Резултати претраге страна 6
Број резултата: 189
Ужелео сам те се
Реци ми шта се дешава, ти си једина мисао
У мојој глави
Затичем себе стално залепљеног
За телефон
И стално зовем да ти кажем
Ужелео сам те се, ужелео сам те се
Отишла си пре два минута
И већ ми много недостајеш
Ужелео сам те се, ужелео сам те се
Не могу далеко од тебе ни минут
Врати се, дуговаћу ти услугу
Ужелео сам те се
Не препознајем се, не могу да контролишем
Више себе,
Малопре сам те звао, али те зовем поново
Замисли, љубави
Опет сам те звао да ти кажем
Ужелео сам те се, ужелео сам те се
Отишла си пре два минута
И већ ми много недостајеш
Ужелео сам те се, ужелео сам те се
Не могу далеко од тебе ни минут
Врати се, дуговаћу ти услугу
Ужелео сам те се
Гучи хаљина
Све је било ОК док ниси ушла ти
И од тог момента кад сам те видео, потпуно сам полудео
Нису по мом укусу девојке као ти, али
Нешто ми се дешава у последње време и нисам добро
На тебе сам се навукао и не могу другу више да замислим
Не свиђаш ми се и чудим се што ми се ово дешава
Превелики си сноб
Опусти се мало, превише си пуна себе
Имаш бројне фанове који ти вичу 'Ура'
Од клинаца до матораца
Играш се са свим и свачим, говориш им 'хоћу-нећу'
И хоћеш да твоје жеље буду за њих заповест
Али, авај, не могу
Сада да се одупрем
Тој Гучи хаљини коју носиш
И ритму у ком вечерас своје тело њишеш
Рођен сам и одрастао у западној Атици
Ми одатле знамо за понос и часну реч
Бурнази, Егалео, Перистери, знам, тешко ти пада
То су места која ти и твоје другарице сматрате дном
С друге стране, ја у Екали нисам крочио никад
Јер је то место са прецењеним женама
Са претенциозним девојчицама богатог тате
Које знају само хиљаду начина да ти узму паре
Ако ти се не свиђа мој ауто, заболе ме
Нађи млакоњу из Кифисије са БМВ-ом
Који увече пре него што легне говори 'Лаку ноћ, мама'
И изиграва фрајера са татиним парама
Узми њега, јешћеш добро, са мамом и татом
Башта, базен и паре
Да му мажеш путер на хлеб
Али, без обзира на све, живећеш у великом луксузу
Али, авај, не могу
Сада да се одупрем
Тој Гучи хаљини коју носиш
И ритму у ком вечерас своје тело њишеш
Рођен сам и одрастао у западној Атици
Рођен сам и одрастао
Рођен сам и одрастао
Све чега се гадим, све то имаш ти
И личног шминкера и фризера
Два сата хоћеш да ти раде француски маникир
Док ти разговараш преко телефона с још једним дебилом
Да погађам, тема разговора је мода и трачеви
Свет гори, али ви фурате ваше
Волиш Вог и Ел и Мадам Фигаро
Али, ако те одведем у кревет, свиђаћу ти се само ја
Дубоке чизме, врућ мини, љубави, вечерас доминираш
Кажем ти, нешто под хитно мора да се деси међу нама
С једне стране, ти да ми покажеш како се живи у луксузу
А ја, с друге стране, како се то ради у Кесарјани
Али, авај, не могу
Сада да се одупрем
Тој Гучи хаљини коју носиш
И ритму у ком вечерас своје тело њишеш
Као две капи кише
Да те нисам упознао, много тога не бих знао
И све би остало половично
Не бих имао коме своју срећу да поклањам
Али, сада, љубави моја, овде си
Када ме гледаш, раде ми вене
Твој поглед ме опија, снови почињу да се остварују
Када ми говориш речи из душе
Смрт обмањујеш пољупцем живота
Као две капи кише, тако смо исти ја и ти
И ако те загрлим
Постаћемо једна, постаћемо једна
Као две капи воде, ми смо делови неба
Који су пали на земљу
Заувек заједно, заувек заједно
У теби сам нашао све што сам желео да нађем
Сваку радост, сваки бол
И питам се да ли сам толики срећник
Или сам те само сањао
Ја живим свој живот
Не питај ме шта ми је
Не брини, могу да издржим
То што су се затворили путеви за нас заувек.
