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Број резултата: 19


I'm happy

In everything I see you,
All thoughts are only about you
I don't need anything, I don't care
The happiest person in this world
I'm happy, I'm happy
I'm repeating it
Through the years, through the thoughts
I will be by your side
I'm happy i'm happy
I repeating it
Through the months, through the songs
I will be on your mind
It is unnecessary to elevate me
Just keep me on your mind
I'm happy when I'm
In your heart and in your memory


I want a second life I can escape into!
I cant breathe when I lie in bed next to her!
Youre in my head, I will wait a minute, leave...
Yesterday I had a halo, so gentle and innocent!
I broke it down into salt after I had you!
Youre in my head, how come you reject me, tell me?
And they keep telling me you were hurt!
You had a toxic relationship with me as well!
They ascribe all kinds of lies to me!
Antidepressants, numbers and cars
And they keep telling me youre with another girl!
V like Vendetta I keep for you!
You know youre the blood in my veins!
Leave, leave so it doesnt hurt me!
Im looking for a reason to be with her after you!
I drown my conscience in nicotine like crazy!
Youre in my head, so small yet you broke me inside!
Did I win, tell me, in a casting for naive people?
You know how these lies repulse me!
Youre in my head, better for me and say!
And they keep telling me you were hurt!
You had a toxic relationship with me as well!
They ascribe all kinds of lies to me!
Antidepressants, numbers and cars
For the secret dates, the melted candles, believe me I will have my revenge!
I signed a verdict, to be miserable, I wounded love with you!

Don't disappear

Don't disappear, you are within me forever,
Don't disappear, even for a half an hour...
You will come back in a thousand and thousand of years
But your candle will still be lit.
Don't disappear from my life,
Don't disappear in a rush or by chance.
Everyone will disappear, but you are not them.
Be the only exception, don't disappear.
Our finest hour will never fade inside us,
In a plane, where only we are flying
We are flying, and flying... and flying,
Buckled up with the same belt,
Beyond the time — you are sleeping on my shoulder,
And, like fire, your palm shines through a little...
Don't disappear from my life,
Don't disappear in a rush or by chance.
There are thousands of lamps, with thousands of candles,
But mine needs only yours.
Don't disappear, we are pure,
Don't disappear even when the edge is near.
Even if I disappear on my own,
I will never let you disappear.
Don't disappear!

In the fog my fire’s glowing

In the fog my fire’s glowing
And the sparks go out in flight
We’ll be seen this late by no one,
On the bridge we’ll say good night.
And then early the next morning
You won’t see me here, my man
I’ll be far on a steppe journey
With the gypsy caravan
As a parting gift, I gather
On my headscarf tie a knot
As its ends, we’ve been together
We enjoyed our love a lot
Who will tell me what’s my fortune
Love, I’ll meet somebody new
And he will un-tie with caution
This tight knot once tied by you
You remember me, my dear
When another one will clap
she’ll be singing songs with cheer
While sitting on your lap
In the fog my fire’s glowing
And the sparks go out in flight
We’ll be seen this late by no one,
On the bridge we’ll say good night.


112, emergency listen me!
I am listening you!
I am burning in my inside,
I cut them like a knife,
I tear all tires,
Going in and all eyes on me.
No need to lie.
Why do you make yourself insatiable?
Your intelligence test is 0.
You think you are very big.
You want materiality but it has no meaning.
112,I am burning in my inside,
Viva da loca,electric is shocking you.
Today we gonna spend our salary.
All of them in party, shake it, shake it,
shake it, shake...
Top is high, stock is wild.
It push us to burning,
Need billions for leopards,
Bank accounts, credit cards
Today we gonna spend all salaries
in party, shake it, shake it
shake it... shake...
Let's spend all salary,
Sorry, you are in back
I am not interesing with you when you replay yourself.
You are like other girls.
Your silicons will not make me hot,
I become constant for my friends.
I am angry and crazy with you.
I am saying 'Go, stay away from me'
And don't wait anthing, anymore.
112,I am burning in my inside,
Viva da loca,electric is shocking you.
Top is high, stock is wild.
It push us to burning,
Need billions for leopards,
Bank accounts, credit cards.
Today we gonna spend all salaries
in party, shake it, shake it
shake it... shake...
When I wake up and don't see you is good for me.
Turn on my phone and see that you blocked me, like in my plan
There are no questions like 'Who are with you? Where are you and what do you gonna do?'
I love being free and hope that you forget me fastly.
Sorry but there is no your brother.
See yourself big.
Wont give something without bam, bam
Everybody is under my feet and they stand in there..
112,I am burning in my inside,
Viva da loca,electric is shocking you.
Top is high, stock is wild.
It push us to burning,
Need billions for leopards,
Bank accounts, credit cards.
Today we gonna spend all salaries
in party, shake it, shake it
shake it... shake...
Let's spend our salaries!

