Резултати претраге страна 18
Број резултата: 790
Chacarera for my return
I left my singing land
in order to visit other places,
I go there through the roads
but my soul is in Santiago.
Since then I live alone
on the streets of life,
silent shadows that pass by,
guitars full of wounds.
Guitar full of wounds
and a song inside my chest is crying, crying.
When I go back
I don't know how nor when
the flame there shall tell you
how much I've longed for you.
From your distance to mine
there is a wooden cross,
a rose that you have left
and a dance of chacareras.
And a dance of chacareras
under this starry sky
where the drums sing like the cocuyos
with the wind and the sachayo.
And when sleeping, the night falls
over the foam of the river
on the wings of an ochkobo
so as not to die of coldness.
When I go back
I don't know how nor when
the flame there shall tell you
how much I've longed for you.
On the road to Villa Nueva
Memory of a yesterday
when I met you,
for all your love
you offered (it) to me.
There a love was born
because of you beautiful woman,
and time gave us
that joyfulness of a love.
How to forget it if it was
an peerless idyll
lived between both (of us)
in that beautiful place!
On the way to that jebar
landscape like Eden,
to my hometown
New Villa of my love.
Today alone when remembering
I'm fullfullied with emotion
bliss and happiness
they enthral my heart.
Charm of living
so united the two of us
and relive your love
as a blessing of God.
What a beautiful dream I dreamed
Akushu llaricku cari y tuta*
Yes my friend llaricko!
Get deep into it!
I had dreamed of a child:
Jesus of Nazareth
he had been born in my hometown
what a beautiful dream I dreamed!
I also dreamed that the little child Jesus was born in Atamishqui*.
My uncles, the peasants,
they put the child at their feet
like a miracle in my town
oh, dream of love is He!
Very beautiful, Marcelito!
Very cute, Marcelito!
I bring you goat milk,
of the little donkey blue alfalfa,
also a pair of carob
for the little kid Jesus.
It's finishing!
It's over!
For, the dream that I've had
Jesus of Nazareth
had been born in Santiago
what a beautiful dream I dreamed!
Very beautiful, Marcelito!
And that comes the missing one!
There goes the missing one!
Let's get deep into it!
I hit two axes, Maria,
and with the river my bread
I bring you a silver moon
and a flower of foam and salt.
Very sweet, oh!
How nice, Marcelito!
I am melero*, Mrs,
I have a honey clown,
the bouquets of trill
that in a cup I found.
My name is Marcelito
I found him the child God
that only cradle, quebracho
and a sun papaya tree.
It's finishing!
It's over!
For, the dream that I've had
Jesus of Nazareth
had been born in Santiago*
what a beautiful dream I dreamed!
Very sweet!
For love
Sing even a chacarera, man!
The other person replies:
For love, for pain, how do you want (it)?
For love ckancka mishquiecka (sweet barbecue)!
The other person replies:
Then that the first one comes!
Little velvet eyes
little red carnation mouth,
if you are already committed
give me your answer.
If your arms were jail
and your chest dungeon,
if I were a prisoner,
what a joyful prisoner!
I had a dream last night,
last night I dreamy again,
I dreamt I was in your arms
without being able to wake up.
I've ordered that you bury me
sat when I die
so that the people tell you:
'He died but he awaits you'.
The eyes of my brunette
are so big and so beautiful
that they don't deserve to cry
but that they're cried over.
The other!
I put my hand inside my pocket
I take out a purple ribbon,
if for you I lose my life
I say I don't lose anything.
To the river I threw a handkerchief
with five bouquets of flowers
they have half a lily
which is the flower of my loves.
Come on! come on!
Seven leagues I have run,
lass, just to see you again,
wet me with your charms
that I'm dying of thirst.
It's over!
The eyes have their girls,
the girls have their eyes,
behind the eyes of the girl
the lines of my eyes go.
I suffer without you
Today I sense that there in heaven
my mom is watching me
as asking and pleading
that my guitar does not fall silent.
I entered the thickest hill
to look for you vidala,
I only compare you
with the most loved woman.
I suffer because you walk away
great is my pain.
I have decided to forget you:
I can not, my love.