Ти, која ме не познајеш, за љубав не мариш
Ми смо два света вековима удаљенс.
Не желим ништа, не тражим ноћу друштво
Не оптерећуј се, не постојим, падам у ватру
Ја живим свој живот, а ти живи свој
Ја ћу бити у свом сну, а ти у својој сенци
Судбина ти показује на врата пред тобом
Нећу опет плаћати твоје грешке
Ја живим свој живот, а ти живи свој
Још један дан не остајем поред тебе
Још једну ноћ у твом празном наручју
Лаж не бришу твоје сузе.
Заробљеник нећу бити, ноћу спавам
У овом кошмару који сече као стакло
Представа је завршена, а на завеси остаје
Љубав која умире са тобом у публици
Ја живим свој живот, а ти живи свој...
Giorgos Tsalikis feat. 2J - I don't feel good
Intro - Giorgos Tsalikis:
Again the night, doesn't pass, in order to get away
From the bottom, it has taken me underneath
Ok, bitch, you're driving me crazy
And no more can I let you faze me
Unless you pay me
I can't believe there was a time when I called you baby
I got a tune for this
and don't quote me I ain't proving this
but you was dubious and now I truly miss
the true love that we had that you choose to diss, soooo..
Giorgos Tsalikis:
I don't feel good
Ι don't feel good
I have fallen psychological
I don't feel good
And I'm blame for everything
That I fell in love with you, I gave you everything lots of times
Giorgos Tsalikis:
Μy mother was telling me not to interfere in troubles
That I will be sacrificing myself, I will be staying outside
Βut I was young scoundrel and I was doing my own things
And finally my psychological problems were caughting me
Giorgos Tsalikis:
I don't feel good x2
No more can you get me
Girl, look what you're doing to me and Tsaliki
Stop trying to hit me
Τhey can hear us from Athens to Thessaloniki
We're like Bobby and Whitney
Love so deep that we take it too far
We're never gonna get it right all we do is fight
Look, you got me singing, I don't feel good...
Giorgos Tsalikis:
I don't feel good
Ι don't feel good
I have fallen psychological
I don't feel good
And I'm blame for everything
That I fell in love with you, I gave you everything lots of times
Giorgos Tsalikis:
All friends have lost me
Tell me how long the insanity will travel
I am in my own phase...
Giorgos Tsalikis:
I don't feel good x2
Giorgos Tsalikis:
I don't feel good
Ι don't feel good
I have fallen psychological
I don't feel good
And I'm blame for everything
That I fell in love with you, I gave you everything lots of times
Giorgos Tsalikis:
Μy mother was telling me not to interfere in troubles
That I will be sacrificing myself, I will be staying outside
Βut I was young scoundrel and I was doing my own things
And finally my psychological problems were caughting me
Nulti trenutak
Nulti trenutak
Vreme je da ostaviš sva ta 'ne' i sva ta 'nemoj'
Nulti trenutak
Da udaviš u tišini sve što drugi govore
Pusti samo na tren, neka usne ostvare drugačiji kontakt, na kratko
Samo pusti ponovo
Pusti samo na tren, prepusti kontrolu poljupcu, na kratko
Samo pusti
Kada te dodirnem umirem
Tu smrt želi (moja) duša
I preklinjem Boga
Da učini da moje najjače želje postanu stvarnost
Kada te dodirnem umirem
I u tvom umu i tvom telu
Tamo da zauvek ostanem
Taj me dodir i boli i leči