Chicken Blood / Orchids

(Chicken Blood)
Drink my chicken blood
I sacrificed myself for your love
Just got here from the supermarket of passion
Smoke my pipe
Drink my champagne
Suck me and spit my bagasse
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
They had their fleshy petals
Watered by rainwater
Then came the barbarians
And they destroyed their beauty
One black, one wild
Waiting for the moment
While the water of pleasure
Was the basis of power
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
Girls violated in an endless war
Without mercy they were shattered
On the path of happiness
Mercenaries and wicked witches
Conspired in the darkness
And the bromeliad cried as they broke her heart
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
Flying with the space wasps
Sucking a hot dog
Look at me and do what I do
Throwing the stick at the cat*
Let's turn around*
Take off, put on, don't let him stay*
Grab your bazooka and shoot the cat's stick
But if I fail you won't give up
My raped veins will not be wronged
A pig, a goat
A sacrifice, an endless life
And a twig between the legs is easy to break
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
Let alone you
Let alone you

Između nama

Trebalo bi da ti kažem šta god da se desi, ostaje između nama!
Mi smo u igri,
Da li može nas troje igrati?
Moguće je da ne možemo
Ali ti si tako dobra
Možda želiš da mi uradimo tu stvar
Neće biti lako, ovde i sada
Ako je tu želja
Naćićemo način
Jedan, dva! Ali šta je sa pićima?
Moramo uzeti!
Ti igraš svoje igre ponovo
Neće biti lako da uradimo obe, shvati
Da, da
Tu su mnogo ljudi ovde
Kako ne?
Nisu li troje mnogo?
Čini se,
Da će film biti veći
Pusti neka bude, neka ostavi uspomene
Da li su tu ljudi koji žele?
Da li će tu biti više ljudi?
Ne, samo pitam
Dobri smo i troje
Pričaš o prljavim stvarima
Nemamo vremena za probleme sada
Vreme je naše
Samo večeras
Hajde, idemo kući!
Da li ti je dosadno već?
Mislio si da si mnogo interesantan,
ali mi smo mnogo važnije, shvati!
Ref (2x)
Imam uspomene od danas sa ocenom šest
Ne, ne, veoma je loše, lično mogu da mu napišem dva
Da li se šališ, bebo, mislim da možemo uraditi ponovo, možda...


I travelled the world many years,
but happiness I never found.
No children, wife or anything
and my troubled soul knows no rest.
I saw many countries and towns,
found strength to walk around the earth,
yet my first love, like a burden
weighed heavily on my heart.
A guelder-roseViburnum family. It sounds close to galina (kalina) in Russian' href='#footnote1_7n5yyjq' rel='nofollow'>1 grows near the house,
it grows and blooms over my grief.
And in this house Galina lives,
in this place I shall never reach.
And in this house Galina lives,
in this place I shall never reach.
Remember, Galia, this soldier2
who couldn't wait for your letters?
A friend told you about that girl3,
and you believed his lying words.
I tried many years to forget,
wore my feet down roaming the world,
but ridding myself of my love
this would remain beyond my strength.
And now a vicious crow circles
above my temples turned grey.
I have met bright, strong and young gals,
but none that would have been your match.
Though our younger years are now gone,
our happiness still awaits us.
I will come back, I know I will.
So would you wait, please wait for me?
  • 1. Not exactly the same species, but that's the prettiest name I found in the family. It sounds close to 'galina' (kalina) in Russian
  • 2. lit. 'when I went to the army'
  • 3. '...I had met there'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Fly, my little immured dove

