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Резултати претраге страна 2

Број резултата: 38



Listening impatient to the flow of time
Making sure of being real with a little pain
Leaving a fragment of our thought
to those who thought very little or to those who never thought
Getting your mind off the past, raising a child
Failing regardless, crying
All of this is life
All of this is.
Waking up wanting to do something
and consistently not doing anything
Obtaining the consent of those who didn't love you
Tearing apart your own mind slaves of a thought
Going fast, faster and faster even uphill
And everyday asking myself you...
Where did you go
If all of this is life and I let it run away
You... too much water has passed
Under these shoes, on the hands
In front of the eyes and in the stomach.
Walking walking walking walking
Barefoot on a path of nails
and endure the pain
Letting time get our bones old
Warmed up by courage gained out of
punches on the face.
Facing the path in the night without a torch
Moving the twigs off the eyes
All of this is life
Smoking, drinking, laughing, fucking, making love
Persisting when the shoulders barely gave in.
And everyday asking myself you...
Where did you go
If all of this is life and I let it run away
You... too much water has passed
Under these shoes, on the hands
In front of the eyes and in the stomach.
Washing your mouth out before spitting in the air
And everyday asking myself you...
Where did you go
If all of this is life and I let it run away
You... too much water has passed
Under these shoes, on the hands
In front of the eyes and in the stomach.
Under these shoes, on the hands
In front of the eyes and in the stomach.

Romantic (if you want)

Romantic, if you want
But I think of you and this hot summer goes
You have left me like this, you are right
But do not come back at the end of the season
I go to the sea without you, without you...
Waves that take me away on a white trail
You are in my mind, I am in your mind
for a thousand times and more
High frequency that goes...
up and down, up and down.
If you want,
You can also reach a little further
If you ask me why, I don't know
I would like to stay on a beach and get some
sun, without you, without you...
Waves that take me away on a white trail
You are in my mind, I am in your mind
for a thousand times and more
High frequency that goes...
up and down and...
I am sick when I see you
I am sick, it's not a secret
And a plan of my life,
it is clear that it's not, it is clear that it is not
I am trying hard
to stay to say more with all the people
I forget the things but you know how I do it
If I miss you!
Waves that take me away on a white trail
You are in my mind, I am in your mind
for a thousand times and more
High frequency that goes..
up and down, up and down.
For a thousand times and more
High frequency that goes...
up and down and...
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na na na

Smisao svega

Mogu bez miliona
oni donose samo probleme
ali ne mogu bez vina
ne volim mnogo ustaljenost
Mogu bez motora
prelepo je hodati
mogu bez znanja
jer često volim da maštam
Ali šta reći, šta raditi
kada ja, ja ne mogu bez tebe
koja si beskrajno među mojim željama
ti koja si najveći san među najstvarnijim snovima
i ova pesma
koja se okreće i okreće je posvećena tebi
moja jedina ljubavi
smisao svega što postoji
Mogu bez tišine
više volim da komuniciram
mogu bez zabave
toliko moram da zaradim za život
Ali šta reći, šta raditi
kada ja, ja ne mogu bez tebe
koja si beskrajno među mojim željama
ti koja si najveći san među najstvarnijim snovima
i ova pesma
koja se okreće i okreće je posvećena tebi
moja jedina ljubavi
smisao svega
Za tebe koja si beskrajno u mojim željam
ti koja si najveći san među najstvarnijim snovima
i ova pesma
koja se okreće i okreće je posvećena tebi
moja jedina ljubavi
smisao svega što postoji