Nulti trenutak
Da promeniš refren svoga života - nije kasno
Vreme da staviš svoja nova krila za još veće visine
Pusti samo na tren, neka usne ostvare drugačiji kontakt, na kratko
Samo pusti ponovo
Pusti samo na tren, prepusti kontrolu poljupcu, na kratko
Samo pusti
Kada te dodirnem umirem
Tu smrt želi (moja) duša
I preklinjem Boga
Da učini da moje najjače želje postanu stvarnost
Kada te dodirnem umirem
I u tvom umu i tvom telu
Tamo da zauvek ostanem
Taj me dodir i boli i leči
Tamo na jedan tren, jedan (ceo) život me neguje tvoj dodir tamo
Na jedan tren, jedan (ceo) život me neguje tvoj dodir
Kada te dodirnem umirem
Tu smrt želi (moja) duša
I preklinjem Boga
Da učini da moje najjače želje postanu stvarnost
Kada te dodirnem umirem
I u tvom umu i tvom telu
Tamo da zauvek ostanem
Taj me dodir i boli i leči
That's how men are
when you learn how to love
and to give everything to your lover
you will get away from your dead-ends
and you won't become a number into people
that's how men, who can love, are
they play it all even if they will get hurt
they lose, they win, they are stubborn
and they are getting angry like kids
that's how men, who can love, are
they play it all even if they will get hurt
they lose, they win, they don't say it
and for a love they cry
when you learn how to love
the things you said, no matter the cost
then you reveal yourself from your mask
and your soul and mirror will bare you
that's how men, who can love, are
they play it all even if they will get hurt
they lose, they win, they are stubborn
and they are getting angry like kids
that's how men, who can love, are
they play it all even if they will get hurt
they lose, they win, they don't say it
and for a love they cry
Ne govori
Versions: #2
Ne slušaš, samo naredjuješ
Ne slušaš, samo pričaš i opet postavljaš granice
Ne slušaš me, to što ti govorim ne slušaš
Sudbinu, mislim, ponovo pogrešno tumačiš
I kada jednu reč izgovorim, ti izgovoriš dve
Napad je tvoje stanje odbrane
Reči lansiraš, ispaljuješ ih
Ne očekuj da ćeš biti u pravu
Ne govori, pusti naše poglede
Jednim zagrljajem zapali našu krv
Ne govori, telo ima svoj rečnik
Bog zna koliko bogat i istinit
Ne govori, prestani da me izazivaš
Svoju krivicu (stid) spali i dodji bliže
Ne govori, telo ima svoj rečnik
Bog zna koliko bogat i istinit
Ne slušaš me, zato što mi ne veruješ
Ne slušaš me i sa svojim strahovima se ponovo boriš
Ne možeš da me voliš, ne možeš
Ne možeš, izbegavaš me i ponovo ćeš pobeći
Ponovo nema Boga
Krcate ulice i usamljeni ljudi
Razgovor ne vodi, samo reci jedno 'zdravo'
Kiša koja eruptira me vodi ka tebi
I kako da ti stavim barem malo srca
Na tvojoj kiši, ljubavi, stojim
Mom pljusku sa svetlošću
Na tvojoj kiši sâm kisnem
I nebo se otvara
Ponovo nema Boga
I stoji 'ne uznemiravajte' na Njegovim vratima
I sa tobom izlaz otrčah da nadjem
Otkucaji (srca) udaraju
Ponovo sam na hiljade (otkucaja) sâm izmerio
Jedno srce da ti ugradim, to ne mogu
Prolazi osvetljeni upaljenim svetiljkama
Grafitima deca farbaju zidove
Noć me uzima, nosi me tebi
Ali kako da ti stavim barem malo srca
Na tvojoj kiši, ljubavi, stojim
Mom pljusku sa svetlošću
Na tvojoj kiši sâm kisnem
I nebo se otvara
Ponovo nema Boga...
