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Број резултата: 2



Monday, the first day in life without you
On the table there's coffee only for me
Your cup is empty and your seat is empty
Monday, the first day with silence everywhere around the house
But you know that my heart belongs to you
Why are you changing now the route?...
Monday, oh my God, how I hate that day
From now on, it will be a nightmare
Four wheels and a blank look on my face
On Monday I will not have your good morning wishes anymore
Your absence is driving me crazy
I can't handle being away from you
Monday, the first day I'm waking up without you
How I would like it all to be a lie
A bad dream I've seen
Monday, loneliness is a pistol with one bullet
That takes my hope even further
And shoots me right in the heart...

Imas taj pogled

Sve je licilo na stare filmove
Crno-belo, pre nego sto sam te upoznao
Moj zivot je bio bez osecanja
Tek tako da bih ziveo
Dok se nisi ti pojacila
I sve se promenilo
I odjednom sve se
Cinilo kao magija
Imas taj pogled koji sam godinama trazio da vidim
Imas to milovanje koje zelim da osetim
Ukus na usnama koji me otruje
Imas neku harizmu zbog koje te toliko zelim
Ne mogu da zamislim svoj zivot
Kad sam daleko od tebe i minut
Gde god da se nadjem
Svi putevi vode do tvog srca