane predstavnika vlasti.”
I kučke su otišle do šefa policije,
govoreći, bez umanjivanja reči,
'Ta prljava žena već ima previše klijenata,
čak i više od trgovine hranom”.
I stigla su četiri žandara
sa svojim uniformama, sa svojim uniformama
stigla su četiri žandara,
sa svojim uniformama i oružjem.
Često policajci i karabinjeri
propuste obaviti dužnost,
ali nikad kad nose svečane uniforme
pa su je otpratili do prvog voza.
Svi su bili na stanici, od
šef policije do crkvenjaka
svi su bili na stanici
crvenih očiju i sa šeširom u rukama.
Da se oproste od nekog ko je nakratko,
bez pretenzija, bez pretenzija,
oproste od nekog ko je nakratko
doneo ljubav u njihovo selo.
Bila je tu žuta tabla
s crnim natpisom na njemu, gde je pisalo:
“Zbogom Ružine usne
ti proleće sa sobom nosiš”.
Ali za neobičnu vest
ne trebaju novine:
brzo leti od usta do usta
kao što strela leti iz luka.
I na sledećoj stanici bilo je
mnogo više ljudi nego kad je otišla
neki šalju poljubac, neki bacaju cvet,
neki rezervišu par sati.
Čak i sveštenik koji ne prezire,
Između tugovanke i poslednjeg obreda,
efemerni dar lepote,
želi je blizu u povorci.
I sa Devicom na čelu
i Ružinim usama u blizini
on predvodi kroz selo
ljubav svetu i profanu!

Merry go round

If the war will come, marcondiro'ndero*
if the war will come, marcondiro'nda*
on the sea and on the earth, marcondiro'ndera*
on the sea and on the earth who will save us?
the soldier who doesn't want it will save us
the soldier that refuses war will save us
the war has already broken up, marcondiro'ndero*
the war has already broken up, who will help us
God will help us, marcondiro'ndera*
God will help us, he will save us
God is already gone, nobody knows where
God is already gone, who knows when he'll come back
the airplane flies, marcondiro'ndera*
the airplane flies, marcondiro'nda*
if it throws the bomb, marcondiro'ndero*
if it thorws the bomb, who will save us?
will the aviator who won't do that, save us?
will the aviator who doesn't throw the bomb, save us?
the bomb has already fallen, marcondiro'ndero*
the bomb has already fallen, who will take it?
everybpdy will take it, marcondiro'ndera*
we're beautiful o we're ugly, marcondiro'nda*
old or young it will destory them
wise or fool it will kill them
there are too many holes, marcondiro'ndera*
there are too many holes, who will fill them?
we won't be able to play marcondiro'ndera anymore
we won't be able to play marcondiro'nda anymore
and you must go there to have fun
you must have fun where the war won't be anymore
the war is everywhere, marcondiro'ndera*
the earth is all mourning, who will console it?
the men, the animals, the flowers will think about it
the woods and the colorful seasons
there are no more people, animals or flowers
the only living things are us and nothing else
the earth is all ours, marcondiro'ndera*
it will become a big carousel, marcondiro'nda*
we've all the earth, marcondiro'ndera*
we will play war, marcondiro'nda*
the earth is all ours, marcondiro'ndera*
it will become a big carousel, marcondiro'nda*
we've all the earth, marcondiro'ndera*
we will play war, marcondiro'nda*

to die for some ideas

to die for some ideas, the idea is fascinating
i nearly died without ever thinking about it
because who had it, a lot of people
shouting 'long live death', have fallen right on me.
They had convinced me, and my insolent muse,
abjuring her mistakes, she joined their faith,
telling me, in another place
'we die for some ideas, well, but a slow death, well
but a slow death'
Taking advatage of not bhaving a very fragile heart,
we go beyond playing a little
because, forcing the step, it happens that you die
for some ideas that the day after aren't true anymore.
Now, if there's a bad thing, distressing,
it's to understand only at the very end
that the right idea was another, another movement


Gledajte je, dolazi, gledajte kakva je, kakva je!
Gledajte je, dolazi, gledajte, to je ona, to je ona!
Gledajte je, dolazi, gledajte kakva je!
Gledajte je, dolazi, ona je, ona je!

Crna koja oduzima, crna koja poplavi ulice
crna koju nisu videli nikad u životu, tako slatkacrna, crna,
crna koja obara na zemlju, crna koja razvaljuje vrata,
ne zevate od vode,
već od zatvorenih vrata i prozora, zatvorenih vrata i prozora

Crna poput nevolje koja ubija jedne i prolazi pored drugih,
crna poput loše sreće koja se gnjezdi tamo gde nema Meseca, Meseca,
crna koja u gorkim slojevima prolazi pored mrtvačkih kovčega.
nema drugih stvari da ih nosi,
nema ih, nema ih.

