Резултати претраге страна 20
Број резултата: 790
Neko poput tebe
Ti si, plamen na mojoj koži
Drvo koje ubrzano gori, ljubavi
Imaš najverniji poljubac na svetu
Ukrala si mi srce
Koje umire od ljubavi
Za nekim poput tebe
Ko će me voleti
Neko poput tebe
U mojoj lomači
Neko poput tebe
Koga sam oduvek čekao
Za nekim poput tebe
Neko poput tebe
Bez prepreka
Neko poput tebe
Koja nikada neće reći zbogom
Ništa nisam imao do juče
Samo senke na zidu
Ništa nisam imao između neba i peska
Osećam da se sve promenilo
U moj život je ušla ljubav
Verujem da je vetar počeo da duva napokon
Na kraju si ovde
I lud sam za tobom
Osvanuo sam u tvom naručju
Osvanuo sam ponovo
U tvom naručju
I probudio se plačući
Od sreće
Sakrio sam lice
Sa tvojim rukama
Kako bih nastavio da te volim
Čitavog dana
Probudila si se
Skoro pospana
Ne znam šta mi želiš reći
Ali zatvori svoja usta
Sa mojim poljupcima
I tako će proći
Mnogi sati
Kada noć padne
Pojavio se mesec
Ušao je kroz prozor
Kako divne stvari
Kada svetlost neba
Obasjava tvoje lice
Vratih se ponovo
U tvoje naručje
Želela si mi reći
Ne znam šta
Ali zatvori svoja usta
Sa mojim poljupcima
I tako će proći mnogi
Ali mnogi sati
I videti na tvom licu smešak
To je zadovoljstvo
Privilegija za mene
Tražeći svetlost
U sjaju tvog pogleda
Je buđenje, sa ljubavlju
Gledati u sunce
koje se ugnezdilo u tvojoj kosi
I zora
Se sakrila u tvom osmehu
Videti da moj refren
Ima ritam i boju
Je zadovoljstvo
Sa važnošću znanja
Da sam za tebe
Da pripadam samo tebi
I da nikada više
Moji snovi neće biti hladni
Još puno toga
Treba se desiti
I videti te pored sebe
Toliko vremena
Sam ovo priželjkivao
Pravo je zadovoljstvo
I privilegija za mene
Pravo je zadovoljstvo
I privilegija za mene
Poppy, pretty little poppy
For I see you
Always so alone
I want to see you
My friend beloved
Beloved as the flower loves day[light]
Poppy, pretty little poppy
Please be not so unthankful
Poppy, poppy
How can you be so alone?
Poppy, pretty little poppy
Please be not so unthankful
Poppy, poppy
How can you be so alone?
Da li si ikada bio zaljubljen
Sa prezirom odbacuješ moje prirodne emocije
Činiš da se osećam prljavo
I povređena sam
A ako se pobunim
Rizikujem da te izgubim
I to je još gore
Da li si ikada bio zaljubljen u nekoga
Da li si ikada bio zaljubljen
Zaljubljen u nekoga
Da li si ikada bio zaljubljen
Zaljubljen u nekoga
U koga nije trebalo da se zaljubiš
Ne vidim mnogo budućnosti
Ukoliko ne saznamo šta je za okriviti
Kakva šteta (oh kakva šteta)
I ne možemo biti zajedno
Dok ne shvatimo da smo isti
Da li si ikada bio zaljubljen u nekoga
Da li si ikada bio zaljubljen
Zaljubljen u nekoga
Da li si ikada bio zaljubljen
Zaljubljen u nekoga
U koga nije trebalo da se zaljubiš
Ti uznemiravaš moje prirodne emocije
Činiš da se osećam prljavo
I povređena sam
I ako se pobunim
Samo ću te izgubiti
A to je gore
Da li si ikada bio zaljubljen u nekoga
Da li si ikada bio zaljubljen
Zaljubljen u nekoga
Da li si ikada bio zaljubljen
Zaljubljen u nekoga
U koga nije trebalo da se zaljubiš
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma.
Srećna da imam
Ne da nemam
Veliki biznis je,
Veoma mudar.
Prelazim u
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma. (4x)
Umem se prilagoditi,
I volim svoju novu ulogu
Postajem sve bolja i bolja
I imam novi cilj
Menjam svoje načine
Kada je novac u pitanju
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma.
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma (4x)
Prelazim na drugu stranu
Srećna da imam
Ne da nemam
Veliki biznis je
veoma mudar
Ja sam u
slobodnom preduzetništvu
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma (4x)
Bez televizije,
Iza zavese
Iz ormara
Uzimaš prvi voz
U veliki svet
Jesi li spremna/an da zgrabiš sveću?
