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Резултати претраге страна 2

Број резултата: 61


Who Will Retell?

Who can recount the heroism of Israel?
Who can count them?
In every age, a hero or sage
Shall come to our aid.
Who can recount the heroism of Israel?
Who can count them?
In every age, a hero or sage
Shall come to our aid.
Hear! Hear!
In those days, And in our time,
A Maccabee to rescue us arrives.
And in our days, all of Israel
Shall stand united and be redeemed.1
Who can recount the heroism of Israel?
Who can count them?
In every age, a hero or sage
Shall come to our aid.
Who can recount the heroism of Israel?
Who can count them?
In every age, a hero or sage
Shall come to our aid.
  • 1. another translation for this section: In this time of year,
    In days of yore,
    Maccabees the Temple did restore
    And tonight our people, as we dream,
    Will arise, unite, and be redeemed.


Морам да те имам бебо
желим те поред мене
Само се попни на чамац и одведите ме на вожњу.
Морам да имам твоје тело
твоја љубав ми је заиста потребна
Мора да си ти тај који ме љуби.
Чежња - оох
желим те поред мене
Чежња - бити мој увек вољени момак.
Приђи мало ближе
не стиди се
Ја могу рећи по изразу твојих гладних очију.
Чиниш да се осећам као жена
Чиним да се осећаш као мушкарац
Да ме натераш да желим много дуже
Не могу да поднесем.
Чежња - оох
желим те поред мене
Чежња - оох душо
зар не видиш -
Чежња - Желим да се ланци скину са мене.
Морам те имати
желим те поред мене
Морам да имам твоје тело
твоја љубав ми је заиста потребна ......

Brand New

This sky is brand new, it's new for me
Two towers collapsed, I'm sorry for you
Anyway, nothing is newer nor older than the sun
A young couple is making love
In a side-street, in an alley
In 9 de julio street, in New York (1)
Kiss me on the lips and don't tell me no
You'll see pain is gone
I don't believe in almost anything
That doesn't come from the heart
I won't put up with your nonsense
It's useless for a conversation
Being old is new, dying is new
Being born again and writing again
New is amazing and also traditional
I come back anew to play rock and roll
I don't believe in almost anything
That doesn't come from the heart
I won't put up with your nonsense
It's useless for a conversation
This is new, it's new for me
Living without you is nothing new
I came back to my neighborhood and the guys notice me
I come back brand new and start all over again
I come back brand new and get lost again
I come back brand new and love you again


Versions: #1
Tear to pieces my memories of days gone by with your hands
Put an end to my sadness
Come, pierce through my chest that yeans for love
Looking at the sky where tomorrow will come,
My heart that keeps getting lost is out of my control
The birds by my side flew away, I wonder if they found light somewhere
So, carry me on your back too, won't you?
And leave me behind in the highest place, away from kindness
Tear to pieces my memories of days gone by with your hands
Put an end to my sadness
Come, pierce through my chest that yeans for love
The wind caresses me as I crawl on the ground and see birds off into the twilight
I'm not saying I want wings
I want at least to become lemon balm leaves dancing in the air
I've already tried to stand still to many times
But there's probably no answer
Just like there's no destination to this wind
Lock me up with your hands, without hesitation
Even if I'm mistaken, make it so I won't open ever again
Come, finish it with the sound of a falling lock
A helpless soul drifts away and disappears
A faint light in the moment it vanishes
Now brings forth a full moon night

Farewell ballad

You fill the time is over
Flower spring that fall asleep
Anything that never comes back, that flew
And was a river, an air, in your life
And you take kept in yourself
The cry of a ballad
Memories of a past
The beat of the old goat
Black nostalgia cover
Upon departure
Secrets of this city
I take them with me forever
Black nostalgia cover
Upon departure time
Secrets of this city
I take them with me forever
You know that the goodbye design
It's fire that burns us slowly
And in the slow closing of your eyes
Hope for a day here return
And you take kept in yourself
The cry of a ballad
Memories of a past
The beat of the old goat 1.
Black cloak cover of longing 2.
At the time of departure
Secrets of this town
I take them for all life
Black cloak cover of longing
At the time of departure
Secrets of this city
I take 'em with me forever
  • 1. This ist not an animal (old goat), but the name that students give to the tower of the university of coimbra whose bell regulates university life by telling the time .
  • 2. “longing” is the English word that seems closer to the meaning of the portuguese word “saudade”..

