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Pollute me

Tell me the tale of the date palm
of the deserts,
of your grandparent's mosques.
Give me the darbuka rythms
and the secrets
that are in the books I don't read.
Pollute me, but not with the smoke that chokes the air
come, but do so with your eyes and your dances
come, but not with the rage and the bad dreams
come, but do so with the kiss-announcing lips.
Pollute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter.
Polute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter...
Tell me the tale of the chains
that brought you,
of the treaties and the travelers.
Give me the rythms of the drums
and the spokesmen,
of the old and the new neighbourhoods.
Pollute me, but not with the smoke that chokes the air
come, but do so with your eyes and your dances
come, but not with the rage and the bad dreams
come, but do so with the kiss-announcing lips.
Pollute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter.
Polute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter...
Tell me the tale of those who never
revealed themselves,
of the green river and the boleros.
Give me the bouzouki rythms,
the black eyes,
the unquiet dance of the sorcerer.
Pollute me, but not with the smoke that chokes the air
come, but do so with your eyes and your dances
come, but not with the rage and the bad dreams
come, but do so with the kiss-announcing lips.
Pollute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter.
Polute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter...

Yes women

Yes women, women of the proletariat
Finally are waking up and waving their fist
Yes women, women of the proletariat
And their brothers declare war
Yes women, women of the proletariat
[Are fighting] until the end for their rights, against the bourgeois
Yes women, and the whole proletariat
Marxism-Leninism is their weapon of war
Yes women, united to the proletariat
Are fighting for the founding of the Communist party
Yes women, with the proletariat
Are moving heaven and earth, and they will win the war

Haîku 12. The Jewel-wasp

The Jewel-wasp
With her blue-green body
Alights near me too late
In the year
In my winter-garden
Tell me tell me when
And where, solitary
Chiseller of red and blue
You're going to Bury
You, lost and beautiful,
Your tiara far from us?


The window illuminated in my eyes
Close your eyes
Bring me to the place
Where the wind blows
Wanna be myself
Wanna leave this hell
Bring it out
Stuck in a place between the space of heart and mind
Chase time, find your dreams, go
And so am I
Sit on the floor
Thinking I'll stop
Can't take no more
Once I'm ready
I loudly roar
That was the battle but this is the war
I’ll show you what I’m made of
Rise to the occasion
Got fears but I face them
And I’ll show you what I’m made of
A heart full of fire
Looking at a fighter
I got a way it depends on the day
That I forget I’m the best that’s done it
Hard on myself put my heart on a shelf
Cause I forget that myself needs loving
Now forget
All the memories hidden in the dark
Cause I know that I can make it out those days
Sit on the floor
Thinking I'll stop
Can't take no more
Once I'm ready
I loudly roar
That was the battle but this is the war
The light is brighter than the dark, right
They say some moments you wait for all your life
The bright day comes after the night passes
You know the darker the day the more you shine babe
Don't fear it
And I'm not cause today
I’ll show you what I’m made of
Rise to the occasion
Got fears but I face them
And I’ll show you what I’m made of
A heart full of fire
Looking at a fighter
I’ll show you what I’m made of
What I'm made of
What I'm made of
I'll show you what I'm made of
I'll show you

Pra Sempre

I'm attached to you in each of our lifes
The endless love
Our eternal love
Will never fade
I'm attached to you in each of our lifes
The endless love
Our eternal love
Will never fade
Your inner light
Is what attracts me
Missing each other os hard
I wish to be with you togheter
Our love
Our eternal love

The Portuguese Bagpiper

From up North, are coming

Final Sonnet

For un-feathering the glacial archangels,
the barbed-lily snowfall of slender teeth
is condemned to the weeping of fountains
and the sadness of well-springs.
For diffusing its soul into metal,
for the fire to grant its sunrise to iron,
the torrential blacksmiths’ draw it
to the sorrow of harsh anvils.
To the painful sting of the thorn,
to the fatal discouragement of the rose,
and the corrosive action of dying,
I see myself given, and all this ruin
is for no other misfortune, no other reason
than loving you, and only loving you.