Taj ograničen vid (tunnel vision-tunelski vid)
Ovo nije ljubavna pesma (4x)
Od dana kada si me zavolela
Pomiluj mi san
Slatkim mrmljajem
Tvog uzdaha
Poput radosti života
Ako me tvoje crne oči
Žele gledati
I ukoliko je moje utočište
Tvoj slatki osmeh
Koji je poput pesme
Ona mi ublažava bol
Sve se zaboravlja
Od dana kada si me zavolela
Ruža koja krasi
Se odenula za proslavu
Sa svojom najlepšom bojom
Vetar će zvonima
Poručiti da si moja
A poludele fontane
Će izjaviti ljubav
Od večeri kada si me zavolela
Sa plavog neba
Ljubomorne zvezde
Gledaće nas kako šetamo
Misteriozni sjaj
Napraviće gnezdo na tvojoj kosi
Neobičan svitac
Videće da si
Moja uteha
Krivac ili nedužan
Upravo sada kada si otišla
Rekli su mi da si me varala
Zašto tako brzo imaš puno neprijatelja?
Zašto ti se moram izvinjavati?
Ukoliko lažu, molim te brani se
Znam da nećeš to uraditi, dakle istina je
Šteta jer ćeš me uvek boleti
Krivac ili nedužan, šta tu mogu učiniti?
Laži me kao i uvek, molim te laži me
Potrebno mi je da ti verujem, ubedi me
Slaži me uz poljubac neka zaliči na ljubav
Potrebno mi je da te volim, krivac ili nedužan
Nemam prava da ti zamerim bilo šta
Ništa više nema od tebe, mene, od juče
Šteta, naša priča je mogla biti neverovatna
Reci mi sad ljubavi ko će te braniti?
Vrisak rata
Reci skrivene, prinudne tisine,
lazi koje su rekli da bi ukrali nekoliko komada,
koliko zemlje su digli da bi nam pokazali njihovu velicinu,
ono sto su stvarno postigli je da nam daju tugu.
I toliko bola kojeg daju, vise nas nece videti da patimo,
koliko vredi ono sto jesi, koliko vredi ono sto dajes,
vec su nam oduzeli sve, ali nece moci da nam oduzmu
nadu da jednog dana sve mora da se promeni.
Vristim iz srca
Sta umisljaju da su te kukavice?
Nek se usude da posalju,
ako ne znaju koliko vredi
ustajanje ujutro
da bi isao na posao
poljubac oprostaja,
sveca koja treba da se ugasi.
Traziti par zelja
koje ces mozda videti da se ostvaruju
da li ce znati da budu srecni,
ako ne znaju da se smeju,
vec su nam oduzeli sve,
ali nece moci da nam oduzmu
nadu da jednog dana
sve mora da se promeni.
Nek se usude da nas gledaju u oci,
nek se usude da nas zakljucaju sa katancima,
vec smo toliko cekali
i necemo ocajavati,
jer sve sto se podze jednog dana mora se spustiti.
Nek se usude da misle da su vecni,
nisu primetili da su bolesni,
da cemo ovde biti svi
spremni da podrzimo
pad njihove istorije
i put do njihovog kraja, da,
put do njihovog kraja, da, eh.
Nek se usude da misle da su vecni,
nisu primetili da su bolesni,
i da cemo ovde biti svi
spremni da podrzimo
pad njihove istorije.
Samo ce ostati secanje
o sazaljenja koje daju
i put do njihovog kraja.
Put do njihovog kraja.
Put do njihovog kraja.
In memory of valiant warriors
Versions: #3
Moving into the undergrowth of this majestic forest,
I sat under the old oak tree, there where my ancestors have been slumbering for centuries.
In ancient times, war cries echoed in the plains.
When the decisive charge will be launched, screaming warriors will pound the earth.
Forward, my proud warriors.
Wave high the standard of impiety!
As we watch terror fill their eyes,
their blood will be shed for our honour's sake.
Unleashing my hate against Christianty,
I despise these beings as I put their bodies to the sword.
Enjoying their screams, repenting in/from their suffering.
This is the sound of a melancholic hymn to death.
For nature's beauty's sake, I'll manage to avenge these once sacred places.
My kind has perished from my enemies' hands,
but now we are praising our victory.
The soul of my brothers has escaped now,
but their past will remain in my memories forever.
I shall never forget their acts of bravery.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Elena decided
to sell her body on a cold night
(ay, sí, sí, oh..)
she didn´t think it through
and just like that she was made a woman, who would have said?
She made love
Time is lost every day
later she got tired
Elena decided to sell her life, oh
Elena ran away
through caracas to New York
in a van that came out of a boat, uh
Elena made it
now she lives in the Bronx
with a jew in a factory, oh!