11 and 6

Versions: #1
In a cafe they saw each other by chance
Tired down to the soul from wandering around so much
She had a carnation in her hand
He approached her and asked if she was okay
He made his way toward the window on his tiptoes
And he took her for a walk in Corrientes
Everyone look, they alone
Can do more than love
And they're stronger than Mount Olympus
They hid in the city center
And in the bathroom of a bar they sealed it all with a kiss
For a month, they sold roses in La Paz*
I get the feeling that nothing else mattered
And between the two of them, they put something together
I don’t know why, but I never saw them again
He's 11 and she's 6
And if she smiled, he gave her the moon
Everyone look, they alone
Can do more than love
And they're stronger than Mount Olympus
They hid in the city center
And in the bathroom of a bar they sealed it all with a kiss

Tightrope Walk

Versions: #1
I'm afraid there's nothing more
Everything is turning to dust
I know I didn't look out for us
Oh, it hurts so badly
The misfortunes backfire
This is all I can bear
I would move on
But my heart pulls me back
Where can I go now?
My room is so cramped
It's hard not to think of you like that
The night is so cold
The silence devours it
It was our future, but now it just haunts our past
A thousand years aren't enough
To forget you
A thousand years aren't enough
To become whole again
While the depths pull me in, only uncertainty remains
An endless tightrope walk
The times are changing
I'm changing too
But it collapses again and again
Everything that we once built
Every moment
Oh, it was all about you
Still the ground slipped out from beneath it
And I'm just screaming under the ruins
Where can I go now?
My room is so cramped
It's hard not to think of you like that
The night is so cold
The silence devours it
It was our future, but now it just haunts our past
A thousand years aren't enough
To forget you
A thousand years aren't enough
To become whole again
While the depths pull me in, only uncertainty remains
An endless tightrope walk
I don't know where I'm going yet
I'm getting back on my feet, but I'm failing
But I'm still starting over again
Why would it be any different?
Who did you turn me into?
A thousand years aren't enough
To forget you
A thousand years aren't enough
To become whole again
A thousand years aren't enough
To forget you
A thousand years aren't enough
To become whole again
While the depths pull me in, only uncertainty remains
An endless tightrope walk

Part of the air

She thought about it twice and went away
Her heart like a strawberry
Always the same trouble
With the relatives
She left me some discs in the closet
A silver clock and a samurai
Everything detailed on a file
And there she goes, part of the air
And there she goes freely
Music from the crickets of the Paraná
Every new january made itself heard
Like a good presage from the midwives
He loved a star in his solitude
And one Christmas Eve
He trimmed the wires with a diamond
And there they go, part of the air
And there they go freely
The biggest love I've ever meet
Onee day it passed me by unintentionally
By the milky way shall they meet
In some planet, in some place
Where do people with their heart go?
Where do the years and this pain go?
And where do I go? I no longer care
I come from two rivers that flow into the sea
Part of the air
They already go there just just

Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Dad beats Mom,
We move on cheerless, satchels on our backs,
You know, we cling to time,
The RER overtakes us & we hang on to it
We need to learn to run, to grow, to smile, & to depend on ourselves to sort out things in life
Make sure to be clever,
Act quickly, & be in order before leaving
Each day has enough trouble of its own.x4
To eat for my breakfast,
I have hundred of problems
It's the money
the bailiffs at my door
Bad mood you're in, impossible to keep away from problems.
We would like to break loose to shout out loud and clear that we are
tired of showing off all year long, moving forward and backward,
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.x4
Each day has enough trouble of its own. x4
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
I breathe my hatred, cops and sirens put me to sleep
Only in Fleury or Frennes prisons
Dad shows his body's veins
And I'm hanging out alone
Ho-ho-ho, one day's burden is enough for one day,
Ho-ho-ho, one day's burden is enough for one day,
Each day has enough trouble of its own.x4

