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Број резултата: 12



Сећам се оне песме која ти се толико допадала
Сећам се како си је сваке ноћи певала
Сећам се кад сам те угледао и свет је стао
И у секунди пронашао сам твој глас
Ај, како нам је лако прошло петнаест година
Како смо лако постали два странца
И сада када ниси ту сећам се твоје песме
Желим да те нађем у својим сновима
Да ме будиш пољупцима
И иако смо данас тако далеко
И даље слушам твој глас
Желео бих да ти пружим руку
И да вичем да те волим
Животе мој, обећавам ти
Да jош увек живи ова љубав
Врати се, молим те
Ја ти обећавам да није случајност
Поново ћемо се наћи
Где и увек, знаш где
Ти и ја морамо да причамо, да почнемо испочетка
Права љубав је несаломива
Шаљем ти цвеће да украсиш своју кућу
Реци ми шта ће бити ако данас одемо заједно
И ако се ноћас две лепе успомене загрле (да)
Шаљем ти цвеће да украсиш своју кућу
И ништа не може заменити такву бескрајну љубав
Ако живот пролази, нек нам прође заједно
Желим да те нађем у својим сновима
Да ме будиш пољупцима
И иако смо данас тако далеко
И даље слушам твој глас
Желео бих да ти пружим руку
И да вичем да те волим
Животе мој, обећавам ти
Да још увек живи ова љубав
Врати се, молим те
Еј, сећам се такође
Кад смо корачали плажом и ти и ја
Пољубаца које смо размењивали све док није изашло сунце
Време је прошло али га и даље не пуштамо
Кажу да губи онај ко се заљуби
А овде смо управо обоје изгубили
И иако одавно не одговарам на љубав
Признајем ти сваки пут кад легнем у кревет
Вратимо се у 2005, кад смо заједно побегли у онај хотел
Толико пољубаца се не заборавља, желим да те имам поред себе поново
Вратимо се у 2005 још једном
Где сам се заклео да те никад нећу заборавити
Серенада на прозору и маргарита звана Маријана
Желим да те нађем у својим сновима
Да ме будиш пољупцима
И иако смо данас тако далеко
И даље слушам твој глас
Желео бих да ти пружим руку
И да вичем да те волим
Животе мој, обећавам ти
Да још увек живи ова љубав
Желим да те нађем у својим сновима
Да ме будиш пољупцима
Ниједно место није далеко
Да бисмо се нашли нас двоје
Дозволи ми да ти пружим руку
Да бих те имао поред себе
Малена, обећавам ти
Да ћу увек бити твоја љубав
Не иди, молим те

Samba is Everything

Some say that samba is a mother
But don't go to samba if you bless
Nobody says that samba is a father
If you don't want samba to obey
To be a samba dancer is much more*
Than being news in Sampa's newspaper
Some say that samba is a mother
But don't fall in the source of pleasure
An expert does go and doesn't go
But he doesn't say that he is the owner of the andor**
A good man doesn't fall
And doesn't betray those who love him
When a capoeira falls***
He asks samba for divine protection
Says that everything is samba
Samba is everything that Donga blessed+
Says that everything is samba
Samba is everything that God blessed
The value gives itself to those who have
Ismael was our professor++
Rare samba is samba in peace
And who does not say it has value
The good samba is what brings
In cadence the sweet pulse of Vila+++
To make more samba
It takes more than pretension


Look at me, when you look I don't need anything
And when I'm so far away, I want your kisses
But I have this hole inside my chest
It's my melancholy that in your eyes I see
Don't miss me, that if you miss me
I feel like I'm dying
You know that that is from another life
That we carry faults that we don't know
But we love each other to infinity and beyond the sky
I like this story
And this story what's between you and me
I'm going to take care of your heart, that's why come
That here I have you this song
You are my life
That all my life I will take care of yours
Oh girl, come
I'm going to take care of your heart, that's why come
That here I have you this song
You are my life
That all my life I will take care of yours, ah love
Just closing my eyes I feel so close
It's that you are my strength, my weakness
How do you clean my air, how do you make me fall in love?
How you rejoice my life and you know how to love me, every time more
You know that that is from another life
That we carry faults that we don't know
But we love each other to infinity and beyond the sky
I like this story
And this story what's between you and me
I'm going to take care of your heart, that's why come
That here I have you this song
You are my life
That all my life I will take care of yours
Oh girl, come
I'm going to take care of your heart, that's why come
That here I have you this song
You are my life
That all my life I will take care of yours, ah love