Elena, Elena
Write if it is going well for you, Elena...
She looked for it
in the middle of the street, in offices
She wandered
Manhattan with her clay foot
She forgot her mind
She left her eyes on any cabinet
there in the 102
Elena found what she was looking for
She never imagined
That here in New York
they would pay you to deliver an envelope, uh
she also didn't imagine
why there ws so much fear
she never heard about cocaine, oh!
Elena, Elena
Write if it is going well for you, Elena (uh, uh, Elena...)
Uh, Elena!
And like that Elena started
A game she would never get out of
She didn't think it through
For she was going to buy her new TV, uh
She put on a cloth
and left her modesty on a chair
but she never imagined
that she wouldn't come back home
And on a warm day
In New York
Elena was murdered on a subway, oh
the sky got cloudy
and no one picked up
the envelope she was carrying on her chest, oh!
Elena, Elena
Write if it is going well for you, Elena (uh, uh, Elena...)
Oh, oh...
This heart that used to hate war
This heart that used to hate war
is now beating for fighting and battle!
This heart that used to beat to the rhythm of tides and seasons,
to the hours of day and night,
is now pumping furiously into the veins
a blood that burns with salpetre and hatred.
And it causes such a din in the brains that it makes the ears whistle
and this noise can't possibly fail to spread across the city and the country,
like the tone of a bell calling to insurrection and fighting.
Listen, I hear it coming back to me, sent back by echoes.
No, these are no echoes, but the sound of hearts,
millions of other hearts beating like mine across France.
They beat to the same rhythm, for the same task, all these hearts,
their sound is that of the sea assaulting the cliffs.
And all this blood carries into the brains a single motto:
Revolt against Hitler and death to his supporters!
And yet this heart used to hate war and beat to the rhythm of the seasons,
but a single word: freedom was enough to wake the old angers,
and millions of French people are getting ready in the shadows
for the task that a dawn soon to come will force upon them.
For these hearts that used to hate war were beating for freedom,
to the very rhythm of seasons and tides,
of day and night.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Ojamajo Doremi Opening 4 (European Portuguese)
We'll sing all together
Bampara, bampara, bampara, bampara
To cheer you up
Nothing will go back to normal
Mumuru, mumuru, mumuru, mumuru
It's very original
Let's meet people
And learn many new things
Just a sprinkling
A lot of laugh
And move your body
Witches with magic
Are the coolest ones that you'll find around here
Witches and happiness
It's so easy to say 'pirica pirilala'
Just give me one chance, chance, chance, chance
Just one more chance, chance, chance, chance
Witches with magic
Are the coolest ones that you'll find around here
Witches with happiness
It's easier if you ask me to dance
So let's dance, dance, dance, dance
Just one more dance, dance, dance, dance
Witches and Doremi
Let's go!
Ojamajo Doremi Ending 4 (Portuguese)
I'll never forget the day
That I saw an angel flying
He landed and looked at me with happiness
Gave me his hand and began to sing
And he sang
We'll be together
Never wake up
The song never stopped
I'll never forget
How it is to see
That light in the sky
That you once made appear
I'll always keep what you gave me
And the little kiss that was mine
I learned to fly, to laugh and to play
To tell the story that you read for me
Ah, what I like the most
Is to have you here
So close and always with me
If I Should Lose You
If I should lose you,
because when you least expect it
life turns its back to you,
plays tricks on you, even if you were born under a lucky star,
the pain would kill me if I should lose you
after loving you my entire life.
If I should lose you
you would take the colors of my life with you,
you would left me
with no clarity, no shining, no poetry,
the pain would kill me if I should lose you
after loving you my entire life.
My loneliness would be absolute,
my nakedness would be absolute,
the nakedness of the trees wounded in autumn.
Broken glasses in my soul,
and just hoarfrost in my nights
and silence as the only answer if I call your name,
and in front of my eyes I wouldn't see your eyes,
just emptiness and loneliness if I should lose you,
if I should lose you.
The pain would kill me if I should lose you
after loving you my entire life.
My loneliness would be absolute,
my nakedness would be absolute,
the nakedness of the trees wounded in autumn.
Broken glasses in my soul,
and just hoarfrost in my nights
and silence as the only answer if I call your name,
and in front of my eyes I wouldn't see your eyes,
just emptiness and loneliness if I should lose you.
If I should lose you because you decide it that way
I wouldn't be the only one losing my life,
you would be haunted forever by a thousand memories
and by the dreams we gathered with love our entire life.
So many promises would break,
so much love would go to waste
if I should lose you,
if I should lose you.
The vegetable soup
To France like an arrow
our truck swallowing miles
devouring the road
marches roaring like a lion
how good smell our orange
our pepper and our lemon!