Donna Helena's ballad

Driving on the road by night,
without looking back
I lit a cigarrette
and on the radio always the same
music's idiot. 1
Oh, Helena,
Oh, Helena.
The cigar case's empty and it's eleven o'clock
A girl makes a sign, gets on the car
and performs a fellatio.
First I have to confess,
I didn't feel the same pleasure
but the truth is,
you see
She started to go through me
and her mouth was not bad
and her tongue was like crazy,
we were about to collide.
Uh, Helena
Uh, Helena
I've been doing good until here,
later, she hit me with her pocket on my forehead 2
and removed my pants unhurried
and swallowed, swallowed, swallowed and there's something pure.
It burned me with the light of a superflash
and something strange started to sweat,
and disappeared this world so soon
and that's how I left this world.
First I have to confess,
I didn't feel the same pleasure
but the truth is,
you see
Donna 3 Helena started to cry.
Alone in that car, licking off her salt,
for a moment she forgot the truth:
everything she touches disappears,
disappears, disappears.
There's an agreement between the witches of Gibraltar,
that ''all everlasting love shall be killed''
Body on top of body, and body over the sea.
The sea of the fallen in front of Donna Helena.
(Where are you going?)
  • 1. Meaning there were the same artists on the radio
  • 2. This could mean either her purse or her pocket wi-fi. (Purse makes more sense)
  • 3. Donna means 'woman' in Italian. Argentina had a big wave of Italian immigration in the 19th century, thus the influence of this language in Argentinian Spanish

The Value of Defeat

I think it is necessary to educate the new generations to the value of defeat, to the management of defeat, to the Humanity that emerges from it, to build an identity able to experience a common destiny, where you can fail and start over without your value and your dignity will be undermined.
We need to educate the new generations to not become social elbows, to not pass over the body of the others to finish first.
This world belongs to vulgar and dishonest winners, false and opportunist abusers, this world belongs to the important people, they are occupying power and robs the present and the future.
To this anthropology of winners I prefer the loser.
It is an exercise that I can do well.
And I'm in peace with my sacred few things.
- -
I'm a man who prefers to lose rather than win with ways unfair and unkind.
Gross negligence on my part, I know!
And the best part is that I have the nerve to defend this guilt, to consider it almost a virtue.

Profit Propasti

Zbogom okrutni svete.
Ovo je oblik zvezde petokrake.
I takodje se primenjuje na zvezdu sa sest strana
Naspram sunca i naspram meseca
Upozoravam vas da ce ova dva kada se spoje
Doneti propast covecanstva
Od deset rogova i sedam glava
Izbroji svoje prste i kontinente
Na svojoj glavi ili u svojoj desnoj ruci
Ovo je novi kod morala koji mediji zapovedaju
Ne veruj u njihove pametne reci
Zato sto su najglasniji oni koji su uveli veru
Sve ove stvari koje vam govorim su istinite
Ali nazalost samo odabrana nekolicina ovo razume... vi
April 2-0-2-9 je kraj vremena
Druze moj kraj nije blizu, taj cas je zapravo vec stigao
Kada mesec postane crven da bi predvodio one koji su ustali iz mrtvih
To znaci da vam je Bog okrenuo ledja
Sada je petak trinaesti, naravno da necete doziveti da vidite podne
Ja sam prorok propasti
Ja sam profit propasti
I sada je zvezda pala, isprala je sva mora
Sedmi pecat se sada otvara i vasi strahovi pljuste
Da li ste paranoidni? Asteroid koji se priblizava
Ima vase ime istetovirano na sebi
Ovaj kamen se zove Apofis i donosi apokalipsu
Ja sam prorok propasti
Ja sam profit propasti
Izgovori ime onoga koji je stvorio sve ono o cemu ne treba da se govori
Nijedan zakon nije prekrsen
I sada zivot, ljubav i zvezde koje padaju na sve vas
Koji obozavate zver
Kraj uticaja
Moja dusa gori
Moja vera je cilibar koji vecno gori, i radi ka vecoj nagradi
Dok sluzim svog Gospodara
Sagradio je svoju kucu od kamena a ne od jata, i dolazi kao ovcar
Koji cuva svoje stado
Moja dusa gori

