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Немојте јој рећи

Чак ни непријатељу не бих пожелео
да овако проводи ноћи
у самоћи и хладноћи, па нећу дужити,
говорим вам о катастрофи
Немојте јој рећи да патим,
да немам где да идем,
да само лутам, тамо, овамо..
Немојте јој више ни рећи шта радим,
драже ми је да умрем
него да почне да ме жали.
Немојте јој рећи да се плашим,
да не једем, да не спавам,
али, ако уђете у причу с њом,
реците јој, 'иначе,
како ли је и шта ради Јоргос?'
па да видимо шта ће да каже.
Ни свом непријатељу не бих дозволио
да ме овако третира
Отићи ћу кући, да одморим и наложим ватру,
и онда ћемо да видимо шта ће рећи.
Немојте јој рећи да патим,
да немам где да идем,
да само лутам, тамо, овамо..
Немојте јој више ни рећи шта радим,
драже ми је да умрем
него да почне да ме жали.
Немојте јој рећи да се плашим,
да не једем, да не спавам,
али, ако уђете у причу с њом,
реците јој, 'иначе,
како ли је и шта ради Јоргос?'
па да видимо шта ће да каже.

What, what?

I'll do whatever you want
One 'no' of yours, will kill me.
Whatever you want, babe, just tell me
What, what, what, what, what, what, what, hey what?
What, what, hey What, what, hey hat, what hey what, what?
I see you and i get excited, i can't stand it anymore
You blow my mind away, you've burnt me, you are fire
What do you want me to do for you, come on, tell me
What, what, what, what, what, what, what, hey what?
What, what, hey What, what, hey hat, what hey what, what?
My heart stopped, has zero beats
I'll freeze, i'll be dead, if you say ' don't, don't'
Come on, tell me what happens now
What, what, what, what, what, what, what, hey what?
What, what, hey What, what, hey hat, what hey what, what?
Devil put you on, i am gonna lose my mind
I got sick, i want to get lost from this world
What do you want, you had me melted down, come on, say it
What, what, what, what, what, what, what, hey what?
What, what, hey What, what, hey hat, what hey what, what?

Bitter words

With my anger, with my part of the anger, I drink coffee in the cafe and then much ouzo
I'll tell you bitter words, if you were a hard liquor, if you were a cigarette, I would drink you - I would light you up at this moment.
You are a strong love and I can't handle you
How to imprison the wind in a hatch
Young gypsy at dawn, with his broken violin
Playing old zeibekiko
I'm going for a slow death


Slowly you pull the train on its rails, an iron trunk filled with souls, tell me where you found such a haunted post, and you serve a contract without signatures
The caldera's lava overflowed, the jaws of the weather smell of sulfur, you become the coal that feeds the monster
You don't hit the brakes alone, and you go at random
Screams are heard from the fields, the invisible people 1of the earth shout silently
Those that perished in the stone ages
They seek their take from the ignorant
And they are the plaques without faces or names, unknown soldiers in some trenches
  • 1. Could also be translated as 'Unsung' (like in heroes, Αφανείς ήρωες - Unsung heroes)


You are wearing a new dress, again
Pillars are collapsing as you are walking by
I will sneak into a galleon
and i will found myself in Benghazi.
In Benghazi and in Indonesia
in order not to see you again, Loukia.
You will ride a board
and you will come to Benghazi
But i will be somewhere else
I will be as far as Kathmandu.
In Kathmandu and Asia
in order not to see you again, Loukia.
No matter how hard you would try to find me
Even if you climb up Himalayas
in order for me to find peace
i'm willing to go as far as the moon.
Up in the stars and in Galaxy
in order not to see you again, Loukia.