Take Over

We at the top again, now what?
Heavy lay the crown, but
Count us
Higher than the mountain
And we be up here for the long run
Strap in for a long one
We got everybody on one
Now you're coming at the king so you better not miss
And we only get stronger
With everything I carry up on my back, you should paint it up with a target
Why would you dare me to do it again?
Come get your spoiler up ahead
We're taking over, we're taking over
Look at you come at my name, you 'oughta know by now
That we're taking over, we're taking over
Maybe you wonder what you're futures gonna be, but
I got it all locked up
Take a lap, now
Don't be mad, now
Run it back run it back run it back, now
I got bodies lining up, think you're dreaming of greatness?
Send you back home, let you wake up
Why would you dare me to do it again?
Come get your spoiler up ahead
We're taking over, we're taking over
Look at you come at my name, you 'oughta know by now
That we're taking over, we're taking over
Maybe you wonder what you're futures gonna be, but
I got it all locked up
After all, what still exists except for fights?
Around me, the keyboard is clicking, the clock is ticking
Still not enough, let me protect your persistence
Do not worry about the future even if it’s too late
Let out the fight, right at this moment
I got the heart of lion
I know the higher you climbing, the harder you fall
I'm at the top of the mount
Too many bodies to count, I've been through it all
I had to weather the storm to get to level I'm on
That’s how the legend was born
All of my enemies already dead
I'm bored, I'm ready for more
They know I'm ready for war
I told 'em
We're taking over, we're taking over
Look at you come at my name, you 'oughta know by now
That we're taking over, we're taking over
Maybe you wonder what you're futures gonna be, but
I got it all locked up


Life is good as hell
I don't even know why I'm crying
I am in my early twenties
And I'm not going to stop here
I miss my home
My mum misses me
It's all good, this is the life I've chosen
Since I've been small, they say that I'm curious
Those who have seen me, those who see me,
say that I've never grown up
I'm not scared of making mistakes,
I'm only scared of giving up
But I'm in my early twenties
And I'm not going to stop here
Who taught you to dream?
Who taught you to dream?
Who taught you to dream?
Who taught you to dream?
But if boys don't cry, can someone tell me who I am?
Nononono, stay quiet
I am who I want to be
I am the midnight sun and the full moon in the morning
But I dress myself from my head to my toes
I have twenty-something plans for before I turn 30
Someone say where we are going
I'm in a hurry to exist
They tell me, calm down bro
You have time left to make mistakes
And I'm certain that I'm not going to stop here
Who taught you to dream?
Who taught you to dream?
Who taught you to dream?
Who taught you to dream?
Who taught you to dream?
Who taught you to dream?
Who taught you to dream?
Who taught you to dream?
Ohhhh, nobody taught me
Where I'm going, nobody goes
Ohhhh, nobody taught me
Where I'm going, nobody goes
Who taught you to dream?
Who taught you to dream?


Someone shall pay for your contempt
Someone shall suffer for your disdain
Someone shall, one day, bend from the weight
Of the evil I feel for liking someone
Someone who will appear in my life
Someone who I don't know yet, even
Someone will judge me as lost
When after all I'm nothing more than woman
Because of someone who cheated and drove me crazy
To someone, for vengeance, I will be mean
Because of someone who kissed my mouth
I will kiss without love, at God's will


[Први стих: Делајла Монтагу]
Не могу да идем довољно брзо
Да се ослободим твоје љубави
И нисам била довољно јака
Да оставим и оставим нестало
Не могу да видим довољно јасно
Да прозрем кроз прашину коју си оставио
И не могу да се надрогирам довољно
Да бих заборавила зашто плачем (ја плачем, ја плачем)
[Рефрен: Делајла Монтагу]
Па ћу возити
Десет хиљада миља у глуво доба ноћи
Док не останем без љубав према теби, душо
Док не будем више имала љубави према теби, душо
О, ја ћу возити
Десет хиљада миља у бескрајно небо
Док не останем без љубави за тебе, душо
Док не будем више имала љубави према теби, душо
[Постхор: Делајла Монтагу]
Возићу целу ноћ
Возићу целу ноћ
Оставићу све иза себе
Возићу целу ноћ
[Други стих: Делајла Монтагу]
Сликам силуету (сликам силуету)
У сенци сваког фара
Појачам радио (појачам радио)
Али не могу да искључим свој ум
Некако дођеш до мене (некако дођеш до мене)
Није важно коју удаљеност пређем
Наша љубав је мртва мени (мртва мени)
Али ја верујем у духове
[Рефрен: Делајла Монтагу]
Па ћу возити
Десет хиљада миља у глуво доба ноћи
Док не останем без љубави за тебе, душо
Док не будем више имала љубави према теби, душо
Ох ја ћу возити
Десет хиљада миља у бескрајно небо
Док не останем без љубави за тебе, душо
Док не будем више имала љубави према теби, душо
[Пост-рефрен: Делајла Монтагу]
Возићу целу ноћ, возићу целу ноћ
Оставићу све то, возићу целу ноћ
Возићу целу ноћ, возићу целу ноћ
Оставићу све то, возићу целу ноћ
Возићу целу ноћ