She likes me this way

She likes me this way
She likes me this way
There's land in sight
Hey, train driver, speed up
Because winter is not my season
Even autumn makes me sleepy
Alarm clock only in the spring
And I never sleep in summer
I wake up late and I miss the time
The world outside
They say I'm a strange case
The blackest sheep in the herd
And she likes me this way
She's perfect for me
She likes me this way
From the beginning to the end
I'm a rare bird
I'm an expensive fruit
I escaped from that cage
I'm not captive
And so I did
I went, went to be happy
Being happy is a work that lasts the whole year.
And I change everything for a kiss
When I see you
Take my gold, my ivory,
My sun, a Berlin ball
This path is only mine
And eyes on the sky
And what I have is so little, but all I have is yours
Let's go...
And she likes me this way
She's perfect for me
She likes me this way
From the beginning to the end
And she likes me this way
She's perfect for me
She likes me this way
From the beginning, beginning to the end

Only With You

Once again the moment has caught us by surprise
And once again our meeting is magical
Oh what I give to have you forever
Well today I'm letting you know that I get it
On this earthly world
Material things disappear
But the affection I have for you
Is the biggest thing I carry with me
I'll take care of you wherever you go
Whenever fear takes you over
You know that what we lived through
Was a sincere love
A true love
Only with you could I be happy again
Only in your arms could I achieve flight
Just for tonight, come and let us dance
This song that contains the love we have for each other
Well this is your night
Tonight, tonight, tonight
This is my night
My night, my night, only mine
If some day I meet you again
And I have trouble bringing up what we had
Please do take it personally
But I'm pained by your memory
On this earthly world
Material things disappear
But the affection I have for you
Is the biggest thing I carry with me
I'll take care of you wherever you go
Whenever fear takes you over
You know that what we lived through
Was a sincere love
A true love
Only with you could I be happy again
Only in your arms could I achieve flight
Just for tonight, come and let us dance
This song that contains the love we have for each other
Well this is your night
(Tonight, tonight, tonight)
This is my night
(My night, my night, only mine)
Well this is your night
(Tonight, tonight, tonight)
This is my night
(My night, my night, only mine)
(With you I get to know the infinite)
(The most cherished and splendid beauty)
(Only with you)
(It's just that with you I get to know the infinite)
(The most cherished and splendid beauty)
(Only with you)
Only with you could I be happy again
Only in your arms could I achieve flight
Just for tonight, come and let us dance
This song that contains the love we have for each other
Well this is your night
(Tonight, tonight, tonight)
This is my night
(My night, my night, only mine)
Well this is your night
(Tonight, tonight, tonight)
This is my night
(My night, my night, only mine)

Future Me

Future me
Read this letter I wrote
I know it's just ink and paper
But I only want the best for you
Dear future me,
I'm not anymore but you're here
Make the future the present,
Go straight on how long you have
And now, take note:
It's not late, don't doubt,
Don't delay, don't complicate,
Let it be what it is to be
Do only what you want
Don't give up without commitment
Don't wait for someone who doesn't want you
Be a man without forgetting the kid
And above all,
Take care of the future
Of my future me!
Sorry to be so insensitive and frontal
Future me, be different from this current banal one
Give the jump, hearts to the top!
It's not late, don't doubt,
Don't delay, don't complicate,
Let it be what it is to be
Do only what you want
Forget the details, the shortcuts,
The excuses
Concerned with those who cannot and will never want to understand
Don't give up without commitment
Don't wait for someone who doesn't want you
Be a man without forgetting the kid
And above all,
Take care of the future
Of my future me!
Give the jump, hearts to the top!
It's not late
Don't doubt
Don't delay
Don't complicate
It's not late
Don't doubt
And live in peace
Don't complicate
It's not late
Don't doubt
And live in peace
Don't complicate
Future, my darling,
Why don't you come to stay?
The past has already been
And the present did nothing.
Future, my darling,
Why don't you come to stay?
The past has already been
And the present did nothing.
Future, my darling,
Why don't you come to stay?
The past has already been
And the present did nothing.
Future, my darling,
Why don't you come to stay?
The past has already been
And the present did nothing.
And above all,
Take care of the future
Of my future me!
Future me (x3)