Take Me Serious

-Want you to take me seriously, for real
'I know there is another truth beyond this.
-I ask if you love, you talk more like brother
-Beibe you leave me in the hand, in the hand
-Because you know you're being frank with you.
And that's what sustained my passion ever since
-And I think to God to awaken the same in you
-Just take me serious
-I promise I'm someone that you can trust
I just want somebody to love
-I know that saying is not enough
-Just take me serious
-Talves put the pride of passion
-Talves you had many that you left on the ground
-More hope is huge
My love comes with respect.
-I will not let you in the hand, in the hand
-Because you know you're being frank with you.
And that's what sustained my passion ever since
-And I think to God to awaken the same in you
-Just take me serious
-I promise I'm someone that you can trust
I just want somebody to love
-I know that saying is not enough
-Just take me serious
-I never found someone like you
-I never found someone like you
-Never, never, never (3x)
-Take me serious


Свакога дана размишљам о сутрашњици
Желим да ми је моја принцеза ближе
Одлучио сам да никада не осећам тугу
Поделићу своје срце када је пронађем
Ја ћу заувек
Осећати ову љубав
Све до дана своје смрти
Да будемо заједно
Иако ми није важно
Што ме ниси желела
Крај себе
Украо је девојку из замка
А потера се није добро завршила
Дивна принцезо,
Стигао сам да те спасим,
Узми ме за руку и реци да ме волиш
Ако то икада кажеш
Чак и ако лажеш
Пустићу те да слободно одлетиш, као птица
Ја ћу заувек
Осећати ову љубав
Све до дана моје смрти
Да будемо заједно
Иако ми није важно
Што ме ниси желела
Крај себе
Ја ћу заувек
Осећати ову љубав
Све до дана моје смрти
Да будемо заједно
Иако ми није важно
Што ме ниси желела
Крај себе
Ја ћу заувек, заувек, заувек,
Осећати ову љубав
Све до дана своје смрти
Да будемо заједно
Иако ми није важно
Што ме ниси желела крај себе
Што ме ниси желела крај...
Поука ове песме је
да је њен витез није волео
Све до дана моје смрти
Да је њен витез није волео

Ljubim te

Sve je pokrio mrak
oči si sklopila
svoju kosu rasula
po mojim grudima
Ne bi hteo zaspati
nek' traje ova noć
ja ti moram priznati
ljubim te dušom svom
Spavaj mi spavaj
moja ljubavi
lepo mi sanjaj ovu noć
i moje reči ne zaboravi
ljubim te dušom svom
Noć je zvezde prosula
zlatom ti kosa sja
ovom pesmom ljubim te
i želim ti miran san
Refren 2x
Spavaj mi spavaj
moja ljubavi
lepo mi sanjaj ovu noć
i moje reči ne zaboravi
ljubim te dušom svom

Bergen, you're a cunt town

So sad to see the Quarter* like this
Just shame and downward stares
Why so cowed, Bergen,
excluded and afraid?
Unfittingly modest, Bergen
What's happened?
Bergen, you're a cunt town
A cunt town is what you are
But the cunt is neat, so it should be fine
Bergen, you're a cunt town
A cunt town, a cunt town
Bergen, you're a cunt down, hurray!
It keeps on raining and it's so gray
Just like the mentioned body part it's almost always wet
But what's the issue Bergen?
It's so hard to understand
I've never liked a town as much as much as I like you know
Bergen, you're a cunt town
A cunt town is what you are
But the cunt is neat, so it should be fine
Bergen, you're a cunt town
A cunt town, a cunt town
Bergen, you're a cunt down, hurray!
There's nothing wrong with the cunt, Bergen
It's the most beautiful thing there is
It's exactly the cunt that makes us so excited about womankind
So don't think I use cunt town as a critic
It really would have been worse if I just called you a dick
Bergen, you're a cunt town
A cunt town is what you are
But the cunt is neat, so it should be fine
Bergen, you're a cunt town
A cunt town, a cunt town
Bergen, you're a cunt down, hurray!

