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Број резултата: 19


A little bit different

We should hate, we should love
(a little bit different)
We should hug, we should break up
(a little bit different)
We should feel each other
(a little bit different)
But we can see now, how should we do it
Then after that, she1said before leaving
That I should be cursed for eternity
And she only loaned me the table glass set
Which she brought over last night
Well, our god gave us a handful again
He was waiting for our next move
So that you and me could both see
That we could manage it a little bit different
We should hate, we should love
(a little bit different)
We should hug, we should break up
(a little bit different)
We should feel each other
(a little bit different)
But we can see now, how should we do it
But turning on her heels, she believed
That she isn't far from being honest
With that stamp she put on my heart
And because she happened to leave some footprints here
The opinion of our lord has changed too
He didn't help us anymore, he just prayed
So that you and me could both see
That we could manage it a little bit different
We should hate, we should love
(a little bit different)
We should hug, we should break up
(a little bit different)
We should feel each other
(a little bit different)
But we can see now, how should we do it
  • 1. Or he, the 3rd person pronoun is genderless in Hungarian.

Der große Heuchler

Oh , ich bin der große Heuchler,
ich tu so, als war alles schön.
Ich brauche das,
denn ich sag' dir was:
Die Einsamkeit kann niemand seh'n.
Oh, ich bin der große Heuchler,
leb' in meiner Welt, nur für mich.
Das Spiel fällt schwer,
und es quält mich sehr,
beim Träumen vermisse ich dich.
Zu echt ist dein Bild in der Phantasie,
zu echt, denn ich fühle, mein Herz vergißt nie.
Oh, ich bin der große Heuchler,
spiel' den Clown vor andren und dir.
Ja, irgendwo
tu ich immer so,
als wäre dein Herz noch bei mir,
und als wärest du immer noch hier.
… zu echt, wenn ich fühle, mein Herz vergißt nie ...
Oh, ich bin der große Heuchler,
spiel' den Clown vor andren und dir.
Ja, irgendwo
tu ich immer so,
als wäre dein Herz noch bei mir,
und als wärst du noch immer... ,
als wärest du immer noch hier.

Cha Cha

Moonlight night, the breeze made the sea
I in your gaze, a star in the sky
I feel your desire to want my kiss
And on the hula a honeymoon
I dance the hula huki and the cha-cha-cha
I’m star in the sky
Come touch my sensual body
I want to hear you call
I dance the hula huki and the cha-cha-cha
I’m star in the sky
Come touch my sensual body
I want to hear you call
Damn son, these bitches want some
'Hey Freddie, can I umm'
No bitch, you fucking dumb
Damn son, these bitches want some
'Hey Freddie, can I umm'
No bitch, you fucking dumb
Hello bitch, whatchu want?
Hittin' up my phone up on some bullshit huh
Think I give a damn about a stealing your gram
Bitch I’m gonna rob you
Bitch I'm on a mission
Don't wanna suck? Then I don’t give a fuck
Run yo shit slut, then get my nut
Better not be in the streets
Run up on me, get a bad back in the streets
I don't mean to help you but I need mo' money
Kinda funny how the Freddie run up on you, you a dummy
Uh oh, I think I gotta go
Big bitch what you wanna know?
Made a hit though
Kick the back do'
Big blast made a flash hole (Hole)
Damn son, these bitches want some
'Hey Freddie, can I umm'
No bitch, you fucking dumb
Damn son, these bitches want some
'Hey Freddie, can I umm'
No bitch, you fucking dumb
Damn son, these bitches want some
'Hey Freddie, can I umm'
No bitch, you fucking dumb
Moonlight night, the breeze made the sea
I in your gaze, a star in the sky
I feel your desire to want my kiss
And on the hula a honeymoon
I dance the hula huki and the cha-cha-cha
I’m star in the sky
Come touch my sensual body
I want to hear you call
I dance the hula huki and the cha-cha-cha
I’m star in the sky
Come touch my sensual body
I want to hear you call
please be kind with your suggestions, criticisms, and comments. :)