Fly, my little immured dove,
Fly towards the clouds,
The spring freedom
Will replace the captivity of the Terem1.
My darling,
Fly towards the shady forest and the field.
Fly towards the sweet freedom,
Have a good trip!
From the tall Terem
Towards the green meadow
Fly, falcon's dear friend,
Towards your beloved fellow.
You'll meet a kight on the road,
He has a ring on his hand,
Tell him, that a girl
Is yearning in the Terem.
Our fields are endless,
Our forests are dense,
The birds know
The secret ways across the skies.
Spring is foaming with creeks,
The snow has melted away.
Fly, birds-prisoners,
Towards the free meadows.
  • 1. It's a separate living quarters occupied by elite women of Muscovite Russia
© Vladímir Sosnín

Sour cherries

The morning is spent in the shack
for the unrising sun
There's a warm fog flying for a while
urban pigeon far away...
Look, the new houses of glass
have the doors painted yellow
don't breathe, now there's not us
with the taste of sour cherries
We will go, you know, at the movies
There's a sea-hedgehogs show
Don't smile and don't wait for us
we'll be then at the movie...

Ноћ гори

Здраво, девојко, Лорена!
Јако наложена на Фараона!
Она је много откачена!
Фарон, бебо!
Доста са парама, аутомобили су само лим
И жене су наложене, ако можеш, вртиш их!
Да спаваш до мене ти је фетиш
И да, у мојој постељини ћу да те увијем као траву!
Ти си награда и лимунада,
летња со, карат у злату!
Лав мачкама, ниси од мирних,
ватра у воткама!
Ноћ гори, како да се спава?
Покажи ми прљави сексапил!
Играј за мене, стварно их убиј,
желим нешто лудо - дај ми га ти!
Играј до краја и гризи ме,
где додирнеш нека тамо гори!
Ноћ гори, нема спавања,
твоја сам цела - пријатно!
Када извадим микрофон, правим рупе у бетону
Феномен сезоне, ти си моја дупла доза!
Видим ти светлост у очима, а по дупету - песак.
Бебо, шта ћеш да радиш кад дођем по тебе?
Тако ме запали, од мене си узела дим.
Јако ме хваташ, као да си ми први!
Отисци по твојим стаклима
И да ћуте твоја кола!
Ноћ гори, како да се спава?
Покажи ми прљави сексапил!
Играј за мене, стварно их убиј,
желим нешто лудо - дај ми га ти!
Играј до краја и гризи ме,
где додирнеш нека тамо гори!
Ноћ гори, нема спавања,
твоја сам цела - пријатно!
Ново вече, ја на журци,
са много људи и Бакардијем.
Летње ноћи, голи састанци,
после правимо још нешто.
Кад је бог сипао, ти си пио,
чак два пута!
На моје тело си јако наложен,
Живот траје моменат, хајде му се наслади!
Ноћ гори, како да се спава?
Покажи ми прљави сексапил!
Играј за мене, стварно их убиј,
желим нешто лудо - дај ми га ти!
Играј до краја и гризи ме,
где додирнеш нека тамо гори!
Ноћ гори, нема спавања,
твоја сам цела - пријатно!

5, 6, 7, 8

5, 6, 7, 8
Ајкула сам, осећам колико желим да те грлим,
са тим телом, како да слушам речи, ало.
На трпезаријском столу хоћу да си ми украс,
али бих прошао и за везу.
Ниси светица,
био сам и са грешницима,
да ли волиш цвеће и лисице?
Не питам да ли желиш, него од којих си?
Сад очи завежи
и молитву кажи.
За љубав ми говори,
за разврат и за игре,
у реду има 5, 6, 7, 8.
Прљаве речи и лажи
сам чула и раније,
ако си такав и ти,
наљутићу се.
Ја сам нежна и добра,
ајде ме упознај!
После тога ме пожели - 6, 7, 8.
За љубав ми говори,
после ми је направи у 5, 6, 7, 8.
5, 6, 7, 8
Еј, ти изгледа да ниси разумела,
верујем само у љубав која је лежала испод мене.
Еј, ти, Емануела, од првог
погледа у мене, зовеш се 'Примљена'.
И да бре, видим се ја у вези,
али за сада - не, не брзам.
Заљуби ме у себе - ти си огледало,
ја показујем - само понављај.
Да ли да ти напишем сада језиком?
Мало риме, после - голи на тепиху.
Она пада на приче - види је,
иди у библиотеку, не у дискотеку.
Ту сам да добијем шта желим,
и време истиче - не, не да те притискам,
То је само да се навикнете,
једно исто желе сви под звездама.
Ајде да изађемо