You Just Have to Believe It

I've walked, I've run,
I've fallen, I've lost
I've traced out my path
In the morning fog
I've carried on my back
My life as my burden
That was hidden too often
That burns us inside
I've cried in the streets
I was broken and disappointed
That my hand was let go
And that was left with nothing
But a few wrinkles on my heart
And the crumbs of happiness
That the pidgeons being
When I'm almost dead
However I've etched on my skin
With the ink of my words
You just have to believe it
Where is hope hidden?
You just have to believe it
And what does it matter what the mirror shows us
You just have to believe it
Too bad for dark thoughts
The sun won't go out
Nor the stars in the sky
You just have to believe it
You just have to believe it
I've known true love
I've given up all my secrets
I've sworn on my life
But I think that I've been lied to
I've tourned all night
I've searched for answers to life
Inebriated by my questions
I thought I could touch the bottom
So I've etched on my skin
I wanted to find the words
You just have to believe it
Where is hope hidden?
You just have to believe it
And what does it matter what the mirror shows us
You just have to believe it
Too bad for dark thoughts
The sun won't go out
Nor the stars in the sky
You just have to believe it
You just have to believe it
And even if my heart hurts
And even if it's a little crazy
I know I've made mistakes
But everything can be fixed
You just have to believe it
You just have to believe it
You just have to believe it
Where is hope hidden?
You just have to believe it
And what does it matter what the mirror shows us
You just have to believe it
Too bad for dark thoughts
The sun won't go out
Nor the stars in the sky
You just have to believe it

Kidnap Me!

Of course I am anxious, and a little bit chaotic
Snared by a deep longing, would like to meet so much
It is not about a chocolate, dolls, or rose from you
I just want you ! I can't lie ! So, where are you now ?
Baby, please quick kidnap me!
Bring me to your chamber of love
This love is just for you
The warmth of tenderness tonight only belong to us
Baby, please quick kidnap me!
Bring me to your chamber of love
Caress me in your lovely arms
Keep this love for tomorrow and forever
Baby, please quick kidnap me!
Baby, please quick kidnap me!
Baby, please quick kidnap me!
Of course I am anxious, and a little bit chaotic
Snared by a deep longing, would like to meet so much
It is not about a chocolate, dolls, or rose from you
I just want you ! I can't lie ! So, where are you now ?
Baby, please quick kidnap me!
Bring me to your chamber of love
This love is just for you
The warmth of tenderness tonight only belong to us
Baby, please quick kidnap me!
Bring me to your chamber of love
Caress me in your lovely arms
Keep this love for tomorrow and forever
Baby, please quick kidnap me!
Baby, please quick kidnap me!
Baby, please quick kidnap me!

Boom Boom

Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Saturday night is a long night
How good to have a date
New date with metal style
I just knew in a night club
Because of boom-boom
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Olela Olela..
My amour is burning
Oh lala Oh lala..
What a hot first love
Olela Olela
We are in love day and night
Olela Olela
There is no end of time to make love
What the meaning live without love
The world will be quiet and dark
I love you.. I love you
I love you
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Saturday night is a long night
How good to have a date
New date with metal style
I just knew in a night club
Because of boom-boom
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Boom-boom oe
Olela Olela..
My amour is burning
Oh lala Oh lala..
What a hot first love
Olela Olela
We are in love day and night
Olela Olela
There is no end of time to make love
What the meaning live without love
The world will be quiet and dark
I love you.. I love you
I love you

Grafiti na vozu

Oh grafiti na vozu
Oh grafiti na vozu oh ne
Uvaljani u njen zivot
Oh grafiti na vozu
S[rema se ostavio je svoju ljubav da spava
Kisa pada on se davi u svojoj tajni
Vlazne ulice tihe kao crkveni hol
Poslednja kuca gde su deca igrala fudbal
Raskrsnice njegovo srce kuca brze
Dolazi blize da postavi drugo pitanje
''Udaj se za mene'' zeli da nacrta slova
Nocni voz. on se krije sa svojim sprejom
Veceras ce se voziti
Dok boja nije gotova i osusena oh ajde
Oh grafiti na vozu
Oh grafiti na vozu
Oh grafiti na vozu
Oh ona nikada nece biti ista oh ne
Uvaljali se u njen zivot
Grafiti na vozu
Dan se budi njegova ljubav zeva i probudi se
Popije svoju soljicu i nasminka se
Na platformi cuje kako ljudi sapucu
Neko je umro, surfali su vozom i okliznuli se
Voz dolazi, Vagon kojim se uvek vozila
Na vratima pise ''Udaj se za mene, Volim te''
Srce se zaustavlja estaticno i sumnjivo
Poziva ga, ali on se ne javlja
Voz se zaustavlja linijom
To je bio poslednji voz kojim se on vozio oh nee
Oh grafiti na vozu
Oh grafiti na vozu
Oh grafiti na vozu
Oh ona nikada nece biti ista oh ne
Uvaljali se u njen zivot
Grafiti na vozu