The Peasant Women Who Weed The Fields

I learned to sing
While ploughing the wet soil
There, in the lonely fields,
As I thought about you, my darling one...
So many poppy flowers can be seen
Beyond those wheat fields.
As many as the kisses given
By peasant girls and herdsboys!
The peasant women, sing as they weed the fields
About their sorrows, their loves
Yet they don't sing: they're praying
Before an altar all covered in flowers!

Before an altar covered in flowers
Each one of them is a wish

When I Was A Little Girl

When I was a little girl,
Just a newborn,
I could barely open my eyes:
I was already doing to to look at you
Juster after being born!
I could barely open my eyes:
I was already doing to to look at you
Juster after being born!

Ai-ó-lo la-ri-lo-le-la!
Ai-ó-lo la-ri-lo-ló!
Once I become old
And I've just died,
Look well into my eyes...
Lifeless, they want to see,
Just after I've died.
Look well into my eyes...
Lifeless, they want to see,
Just after I've died.

Ai-ó-lo la-ri-lo-le-la!
Ai-ó-lo la-ri-lo-ló!
If I died just now
After having given you my word,
Not even the earth would want to take me!
If my love remained here
After having given you my word...
Not even the earth would want to take me!
If my love remained here
After having given you my word...

Ai-ó-lo la-ri-lo-le-la!
Ai-ó-lo la-ri-lo-ló!

From Moca to Paris

A letter from you
I received today
And with a semicolon
Girl, I replied
Sweet beloved
What do you want from me
If I live in Moca
And you're there in Paris
Tell me and we'll see
And this is meringue Juan Luis
For my memories
Today I miss you
We walk together
Under the French sun
Pardon my intrigue
But tell me with love
If your sky is still as blue
When you're in the Pyrenees
Because in Moca it's blue
Well, what a surprise
That's just life
It's simply Luis days
There in DC
There's a rainbow
That shines in April
But I live in Moca and you're there in Paris
Moca to Paris
Moca to Paris
Moca to Paris
Moca to Paris
Poppies are falling
Poppies are falling
That ruin me and make me fall in love
That ruin me and make me fall in love
They are falling in Villa Trina
They are falling in Villa Trina
The begonias of my Wina
The begonias of my Wina
That is, if you get rich
On my calendar, a hummingbird sings
He moves his wings
Today I saw you coming
Dressed as a mummy and carrying a bouquet you gathered up
Kisses to your mouth
From Moca to Paris
Moca to Paris
Moca to Paris
From Moca to Paris

Bread and teeth

When we met
I was always starving
I sang in the street
For some bread,
Today I can take you
To the best places
If you like
But I ain't got no time.
When you've got bread
You ain't got teeth.
Yes but you've got teeth
You ain't got bread.
When you have got time
(You ain't got money),
Yes but when you've got money
(You ain't got time).
When we met
I lived under the roof
In an empty room
Without water.
Now we have
A large flat
But I'm always absent
Because I ain't got time.
When we met
Life was full of hardships
I would have loved
To buy you a TV.
Now we have one
But I don't look at it
Because it's me
Behind the telecamera.
When you've got bread
You have no more teeth.
But when you've got teeth
You have no more bread.
Yes but when you have got time
(Man, you ain't got money!)
When you've got money
You ain't got time.
Man, I can tell you that you ain't got no time!
Then, man, something is going wrong, hey!
When life was hard I always ate rice
And nowadays, luckily, I don't eat rice no more.
Robert, hey Robert, what did you cook for lunch?
Rice ? Hey man, something is going wrong!
Rice, rice, rice, always rice! That's no stuff for Europeans.
Hey, my old Robert, I'm getting upset. Rice, always rice!
Really, man, I'm going to starve if this keeps up, man.
There is really something wrong in this consumer society.