If You Remember Me

Versions: #2
I breathe you
Even though it's not my will, I still breathe you
I'll never win if you're not with me
And it hurts to fail if it's not with you
And what do I do,
I liked you before I would like you
God made his plans without me finding out
And it hurts to see my life in another face
If you remember me
Don't let me die
Look, there is a space in my soul
That's only filled by you
I remember you
Each time I breathe
With my face washed and my arms open, I wait for you
If you remember me
It enlightens me
Each time I see the mirror, there I see your eyes
And if you want to know what I felt
It's like when I awaken without your embrace
And it hurts me, so much that it hurts when it doesn't hurt
And consulted my soul and it isn't able
Come and tear the pain from my walls
If you remember me
Don't let me die
Look, there is a space in my soul
That's only filled by you
I remember you
Each time I breathe
With my face washed and my arms open, I wait for you
If you remember me
Don't let me die
Look, there is a space in my soul
That's only filled by you
I remember you
Each time that I breathe
With my face washed and my arms open, I wait for you
If you remember me
I breathe you, even though it's not my will, I still breathe you

The Last Flower

Oh, I felt horrible this morning
When I woke up and realized that
Drunk and for no reason
In front of my kids, I had hit my wife
This morning when I got up
So sad, she brought me my coffee
Her face swollen, I felt like a coward
I brought her flowers and won her over again
Her family told her to report me
I know because I overheard them
She said I hadn't done anything but love her
It was in the stairwell yesterday where I slipped up
A few days ago, I came home really late
I hit her again and this time much worse
I saw here determined to seek help
But she regretted it when I gave her a flower
A few days ago, she turned 30
And to celebrate, I got drunk again
The next day I woke up in prison
Please, someone explain, I don't know why
The judge told me hey, I'll remind you
You were drunk and killed your wife (what????? noooooo)
Shivers running up my spine, I felt so guilty
They gave me my sentence and I'll never leave here
Today is her funeral and I'm locked up
I don't know why she never turned me in
Sure, I'd be locked in prison, but at least she'd be alive
And now I can't even give her that last flower

Kada dođem kući

Danas sam naučio od života
Da vrednujem sutrašnjicu
Uz šolju kafe u ruci
I onoga što se vidi na mom prozoru
Koliko boli ovaj svet
Ponekad gubim volju
Ali prava ljubav
Pomera planine
I kada se smrkne
Želim da zagrlim moju porodicu
I imam dobre prijatelje
Koji mi krase život
Susrećem samog sebe
Kada sam svoj na svome
Tako sam srećan
Kada dođem kući
Vreme se zaustavlja
Duša se vraća u telo
I ako sam sa tobom
Srećan sam
Kada dođem kući
Dolaze lepi trenuci
Dolaze pesme
I pronalazim najsvetiji
Kada dođem
Kada dođem
Kada dođem
Živeti od lepih uspomena
Od onih koji ostaju zauvek upamćeni
One su hrana za telo
Već su mi ih preporučili
Neka živi samo ono dobro
I neka se loše zaboravi
Ovaj put nije lak
A ja te želim uz mene

Out of curiosity

Because of that mouth I'm yearning to bite
I don't sleep, I don't sleep anymore
Because of your eyes and your curves, honey
I am love sick, I don't know what to do
That black dress you wear
Got me analysing you from north to south
I am on the highway of your hips
All night long
Out of curiosity, when lights turned off
I went up to kiss you and you liked it
Out of curiosity, that's what happened
And now here I am, trying to find a place for us
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, I am about to burn
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, my dear
I was bored
And now, with you by my side, everything is fun
I don't ask what day is it anymore
I don't even look at the clock
I was bored
And now, with you by my side, everything is fun
I don't ask what day is it anymore
I don't even look at the clock
That black dress you wear
Got me analysing you from north to south
I am on the highway of your hips
All night long
That way of dancing you have is killing me
With such rhythm and such attitude
That drives me crazy, drives me crazy
Out of curiosity, when lights turned off
I went up to kiss you and you liked it
Out of curiosity, that's what happened
And now here I am, trying to find a place for us
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, I am about to burn
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, my dear
Out of curiosity, when lights turned off
I went up to kiss you and you liked it
Out of curiosity, that's what happened
And now here I am, trying to find a place for us
With this downpour (I was bored)
Let the rain fall, I am about to burn (And now, with you by my side, everything is fun)
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, my dear