Ucim da letim

i tako sam krenuo niz prasnjavi put
krenuo potpuno sam
sunce je zaslo dok sam se popeo na planinu
a grad je zasijao, ima jos sveta
ucim da letim ali nemam krila
spustiti se najteza je stvar
stari dobri dani ne mogu se vratiti
i kamenje se moze istopiti
i more moze goreti
ucim da letim ali nemam krila
spustiti se najteza je stvar
pa neki kazu zivot , zivot ce te smrviti
slomiti ti srce, ukrasti ti krunu
pa sam krenuo Bog ce ga znati kuda
mislim da cu znati kada stignem tamo
ucim da letim oko oblaka
sta se popenje mora se spustiti

Chameleon Lens

arinomama no shinjitsu nado daremo mite iya shinai
iro wo kae tari yugame tari kamereon renzu mitai ni
Don't you ever wanna imagine? The world isn't one you see
ringo no aka wa kimi ni donna fuu ni miete iru?
Don't you ever wanna imagine? Not the way you dream
kimi no ai wa What color?
semete onaji sora wo miretara to kimi no kata wo hikiyosete wa mitemo
soko ni wa futatsu no tsuki ga narabu wo tagai wo shiranai mama
Black or White futago no tsuki ga
Love or Not mujou ni hikaru
shinku no bara mo wain mo iro wo nakushi naiteru no?
kimi ga iru kono sekai wa konna ni azayaka na no ni
Don't you ever wanna imagine? No one knows your feeling
detarame na haishoku de tsukutta sutendo gurasu
Don't you ever wanna imagine? Your days break down forever
kimi no asu wa What color?
fukitsu na koe de karasu ga naita are wa boku ga kimi no sora ni hanashita
aoi tori na no kamo shirenai ne utsukushii hane datta
A blue bird has turned into a crow
I lost my beautiful feathers
wakariaou to sureba suru hodo naze bokutachi wa kizutsukeatte shimau?
itami ga tatta hitotsu dake no tsuujiaeru mono wakachiaeru mono ka na
semete onaji sora wo miretara to kimi no kata wo hikiyosete wa mitemo
soko ni wa futatsu no tsuki ga narabu wo tagai wo shiranai mama
Black or White gesshoku no yoru
Love or Not machitsuzukeru

Licking pussy

Licking pussy is delicious, when it's so wet
Licking pussy is the best thing in the world
Licking pussy of an older lady
Licking pussy when it smells funny
Licking pussy is really amazing
Young women's pussy is usually the best
when they had a xxxxx that day (X)
And for a 90 year old it'll be a real party
Then you can jerk off the same time you're taking it
Licking pussy, that's what I want
Licking pussy that smells like herring
Licking pussy, until your tongue is coated with shit
Long pussy, short pussy, and narrow ones too
They taste so good, it just can't be true
Pretty pussy, ugly pussy
They all should be licked just the same
Licking pussy the whole night long
Licking pussy while listening to this song
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

Sky The Graffiti

Although it's fun, I'm a bit afraid
I kick the ground and jump off like usually
Everyone looked up at someone realizing his dream
To become just like a bird
It's easier to expand your heart rather than your body
I'll become a feather, awaiting the wind
The skies have called for me
Look, it feels like dancing wherever we fly!
You even forget that gravity exists
This sky is the birthplace of a changing world
That gives you way more freedom
It looks like spraying graffiti on the sky's canvas,
Freeing the heart
When the wind stops blowing, it gets kind of bitter
Because it's a good feeling to be blown away
It's painful to wait for it, so please, just let it come
I feel dizzy, I totter and fall
I want to wrap this fluffy cloud around me
It's high, really high, so let's ascend quickly
It's far, really far, so let's get going
I want to become a feather with you right now
I want to hold your hand tightly
Look, we can fly beyond the edge of the landscape
Just to meet you I've grown wings
The sky is a world without boundaries
After all, you call this real freedom
We're drawing a rainbow on the sky's canvas together
And my heart is going to take a leap
I'll overcome fate
In this boundless world
I'll become a feather, floating up in the air
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