I love you
Versions: #2
I love
I love you because you are beautiful
I love you because you are beautiful
I love you because you are you
I love
I love the whole world, too
I love the whole world, too
Because you live within it
The window
The window is closed
The window is closed
The window is shut
Open one of the shutters
Open one of the shutters
So that I can see you
Niko ne zna
Reci mi, reci, kako greške (ipak) vode do ispravnog
Od tolikih patnji, reci, kojom da se pokrijem
Pokaži mi put koji ne vodi ka litici, njime da koračam
(Naše) 'Zauvek' reci mi, reci, da ćeš razmotriti
Po mojoj krvi mešaš život i smrt
Odlaziš, bez brige što štagod da duguješ plaćam ja
Ja, koji ostavljam oči širom otvorene, maženja, laži
Niko ne zna da li će te život doneti
Niti da li rana ima potrebu za nožem
Niko ne zna koliko mi nedostaješ
Koliku potrebu ima duša da ne odustaneš
Znam kako se osećaš, koliko se plašiš
Hiljade puta prodješ pored mene i hiljade puta nazad
I (zar) da imam samo tvoj prazni pogled
Da me gledaš iz daljine i spaljuješ mi kožu (njime)
Reci mi, reci, šta mi to fali, šta to nisam imao
(Ja) koji sam za tebe tražio da nadjem (čak) i drugog sebe
Ali nije ni važno, kako god da gledam na to završava se ovde
Nadji reči, učini nešto da se ugrejem
U tvojim tišinama nema mesta za mene
Ponekad si daleko i plašim se (čak i) da te sanjam, a ponekad si tu
Ti, koja ostavljaš oči širom otvorene, maženja, laži
I love you
I love you
I love you because you are beautiful
I love you because you are beautiful
I love you because you are you
I love
I also love the whole world
I also love the whole world
Because you live together aswell
The closed window
The closed window
The closed window
Open the one page
Open the one page
So I can see your picture
I love you
I love you because you are beautiful
I love you because you are beautiful
I love you because you are you
I am currently studying Greek, so please don't shoot me if I make a mistake...! Any translations I post will be just the best I can make it out to be if no other translation is available. If there is a mistake just let me know and I will correct it :) x.
Shadow on earth
Walks on the beach,
Backgrounds of loneliness,
And you're there, a shadow on earth.
Moments great and unique,
In laughs, tears and rain,
You break the silence
You're beside me, when I can't sleep, you lick so many wounds
You have sad eyes,
You love me, but cant tell me.
More loyal than me,
You're there when nobody else is.
You get mad at lies,
Your soul is more innocent than a human's,
And you have the look of abandonment,
When I leave and hold the key.
You remind me of me.
When I break or bend,
WheI take it out on myself,
He's there, a shadow on earth.
When I'm afraid and insecure,
For someone I' the center of the earth.
Even if you don't show up.
He's beside me, when I can't sleep
Like a shadow of me on earth.
He has sad eyes,
He loves me but can't tell me.
He reminds me of myself,
My loyal, weird dog.
He gets mad at lies,
He has a soul more innocent than a human's,
And a look of abandonment,
When I leave and hold the key.
He reminds me of me.
Voleo bih da sam cigareta bez filtera
Da me upališ i da izgorim
I od prstiju do usana
Da ideš gde god želiš
Nikotin tvoj da postanem
Tvoja potreba da postanem
Svaka četvrt sata dušo moja
Da se svojoj pakli vraćaš žurno
Tonight it started drizzling
And I was thinking about you again.
And I was thinking about you again.
At his embrace, ah, who's got you
At his embrace, ah, who's got you
This night that it's drizzling?
Night covers all the land.
I am thinking about you, where are you now?
I am thinking about you, where are you now?
Who's got you at his embrace this moment
Who's got you at his embrace this moment
That it's drizzling in the whole land?
No other passer goes through the road
And my loneliness is a big longing.
And my loneliness is a big longing.
I am aching, nobody else (is aching).
This night that it's drizzling
At his embrace, ah, who's got you?