Sad, very sad I stay
thinking about your love
Love of my life,
where may it be?
In vain I look for you so much,
you will not come back.
Sad, very sad I stay
thinking about your love
Days go by and go by.
What will be of me?
I only live in constant suffering:
I can not live.
Sad, very sad I stay
thinking about your love.
When you remember, my love,
sad it shall be for you,
my shadows you will miss
and then you shall cry for me.
They say that you have cried
for a love that knew used to love you.
I also lost a love that
I loved for real, but I don't know how to cry.
When I'm absent from here
A lot you shall feel.
My heart is saying
'My return when will it be?'
Do not cry girl
if I shall come back.
Be a Hero! opening (Portuguese Portugal)
Searching for the solution
Be the best in the mission
You're destined for power and glory
You have everything in your hand
A new story will be told
Be a hero! Be a hero!
The power that you have is here
With courage, yes, you'll be a hero
The future of the world is in your hands
Cardcaptor Sakura opening 1 (Portuguese Portugal)
I'm Sakura and now, the adventure will happen.
Because one day magic has awakened for me to overcome evil.
Come see, come see.
That dreams come true.
Just want, you'll see.
Just believe.
And if you want, I want to be your friend.
And you will see that it is not difficult.
With Tomoyo, Kero, Toya and Yukito.
And many more that you will know.
Come and draw and play with me.
And then, sing this song!
Hattori Hanzovo Monolog
A oni koji se smatraju kao ratnici, kad su uključeni u borbi, uništavanje neprijatelja mora da bude jedina briga ratnika. Potisni sve ljucke osećaje i sažaljenje. Ubi svakoga ko te spreči na putu, čak i ako je to Gospod Bog ili sam Buda. Ova istina leži u srcu umetnosti borbe.
I know I can get used to
With the sun on my skin, I feel stronger
I hope the day doesn't end
Yeah! Having fun in the sun (Very good in the sun)
Every day
It's just like it were vacation
Yeah! On this journey I'll go
Until the end
With the friends in the battle
Enjoying the island in the sun
Black and White
It's always hard to start again
Decide the trip, what are you going to do?
But there is no reason to fear,
Knowing that you have the power.
It’s neither White or Black,
With this you know how to choose.
And it’s not win or lose, you only have to know
Which way to follow,
The Woman I Ripped
Warm water in the bathtub
In my body
My clothes on the floor
The scene of a crime
What was going to happen
My secret
My wet hands
Holding the magazines
Where were the women
Who aren't real
But that belonged to me
More than any other one
The magazines in pieces
Of the womans i ripped
I'm going to say goodbye
The womans in pieces
Of the magazines i ripped
I'm going to say goodbye
Which i had not seen for so long
His long and shapened nails, alive
Naked in the photo
In the shoulders, a veil
His whole body was lovely
Beauty crippled
Mutilated girl, whom i loved so much
I dressed like a priest
Our sin
The church and the altar
Are the dreams of a young atheist
Little Girl
My favorite
Nothing more than a name
And one crime, the knive in San Diego
Where she went to join with the others
Who vanished with the water
Towards the sewer and after to the sea
The magazines in pieces...
Once by the time of December
As the wind brings
That song, I can remember again
Please come back to me
Once by the time of December
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.