Ништа ми нисте помогли

У Каиру људи не знају колико је сати
Сунце у Ла Рамбли данас није исто
У Француској траје концерт, гдје се људи забављају
неки пјевају гласно, неки вичу 'умрите'
У Лондону увијек пада киша, али данас не боли
небо не даје попуст, чак ни за сахрану
У Ници море је црвено од ватре и стида
људи су на асфалту и крв је по путу
И овом великом тијелу које зовемо земља
органи су рањени од Азије до Енглеске
Галаксије људи су расуте свуда по простору
али најважнији простор је онај када грле
Мајке без дјеце, дјеца без очева
блиједог лица, као зид без слике
Минут ћутње, који нарушава један глас:
'Ништа ми нисте помогли'
Ништа ми нисте помогли
Ништа ми нисте одузели
Мој живот сад иде даље
упркос свему, упркос другима
Ништа ми нисте помогли
Ништа нисте добили
Јер свијет је много више
од ваших бесмислених ратова
Неки људи се крсте, неки се моле на тепиху
Цркве и џамије, имами и свештеници
Различити улази у исту кућу
Милиони људи који чекају нешто
Загрљаји без руку, лица без имена
И да промијенимо кожу, испод ње сви смо људи
јер наш живот није тачка гледишта
и бомба мира не постоји
Ништа ми нисте помогли
Ништа ми нисте одузели
Мој живот сад иде даље
упркос свему, упркос другима
Ништа ми нисте помогли
Ништа нисте добили
Јер свијет је много више
од ваших бесмислених ратова
од ваших бесмислених ратова
Руше се небодери, руше се подземне станице
супротни зидови, подигнути због новца
Али против терора који нам стоји на путу
свијет се подиже са дјечјим осмијехом
са дјечјим осмијехом
са дјечјим осмијехом
Ништа ми нисте помогли
Ништа нисте добили
Мој живот сад иде даље
упркос свему, упркос другима
Ништа ми нисте помогли
(вашим бесмисленим ратовима)
Ништа ми нисте помогли
(вашим бесмисленим ратовима)
Ништа ми нисте помогли
(вашим бесмисленим ратовима)
Ништа ми нисте помогли
(вашим бесмисленим ратовима)
Свјестан сам да више никад ништа неће бити исто
срећа је одлетјела
као балон

You did nothing to me

In Cairo people don't know
What time is it now
Today the sun over the Rambla
Is not the same
There's a concert in France
People is having fun
Someone's singing loudly
Someone's screaming 'to death'
It always rains in London
But it doesn't hurt today
The sky doesn't make concessions
Not even at a funeral
In Nizza the sea is red
For fires and shame
Because of the people on the concrete
And the blood in the sewer
And this enormous body
That we call earth
Wounded in its organs
From Asia to England
A galaxy of people
Lost in space
But the most important one
It's the space of an hug
From childless mothers
From children without a father
From faces enlightened
Like walls without paintings
Minutes full of silence
Broken by a voice
'You did nothing to me'
You did nothing to me
You took nothing from me
This is my life that goes on
Beyond everything, beyond the people
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
There are people that cross themselves
People that pray on carpets
Churches and Mosques
Imams and all the priests
Separated entries
In the same house
Billions of people
That hope for something
Handless arms
Nameless faces
Let's change our skin
We are humans deep down
'cause our lives
Are not a point of view
And it doesn't exist a
Pacifist bomb
You did nothing to me
You took nothing from me
This is my life that goes on
Beyond everything, beyond the people
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
Your useless wars
Skyscrapers will fall apart
And the subways
And against all kind of terror
That inder the path
The world gets up on his feet
With a child smile
With a child smile
You did nothing to me
You gained nothing
Because everything goes beyond
Your useless wars
I am aware
That nothing will come back
Happiness flew
As a bubble flies away


Toys, I look at them and I see every step I made with them again
In the wings of a robot and a never grown alien
My toys have a soul and they forever wait for you
They won against the villains and every fear of my mind
I brought them in my bed to fight the witches
And they killed a black man that every night
Held my foot.
How old are you tonight? I'm three
How old are you tonight? I'm three
I don't know where naivety is, though
How old are you tonight? I'm three
Jeeg steel Robot, defeat dishonesty
And give me back all the happiness
Toys, 100 soldiers, but only one shoots
They fight the war and no one ever dies
Toys know how you can face a thunder
And they proudly look at you
As you become a man
How old are you tonight? I'm three
How old are you tonight? I'm three
But I don't know what disenchantment is anymore
How old are you tonight? I'm three
Go Mazinger, fly against cruelty
And give me back all the happiness.
Toys know who you are but they pretend to be blind
Under their plastic they have a heart and a life you can't see
Someone dies, someone will forever get older
And you won't find it anymore in a box
Where you had put it
Where you had put it
How old are you tonight? I'm three
How old are you tonight? I'm three
I don't know where naivety is, though
How old are you tonight? I'm three
Jeeg steel Robot, defeat dishonesty
And give me back all the happiness
All the happiness
All the happiness