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Број резултата: 12


No One Shall Bother

Oh, bear up, just let the roads come in between us
I promise, no other skin can get close to mine
Time passes, unstoppably pours into the dump well
I wait, I won't be beaten by cheap tricks
Bear up, don't sorrow
You, my angel, used to cry non-stop, why?
I didn't say 'don't go', because you would be scared to get attached
My life jacket, no one shall bother us
See me, don't let your heart go blind far away
Don't think about it, I sealed my lips
Bear up, don't sorrow
You, my angel, used to cry non-stop, why?
I didn't say 'don't go', because you would be scared to get attached
My life jacket, no one shall bother us
No one shall bother, bother, no one shall talk, talk
No one shall touch, touch us
Come already, the time has come
Enough's enough, I missed too much
Come already, the time has come
Enough's enough, I missed too much
Come already, the time has come
Enough's enough, I missed too much, oh

Don't Stop Oh Rain Don't Stop

Versions: #2
I'm already soaking wet in the middle of the Istanbul bosphorus.
My teardrops are hiding in your drops.
Don't stop oh rain, don't stop.
My soul is getting refreshed in the downpour of Istanbul.
My teardrops and rain drops got mixed on my cheeks.
Don't stop oh rain, don't stop.
Her name isn't readable in the stars anymore.
''Separation'' is written behind tomorrows.
Don't ask me, don't ask me about her/him too.
Just don't ask, don't ask, just fill in the bosphorus.
You fill and I will drink it up along with my grief.
Don't stop, don't stop, just fill in the bosphorus.
You fill in and I will drink it up along with all the lies.
Don't stop, I'm hurting like hell,
I beg of you, please put this fire in me out.
Don't stop, please don't stop.
Don't stop, oh rain don't stop.
Don't ask me, don't ask me about her/him too

Probable Love

For a probable love,
I got beyond myself.
without asking where is the journey?
without listening to myself..
Ah ah the probable love...
I've become a child out of nowhere,
my griefs hided away.
I closed my eyes,
and opened myself up to you.
Ah ah probably love..
Ah for a probable love,
I've become a wreck.
For a moment of love,
my life has gone off the rails.
I thought I fell in love
without feeling any hurt.
Walking on thorns,
while a smile is on my face.
Ah ah probably love..
Ah for a probable love,
I've become a wreck.
For a moment of love,
my life has gone off the rails.
I thought I fell in love
without feeling any hurt.
Walking on thorns,
while a smile is on my face.
Ah ah probably love..
Ah for a probable love,
I've become a wreck.
For a moment of love,
my life has gone off the rails.

I am a beginner in happiness

The hours passed by again
What‘s on my mind
Torn out thoughts went by
Only you did not fade away
My wounds went by
My bad consciousness
Half of your life flies
Only you did not fade away
Still, don‘t worry about me
Don‘t worry at all
You said „be happy“ while you left
As you stay your promises are left behind
No apologies whatever happens
I am a beginner in happiness
The smile on my face is something too big for me
No apologies whatever happens
I am a beginner in happiness
Whatever I do the smile on my face remains temporary


A spark falls firstly
It grows slowly
And you look, it became volcano
You have burnt, friend
It can't fill your blank
Neither mother nor sister
This, the nicest
This is the warmest feeling, friend
To share every gladness
Every trouble, grief
And to walk for lifelong
Together, hand in hand
Never be those tears on the smiling eyes
If one day comes
Even I leave you, friend
Even our ways leave with you, friend

Without (a) shame

Your name fell off of my tongue tonight*
Just as I thought I have forgotten
I divided my sentence right off the middle
I don't want you to hear the half of you that remains with me
Your picture fell off of my left inner pocket*
Just as I thought I have forgotten
I learned down and flipped the backside
I don't want you to see my pitch-black life**
However without (a) shame***
What passes in your mind***
Whose shoulder your head falls to
The happinesses you took with you
Are tangential to me****
What passes in your mind
Whose shoulder your head falls to
The memories that you forgot behind as you go
Mocks with me
Without (a) shame

Ask me ask

Ask me, ask if my brain is in my head*
Ask me, ask
As if it became a bird and flew away
But it seems like its time has come
Ask me, ask
Tire me, tire
In every mistake, in every sin tire me
Tire me , tire ..
Hopes turned into ash inside me
Your last words are still blind
Blind me, blind
Dreams left their places
They won't stay here
Allow me to pass
If you tie this man, he won't stay
The last words have been said
It doesn't suit me to stay
Allow me to pass
If you tie this man, he won't stay