Ali Anselmova žena ne bi smela da sazna
da je došla po mene, da je došla pre sat vremena
i ljubav je jedina tema ljubavi
i nebeski metež je pogrešio trenutak.
Voda od koje se ne očekuje da bude išta više sem blagoslova,
voda koja donosi zlo, penje se uz stepenice, penje se, bez soli, soli
voda koja lomi planine, potapa kopno i mostove,
to nisu bare posle pljuska,
već ogroman metež, ogroman metež

Ali Anselmova žena sanja o moru,
kad od vode nabreknu pukotine, pa se ona povuče i ponovo podigne,
i pokrivač se naduvava iznad praznine talasa,
i borba postaje klizava i duboka.
Gledajte je, dolazi, kakva je, kakva je!
Gledajte je, dolazi, gledajte, to je ona, to je ona!

Voda od debelih čioda sa neba i tavanica,
voda za fotografije koja traži saučesnike kako bi ih psovala,
voda koja stiska kukove, mreža za tune (nekog) prolaznika,
nema više šta da nosi na ramenima,
nema šta, nema šta.

Iza zida od stakala ponovo se budi život,
koji sam sebe hvata za ruku pošto je bitka gotova,
kao što čini i ova ljubav što je u strahu da će biti izgubljena,
tog jednog dana bila sigurna da će se dogoditi.
Voda koja je bila tu do noći, koja se sad povlači,
lagano paradira pored ljudi kao nevinašce koje nije imalo ništa s tim,
hladna poput bola, Slatkacrvena bez srca
nema više šta da odvuče,
nema šta, nema šta.

I Anselmova žena oseća kako se voda povlači
sa pripijene odeće, gde god ju je uhvatila jeza na koži,
u svom tramvaju, odvojenom od bilo kog odredišta,
usred vremena koje ju je sad pregazilo,
Takva je bila ta ljubav koja nije dočekala da se ostvari,
tako sjajna i stvarna da je mogla da zavara.
Gledajte je, dolazi, gledajte kakva je, kakva je!
Gledajte je, dolazi, gledajte, to je ona, to je ona!
Gledajte je, dolazi, gledajte kakva je!
Gledajte je, dolazi, ona je, ona je!


Mr. Raffaè

My name is Pasquale Cafiero
And I’m an officer in oinè prision
My name is Cafiero Pasquale
I’m in poggioreale since ‘53
At the last chain
At night I feel like a clothe
Luckily at the special division
There’s a brilliant man that talks to me.
All the day with four criminals, villainous, horned and bad men
Every hour with these trash
That spits coursing and that gets angry with me
But at the end I relax
I undress and I read the newspaper
I talk with mr. Raffae
He tells me what he thinks and we drink a coffee
Ah, what a coffee, even in prision they know how to make it
With the receipt of cicirinella
Prision mate, that was given by his mother
IN the first page, twenty pieces of news
Twenty one injustices and what does the state do?
It gets angry, it dismays, it tries
Then gives up with great dignity
I try to think, I sweat
Luckily there’s who talks to me
This beautiful and huge man, I ask for consent to mr. Raffae
A gentleman with six sons
He asked for a home and they give him suggestions
But the assessor, god blesses him
Inside the caravan grows minks
You just have to move, or to speak, to remove him
With respect, it’s three o clock,
Do you want some juice or do you want a coffee?
Ah, what a coffee, even in prision they know how to make it
With the receipt of cicirinella
Prision mate, that was given by his mother
Ah, what a coffee, even in prision they know how to make it
With the receipt of cicirinella
Prision mate, that was given by his mother
There’s inflaction, svalutation
And not everyone has a bag
I don’t have anything but a salary
It’s lucky if a dream
There’s also my daughter innocenza
She wants a husband, she doesn’t want to wait
I don’t ask you grace for me
Do I have to make you the beard or you do it by yourself?
You have a camel dress
At the process you were the best dressed
A brown dress
I saw in television
For this wedding I pray majesty
Can you lend me to go thee
I already have shoes and gile
Would you like a Campari or a coffe?
Ah, what a coffee, even in prision they know how to make it
With the receipt of cicirinella
Prision mate, that was given by his mother
Ah, what a coffee, even in prision they know how to make it
With the receipt of cicirinella
Prision mate, that was given by his mother
There’s no more decor, with golden prisons
Who have ever seen them
These are horrible, for this bad men keep their immunity
Mr raffae, you politically
Are a saint
But here inside you’re paying
And out there they’re having fun.
About it I have a brother
That has been disoccupied for 15 years
He did 50 competitions
90 questions and 200 processes
You that are good and caring
Majesty, I kiss you and I pray you
He sleeps with me and our mother
What a coffe