Niko drugi
Čak i ako niko drugi ne dođe
ostajemo, samo ti i ja
pravimo parti, mi smo iz sveta
uvek smo bili dobri u razgovoru
Samo se nadam da niko drugi ne dolazi
da te imam samo za sebe
da ukradem tvoj san, hoću tvoje sve
ako dođe neko drugi, neću ni da primetim
Trebam te
da me učiniš srećnom
ne želim da više ostanem
Treba da se vidim samu
da se učinim većom
ali kad stigneš ti
osećam se bolje
Čak i ako niko drugi ne dođe
ostajemo, samo ti i ja
pravimo parti, mi smo iz sveta
uvek smo bili dobri u razgovoru
You stop doing what you have to do
And see your train pass
Nothing could be as bad
as what we did
and we never remember
what they did to us
and we never forgive
The hope of this place, if possible
That mom
who until you get off the street
isn't going to bed
Bring it here
Tell me the steps
you know, big step
for anyone if he gives it
no fear, no mercy
opportunity, the closest exit
barefoot and eager
with traps that disarm
we can count on it
the wind blows
the words fly
heads, history made, told
the best is what's left
between us and the sea
those who left
those who are no more
The smell of food
boom clap
new tricks
new conditions
spells, seasons
new occasions
to put your legs to the bottom
If you move, don't get soaked
If you stop, all will follow
Something real in the attempt
in the last stretch I'm there
gram by gram
drop by drop
Sometimes smart
Other times stupid
You stop doing what you have to do
And see your train pass
Nothing could be as bad
as what we did
and we never remember
what they did to us
and we never forgive
The neighbor looks but doesn't dare
draws the curtain
he wants to enter
into the fire
no masks
always broke
burning something
legs of a goat
tail of a rabbit
no mascara, no high heels
tell me at this point who imposes
I don't mind landing
If you want to be low, I do well with change
I'm well aware of the cycles
I understand why I'm at peace
Choose what you can
when you want it to rain
everything gets wet
it'll all be the same
as you like
everything makes sense
Cobra Camino
the paranoia doesn't end here
the stress, the syndrome, the pandemic
the rain will take it all away
one way or the other
doesn't matter
if you look from above it all
If you move, don't get soaked
If you stop, all will follow
Something real in the attempt
in the last stretch I'm there
gram by gram
drop by drop
Sometimes smart
Other times stupid
You stop doing what you have to do
And see your train pass
Nothing could be as bad
as what we did
and we never remember
what they did to us
and we never forgive
Little Creole Santiagueña
Little Creole Santiagueña
gorgeous brunette,
for you the changos sing
their Santiagueña vidalitas.
Little Creole Santiagueña:
black eyelashes,
flower of the chañarales,
in the Santiagueña mornings.
Others shall praise
the nice-looking of the city.
Little woman of the field,
in this afternoon I want to give you
this beautiful little zamba
like your eyes, Santiagueña.
When are you going to bring water
from the dam,
you sweeten with your singing
all the Santiagueña naps.
Little Creole Santiagueña
sweet brunette,
I feel when you kiss me
that sweetness that honey gives.
Chacarera Of The Handsome
An old man gave me a word of advice:
to deserve
go around the square
before nightfall.
Rounds and rounds went by
several days and even a month,
eight pairs of espadrilles
but not one woman.
They already tell me gold crins
velay, what impudence
they get scared of seeing me alone
if that is already stubbornness.
To those who say are called 'ugly'
do not let youselves be convinced
Christian´s ideas
different ways of seeing
That's why I live alone
alone and without a love,
the glasses are my friends
and the night club is my wife.
Lies that I'm so ugly
envy they shall have of me,
it is enough that one stands out
for them to want to sweep you.
Lies that I'm so ugly
that I can´t get a woman,
the causes I know them
these are times of scarcity
Excuse me
Versions: #2
Excuse me if you don´t understand what I sing,
maybe we speak different languages.
You always complain about these little corners of the world and I,
and I love and admire our people *(folks).
You always squander sunrises
talking about he skyies of other lands,
on the contrary I start my day *(journey)
happy that I am under these stars.
Excuse me if you don´t understand me,
Excuse me if I don´t understand you.
You speak through other people´s mouth
and I,
and I am the echo of my nation *(people)
Excuse me if I say in my way,
you sow rancour and I *(sow) hope,
you envy the others their flag
and I adore my light blue and white (flag, the Argentinian one).
I am like the ovenbird and I rebel,
my homeland is my and I defend it!
On the contrary you *(plural pronoun in this case) are like the thrushs
that want to brood in other´s nest.
Belle (Reprise) (Portuguese)
BELLE: Gaston, what a pleasant surprise...
GASTON: Right? I am a box of surprises. You know, Belle, any girl in the village would love to be in your shoes. Today is the day... Today is the day when your dreams come true.
B: And what do you know about my dreams, Gaston?
G: Plenty! For example: A rustic wooden house, my hunted animals burning in the fireplace, my wife massaging my feet while the children play with the dogs on the floor. We’ll be having six or seven.
B: Dogs?
G: No, Belle! Strong boys, like me!
