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Резултати претраге страна 2

Број резултата: 187


Batali me

Gospođo moja
Da pazim šta radim
Rekla si mi jednog jutra, u lice
Da te više 'ne radim'
Gospođo moja
Meni govori moje iskustvo
Oni koji su mi zarili nož u leđa, nisu se vratili
Ma, koga to moje oči vide
Setila si me se
Pognute glave
Pojavila si se
Ma, dobrodošla
Otkud bre ti ovde?
Pre nego što ti poželim laku noć
Jedno ću ti reći...
Batali me
Tražiš mi oproštaj
Batali me, tražiš da promenim mišljenje
Batali me, i mesec je pun
Slušaj, nije mi dobro, dosta mi te je
Batali me
Povrh svega, još sam i kriv
Batali me
Zamalo sam umro
Iako patim, skidam ti kapu
Ali, ne želim puno, da te ne gledam želim
Gospođo moja
Nek' ostanem da se pitam
Tražim rešenje koje si navodno tražila, otišla si, brzinom svetlosti
Ma, koga to moje oči vide
Setila si me se
Pognute glave
Pojavila si se
Ma, dobrodošla
Otkud bre ti ovde?
Pre nego što ti poželim laku noć
Jedno ću ti reći...
Batali me
Tražiš mi oproštaj
Batali me, tražiš da promenim mišljenje
Batali me, i mesec je pun
Slušaj, nije mi dobro, dosta mi te je
Batali me
Povrh svega, još sam i kriv
Batali me
Zamalo sam umro
Iako patim, skidam ti kapu
Ali, ne želim puno, da te ne gledam želim

Дозволи ми да те чувам

Тражим те у себи опет, али ниси овде
ти си у погрешном загрљају, а ја растављен на комаде
Твоје одсуство је провалија без иједног светла
а у мојој души је стално зима
Има момената када ми јуче
личи на комаде поломљеног стакла
У погрешном кревету спаваш
а ја те тако желим вечерас
Има момената када у себи плачеш
и бол те сече на два дела
Знам да живимо два лажна живота
али дозволи ми да те волим, дозволи ми да те волим
Дозволи ми да те чувам као своје очи
и да саставим твоје растављене делове, један по један
Дозволи ми да те чувам и бринем о теби
требаш ми као што земљи треба киша
тако ми требаш ти...
У својим сновима не могу да одустанем
освојио бих небо са једним твој погледом
Твој загрљај је затвор и ја ту припадам
и ако ми не даш кључеве
разбићу браву
Има момената када ми јуче
личи на комаде поломљеног стакла
У погрешном кревету спаваш
а ја те тако желим вечерас
Има момената када у себи плачеш
и бол те сече на два дела
Знам да живимо два лажна живота
али дозволи ми да те волим, дозволи ми да те волим
Дозволи ми да те чувам као своје очи
и да саставим твоје растављене делове, један по један
Дозволи ми да те чувам и бринем о теби
требаш ми као што земљи треба киша
тако ми требаш ти...
Тражим те у себи опет, али ниси овде...

The oil lamp

With an oil lamp
With an oil lamp
With an oil lamp
and an army blanket.
And a body without any concerns
And a body without any concerns
And a body without any concerns
this is my portrait.
Don't you talk to me about living big
Don't you talk to me about living big
Don't you talk to me about living big
dude, please don't.
This other man too, lived into a large ceramic jar
This other man too, lived into a large ceramic jar
This other man too, lived into a large ceramic jar
but he was happy.
Meanwhile, King Midas
Meanwhile, King Midas
Meanwhile, King Midas
starved to death.
whatever he touched
whatever he touched
whatever he touched
turned into gold
..but he starved to death.


Let me,
to live in the happiness
of my anonymity,
to remain a nightingale without
a marked earring
to be able to be
what i want,
just an illiterate
in the society of 'knowledge'
a deaf mute
in the salons of Babylon
an hermit
in the forests of 'passions'.
Leave me alone
to be the one who decides
for me
to be the one who chooses
for me.
I am afraid of the handshake of your 'clean' hand
and your unreadable thought
terrifies me.
Leave me alone,
i want to remain
a perfumed branch
in the park of love,
an artesian water
in the backup wells
of your thought.


They allowed us
to salute you
that they think
that your ideas
are on the verge
of death.
that they think
that we ran out
of bread and dough
and in our steps
are settled
malicious relapses
ready to expel
the winged image
of the young man
with his companion
They allowed us
to salute you
that they think that
the memories
have become
harmless ashes
on the walls of Santiago
and the students
carnivorous dads
in the rest rooms1
of markets.
  • 1. places to relax

The Cats of Saint Nicholas

But deep inside me sings the Fury's lyreless threnody

Set fire

Tonight I want to escape my thoughts
And I'm wondering all night long without a purpose
Not to think about her even for a single moment
To do something for me tonight
My friend, let me get lost with you
I know how you feel and that you're afraid
I've felt your loneliness as well
And remember only the things that hurt you
Set fire to the night
Burn whatever you can
Whatever we loved
Light a fire and tell me
That you'll always be here
So I can hold by your hand
Set a fire to the night
Pour me a drink
Find me a reason so I can forget things tonight
So her lies won't cut me like broken glass
And if it was a mistake that I gave my soul
Let it be, let everything be hers
Set fire to the night
Burn whatever you can
Whatever we loved
Light a fire and tell me
That you'll always be here
So I can hold by your hand
Set a fire to the night
Pour me a drink

Ηeart Look

I looked down on earth
As thunder hit it
And l walked far away
From a love l was capable of
Words and purposes got erased
Like a broken bridge
And my heart was hiding a hug
An old photo of yours
Heart, look to tear apart again
Deeply, in an abyss of silence l shipwreck
Because all got erased where you don't lead me
Because noone taught you to love
I have the windows closed
In front of so many miracles
I go wherever sky wants
A purpose in vain
I write your name in papers
But that burns me like fire
The horizon was full of smoke
Mind cannot come and go
Heart, look to tear apart again
Deeply, in an abyss of silence l shipwreck
Because all got erased where you don't lead me
Because noone taught you to love