The fairest who is now asleep

The fairest who is now asleep
la la la, la la la, la la la
bears a name that gives fright
liberty, liberty, liberty
The fairest who is now asleep
la la la, la la la, la la la
bears a name that gives fright
liberty, liberty, liberty


Like two barrels on a rifle stock
like two promises in the same April
like two serenades under the same window
like two hats on the same head
like two coins in the palm of a hand
like two nightingales, rain and feathers,
on the same branch.
Titti had two loves,
one in the sky, one on earth,
of opposite sign,
one in peace, one in war.
Titti had two loves
one on earth, one in the sky,
well, of opposite sign,
one good, one true.
Like the hands of the same watch
like two knights bound by a sorcery
and two wooden beams together made the cross
and two thieves on either side with the same voice.
Like two answers with one word
like two wishes upon one star.
Titti had two loves,
one in the sky, one on earth,
of opposite sign,
one in peace, one in war.
Titti had two loves
one on earth, one in the sky,
well, of opposite sign,
one good, one true.

Green pastures

Oranges are big
lemons are red
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Every angel is a kid
a dirty, mischievous kid,
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Don't cry now because
soon the night will end up
with its pearls stars and stripes
at the bottom of the sky.
Now smile to me because
soon the night will end up
with its rusty stars
at the bottom of the sea.
The radio always plays
dance music
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Nothing to bet,
everything to play with
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Don't cry now because
soon the night will end up
with its pearls stars and stripes
at the bottom of the sky.
Now smile to me because
soon the night will end up
with its rusty stars
at the bottom of the sea.
You don't have to go to school
you only need one word
up there, up there in the green pastures.
There's meat to eat
and grass to dream about
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Don't cry now because
soon the night will end up
with its pearls stars and stripes
at the bottom of the sky.
Now smile to me because
soon the night will end up
with its rusty stars
at the bottom of the sea.
Oranges are big
lemons are red
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Daddy is not busy
daddy can play with you
up there, up there in the green pastures.
Don't cry now because
soon the concert will end up
with its pearls stars and stripes
at the bottom of the sky.
Now smile to me because
soon the concert will end up
with its rusty stars
at the bottom of the sea.

Adventure in Durango

Hot chili peppers in the blistering sun,
dust on the face and on the hat
me and Maddalena in the west
we opened our eyes beyond the gate.
I gave my guitar to the baker's son
for a pizza and a rifle
I'll buy another one along the road
and I'll play for Maddalena at dusk.
Don't cry, Maddalena, God will look after us
and soon we'll get to Durango
Hold me tight, Maddalena, this desert will be over
and you'll be dancing the fandango.
After the Aztec temples and the ruins
the first stars on the Rio Grande
At night I dream of the belltower
and Ramon's neck covered in blood.
It was me, at the inn,
I pulled the trigger.
Come, my Maddalena, let's fly away
the dog is barking and what's done is done.
Don't cry, Maddalena, God will look after us
and soon we'll get to Durango
Hold me tight, Maddalena, this desert will be over
and you'll be dancing the fandango.
At the corrida with tequila and ice
we'll see the toreador touch the sky
in the shade of the old stand
where Villa used to cheer the rodeo.
The friar will pray for forgiveness,
he'll welcome us into the mission.
I'll have new boots and a golden earring
and you'll take the Holy Communion under the bridal veil.
The road is long but I can see the end,
we'll get there for the ball.
God will appear to us on the hills
with his emerald, lizard-like eyes.
Don't cry, Maddalena, God will look after us
and soon we'll get to Durango
Hold me tight, Maddalena, this desert will be over
and you'll be dancing the fandango.
What's the bang I heard?
I have a hot pain in my back.
Sit here, hold your breath:
maybe I wasn't that shrewd.
Quick Maddalena, take my gun
find the point where the flash came from.
Aim well, try to hit it,
we may never see Durango again.
Don't cry, Maddalena, God will look after us
and soon we'll get to Durango
Hold me tight, Maddalena, this desert will be over
and you'll be dancing the fandango.

The hangeds ballad

Versions: #2
We all hardly died
swallowing our last voice
hardly kicking the sky
we saw vanish the light.
The howl crowded the sun
the air grabbed our throats
crystallized words
our last blasphemy said.
Until the end
we reminded for who’s still alive
that the price was our life
for a sin committed one time.
Then we felt in the frost
of an abandon less death
reciting the ancient creed
of who die without forgive.
Who mocked our defeat
and the extremely shame and the mood
hanged by identical strength
will learn how to deal with the rope.
Who with earth buried our bones
and quietly resumed his path
will be back messed up to this hole
with the early morning’s fog.
The woman that hid in a smile
her shame wile remembering us
will found every night seeing the mirror
a scory of time in her face.
Smells like blood in congeal
the hate that we grow for you all
what we once called pain
it’s now only this unfinished song.