B: Can you imagine...
G : And you know who’s the wife?
B: Let me see...
G: You, Belle!
B: Gaston I... I don’t... don’t know what to say!
G: Say that you’ll marry me!
B: I am so sorry, Gaston but... but... I don’t deserve you. (...) Is he gone? Just imagine! He asked me in marriage! To me! The wife of that annoying, brainless...!
Madame Gaston, I can’t believe it
Madame Gaston, you’re (must be) playing
It’s not (possible) for me, it’s guaranteed
I want more than this life, I know it
To feel the wind in that space with no equal
And a lot more than what’s in the air
And if someone also could,
try to feel me and understand (me)
I want to be better, go farther beyond
The Clown
With his fake nose,
his daubed eyes
and baggy trousers,
he makes people laugh a lot,
with his fooleries and crying.
That’s the clown.
He makes every kid laugh
with his small hat,
and for them he’s a star,
his life is a fairy tale
made of love wish
that makes his heart thrill.
With his big shoes
from time to time he throws himself
and when the people has fun,
this man is so happy
that on his smooth face
a teardrop slides.
For this worthy man
each laughter is a flower,
which he always tries to pick
on the lips stretched
by bursts of laughter
of all amazed people.
What a difficult work,
going around the world
to chase away sadness.
But what a sweet duty
to be always welcomed
and children’s friend.
If he exists among the coluds,
may the great master
have compassion,
listening to my song,
when that man will be tired,
may he not leave him aside.
Maid's Life
One, two, three.
Every day I wake up early.
I live away from my work.
When I get back from it, I usually want my sofa.
There are always loads of orders for me:
I mop and wax the floor,
But people find fault with my cleaning no matter what.
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I'm just imagining my little boss
Doing the laundry for me.
My workmate decided to put in
Hair extensions.
She spent her extra cash on them instead of paying her installments.
Both of my boss' daughters,
The spoiled one and the smart one,
Only care about exploiting me, they aren't worth anything.
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I'm just imagining her, the singer,
Clearing the dinner service for me.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
Every day I wake up early.
I live away from my work.
When I get back from it, I usually want my sofa.
There are always loads of orders for me:
I mop and wax the floor,
But people find fault with my cleaning no matter what.
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
[Chorus: Gue Pequeno]
Bro I go around with italians, also africans and latinos
Arabs and also albanians, I'll buy a Lamborghini
I know good guys, and also some bents
Girls of all colors, I'll buy a Lamborghini
Armani jumpsuit, they load the Glock mini
120 miles per hour in Moscova, I'll buy a Lamborghini
I'll buy a Lamborghini, I'll buy a Lamborghini
I'll buy a Lamborghini, I'll buy a Lamborghini
[Verse 1: Gue Pequeno]
It's my wedding's day, today I get married with money
Money it's God to me, but to many it's the devil
I get phone calls from jail, like it's normal
I knock you out like Emel'janenko, your girl sucks not bad
At the Terminal 1 wait for me with a bag, the flight was endless
What detector, bro, at your concert I go with a shotgun under the raincoat
5 or 6K at Gucci: I was stoned with Blue Cheese
I'm sorry, bro, you're just a rapper
I'm OG, Bertolucci
[Chorus: Gue Pequeno]
Bro I go around with italians, also africans and latinos
Arabs and also albanians, I'll buy a Lamborghini
I know good guys, and also some bents
Girls of all colors, I'll buy a Lamborghini
Armani jumpsuit, they load the Glock mini
120 miles per hour in Moscova, I'll buy a Lamborghini
I'll buy a Lamborghini, I'll buy a Lamborghini
I'll buy a Lamborghini, I'll buy a Lamborghini
[Verse 2: Gue Pequeno]
Gue Pequeno get the money, aliens abducted me
I'm too far ahead for this, and keep these wallets full
I only sing in the mic, I eat voronoff beef
We don't know what to do with rap, bro I write letters to the jail
I'm friend with gruff dressed with burberry blouses and bitches down at Bulgari hotel
Bro 7 platinums with Santeria, my gang barbarians, infantry
Her pussy was so tight, like where you insert coins
My swag comes from another planet, gun and silky sheets
[Verse 3: Sfera Ebbasta]
At school i used to get D's, now I want a six 0s bill
You ain't shit today, uh, you weren't shit yesterday
Aventador in the street, I lose the cops, uh
Fuck the police, I don't wanna have problems
Lamborghini, Lamborghini, they go in with money, they go out with kilos
Tempura and Nigiri, I soak in the soy sauce these rappers
I eat them with chopsticks
From Ciny to Europe, your girl on the top
Your squad under that cries and begs
The G with the S more Tony than Sosa
BillionHeadzMoney rewrite history, uh, uh
[Chorus: Gue Pequeno]
Bro I go around with italians, also africans and latinos
Arabs and also albanians, I'll buy a Lamborghini
I know good guys, and also some bents
Girls of all colors, I'll buy a Lamborghini
Armani jumpsuit, they load the Glock mini
120 miles per hour in Moscova, I'll buy a Lamborghini
I'll buy a Lamborghini, I'll buy a Lamborghini
I'll buy a Lamborghini, I'll buy a Lamborghini
Прати ме
Понекад се замишљам са тобом,
путујући светом, изгубљени.