Don't tell her

I wouldn't wish,even to my enemy,
to spend nights like this
loneliness and cold,I don't have to explain
I mean destruction
Don't tell her that I'm in pain
that I don't have where to go
I run around
Don't tell her how I am
I prefer to die
than her feeling sorry for me
Don't tell her that I'm scared
that I don't eat,I don't sleep
But if it's brought up
tell her ''By the way
how's George?''
And let her answer
I wouldn't let,even my enemy,
to use me like this
I'll chill in my house,light up a fire
and then we'll see what she'll say
Don't tell her that I'm in pain
that I don't have where to go
I run around
Don't tell her how I am
I prefer to die
than her feeling sorry for me
Don't tell her that I'm scared
that I don't eat,I don't sleep
But if it's brought up
tell her ''By the way
how's George?''
And let her answer

Early Hours

Versions: #1
Since I was a kid I was a body that had roots in the air
A leaving body, but I stayed and you went on
In vain, I'm searching for you
(you are) everything I longed for, wild bee
And I am left with the sting - in my hand - the wedding ring
Early hours in the darkness I frequently catch the pain
I want you tragically
In my troubled spirit, you will always be unsettled
like an open door
Your absence hits me hard, memories let me smolder
And I smelt like wax
And since Forgiving God is not what I am called
You shall burn like I burn
I know that the blue in my eyes is not a seashore
I shine like light, but I took aim for the darkness
If you see me, remember that you lived in me and that you defeated me
Sorrow caught me like a net tonight
Based on Translation by cvouts

Dream street

Every garden has
a nest for the birds.
Every road has
a heart for the children.
But you, my lady ,
what are you saying at dawn
and you are staring the stars
that keep falling like a rain.
Give me your hair
to make a prayer out of it,
to start again
the song from the beginning.
Every house hides
some love in the silence.
But a boy considers
love to be a shameful thing.

In the East of Eden

Ah, i'm asking nothing anymore
tonight this is enough for me
you tapping in the beat of heart
and me not knowing what shadow are you talking about.
Once upon a time
i was asking to know who my God was
and my mother was singing to me
at nights in the dark.
In the East of Eden
lived a bohemian type
who always wore a flower on his lapel
He was very habillé
he had a striped suit
he walked as if he had done ballet
He shared thousands of kisses
he paid for violins to come
and in the evenings he sang sweetly
a such sad melody
I love you, I love you
Amour, toujours
ca va

Simple lessons of dictatorship without a teacher

You take a dozen of tanks, a trowel* and a plate
and after exorcising Marx you establish a slogan
Choose a bird if possible with two heads*
you put it up on Hymettus with its wings like fans.
Greece of Greek Christians*
without parliament and elections
this is only how nations live
taratatzum taratatzum taratatzum
You put as the prime minister an expatriate from Chicago
in each sentence he says ten 'I' and you pretend to be a magician.
Gatherings are allowed at a maximum of one person
thus avoiding prison and dislocation of the shoulder.
Greece of Greek Christians
without parliament and elections
this is only how nations live
taratatzum taratatzum taratatzum
Arrests are allowed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday
but you can also do them from yesterday to keep them down.
A good day for all this, is one of the many in April*
you start early in the morning and end in the afternoon.

The life of Saint-Jezabel

Jesabel who was a singer
a belly-dance artist
leaves behind Souez
the lights and the scene.
And when she got her salaries
the woman went for,
along with all the faithful,
a pilgrimage in Mecca.
And she said:
'I will enter artificial paradises.'
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender '
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender
..the artist'
Everyone thought she was the most likely
woman to become a Sultana,
but she goes instead to have fun
with Jivana the witch
And when she got rid of her stress
she says her prayer
and inside Orian Express
her soul flew.
And she said:
'I will enter artificial paradises.'
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender '
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender
..the woman'
There in the lustful East
they proclaimed her a saint
and wishing her to have good health
many smoke a certain substance.
And when they light up, Jezabel
inside the mosque for her
she changes in an instant
and becomes a genie.
And she says:
'I will enter artificial paradises.'
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender '
Jezabel, Jezabel, artificial paradises.
'In the artificial paradises vortex
I shall surrender
.. the saint'