Voli me kao da sutra ne postoji

Versions: #2
Morala si da ubiješ razgovor
Uvek si ti imala prednost
Uhvaćen u ljubavi i stao u živi pesak
Ti si morala da odeš i uništiš sve naše planove
Spakovala si se i sada se vraćaš kući
Uzela si kartu u jednom pravcu i spremna si za polazak
Ali mi imamo još jedan dan zajedno, pa
Voli me kao da sutra ne postoji
Drži me u svom naručju, reci mi da to stvarno misliš
Ovo je naše poslednje 'zbogom'
I vrlo uskoro će sve biti gotovo
Ali danas me samo voli kao da sutra ne postoji
Pretpostavljam da smo se razdvojili na različite strane
Ja nemam gde toliko daleko da odem
Bog zna da sam naučio da igram usamljenika
Nikada se nisam osećao ovako nisko (loše) u čitavom životu
Rođeni smo da bismo bili tek gubitnici
Tako da pretpostavljam da postoji granica do koje možemo ići
Ali ostaje nam samo jedan dan zajedno, pa
Voli me kao da sutra ne postoji
Drži me u svom naručju, reci mi da to stvarno misliš
Ovo je naše poslednje 'zbogom'
I vrlo uskoro će sve biti gotovo
Ali danas me samo voli kao da sutra ne postoji
Sam bog zna gde ću biti
Ko zna šta me samo čeka
Svašta može da se desi
Ali mi imamo još samo jedan dan zajedno, da
Još samo jedan dan, zauvek, pa
Voli me kao da sutra ne postoji
Drži me u svom naručju, reci mi da to stvarno misliš
Ovo je naše poslednje 'zbogom'
I vrlo uskoro će sve biti gotovo
Ali danas me samo voli kao da sutra ne postoji

Živeći sam sa sobom

Versions: #2
Ponekad mi se čini da ću pući i zaplakati (tako usamljen)
Nigde da odem, ništa da uradim sa svojim vremenom
Osetim se usamljeno...
Tako usamljeno...
Živeći sam sa sobom
Nekad mi se čini da hodam prebrzo
I da sve pada na mene, na mene
Tada poludim
O, tako poludim
Živeći sam sa sobom
Di do de de
Di do de de
Nemam vremena ni za kakve trećerazredne gluposti
Di do de de
Di do de de
Osetim se tako usamljeno, usamljeno, usamljeno
Mora biti nekih boljih vremena
Ponekad mi se čini da me niko ne upozorava
Pa često primetim da mi je glava u oblacima, u svetu snova
Nije lako
Živeti sam sa sobom
[Refren x2:]
Di do de de
Di do de de
Nemam vremena ni za kakve trećerazredne gluposti
Di do de de
Di do de de
Osetim se tako usamljeno, usamljeno, usamljeno
Mora biti nekih boljih vremena

Rođen sam da te volim

Fantastičan osećaj koji navire
Rođen sam da te volim
Sa svakim udarom svog srca
Da, rođen sam da brinem o tebi
Svakog dana svog života
Ti si žena za mene, ja sam muškarac za tebe
Ti si stvorena za mene, ti si moje ushićenje
Kada bih imao priliku
Ubio bih za tvoju ljubav
Tako da isprobaj me
Pusti da ti dam svoju ljubav
Uhvaćen sam u snu i moji snovi se ostvaruju
Tako je teško poverovati da se ovo dešava meni
Fantastičan osećaj navire
Rođen sam da te volim
Sa svakim udarom svog srca
Da, rođen sam da brinem o tebi
Svakog dana svog života
Želim da te volim
Volim svaku malu stvar u vezi tebe
Želim da te volim, volim, volim
Da te volim
Da te volim
Da, ja sam rođen da te volim (da volim tebe)
Da te volim
Da te volim svakog dana svog života
Rođen sam da te volim svakog dana svog života
Svog života
Hej hej
Svakog dana svog života
Rođen sam da te volim
Sa svakim udarom svog srca
Da, rođen sam da brinem o tebi, dušo
Svakog dana svog života

