Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 3
The day has come, hammering loud on my doorI’ve got no escape left now as so often before
The storm is awake, the air is getting so cold
I have no choice left, don’t feel, don’t feel
Fear will be your greatest enemy, followed by death and sorrow
That’s what I was told once, and now I guess it’s time
All that pain, all that fear, just because I’m like this
Is the thing they see truly inside me?
A monster or not?
Is the darkness in me now coming to light?
Am I a monster full of rage
Who simply blindly hurts others?
Then be on the alert for this monster
Stop the winter for the summer
And be on your guard
No one will do anything to her
Stop the winter for the summer
And be on your guard
What do I do? Too late to flee from this
I’ve called this storm, how do I end it?
Can I still escape? How far would I have to go?
And would that make the storm collapse or blow even harder?
The world is getting colder and colder, and nothing’s making sense
Is everyone in danger just because I’m alive?
Was I a never stopping monster?
When did my heart get so dark and cold?
All this suffering, look at me
In a war that I never started myself
Do I kill the monster?
Father, I miss your advice so much
Would it be over if I didn’t exist?
Mother, but what if I do it
And the storm and the cold simply grow further?
No! I have to stay alive and forgive myself
Fix what I’ve done and free the summer
Stop the winter for the summer
And be on your guard
Am I a monster? Then so be it
There’s just one thing left for me to do
Will everything collapse on me now
While I’m freeing myself from all my guilt?
I’m not this monster
I will never be this monster
Monster, monster, monster
Konacno stize, dolazi da pokuca na moja vratane mogu da se sakrijem ovog puta, kao sto sam se krila ranije
oluja se budi, opasnost je stvarna
moje vreme istice, ne osecam, ne osecam
strah ce biti tvoj neprijatelj a smrt njena posledica
to su mi jednom rekli i to pocinje da ima smisla
sav taj bol, sav taj strah pocinje zbog mene
da li je bice koje oni vide bice koje cu biti ?
cudoviste , jesu li oni u pravu ?
hoce li tama u meni konacno da postane svetlo ?
jesam li cudoviste puno besa ?
nemam kuda da odem , osim da divljam
ili sam samo cudoviste u kavezu ?
zavrsi ovu zimu, vrati nazad leto
drzi svoj stit podignutim
nece skoditi stize po nju
zavrsi ovu zimu, vrati nazad leto
sta da ucinim ? nema vremena za plakanje sada
krenula sam sa olujom, treba da je prekinem nekako
da li da nastavim da bezim ?
koliko dugo imam da idem ?
i hoce li to oterati oluju ili je samo naciniti vecom ?
pravim svoj svet hladnijim, koliko dugo ce poziveti ?
da li je iko u opasnosti kao ja dugo ziv ?
sta ako sam cudoviste od pocetka ?
kako da zavrsim sa ovim zaledjenim srcem ?
donosim unistenje perioda
uhvacena u ratu koji nikada nisam mislila da cu voditi
da li da ubijem cudoviste ?
oce, ti znas sta je najbolje za mene
ako umrem, hoce li oni biti slobodni ?
majko, sta ako nakon mog odlaska
hladnoca postane hladnija
i oluja pocne da besni ?
ne, treba da ostanem ziva da popravim ono sto sam ucinila
spasim svet od sebe i vratim sunce nazad
kraj ove zime, povratak leta
drzi svoj stit podignutim
ako sam ja cudoviste , i ako je to istina
onda za mene ostaje samo jedna stvar koju mogu da ucinim
ali pre nego sto izbledim do belila
ucinicu sve sto mogu da popravim stvari
ne mogu da budem cudoviste
necu biti cudoviste
ne nocas