I want more

How my eyes are glued to you.
How the stars were extinguished one by one,
our clocks stopped
and our hearts together.
Your kisses like a drink to drink,
and on the lips to put out fires,
in your warm embrace I'll stay,
until morning...
I want more and more and more and more caresses and kisses,
I want it to beat like a crazy heart,
Make me reach for the sky,
And in your body I'll lose myself.
I want more things I've never told you,
Summer, my sea and my sky,
Make me reach for the sky,
And in your body I'll lose myself.
How the caresses travel tonight,
And like flames the bodies dance,
The moments near you enchant me,
And all I have is you...
Your kisses like a drink to drink,
and on the lips to put out fires,
In your warm embrace I'll stay,
Until the morning.
I want more and more and more and more caresses and kisses,
I want it to beat like a crazy heart,
Make me reach for the sky,
And in your body I'll lose myself.
I want more things I've never told you,
Summer, my sea and my sky,
Make me reach for the sky,
And in your body I'll lose myself.

Kriva si

Na dnu su misli moje
Na usnama reči moje
Jer ti nisi ovde
i večeras će se sakriti
Posmatram sa prozora
Moj pogled je uperen u beskonačnosta
Zvezde ne nalaze
razlog da se pojave
Kriva si za sve kroz šta sam prošao
Kriva si što sam još ovde
I što sam izgubio sebe
Kriva si i za to
Kriva si što nikad više neću poverovati u ljubav
Ušla si u moj život, a mene izbacila napolje
Nebo se raspuklo i pala je kiša tvojih grešaka na mene
Kriva si za svaku subotu koju sam proveo čekajući te na tvom stepeništu
da bih proveo nedelju u tvom zagrljaju
Sve je postalo dim, tvoja ljubav je bila vetar
Vrata napola otvorena
Nisam ugasio svetla
Ali tvoje volim te
izgubiće se negde usput
Kriva si za sve kroz šta sam prošao
Kriva si što sam još ovde
I što sam izgubio sebe
Kriva si i za to
Kriva si što nikad više neću poverovati u ljubav
Ušla si u moj život, a mene izbacila napolje
Nebo se raspuklo i pala je kiša tvojih grešaka na mene
Kriva si za svaku subotu koju sam proveo čekajući te na tvom stepeništu
da bih proveo nedelju u tvom zagrljaju
Sve je postalo dim, tvoja ljubav je bila vetar

You are to blame

Down the gutter my thoughts
On my lips your words
Since you aren't here
and tonight they will hide
Out the window it looks
my gaze at infinity
The star no longer find
the reason to come out
You are to blame for all that I went through
you are to blame for me still being here
and myself I lost
you are to blame even for that
You are to blame because in love I will never believe again
You entered into my life and pushed me out (of it)
The sky broke and is raining down on me all of your mistakes
You are to blame for every Saturday that I spend the night by your stairs
To bring a Sunday into your embrace
All became smoke and your love was a gust of wind
My door half opened
I didn't close my lights
But your own 'I love you'
down the street they will be gone.
You are to blame for all that I went through
you are to blame for me still being here
and myself I lost
you are to blame even for that
You are to blame because in love I will never believe again
You entered into my life and pushed me out (of it)
The sky broke and is raining down on me all of your mistakes
You are to blame for every Saturday that I spend the night by your stairs
To bring a Sunday into your embrace
All became smoke and your love was a gust of wind

The tavern owner's daughter

Old wine she treated me
the tavern owner's daughter
and I drank but didn't find
the path's uphill road.
If I die from wine
bury me in the tavern
so that the tavern owner's wife steps on me
and the daughter that used to treat me.
Drunkards shut
the barrel's planks
before they became red
the grapes' seeds.
A drunkard is fighting for his life
under the barrel
and leaves an order
for them to take care of the vineyard.
They learned that I love you
and they set up for me an iron string
but I am the son of Gaganis
an I drink from the vineyard.
In the northern window
the snow is gathered
and man who loves in secret
withers and melts.
Offering to you the almonds
that you have eaten from me
but from your right cheek
I have them paid back.
A thousand cantars of almonds
and honey if they give me
I would prefer better
the sweetness of your lips.
With the ropes of the ship
if they bind my body
if you don't tell me that you love me
you will see my power.
And blind I can live
as long as I know only
that you will be holding my hand
to run on the street.
Your scent has remained
on my face
and maybe to never bathe
you are the reason my little one.