Није битно било шта, али мислим на тебе.
Понекад заборавим на прошлост.
Увек се сећам да сам био уз тебе.
Изгледа да сам те увек познавао.
У овом тренутку
ово је оно што живимо.
То је као да не пролази време, не.
Не постоји време
и сати пролазе тако успорено.
Не знам шта ми радиш,
али свиђа се мом телу.
Препушта се моје тело
и воли да понавља.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Хајде са мном, прати ме,
јер ја ћу те такође пратити.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Ја само са тобом.
Ти само са мном.
Понекад се замишљам са тобом,
путујући светом, изгубљени.
Није битно било шта, али мислим на тебе.
И у овом тренутку
ово је оно што живимо,
то је као да не пролази време, не.
Не постоји време
и сати пролазе тако успорено.
Не знам шта ми радиш,
али свиђа се мом телу.
Препушта се моје тело
и воли да понавља.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Хајде са мном, прати ме,
јер ја ћу те такође пратити.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Ја само са тобом.
Ти само са мном.
Да ли ћемо се изгубити једне ноћи у Паризу,
у центру света близу Гвајакила?
Да ли ћемо ићи на плажу у Тулуму или у Пунта Кану?
Погледај да има превише жеље
и ако останемо у Барилочу?
Пусти кључеве, нека одвезу ауто,
нека иду да нас траже по Андалузији.
Шта је битна судбина, са тобом бих ишао.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Хајде са мном, прати ме,
јер ја ћу те такође пратити.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
Ја само са тобом.
Ти само са мном.
Химна УЕФА Лиге шампиона
Они су најбољи тимови
Они су најбољи тимови
Главна церемонија
Велики тимови
Један велики окупљање
Један велики спортски такмичење
Главна церемонија
Они су најбољи
Они су најбољи
Они су шампиони
Велики тимови
Велики тимови
Che Guevara
Tell me why
A friendly man, a true Jerusalemite
There are no quiet days for you, tell me why
Why is that, all the years on thorns and stones
Against all odds, tell me why
Why you have to give yourself, everything that you don't (even) have
Not thinking about yourself, tell me why
I would never understand that, but I'm singing about you
Hey, Che Guevara, hey, I'm with you
Hey, hey, I'm singing your song
Hey, Che Guevara, hey, I'm with you
Hey, hey, I'm singing your song
Tell me why
Why would you fight at all, who makes mistakes will also pay
Win some, lose some, tell me why
Like back then, why are you still standing now on your own
Without fear of the battle fire, tell me why
Why you have to give yourself, everything that you don't (even) have
Not thinking about yourself, tell me why
I would never understand that, but I'm singing about you
Hey, Che Guevara, hey, I'm with you
Hey, hey, I'm singing your song
Hey, my darling, hey, I'm with you
Hey, hey, I'm singing your song
Barrel organs
The barrel organs that used
to sing in the streets
sang their love
then vanished.
Lonesome between its two walls
a gloomy side alley
goes sliding in the dark
to meet its boulevard.
A tender song
that's been around for a while
resurrects for a moment
all those who loved each other.