I Don’t Pay Rent

[Intro: Bello Figo & The GynoZz]
Hey, hey
I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent
We don’t pay rent
F**k it, we’re nig**s
[Hook: Bello Figo Gu]
(Yeeh) I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent (Yeeh)
I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent
[Bridge 1: The GynoZz]
All my friends came here on a boat
Swag boat, as soon as we arrived in Italy we got:
house, cars, hotties
[Hook 2: Bello Figo]
(Yeeh) I’m not a workman
I’m not a workman
I’m not a workman
I’m not a workman (Yeeh)
I’m not a workman
I’m not a workman
I’m not a workman
I’m not a workman
[Bridge 2: The GynoZz & Bello Figo]
I don’t get my hands dirty because I’m already black
I’m a refugee (not good, not good)
[Verse 2: Bello Figo]
It was Mattarella who told us we could come to Italy
So I brought all of my friends,
my friends with the boat-o
Even Matte, Matteo Renzi-o
He said that this is our home-o
so all of my friends we all vote for PD-oh, PD-o
Come on, let’s vote!
We want white pussies,
we want to f**k their mouths
Then we want Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi
And also a salary
I sleep in a four-star hotel
Because I’m handsome, rich, famous, black
[Hook: Bello Figo] x2
(Yeeh) I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent (Yeeh)
I don’y pay rent
I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent
I don’t pay rent
[Verse 3: Bello Figo]
In my country there’s war
So I escaped to, to Italy
But at 7 in the morning-o
They never give us lasagna-o
They always bring us milk-o, milk, with ce, with cereal-o
Buy I, I, I don’t like it
Because I prefer pasta with tuna, tuna
Come on, let’s fish!
Then I need a white pussy
because in the morning
I always wake up with my dick hard (hard) hard (hard)
Come on, let’s jack off!
I always do my dance
It’s called “the fishing of the wank, of the swagga, of the “conce, conce”, I’m too cool I mean
So many white pussies will be f**ked
She sits on my face like she sits on the chair
Open your mouth so I leave a little rain for you
White pussy, do you like my necklace?
White boy, you’re not swagga at all
Stop complaining and join me
Let’s go to the station and steal some bikes
[Outro: The GynoZz & Bello Figo]
I don’t get my hand dirty, not good
Because I’m already black, not good
I’m a refugee, no good, no good
Refugee! Not good
Refugee! Not good
Refugee! Not good, not good, not good

Your gifts should arrive

Epiphanic silence at the time of love
Your dreams have already gone to sea
An extract of the pain perfume
Your wrists face up and towards the sun
Your gifts should arrive
The crazy elephants, the dress, the trousseau
Walking in the mist
That dissipates the heart
The miracles in your body will happen
The violets in your blood will live
On a river in love and in his their walk
Your gifts should arrive
Candles, tableware and your happiness
And you do not know whether to stop or to rain
And standing over the world at your feet
Your smile that makes us tremble
The world trembles that does not understand at the end
That kiss of life
The subtle melancholy
The moment when you leave
The spaces where you look
And the drops of your rain will go
And again in the sequence
Of the falling petals
The mysteries of chance are discovered
And the hands that are in the flower
The bestial nature of love
Your gifts should arrive
If everything is over
Everything starts again
The morning that is coming
It's an old feeling
That reflects the mirrors of time
And the little girl huddled in the corner
It's the girl against God's fury
Your gifts should arrive
I do not have much to give you, look
And you do not know whether to stop or to rain
And standing over the world at your feet
Your smile that makes us tremble
The world trembles
That does not understand at the end
That kiss of life, the subtle melancholy
The moment when you leave
The spaces where you look
And the drops of your rain will go
And your gifts should arrive
And the drops of your rain will go