Only if you want me

Versions: #1
I'll give you the moon
[I'll give you] the universe for a pillow
I'll give you everything
If you want me
I'll give you everything before you ask
I'll dress all your insecurities*
the *wise men will come [to you] with gifts
If you want me
What I wouldn't give,
to wake up every morning
next to you, to be next to you,
life's not worth living otherwise,
What I wouldn't give,
to be something holy for you,
*My love, I bribed
all the stars in the sky
I'll steal summer for you,
so that your hands are always warm
I'll ban winter
If you want me
Only, only if you want me
love is not a lie
only, only if you want me
only if we become one,
no more blood will be shed
only if you want me


Nož u srce,
ubistvo u noći.
Moja ljubav - magična reč,
a onda otrovna strela
za nepravedan kraj.
Pričala si mi bajke
u koje sam verovao
i živeo svoj san.
Voleo sam te ali nisam
bio voljen.
Pričala si mi bajke
u koje sam verovao.
Kada sam progledao,
tuga me je slomila.
Kada sam progledao,
tuga me je slomila.
Na ivici ponora
tvoja si leđa okrenula
velikoj ljubavi.
Kada me sretneš ne govori
da bi mi pomogla
jer to će me ubiti.
Pričala si mi bajke
u koje sam verovao
i živeo svoj san.
Voleo sam te ali nisam
bio voljen.
Pričala si mi bajke
u koje sam verovao.
Kada sam progledao,
tuga me je slomila.
Kada sam progledao,
tuga me je slomila.

Fairy Tales

A knife in the heart
murder in the night.
Love was the magic word.
And then, poisoned arrow
for it's unfair ending.
You told me fairy tales
to which I believed
and I lived my dream.
I loved you but I was not loved.
You told me fairy tales and I
believed in every of them.
Then I saw them and I was sad,
thrown on the ground.
Then I saw them and I was sad
thrown on the ground
On the edge of the abyss
you turned back to great love.
When you see me don't talk
about saving me,
as it will kill me.
You told me fairy tales
to which I believed
and I lived my dream.
I loved you but I was not loved.
You told me fairy tales and I
believed in every of them.
Then I saw them and I was sad,
thrown on the ground.
Then I saw them and I was sad
thrown on the ground


Versions: #1
I have only wounds on my chest
there where I only had heart
This relationship, an unsolved riddle
each one of your words, a thousand nails
and the birds of silence
fall onto walls
they're prisoned as well
(they're) now insolvable in quest of finding a way to get to you
You're a war
and I love the enemy
I stay and fight
to get killed
You're a war
that I've lost a long time ago
un uneven battle
but I don't retreat
My soul stays back
but life has moved on
and whichever of myselfs (that) I'm getting acquainted with
has forgiven you
My soul stays back
even if I'm moving forward
my body resembles an empty road
and not even one shadow
I'm still alive...mechanical
Nights that I fall like a star
a self-sacrifice for a wish
if you'd just laid me your hand
and promised a new start
You're talking like a storm
even though you have warm sun in your mouth
how many (things) are you keeping to yourself
like promises buried in the ground
My soul stays back
but life has moved on
and whichever of myselfs (that) I'm getting acquainted with
has forgiven you
My soul stays back
even if I'm moving forward
my body resembles an empty road
and not even one shadow
I'm still alive...mechanical

Слепе улице

Versions: #1
Толико је тешко том пустом осећају
Да ме утопли изван твога наручја
Једна нечујна борба са свим оним што толико боли
Која је то храброст потребна да бих могао далеко од тебе
Плашим се да живим тако
Учиним два корака напред и одмах затим измерим три назад
Плашим се да ратујем
Пораз је рана у коју не желим да дирам
Час те имам, час те немам, иако то не могу да поднесем
Али ту своју пустињу заливам како би била оаза за нас
Свуд око мене су слепе улице, ћорсокак који убија
За мене си још увек литица самоће
Још увек учим шта значи да волиш
А да немаш рај у њега да одеш
Без ичије кривице, а опет је толико тешко
Да плаћам за то, за сенку уместо тела
Не умем да ти кажем је ли касно или рано
Али не могу без свега тога, још се нисам навикао