Kako da nastavim dalje

Kada se sva so izvuče iz mora
Stanem poražen
Go sam i krvarim
Ali kada ti uperiš prstom u mene tako žustro
Ima li ikog ko bi verovao u mene?
Ko bi čuo moj vapaj i brinuo o meni
Kako da nastavim dalje
Dan za danom
Ko može da me ojača
U svakom smislu
Gde mogu da budem na sigurnom
Gde pripadam?
U ovom ogromnom, velikom svetu tuge
Kako mogu da zaboravim
Te prelepe snove, koje smo delili
Oni su izgubljeni i nigde ih nema
Kako da nastavim dalje?
Ponekad drhtim u mraku
Ne vidim
Da me ljudi zastrašuju
Pokušavam da se krijem daleko od gomile
Ima li ikog da me uteši?
Bože...brini o meni.
[La-da-da-da-da-da-da neprocenjiva ljubavi)
Kako da nastavim dalje
Dan za danom
Ko može da me ojača
U svakom smislu
Gde mogu da budem na sigurnom
Gde pripadam?
U ovom ogromnom, velikom svetu tuge
Kako mogu da zaboravim
Te prelepe snove, koje smo delili
Oni su izgubljeni i nigde ih nema
Kako da nastavim dalje?

Home wherever

This rocking chair knows a thousand and one tales
And the pretty gather around
Here, even with closed eyes the trees knows as well
And the sky
The one who sit, who stand, who live, allways the mouth reach the ear
On the squares run the sillence and flies above us
The wind slips into it, it finds his home this way
It doesn't matter how long you've been here
You can say anything it tempts me
Yes, eternal love exist
You know well, you're already in your place
But 4 wall isn't enough,
You make it into a home
The road hugs sunshine
His ray is crayon drawing, goes in flames
The smile of the sky is blue
His joy sticked to us a long time ago
The one who sit, who stand, who live, allways the mouth reach the ear
On the squares run the sillence and flies above us
The wind slips into it, it finds his home this way
It doesn't matter how long you've been here
You can say anything it tempts me
Yes, eternal love exist
You know well, you're already in your place
But 4 wall isn't enough,
You make it into a home
In our tale there is a glass mountain
But out of best places, we only need one
You only need to follow your heart
You find your way home
It doesn't matter how long you've been here
You can say anything it tempts me
Yes, eternal love exist
You know well, you're already in your place
But 4 wall isn't enough,
You make it into a home


I have nothing valuable to give, more than 60 kilos of loneliness
If you want we can share that and some secrets
Give me psoriasis and you can have my dreams
Give me one last kiss and you can have everything you want
Freddie said he wanted everything, but I only want to be yours
But you deserve the whole world
Freddie said he wanted everything, but I only want to be yours
But you deserve the whole world
But I deserve nothing
I have nothing valuable to give, more than dirt and shame and skin and bone
If you want you can have all of that, because I have no more to offer
Give me psoriasis and you can have my dreams
Give me one last kiss and you can have everything you want
Freddie said he wanted everything, but I only want to be yours
But you deserve the whole world
Freddie said he wanted everything, but I only want to be yours
But you deserve the whole world
But I deserve nothing
Freddie said he wanted everything, but I only want to be yours
But you deserve the whole world
Freddie said he wanted everything, but I only want to be yours
But you deserve the whole world
Freddie said he wanted everything, but I only want to be yours
But you deserve the whole world
Freddie said he wanted everything, but I only want to be yours
But you deserve the whole world