A beautiful plain
I had as a birthplace
Like the watchman,
the sun doesn't see another.
I was the ant
of plain and scrubland
of swallow farmhouse,
of nightingale fields.
I saw beautiful lands,
more than a city,
I climbed the peaks
of high Montserrat.
I went down to Barcelona,
the pearl with which the wave
enriched the Principality
many centuries ago.
In my house, I have ants.
I found them one morning
under the marble of the kitchen
and no products have made them go away.
In the crack where they came from
I scattered a deadly poison,
and, when I covered it with putty,
they came out of the bathroom sink.
So, with a jet of water I could remove them
they lost everything, disoriented in a whirlpool.
There remained a few lonely ones,
and it was almost funny
as soon as I pardoned them,
I tortured them between two fingers.
But as days became weeks,
I surprised commandos
on the pothus on the table
toughening themselves up inside of some apricots
and it no longer gave me any pleasure, cleaning in the kitchen
silverware that was lost over the balcony.
And today, when I laid down,
the darkness brought a murmur,
a silence of ants
has broken the calm of the night.
The couple on my right hand
were the first that I noticed,
the couple that climbed the right, the ones that worried me.
And I wanted to sit up
and now I'm here, sitting straight
The square stone tiles are slipping,
the living plaster eats the walls.
I hear as they work, they've taken the hallway.
They've blocked the door, they won't let me leave.
They have more than enough energy, they persevere in their nests
They come out of my ears, my lips and my nostrils.
At home, I have ants, they appeared one morning.
They don't respect me, they must leave me alone!
Logic doesn't cheat, Science drives us here,
I've swallowed a lot more than I can handle.


[verse 1] They are sick they are all bolutté,the good life gola burnt the invited ones,that makes me giggle,the money coocked 'em,they walk like the druged ones,they'll burn everythin' at the corner,she plan to climb inside the AMG,if you lack money you can only ask for it [pre chorus] where are they they're dead,they smork they still shoot,she told him to help my love,am realy druged [chorus] druged they're all druged 'till la muerte [verse 2] where i die the effects of money for once she's my sister,you risks on my life is touched like the ball in the heart,you take my medicine you crush in time,oh la la you still want it,oh la la am localised,oh la la they're all druged,oh la la [repeat pre chorus + chorus] [verse 3] all these caos nakamura had druged 'em,they spend,they're useless to the sale not in need of inventing i got enough money for me to talk my love,too much money,rose life,they're bad but they're? [repeat chorus]

A Special Someone

I wanted to avoid your eyes
But I couldn't react
Then I feel comfortable
I think that the wish of pretending
Is nonsense
Denying your intentions
When a special someone
Crossed your path
And changed your direction
I even got embarrassed
But I don't stop following
Your apparition
When a special someone
Stirs up your feelings
It's better not to resist
And give yourself in
I even got embarrassed
But I don't stop following
Your apparition
When a special someone
Stirs up your feelings
It's better not to resist
And give yourself in
Give me your hand
Come and be my lodestar
A complication
So easy to understand
Let's dance
Illuminate the evening
For all that I'll live
That I'll live
When a special someone
Stirs up your feelings
It's better not to resist
And give yourself in

There Goes The Sailboat, Now

There goes the sailboat, now
And only my lover isn't coming!
That ingrate doesn't remember
This rose, which awaits him here!
Cast it down much further beyond!
Cast it in the sea,
For there goes the fish...
For the fish is over there,
Cast it in the sea,
Cast it further down!

Only my lover isn't coming:
There goes the sailboat, now!
This rose, which awaits him here
He doesn't remember her at all!
Oh la-ri-lo-lo...
Go very slowly
For dust is going to rise!
Look at my life,
See the loneliness
In which I am trapped!

Hey-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...
La-la-ri-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...
Hey-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...
La-la-ri-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...

There comes the sailboat, now
And only my lover isn't coming!
That ingrate doesn't remember
This rose, which awaits him here!
Cast it down much further beyond!
Cast it in the sea,
For there goes the fish...
For the fish is over there,
Cast it in the sea,
Cast it further down!

Hey-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...
La-la-ri-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...
Hey-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...
La-la-ri-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...