Лети, голубице-заробљенице

Лети, голубице-заробљенице,
Лети под облаке,
Пролећну слободу замениће
Ропство терема*.
У сеновиту шуму и у поље,
Љубимице, лети.
Лети на слободу-слободицу,
Срећан пут!
Из терема високога,
До зелене ливадице,
Лети, другарице сокола,
До вољеног друга.
На путу срешћеш витеза,
Са прстеном на руци,
Реци му да девица
Тугује у терему.
Наша поља су бескрајна,
Шуме густе.
Птицама су познати тајни
Путеви по небесима.
Пролеће се у потоцима пени,
Отопише се снегови.
Летите, птице-заробљенице,
На слободне ливаде.

The Night is on Fire

Hi, girl, Lorena!
Really into the pharaon!1
She's really crazy!
The pharaon, baby!
Stop (talking about) money, the cars are just sheet iron
and the women want it, if you could, you play with them!
To sleep next to me is your fetish,
and yes, I'll roll you like weed in my bed sheets!
You're the reward and the lemonade,
the salt of the summer, the carat in the gold!
The lion of the cats, you're not very quiet,
the fire in the vodkas!
The night is on fire2, how could you sleep?
Show me the dirty sex appeal!
Dance for me, you definitely killed them,3
I want something crazy - give it to me!
Play until the end and bite me,
let every place you touch burn!
The night is on fire, we won't sleep,
I'm all yours - Bon Appétit!
When I get the microphone, I make holes in the concrete
the season's phenomenon, you're my double dose!
I see your eyes shining and some sand on your ass.
Baby, whatcha gonna do, when I come for you?4
You've set me on fire, you tried me5
You really get me6, as if you're my first!
Traces on your windows
and let your car be silent!
The night is on fire, how could you sleep?
Show me the dirty sex appeal!
Dance for me, you definitely killed them,
I want something crazy - give it to me!
Play until the end and bite me,
let every place you touch burn!
The night is on fire, we won't sleep,
I'm all yours - Bon Appétit!
A new evening, I'm at a party,
with many people and Bacardi.
Summer nights, naked dates,
then we do something else.
When God has poured, you've drunk,
and you've even went for another round!
You really want my body,
the life lasts for just a moment, enjoy it!
The night is on fire, how could you sleep?
Show me the dirty sex appeal!
Dance for me, you definitely killed them,
I want something crazy - give it to me!
Play until the end and bite me,
let every place you touch burn!
The night is on fire, we won't sleep,
I'm all yours - Bon Appétit!
  • 1. this refers to another Galin's song, Na Egipet faraona
  • 2. not literally - it's an expression used to say that the party is very cool, and the night is theirs
  • 3. again not literally, what he means is that there's no other like her, i.e. she has no competition
  • 4. reference to the song Bad Boys
  • 5. very hard to translate word game, as it's a reference to him lighting a cigarette and breathing in the smoke from her too
  • 6. literally, you make me feel so drunk
Thank you very much for your time reading my translation! I would be more than happy to hear your comments and suggestions for the improvement of my translations.

This is a translation, made by CherryCrush for LyricsTranslate.com, and therefore is protected by the copyright law. Republishing it in other websites and media, including youtube, is not allowed, without the permission of the author. In case you want to use my translations, please, write me a message, otherwise I'll ask for them to be removed. Generally, I have no problems, as long as you cite me as the author and notify me about your decision to use my translations.