My Precious

I forget you, but the memory taunts
I strive to find peace
inside me, but then you show up.
And I have words that Ι keep buried inside me,
and if you choose the desperate ones,
empathise with me, stand at attention in front of them.
How scared am I
that I no longer remember
why I have been loving you for so long
How can I escape
I sip the little
and feel like I'm drinking heaven...
My precious, on my pieces
your form is engraved, look.
Treat them, those selfs of you
who have remained winners there.
I have made you used to the lies,
you adapt to changes.
Faces, so faceless
the masks you take off
You change your skin
and the color of your crying eyes.
I forget you, what else is left?
But wherever I go, your shadow persists

Don't speak don't laugh

Versions: #1
All the things that you have promised me
are like silk
they're like old wine
It's yours kisses and the sea blue colour of your eyes like a golden sea
All the things that you have promised me, I've written that to you before,
You're the only person that's got those
Don't speak don't laugh
Greece is in danger
You're carrying bombers on your body
Don't speak don't laugh
Greece is in danger with all the sweetness that you're kissing with
All the things that you've promised me they built me up to the sky and I've become a summer star in the middle of the day over the alley
All the things that you've promised me
put them in order
don't let me get lost
Don't speak don't laugh
Greece is in danger
You're carrying bombers on your body
Don't speak don't laugh
Greece is in danger with all the sweetness that you're kissing with

Something of the past

My old memories
Sweet contemplations.
remind of you again suddenly
And I keep looking at you
asking you in a sweet way
The other man whether he loves you like me.
When you make love with him
and when he says you are his
if you think that this man is me
when again he kisses your mouth
and when he is wasted for you
if this reminds something of the past.
Again, you come yet again
you burn me and you scare me
and then you let yourself cowardly in silence.
When you make love with him
and when he says you are his
if you think that this man is me
when again he kisses your mouth
and when he is wasted for you
if this reminds something of the past.
Whenever you go, remember this
whatever hands you sleep on
in your mind I will be for ever asking
When you make love with him
and when he says you are his
if you think that this man is me
when again he kisses your mouth
and when he is wasted for you
if this reminds something of the past.

Ships on dry land

Ships came out on dry land and headed for the mountains
who ever saw a boat in Helmos
a steamer in Metsovo
Who ever saw a night with two moons
Who ever saw a sun like a sea urchin
and fish and birds in love swimming in the sky
Ships came out on dry land and got lost in the snow
and he who dreamt about them is still waiting for them
Who ever saw a lighthouse in Psiloritis a white sail in Elassona
and a ship from Crete docking in Ksanthi and Komotini
Who ever saw a night with two moons
Who ever saw a sun like a sea urchin
and fish and birds in love swimming in the sky

The world is dawning

The darkness of the room
Will join you
Get dressed, get dressed, get dressed
And this night that you kept, is yours
Get dressed, get dressed
The world is dawning
The world is dawning
With the kisses that I planted
Deep inside you
Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up
And the things you won tonight, are yours
Hurry up, hurry up
The world is dawning
The world is dawning

Suffering is unspoken

Close to the lighted fireplace
The night found us today
You, a wounded dove
And me, a bird caught in the Northern wind
And as the wood is burning
So is the past
Kiss, kiss my tears
Speak, speak only about love
Suffering is unspoken
Stay within my arms
For as long as the fire is burning
And become a star when the dawn comes
And I'll become smoke and mist
And as the wood is burning
So is the past
Kiss, kiss my tears
Speak, speak only about love
Suffering is unspoken