One, two, three spins.
The barrel organs
know the magic of the old
streets of Paris very well.
The barrel organs
are no church organs,
yet their rusty tunes
can sing so well.
As the handle spins,
bits of songs in the shadow
of the alleys,
the nice scores play.
As they shout themselves hoarse
in the middle of boulevards,
some boys and girls
dance on the sidewalk.
One, two, three spins.
The barrel organs
are a symphony
for the streets of Paris.
For spinning so long
in the streets of Paris
the barrel organs
lost their music.
Years went by,
tunes got old
but the organs from the past
often haunt the night.
Sometimes, two lovers,
when they're strongly in love,
can hear them still,
playing just for them.
One, two, three spins.
Barrel organs,
I can still hear you
in the streets of Paris.
One, two, three spins.
One, two, three spins...
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
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Versions: #2
Hear the words of the Lord, hear the words of the Lord
The people weren't released, against their own will
So I will send to Egypt
I will send pestilence and death
Into your house, into your bed
Into every rivere, in every road
Down into your wine, so be prepared
And upon your cattle, all the sheep
And all the oxen that walk here
In every dream, in every night
Until you give up, until you understand
This will be quick
At the gates of Hell
Hear the words of the Lord
You who was my brother
Once your company and your laughter
Was everything I could wish for
I send lighting down from the sky
I send balls of gas and fire
I still wish that the Lord would've chosen someone else
To be forced to bring you harm
It's the last thing I could wish for
A storm of dangers that will destroy every town and every field
Here was my home
All the desolation and pain gives my heart deep wounds
All the people who suffer because you don't understand
I'll send swarms of locusts
Such as the world has never seen
On every lead, on every stalk
Until there's no greenery left
I oblige you, I'm done
Hear the words of the Lord
You who was my brother
Say, how can you just stand there and watch?
I'll obligate the people for what they've done
Let my people go
Hear the words of the Lord
Moses and choir:
Hear the words of the Lord
You who was my brother
Hating me, how can I understand that?
Is this what you want?
A flood of blood, it's said and done
So shall my heart harden
No matter how much you hiss and make a ruccus
It will not happen
You will never see your people go
Moses and choir:
Hear the words of the Lord!
No, you will never see your people go!
Let my people go
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Touching the Bottom
Touching the bottom, I was born one good day
Touching the bottom, I still go
Less beautiful than they could be
Less odious than in another way
I declare myself imperfect
Kicking the umbrella
I prefer to be open
To walking around, announcing
That I am the wonder
I publish myself, complete
I hate myself, likely
If one does not undress
Everything undressable
Changes into a challenge
Touching the bottom, like going singing,
Is something deep, that does not go waiting
Not touching our truths hard
Lifting walls, capitals rot
Maybe it is inopportune
Or perhaps delirious
I have so many methods
That people try
Just to describe me
Assuming the laws
Is not ruling oneself
I publish myself, complete
I await myself, improvable
From my parliament
Of a guitar sounding
Touching the bottom, I was born one good day
Touching the bottom, I still go
Chicken Blood / Orchids
(Chicken Blood)
Drink my chicken blood
I sacrificed myself for your love
Just got here from the supermarket of passion
Smoke my pipe
Drink my champagne
Suck me and spit my bagasse
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
They had their fleshy petals
Watered by rainwater
Then came the barbarians
And they destroyed their beauty
One black, one wild
Waiting for the moment
While the water of pleasure
Was the basis of power
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
Girls violated in an endless war
Without mercy they were shattered
On the path of happiness
Mercenaries and wicked witches
Conspired in the darkness
And the bromeliad cried as they broke her heart
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
Flying with the space wasps
Sucking a hot dog
Look at me and do what I do
Throwing the stick at the cat*
Let's turn around*
Take off, put on, don't let him stay*
Grab your bazooka and shoot the cat's stick
But if I fail you won't give up
My raped veins will not be wronged
A pig, a goat
A sacrifice, an endless life
And a twig between the legs is easy to break
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
They have to stop bleeding
Before dawn
I'll pick some orchids
And take them with me
No one can deflower us
Let alone you
Let alone you
Let alone you
Only Love
You must love the clay that goes in your hands
You must love its sand to the point of madness
And if not, do not start what will be in vain
Only love lights what lasts
Only love makes a miracle of mud
Only love lights what lasts
Only love makes a miracle of mud
You must love the time of trying
You must love the time when nothing shines
And if not, do not expect to touch what is frozen
Only love engenders wonder
Only love can ignite what is dead
Only love engenders wonder
Only love can ignite what is dead
You must love the clay that goes in your hands
You must love its sand to the point of madness
And if not, do not start what will be in vain
Only love lights what lasts
Only love makes a miracle of mud
Only love lights what lasts
Only love makes a miracle of mud
You must love the time of trying
You must love the time when nothing shines
And if not, do not expect to touch what is frozen
Only love engenders wonder
Only love can ignite what is dead
Only love engenders wonder
Only love can ignite what is dead
Knife in the skull!