The writer has written (my) fate

Good morning celing
Good morning curtains
The bed-light that has been on since last evening
Good morning wall
Good morning empty pillow that I‘ve been hugging
Good morning new day left over from yesterday
Even they got tired of me
Of course there is no answer
So silent as if it had become forever deaf
I‘ve given my verdict long ago
My pen got broken
The writer has written (my) fate
Nothing comes from the hands anymore
Life is like a blind well
Without bottom
The writer has written my fate
I make no promise for tomorrow
I understood that no-one is to blame
Not even you
No-one is to blame
Good morning day
Good morning repentance
A stranger that looks at himself in the mirror

Pitaj me, pitaj

Pitaj me, pitaj da li sam pri sebi
Pitaj me, pitaj
Postala je ptica, kao da je odletela
Ali očigledno je da je došlo vreme uf
Pitaj me, pitaj
Umori me, umori
Svaku grešku, greh umori
Umori me, umori
Sve nade u meni su postale pepeo
Poslednje reči su me zaslepele
Zaslepi me, zaslepi
Snovi su zauzeli čudno mesto
Ovde neće ostati
Pusti me da idem već jednom
Ovaj čovek neće stati i da ga vežeš
Poslednje reči su već izrečene
Ne pristaje mi da stojim
Pusti me da idem već jednom
Ovaj čovek neće stati i da ga vežeš

Znaš li kako mi je?

Znaš li kako mi je?
Zbunjen, promašio sam život
Putovao u nepoznato
Znaš li kako mi je?
Kao što vidiš
Svaki moj dan s nadom počinje
Mojim noćima nema kraja
Dan za danom kunem se
Možda voleći te ponekad kažem
da mogu da te poljubim i to prođe
Poput rane sam
Znaš li kako mi je?
Vatra je pala na moje ulice
Da li je dovoljno da se ohlade moje suze?
Na moje hramove je pala ljubav
U meni kao da dete ludo viče
Čuješ li?
Drhte mi ruke, pa hoćeš li ih uhvatiti?

Imaš li odgovor?

Nisam znao da je tako teško
preispitati život
Ostaju li bez kazne?
Ti životi koji su namerno potrošeni
Imaš li odgovor?
Ogromne sobe bez ogledala
Tražio sam svoj odraz na golim zidovima
Ostavio sam tragove
Za koga?
Imaš li odgovor?
Ne, nemam
Nemojte da me pritiskate
Moje reči nikome ne služe
Kako god, život ide svojim putem
Ne, nemam
Nemojte da me pritiskate
Ko god je otišao nije se vratio
Vremenom čovek se navikne na svačije odsustvo
Dok ne mogu da volim sebe
Pokucao sam na svaka vrata stranaca
Da nisam sebe tražio?
Imaš li odgovor?
S mojom slomljenom olovkom
Nacrtao sam sreću u svakom ćošku
Da li sam postavio mesto za sebe?
Imaš li odgovor?
Ne, nemam
Nemojte da me pritiskate
Moje reči nikome ne služe
Kako god, život ide svojim putem
Ne, nemam
Nemojte da me pritiskate
Ko god je otišao nije se vratio
Vremenom čovek se navikne na svačije odsustvo
Ne, nemam
Nemojte da me pritiskate
Moje reči nikome ne služe
Kako god, život ide svojim putem
Ne, nemam
Nemojte da me pritiskate
Ko god je otišao nije se vratio
Vremenom čovek se navikne na svačije odsustvo
Moje reči nikome ne služe
Kako god, život ide svojim putem
Ne, nemam
Nemojte da me pritiskate
Ko god je otišao nije se vratio
Vremenom čovek se navikne na svačije odsustvo

Moguća ljubav

Versions: #1#2
Zbog moguće ljubavi,
iznenadio sam sebe
gde ćeš ići,
ne slušam sebe.
Aahhh moguća ljubav.
Odjednom sam postao dete
sakrio sam tugu,
zatvorio sam oči,
otvorio sam ti se.
Aaahhh moguća ljubav,
aaahhhh zbog moguće ljubavi
postao sam olupina
za trenutak ljubavi u mom životu
poludeo sam.
Da ne bih bio povređen
mislio sam da sam se zaljubio
i kada sam na trnju
osmeh je na mom licu.
Aaahhh moguća ljubav,
aaahhhh zbog moguće ljubavi
postao sam olupina
za trenutak ljubavi u mom životu
poludeo sam.
Da ne bih bio povređen
mislio sam da sam se zaljubio
i kada sam na trnju
osmeh je na mom licu.
Aaahhh moguća ljubav,
aaahhhh zbog moguće ljubavi
postao sam olupina
za trenutak ljubavi u mom životu
poludeo sam.