Radiated nights

We used to wake up
And sing
A flame was burning in our soul
We laughed
We were careless
Until a new era caught up on us
And then we lost
Our magic summers
On the night that the stars were falling
We hushed up
And got into
A deep melancholy
To radiated nights
We were exposed
We got lost
We met again
Nothing was like it used to be
We changed
We tore to pieces
The dreams, the oaths, the loves, the kisses
And then we lost
Our magic summers
On the night that the stars were falling
We hushed up
And got into
A deep melancholy
To radiated nights
We were exposed

Izmir is burning mother

Izmir is burning mother, our fortune is burning aswell
Our suffering can't be spoken, our pain is can't be written
Greekness, Greekness, you'll never be calm
You live peacefully for a year and thirty in fire
Izmir is lost mother, our dreams are gone
Whomever holds on to the ships is beaten down even by his friends
Greekness, Greekness, you'll never be calm
You live peacefully for a year and thirty in fire

Which God you believe in?

Wise Socrates said «You don't receive in love»
And Plato added «Love before everything else»
«Love», said Buddha, «Is shaped like a butterfly»
And us Jesus said, «Love is within us»
But you don't wanna listen
To obey the wise men
Which God you believe in?
Who you kiss and who you adore?
You're treating me poison my whole life
Why you torture me? Why you make fun of me?
Which God you believe in?
Solomon said «Love while smiling»
And Mohammed in the Qu'ran agreed with him
«Love is free», Sai Baba said it
«Love is a desire», says Dalai Lara 1
But you're laughing and you're leaving
You're avoiding love
Which God you believe in?
Who you kiss and who you adore?
You're treating me poison my whole life
Why you torture me? Why you make fun of me?
Which God you believe in?
  • 1. Fun with words, Dalai Lama - Dalai Lara, the singers surname, Dalaras

I'm begging you my sun

The reaper hits the wings of birds
The deers when they bow down to drink water
But myself, that I'm a tree planted in the earth
He uproots me every dawn
I'm begging you my sun
Tell the ones burnt by the reaper
To cry on the shores of bitterness
For us, who were betrayed
I'm staying awake like a murdered in the dark night
I'm drinking tears, I'm drinking lewd smoke
While my heart is stabbed I can't
Sing and wait
I'm begging you my sun
Tell the ones burnt by the reaper
To cry on the shores of bitterness
For us, who were betrayed

You're sleeping

Clouds and seas will tell you what you broke
They'll tell you what I went through with you
I'll go my baby, you keep sleeping
Clouds, complaints and dissonant kisses
I'm leaving at your white bed sheet, I've got no reason
To stay with you anymore
You're sleeping and I'm writing to you
No end remembers the beginning
Before I go I'm signing
That you were a sun and ended up rain
Clouds and seas will tell you what you broke
They'll tell you what I went through with you, I'll go my baby, you keep sleeping
Clouds in your stars but I'm holding your hands
I'm hurt by your breath, I'll go
My baby, you keep sleeping
Clouds on your mattress and I'm kissing your body
Two wings I'm leaving for you so you can fly, as long as
You'll never look out for me
You're sleeping and I'm writing to you
No end remembers the beginning
Before I go I'm signing
That you were a sun and ended up rain
Clouds in your stars but I'm holding your hands
I'm hurt by your breath, I'll go
My baby, you keep sleeping


Live wherever you like just stay away from me
what should I remember first, what can you explain.
Stay away from me, no matter how much I'll miss you
I turn my heart to stone, turn my heart to stone.
You came back with an apology
but I don't believe a word you say
it's not easy to change my mind
I am all wounded.
Love reminds me of nothing
you've given me two lives worth of pain
you say mistakes have changed you
I see no difference.
Live wherever you like just stay away from me
what should I remember first, what can you explain.
Stay away from me, no matter how much I'll miss you
I turn my heart to stone, turn my heart to stone.
You came back to my life
I have a sick fire inside me
my soul's a hospital of moments
I've been through a lot.
Live wherever you like just stay away from me
what should I remember first, what can you explain.
Stay away from me, no matter how much I'll miss you
I turn my heart to stone, turn my heart to stone.