I see something you don't see

Every time we don't want to see something, it's still there...
I see something, you don't want to see, because it's not that funny.
I see something, you don't want to see -
Because you're blind - and rather going shopping and relaxing
'I don't read anything, I buy myself a dress now!' 'Okay...'
The World becomes nastier and whose fault is it?
I'm surrounded by state power and intrigues.
Who's already rich, reaps even more
And the people around me don't become sated.
The state of shadows, the bank of villains, the concern of greed
Who calls the names and sins of these gentlemanly sirs?
The Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Soros & members of the consortium
Who hoard on the shit mountain of the devil's dollar.
The masterminds and grey eminences
JP Morgan's, Goldman Sach's and their toadies,
Arms dealers, speculators, military
Intelligence, spies and even more.
The evil lords' elitist clubs,
A fate of an individual doesn't bother them
There are to many eaters anyway,
Without the many people, the few are better off.
The cold-blooded creatures build walls around our freedom
Year by year - without haste - stone by stone...
And we're to dumb to understand,
To idle and to lazy to inform,
Buy pockets, shoes, chocolate, soccer-cards,
While Satan's dragon riders wait for us.
Hey, you...! Hey, you...!
Clean out your ears and hear how they lie!
Open your eyes and see, how they deceive!
Speak up and say, what you see!
The truth is sadly often very mean.
The puppeteers sit somewhere else -
A lusty circle, oh yes, it is able to.
The devil poops on the pile there,
They can simply buy the world's parts.
Are never in refugee hostels or at the food bank
In big castles is dined to blether,
In luxury ghettos they reside in silkshirts
No-go ares are unknown to them.
I see something, you don't see,
Because you're the good one,
Who still believes in the good thing,
Even when her most beloved thing is robbed.
You vision is so naive
And your faith in god, it is so deep.
But I tell you, my love, your god is dead -
'Where is he? Why doesn't he say something, although I prayed so much?!'
'Aha. Where is he? Oh well.'
Your god is on vacation, on the Canaries
And in the Pacific, where the nuclear tests were.
He doesn't care, he is just made of air
And he scrams, when the whole world deflagrates.
Your ignorance holds a big threat,
Because what you don't know, will evermore
Remain elite knowledge and a secret
And they catch us like flies in adhesive traps.
We have to reveal, show and expose
Chase them out of the fox's burrow and rumple them
The felons against love and human rights -
But in the German, the servant roots deeply.
Go out and open your eyes so wide!
Use your brain and understand, what goes on there...
Strike off, you have to be quick.
Look closely and read between the lines!
Don't wait, my dear, you have to hasten
The time never works for the good ones...
It's not the eleventh hour, it's five past one
And when you look for conscience - there isn't any.
Greedy man, geriatric murders,
Sing of death and the evil old way,
Carry away half of the world while falling,
Wake up and act and don't desert yourself.
Hey, you!
Everything, what the nation ever wanted
And everything it was supposed to get,
Was never bestowed to it.
We have to fight - keep that in mind!!
Who can dance the tango of denial better....
The elite - or the the dumb toadies? (Repeated 4x)
Hey you! Wake up...!

Little Wick

In the small flame of the lighter
the song will get burn,
but I will keep for life
the glance I took from you.
I'll be losing you, I'll be finding you
in the paintings of smoke
a single *cheef* in the wick
and beauties will light up.
With the stars as lighters
the sky will be burn,
But don't give anyone
the glance you took from me

Innocent Graffiti

i'm sure that you and i want the same wish to come true
it's just one graffiti
i'm sure that tomorrow
i'll love you even more than today
you act shy, saying things like, 'i wonder if that's really true'
your smile is proof that it is
pure love is easily colored
but i won't let go of your hand anymore
our feelings are taking us away
these casual day are precious, too
if the two of us are together, then the world is always changing colors
let's paint graffiti together
we're the only ones who can see these formless feelings
we don't need anybody to understand,
so that's what we call love
even if you make an enemy of the world
i'll always be your side
sometimes there are days when things don't go well,
but when that happens, we just have to overcam it
there's never anything to be afraid of if the two of us are together
let's sing a love song together
if rain falls on your heart, i'll hold out an umbrella,
so let your weaknesses lie bare, too
i'll be sure to wipe away any tears that spilled out
our feelings are making us stronger
flowers bloomed in our overlapping tracks
if the two of us are together, then the world changes colors
one innocent graffiti in the world
on this blank white canvas, the two of us paint graffiti
that no one else can imitate
let's confirm our love that nobody knows about,
just for us, and walk on