For A Real Change

You are the President, for the change
My people are tired of being stolen from
A dark yesterday, you will care for us
With you and Digong, corruption will disappear
We are Philipinos, let us make the change
We support you for progress
You and me, all of you are with Rodrigo
Duterte is for real change
Take a look at those chronic crimes
The rape, drugs, and robbery must be stopped
We are Philipinos, let us make the change
We support you for progress
You and me, all of you are with Rodrigo
Duterte is for real change
You and me, all of you are with Rodrigo
Duterte is for real change

You Should Plan It

Have you not looked around?
Children are scattered about the streets
It has not ceased escalating
Our world here is ever shrinking
No more food
No more assistance
The children are abounding
Only pockets with holes
Why is that so?
Just like our neighbors
Nine children and still not satisfied
So their wants, they will increase
They never thought about what could happen
No more food
No more assistance
The children are abounding
Only pockets with holes
Why is that so?
No more food
No more assistance
The children are abounding
Only pockets with holes
Why is that so?
Why is it so?
Why is it so?
You should plan it

Children of Sweat

Child of sweat is what they call me
I am a piece of rag they say
Is it because I'm poor
They treat me like this
I'm not a person in their eyes
Comparing to a piece of rag
Always humiliate me
Because I'm only a child of sweat
Don't they think
That I'm being hurt
Wish you could open
Your darkened minds
I wish you'll love your neighbors
Forget your maltreatment
Once I was walking
With my old guitar
They pushed me
They said they don't need a beggar
I don't understand
Why they treat me this way
Is it because I'm poor
Child of sweat they call me
[Repeat Chorus]3x

Thanks To All Of You

Thanks to all
who helped me
If you weren't here
my life wouldn't have progressed
you wouldn't hear from me
Because of all you
I've achieved success
If it weren't for all of you
I wouldn't be here
But because of all you my life got better, ohh
Thanks to all
who helped me
If you weren't here
my life wouldn't have progressed
Wherever I go
I won't forget the help
All my songs, I play for all of you
If it weren't for all of you
I wouldn't be here
But because of all you my life got better, ohh
Thanks to all of you


She is your mother
Who gave birth to you
She is your mother
Who loves you
Since you were a child
She didn't neglect you
Always by your side
Never parted from you
She is your mother
Who loves you
She is your mother
Who is now crying
She is your mother
What did you do?
You've hurt
Her feelings
You didn't even care
Her teachings

Only You

It's just you in my life
My hope every day
Your love is the reason
Why I'm alive
Listen to my heart
beating, because of you
Kiss my lips
Always eager for your kisses
My love and your love
Is what moves the world
Come my love
And embrace me
Even if life is tough
When your with me
I won't care
Because you love me
Come my love
And embrace me


Didn't think about yourself
Didn't think about your condition
You've let the days
pass with nothing happening
You poured your time
On nonsense things
You forgot your duty
To your lovely self
You could have gone far
You got too addicted
To vices you were tied
You've slept too long
It's time for you to wake
Straighten your ways now
Before it's too late
Forget the things
That offer you nothing
Work hard and you can achieve success

No tomorrow

I would go, but I don't dare to
I'm looking at you, don't do anything.
I'm watching you and I hate
to wake up alone.
Dreams, but the knees are shaking.
The hands are wet although it is not hot
You are looking at me with a smile,
So I take a deep breath.
The courage is one second
The time is short, the pupils are wide open.
Let this be our plan today,
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time
There won't be tomorrow
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time
Let this be our plan today, if
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time
There won't be tomorrow
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time
I still keep the serviette,
on which there were some numbers and your name
I feel the smell,
it is tattooed in my heart.
You told me, you would do it.
Tomorrow maybe you would allow it.
I hope you remember,
what I answered.
Let this be our plan today,
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time
There won't be tomorrow
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time
Let this be our plan today, if
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time
There won't be tomorrow
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time
Let this be our plan today,
There won't be tomorrow.
Let this be our plan today,
There won't be tomorrow.
Let this be our plan today,
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time
There won't be tomorrow
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time
Let this be our plan today, if
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time
There won't be tomorrow
While you still have time, do it, while you still have time