Hey-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...
La-la-ri-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...
Hey-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...
La-la-ri-lai-ay, lai-ay, lai-ay...


Goodbye mister teacher

Children are performing farandole dance
And the old schoolteacher is quite moved:
Tomorrow he will leave his dear school
He won't go up anymore to this platform
Goodbye, mister teacher
We will never forget you
And deep in our heart
These words are written in chalk
We offer you these few flowers
To say how much we loved you
We will never forget you
Goodbye mister teacher
A tear fell on her hand
Alone in the classroom he sat down
He saw some children pass by
That he loved throughout his life
Great prizes are awarded to students
All speeches are over
Under the covered playground, the audience rises
One last time the children will sing

The Bell's Ballad

A little boat
Comes right there, comes right there...
Ding! Dong!
In the little boat of Bethlehem!
Mister ferryman,
Who are you carrying in there?
Dang! Ding!
In Aladdin's little boat!
I'm carrying the prisoner
Just for one time...
Two! Three!
In the little boat of the Marquess!
At the beak of dawn,
She'll be married...
Ding! Dong!
She rocks back and forth in the little boat!
If you're keeping her locked,
Let her escape!
Dang! Ding!
In the vizier's little boat!
There she goes, kidnapped,
There she goes, holding hands...
Ding! Dang!
In the thief's little boat!

Causes and chances

When Pedro went out to his window
He didn't know, my love, he didn't know
that the light of that clear morning
was the light of his last day.
And the causes were surrounding him,
everyday, invisible.
And chance was getting tangled up,
powerful, invincible.
When Juan returned to his bed
He didn't know, oh, dear soul,
that in the rainy night and without a roof
the love of his life awaited him.
And the causes were surrounding him,
everyday, invisible.
And chance was getting tangled up,
powerful, invincible.
When this verse that I sing is finished.
I don't know, I don't know, mother mine,
if peace or terror awaits me,
if the the present, or the yet to come.
Well, the causes are surrounding me,
everyday, invisible.
And chance is entangling me
powerful, invincible.

I quarreled with my love

I quarreled with my love...
I haven't seen him all day long!
At night I sang much better
The fado of the Mouraria!
The breath of a longing
Came to kiss me every hour
To be more at ease
I sent the longing away!
When he came back to the nest,
He, who even can't whistle,
He came whistling quietly
The fado of the Mouraria!
He came whistling quietly
The fado of the Mouraria ...!

Our Lady of Monte

Come with me, Mary,
To see
And the lovely dancers
Who are in the !
Our Lady of Monte,
Let's sing and dance.
Don't talk to me about love
Because it's too soon to get married!
Our Lady of Monte
Has both needle and thimble,
To make a little dress
For Our Lady of Faial! 1
Our Lady of Monte,
What does she offer to her pilgrims?
Fresh water from the fountain
And the shade of the chestnut trees!
Let's turn in a wheel! Let's turn in a wheel!
Let's turn in a wheel without stopping!
Those who want to join the wheel.
Must sing first.
Our Lady of Monte
Is a miraculous Saint,
That's why she is the queen
Oh! Of the island of Madeira!
Goodbye, !
Goodbye, !
This one is for our farewells:
For today, I'm not singing any more.
Our Lady of Grace 2
Sent word to Our Lady of Monte,
Asking to be sent a little water
From her sacred fountain!
  • 1. Our Lady of Grace in in the Azores archipelago.
  • 2. The main church in in the Azores archipelago, is dedicated to Our Lady of Grace.

Mary Beech

La la ra-la la la la-re-la la la...
I don't know what your name is,
Oh Mary Beech!
Now what name should I give you,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
Not carnation, for you're a rose
Oh Mary Beech!
Not rose, for you're a blossom,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
La la ra-la la la la-re-la la la...
I don't want to call you carnation,
Oh Mary Beech!
For I'd be extolling you,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
I'd rather call you a mirror,
Oh Mary Beech!
Where I expect to see myself,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
La la ra-la la la la-re-la la la...
I don't know what your name is,
Oh Mary Beech!
Now what name should I give you,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
Not carnation, for you're a rose
Oh Mary Beech!
Not rose, for you're a blossom,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
La la ra-la la la la-re-la la la...