What were you
What were you
nothing but a biscuit thief
now that I married you
you ask to be taken here and there
You were barefoot
roaming on the streets
now that I married you
you ask for butlers
You were in the market
gathering seeds
and now that I married you
you ask for air flights
You were at your mom's
feeding roosters
now that I married you
you ask for air flights
You were barefoot
gathering pennies
now that I married you
you ask for 10's
You were at your moms
gathering pennies
now that I married you
you ask for 10's
You were in the market
gathering chicory
now that I married you
you ask for earrings
I threw my dice and
got six and five
and for the cops in the corner get five and five
(My dice that I moved brought five and six, two cops go to the corner and get five and five)
I put death in jail
for 50 years
so that I could have you free forever
to enjoy life with you
You're Leaving Early
You're leaving early without me seeing you
I won't see those eyes anymore
you're leaving early without me hearing you
these words will remain cut in half now
Minutes aren't enough, I want hours
days aren't enough, I want years
years to satisfy you, to see you, and to learn about you, years
You're leaving early without me touching you
this body disappears into the dark
you're leaving early without me smelling
your aroma, it doesn't have something from the past
Minutes aren't enough, I want hours
days aren't enough, I want years
years to satisfy you, to see you, and to learn about you, years
In Love You Give Your All
Winter arrives searching for an embrace
a snow-covered body doesn't belong anywhere
like a butterfly struggling to be free
the joy that stops for the light to come out again
Winter arrives and in my feelings
the wet silence drowns me but I cower to tell her
how much I want her, to spread to my dreams
to let myself take the risk, for a new 'I love you'
In love you give it your all
then collect all your pieces after
to fall head over heels
only like this will your soul fly
In love you give it your all
as much as you want you are held captive
your mouth bled, say everything
don't scatter your moments like sand
Winter arrives and the rain will redeem me
life goes by like a quick breath
if I am not daring my longing will haunt me
in the city nights, I go out with an open wound
Winter arrives and I want it to freeze our desires
inhibitions hurt but you do the right thing
those who win, they go ahead, they don't regret
and in their mistakes they receive a warm round of applause
Umirem za tobom
Na raskrsnici kod Kifisie*
Naleteo sam na tebe
U trenutku ocajanja
Smrt sam video kao Hrista
Sve se nagomilalo
Na moje jadno srce
Sve sam odigrao za sve
Upali moju vatru
Umirem za tobom
Iako si varalica
Nije mi vazno ni sto si laz
Ja te zovem Ljubav
Sta da nam kaze fizika
kad za nas zakoni ne vaze
U stanju metafizike
samo zelja upravlja
Ako si biljka zla
Ja ne trazim dokaze
U iluzijama ludog coveka
ja cu ziveti dok ti ne nestanes
Umirem za tobom
Iako si varalica
Nije mi vazno ni sto si laz
Ja te zovem Ljubav
You're constantly on my mind, can't wait till I see you
I won't sleep to night as long as I kiss your lips
Come, don't be late
Τhe night is going to be ours
Only me and you and one kiss of ours
Gives life to our dreams
I'm waiting to see you, no one will sleep tonight
Under the stars, in your arms you know what I have in mind
I'm waiting to see you, and give your kiss to me
Put on your formal clothes and your perfume, tonight we're going on a date
The sun is rushing to come out but I didn't have enough of you yet
My moon, stay there so I can steal her every kiss
Come, don't be late
The night is going to be ours
Only me and you till morning,
Our bodies will be flames.
I'm waiting to see you, no one will sleep tonight
Under the stars, in your arms you know what I have in mind
I'm waiting to see you, and give your kiss to me
Put on your and your perfume, tonight we're going..
I'm suffering
I shipwrecked in the waters of your body
I broke my life like as if it was glass
I got locked up in your prison
I gave to you my blood,body and soul
I'm suffering for you, I'm suffering
for you , I know
I'll destroy myself
I'm suffering for you, I'm suffering
I'm getting crazy, I know
but I love you
I gave you myself one night like a kiss
and I got hurt badly from your lips
I got charged your loneliness
I gave to you my blood,body and soul
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
Not Knowing Even The Half Of
I want it all
Here and now.
I want everything more every day.
I want you now
And I'll want you, my angel, for life.
I want it all.
Here and now.
Your love, your aroma, your kiss.
Your two eyes,
The daydreams,
That pierce my body every day.
Not knowing even the half of
how to love and hate.
To want a little and then to soon not want.
Logic doesn't make sense to me
To be or not to be.
I want to live while love will kill me.
I want it all
Here and now.
I want everything more every day.
I want you now
And I'll want you, my angel, for life.
I want it all.
Here and now.
Inside my mind it is crazy, feverish.
Only that something.