Infantry! Infantry!
I've been called up for warring,
But, at the most important moment, who would've thought
My rifle'd have ended up jamming?!
With determination, the order was to kill.
I hung the enemy's skin up on the flagpole.
This is why I'm called Knife in the Skull.
It's Knife, it's Knife, it's Knife in the Skull.
Patrol, patrol, patrol all night long
In the jungles, at wars, in the Mendanha and Madureira neighborhoods
Hear, hear the Skull's laughter!:
Yahaha, yahahahaha, yahaha, yahahahaha.
Follow my steps
No, na-na
[Verse 1]
I want to see you girl in the place that
For me it would be a pleasure, baby, to have your body
Go give me the codes to take over your skin
Come sail with me in my paper boat
Follow my steps
If you do not reach me, I'll wait for you, I'll wait for you, I'll wait for you
We're looking forward to do it without despair
Daddy, it's what I want with you
[Chorus 1: Ozuna & Natti Natasha]
No, I do not want anybody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
No luxuries and details, I want to do it to you, do
No, I do not want anybody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
No luxuries and details, I want to do it to you, do
[Chorus 2: Ozuna & J Balvin]
Tonight is so that you don't forget it
Tonight is so that you don't forget it
If suddenly one day you decide
I'm going to give it to you if you ask me
Tonight is so that you don't forget it
Tonight is so that you don't forget it
If suddenly one day you decide
I'm going to give it to you if you ask me
[Verse 2: J Balvin]
No, no, let's not talk about love
The game is pure attraction
And ours is just a moment
Between the conversation I throw you an invitation
To escape, leave the stories
[Refrain 1: J Balvin]
I know it wasn't a coincidence, not at all
You look for me more than usual, babe
Sure today is not going to happen
Let me know now if you leave or you stay
I know it wasn't a coincidence, not at all
You look for me more than usual, babe
Sure today is not going to happen
Let me know now if you leave or you stay
[Chorus 1: Ozuna & Natti Natasha]
No, I do not want anybody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
No luxuries and details, I want to do it to you, do
No, I do not want anybody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
No luxuries and details, I want to do it to you, do
[Chorus 2: Ozuna]
Tonight is so that you don't forget
Tonight is so that you don't forget
If suddenly one day you decide
I'm going to give it to you if you ask me
[Verse 3: Ozuna]
I already know mommy that you're asking around
If I have someone or [if] that's a comment nothing more
That if I have mine, that's too many
You listen to how the songs sound your friends have told you already
[Refrain 2: Ozuna]
That I have what you're looking for, I'm just waiting for you to look at me
Time makes the heart do what you want
I see you and I want you to escape with me, baby
That I have what you're looking for, I'm just waiting for you to look at me
Time makes the heart do what you want
I see you and I want you to escape with me, baby
[Chorus: 1 Ozuna, J Balvin & Natti Natasha]
No, I do not want anybody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
No luxuries and details, I want to do it to you, do
Tonight is so that you don't forget
Tonight is so that you don't forget
If suddenly one day you decide
I'm going to give it to you if you ask me
Tonight is so that you don't forget
Tonight is so that you don't forget
If suddenly one day you decide
I'm going to give it to you if you ask me
Natti na, Natti na
High music, high flow
Tell me, I saw
No, I do not want anybody
I do not want anybody