1 + 1 = 3

Night of spell and superstition
A gypsy talks about treason
By seeing the line of her heart
Oh, things of love!
Oh, pride of woman!
Jealousy, full of love
Shadows of confusion
One and one is three
Said the woman
Her trod on honor, her insulted soul
Hatred scratches Carmen of Spain
She runs with revenge in her skin
And by seeing her man with another woman
Her blood boils until going crazy
Oh, life in a knife!
Oh, fatal ending!
Jealousy, full of love
Shadows of confusion
One and one is three
Said the woman
Moonlight in dark clouds
Rivers of death and fortune-less lovers
One and one is three
Said the woman
Fire of hell and cold of winter
Two bodies shine with Seville in the background
One and one is three
Jealousy of a woman
One and one is three
Jealousy of a woman
Oh love! I'd do it without hesitation for your love
Oh love! I couldn't bear your treason
One and one is three
Said the woman
Moonlight in dark clouds
Rivers of death and fortune-less lovers
One and one is three
Said the woman
Fire of hell and cold of winter
Two bodies shine with Seville in the background
... jealousy of love, jealousy
One and one is three
Jealousy of a woman
One and one is three
Jealousy of a woman
One and one is three


Dedicated to lovers
who meet again
Dedicated to the poets of freedom
And to the light of a gaze without evilness
To those crazy dreamers
Who don't stop dreaming
To that kid that begins
To walk with his mother
And to the skin of that girl for love
Dedicated to the friends
Who can respect each other
And to the people who walks without treading on
To the bravery of a true caress
To the corner shopkeeper
To the cab driver, to the chatter
And to the girl of life
Who helps to forget
Bad love we give her without thinking
To that happy wanderer
Owner of his freedom
To the shipwrecks of the world
Without warmth nor home
To you who are hurt and alone
To who hates war
To who has good humor
Dedicated to hope and to the sunlight
For you future man is my song
Dedicated to life and love

Calm and Coolness

I try to find my identity
without asking for help, but I'm far from getting there
I knock and not a soul answers
luckily I'm not afraid of the dark
I've got nothing for myself
but I don't despair
At this point I just eat bread and meanness
and that's not a good reason to be proud of it
I walk alone and never turn back
I can't lose
Willing to make mistakes just to grow
and not succumb
It takes calm and coolness, calm
It takes calm and coolness
I keep a close eye on all of the aggressiveness
but I can't get rid of the name I bear
Aware of a bad popularity
because I sometimes take justice into my own hands
I hate to hide and beg
I only believe in what benefits me
and I don't ask life for anything special
I walk alone and never turn back
I keep running
Willing to make mistakes just to grow
and not succumb
It takes calm and coolness, calm
It takes calm and coolness
And I target the bad and the futile
idiots and all kings
I don't lend favors in order to get more back
in order not to succumb
It takes calm and coolness, calm
It takes calm and coolness

For who deserve love.

Versions: #1
My love bothers you, my love of youth,
and my love is an art in virtue.
My love bothers you, my love without a mask (sincere),
and my love is an art of peace.
My love bothers you, my love of Humanity,
and my love is an art in its age,
My love bothers you, my love of spring,
and my love is a major Art.
My Love,
is my enchanted joyel,
it is my vast abode,
it is my endless space.
My Love,
doesn’t distinguish borders,
like the spring,
doesn’t prefer a garden.
My Love,
it is not a love of market,
because a bleeding love,
it is not a lucrative love,
My Love,
it is All what I have,
if I denied it or sell it,
For what breathe??
My love bothers you, my love of youth,
and my love is an art in virtue.
My love bothers you, my love without a mask,
and my love is an art of peace.
My love bothers you, my love of Humanity,
and my love is an art in its age.
My love bothers you,
my love of spring,
and my love is a major Art.
My Love,
it is not the love of only one,
it is the soul of all that needs heal,
My Love,
it is a humble love,
that the life brought me to make it climb,
My Love,
the most in love,
it is the most forgotten in its ancient pain,
My Love,
open its chest to the death and plays its luck,
for a better time (moment)
My Love!,
This brave Love!,
It is a burning Sun,
For Who Deserve,