It isn't love.
It is a fraud, half a dream.
Wanting to Touch You
I just want to touch you
to read you silently with my touch
I want the edges of my hands to touch
your body as I wanted since I was a kid
I want to gently search your face
your forehead, the lines of your lips
to find in your eyes and your smile
hidden switches that turn and set me on fire
Wanting to touch you
your glance shatters the glass
wanting to touch you
to secretly share my blood with you
I only want to touch you
to enter your soul from within my fingers
I want to leave my marks on your skin
maybe you will return and see them one morning
I want to touch your hidden part
what you've been searching for but can't find
that unwritten paper, that something
that doesn't let us live together
The seaports
How quickly time passes us boy
It seemed like yesterday when you left me
With a goodbye that faded away and is gone
The night and silence embraced you
Know that you'll always be alone
You'll cry for what you've denied
You'll hurt, ask for me and suffer
You'll visit the places we went together to,
And you'll look for me at the seaports
Where ships drop anchor
You'll ask around, look for me at squares
In the shady neighborhoods
You'll wander
What you think, what you feel and touch
Will only be hasty experiences
And what you finally hope for
Won't find in other arms
And you'll look for me at the seaports
Where ships drop anchor
You'll ask around, look for me at squares
In the shady neighborhoods
You'll wander
You Are A Jewel On Your Own
Why do you need jewelry
and black snakes eat me up?
And you become prettier
and I am melting from envy
Why do you need jewelry
and black snakes eat me up?
you are a jewel on your own
darn that height of yours
ah! darn that eyes of yours
that brought me in you path.
You doll yourself up and go out
and I don't know where you're going
and you melt and wither
my poor heart
You doll yourself up and go out
and I don't know where you're going
you are a jewel on your own
darn that height of yours
ah! darn that eyes of yours
that brought me in you path.
You are a jewel on your own
darn that height of yours
ah! darn that eyes of yours
that brought me in you path.
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
You Still Have A Little Time
Fireworks, a cigarette and analyses
Old images in new scenes
You set your phone again to wake you up
Inside the news and detergents
And a love that was drown in words
In the soap operas and junkyards
It gives you again a chance to choose
What channel you will wake up to on Sundays
You still have a little time,
to see what is ahead of you clearly
I still hurt a little,
to be losing another time
Fireworks, disposable feelings
Expired dreams and sedatives
You're searching for a body to touch at night
Inside reality and cop shows
I drink and get drunk
I drink and get drunk
day and night I sing
And my sorrow
I blast it out on my bouzouki
I am drunken,
stoner and bon-vivant
Why do you say
my baby that you don't want me?
Your eyes
And your ribbons
They take my mind away
How do you do that to me?
How do you manage?
You left me
Went with another guy
Song of the rain
It is raining early in the evening in the City and quickly the night falls
You have your lights turned off and your friends are on the screen
And you try to forget but the sound of rain...
Whispers my words in your ear and you want to hide
And it rains... And it rains harder
It is raining early in the evening in the City and inside you the night falls
Only the screen's light is on in the living room
And you try to forget but the sound of rain
Reminds you our secret and drives you crazy
And it rains... And it rains harder
Slowly close the door like an escaper
And come over for a hangout, for the all nighter
Just take a glance inside, I will ask from you a lighter
And if you quit smoking the drinks are on me
And it rains... And it rains harder
Teška vremena
svaka ljubav se negde završava
nema potrebe da se povređujemo
izabrala si put , pošla svojim pravcem
ja sam pošao drugim
ne žalim za sve ono što ću osetiti
prizemljiću svoje snove
i svoje srce preispitati
pobediću ga razumom
i sa malo sebičnosti
u teškim vremenima
prodao sam svoje tuge i sreće
rukama, telima, dušama koje su me posekle
u teškim vremenima
pratio sam stazu uništenja
želim da mi hladnokrvno kažeš zbogom
razumeš, razumem
zaštićen sam, ne mogu da bolujem
ajde da ne prolazimo kroz tu tugu
s tobom sam dosta toga proživeo
želim ti da si uvek dobro
u teškim vremenima ...
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
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