The Baddest

Baddest do what the baddest do
The baddest do we the baddest ooh
Baddest do what the baddest do
The baddest do we the baddest
Coming at you live
Real real wild
Here to light it up
Set the world on fire
Gonna break rules
And hearts in twos
Cause that's what the baddest do
Never going back
Nah not that
Diamonds on drip
Cause I came to make a splash
Gonna break rules
And hearts in twos
Cause that's what the baddest do
I spit heat, I melt your face off
Disappear, I'm your eraser
In the cut just like a razor
Murder business, where my blazer?
I got all the boys on me
I got all the lines on ring
Knock 'em dead, turnin heads
I got all the eyes on me
I walk in with a pretty face
Leader in fashion
Other people want to be like me but they can't
Makes them worry
You like 'whoa' KALI you the GOAT
I know, I know
Get ready cause I like to ball
I don't stop
I'm lit, big as a bit
Maybe not a bit, a byte
Trust me to grow as big as you can
Set your shoulders straight, high
One hundred percent
They won't be able to attack
Because it kills them
I'm the boss, ice breaker with the sauce
If you want it I'll give it to you
I’m doing damage
Went just how I planned it
I do what I want when I say
Everyone follow me
Because I finish it for you guys
(Like) to live on the edge of insane
Coming at you live
Real real wild
Here to light it up
Set the world on fire
Gonna break rules
And hearts in twos
Cause that’s what the baddest do
Never going back
Nah not that
Diamonds on drop
Cause I came to make a splash
Gonna break rules
And hearts in twos
Cause that’s what the baddest do
(It's crazy)
Sorry for the bad news sorry I’m so bad
Only took a minute for me to get what you had
Sorry for the bad news know it makes you sad
I’ll be here for a minute baby you should pack your bags
Way that I look should be breaking the law
If I don’t got it I take what I want
My circle small like a round of applause
You know that I love the sound of applause
You know I mean everything that I say
When you see me coming get out of the way
I came to slay I came to slay
back and I’m better and ready to stay
I’m doing damage
Went just how I planned it
I do what I want when I say
Everyone follow me
Because I finish it for you guys
(Like) to live on the edge of insane
(It's crazy)
Sorry not sorry for being the best
I always do something whenever
Look at the gold all on my chest
Look at the gold call it a flex

Blood and roses

Impetuous rivers
divide my heart
into lands of hate
and lands of love
Blood and roses
here is the path
red for what's fake
red for what's true
Show me the world
the right tributary
the proof named,
named, named
someone hears me
Show me the world
the right tributary
the proof named,
named, named
someone hears me
An impetuous sea
divides my heart
Into the lands of hate
into the lands of love.
Choose the beach
touch the rose
And untill the morning, untill the morning
be my wife
Show me the world
The right tributary
the proof that loves, who loves, who loves
who loves doesn't lie
Show me the world
The right tributary
the proof that loves, who loves, who loves
who loves doesn't lie
Impetuous rivers
divide my heart
into lands of hate
and lands of love
here is the path
red for what's fake
red for what's true
Show me the world
The right tributary
the proof that loves, who loves, who loves
who loves doesn't lie

For This One Time in Eternity

That window is unlocked
And everything around here's livened up
And we have plates for eight thousand servings
This place is always so empty
What is a ballroom for if there's no dancing?
Finally they're opening up the gates
There'll be real people
I'll find it strange, even
But I'm so ready to change
For this one time in eternity
These lights will shine
For this one time in eternity
I'll dance all night long
Don't know if it's the thrill or gas
But this is so much better
For this one time in eternity
I won't be alone
I'll have a night of gala and stuff
In a special dress
With grace and much sophistication
And then, suddenly, I see someone
Also slander and handsome there
To fill myself with chocolates is the big temptation
Then the laughter and the chatter
Just the way I dreamed
Nothing like the life I've led
For this one time in eternity
There is magic and fun
For this one time in eternity
I will offer my hand
And I know it's so much crazy
To sigh for romance
But for this one time in eternity
At least I will try
They cannot come, they cannot see
You must always be the good girl
Cover-up, don't feel, an act
One wrong move and all will know
If it's only for today, so be it
Just today, so be it
The waiting is an affliction
The waiting is an affliction
Tell the guards to open.... the gate!
The gate
For this one time in eternity
They cannot come, they cannot see
My dreams come to life
You must always be the good girl
I'll have the chance to find
...true love
Cover-up, don't feel, don't let it be known
I know it ends tomorrow
So today has got to be it
For this one time in eternity
One time in eternity
Nothing is stopping me!