How stink garlic and onion!
Nobody can stand this truck!
As they don't let fish tuna
we send vegetables to the Common Market
speed up that at la Junquera
is the border and we must pass
'Good morning' 'How are you?
Welcome to the Le Perthus border'
'I'm the first gendarme
I'm the second, I'm the third
Let's see the documentation.
Your green card is uncoloured
your passport is expired
África comance, África comance,
Africa comance a les Pirinées
Your green card is uncoloured
your passport is expired
But la gendarmerie is in good mood
'Allez, allez, allez, you can pass'
We're in france, we went through the worst
look at those farmers hitch hiking
Oh Ramon, they look at us loathly!
Oh, Julian! They will hit us here!
'Where are you going with that truck
where are you going you big cook
you won't pass from le pont d'Avignon'
The courgette goes to Berlin
the peach goes to London
the scarole goes to Liverpool
and the aubergine to Istambul
and then we have the plan
to reach to Amsterdam
because the iberic cucumber there
has more outcome than here
'Arrêtez' 'C'est fini! Stop!
we'll burn all these vegetables right now
we'll make a falla like in Valencia'
Don't touch my pear nor the courgette
look that if I get angry I'll raise Cain
We're gonna burn the truck
Baked apples will be good
look that if I weild the muskeet
I'm worse than Agustina de Aragón
The vegetable war blasts
and the ammo is vitaminic
the carrot is a projectile,
the aubergine is a missil
They yell: 'Santiago y cierra España!'
'Vive la France! Allez, allons enfants de la Patrie!'
What a soup! What a compote!
What a salad that is done there!
Entrez, entrez à la comunité
You'll see, you'll see how good you'll be!
Entrez, entrez à la comunité
You'll see, you'll see how good you'll be!
...how good you'll be!

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
You are the one to Blame
Versions: #3
you are the one to blame for
this anguish and this torture, this pain and all this misery
you've filled my life with nothing
except these sweet anxieties and all these bitter memories
your love is like an outburst
i carry in my being and also in my heart
i have no choice about this
i'm just a slave in your eyes, a plaything for your love
don't play with my anxiety, don't play with my emotions
they are the only ones i've got
your are my one and only, my final hope for living
you must believe it once
you know it makes me desperate
it kills me, it drives me crazy
you know i'd give my whole life to overcome my fear
of kissing you
The war wolf
I saw him passing just now
He's carring a bunch of flowers
His hairs were a little more whites
than during the Algeria War
I read in the blue of his eyes
the message of unhappy people
and his kaki raincoat
sweat some smells of war
I approach near him
I recognize me and smile to me
I told hil : 'What's up to you
he answers me : 'Don't know
I live near the doors of Hell !
Living my life of war wolf !
My best friend is a Katioucka
Close to my bed, a chinese rifle gun
I have 2 MK-2 grenades under my pillow
Fixed on my calf a throwing knife
The images are scrolling
And I see childrens
runnig in a city
splashed with blood !
I live near the doors of Hell !
Living my life of war wolf !
For understanding what he said
You should know some of his life
To know that 20 years ago
He was a paratrooper officer
He has always refuse to disown
the troth he has sweared
After the jail, the misery
I became a war wolf
He went to fight in Biafra's boundaries
Fight in Yemen and Cabinda
And it was Angola ans South Soudan
Benin, The Comores and always Lebanon
And come again the cities
come again the childrens
Running under a rain
made of bombs and blood !
I live near the doors of Hell !
Living my life of war wolf !
I live near the doors of Hell !
Living my life of war wolf, war ! war !
That Someone
My baby makes dream
All dressed up or with high heels on in bed
On the table
Lay with me down here on the floor
I see in your eyes your desire
I create a connection
So let me be your distraction
I feel in your kiss
That peace
I squeeze tight your hand
I see myself immersed in this situation
Of having to try to undertand
Such nuisance
But it doesn't matter, no
What I intended
My baby, get lost in you eyes
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
I know, you are that someone
Who's so hard to find
My heart beats too
But it doesn't know how to love
You came and did me so good
That I couldn't even disguise myself
As a hero or a villain that make me feel better
Something to make me feel better
I know, you are that someone
Who's so hard to find
My heart beats too
But it doesn't know anything
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
I know, you are that someone
Who's so hard to find
My heart beats too
But it doesn't know how to love
You came and did me so good
That I couldn't even disguise myself
As a hero or a villain that make me feel better
Something to make me feel better
The four moons
On your warm skin
Draw my sign
Mystery of your abysses, woman
Of all love being able to win
In the whirling of living
Your light eyes are my lighthouse
The four strings
Of the instrument cry
Exact as the sun
Clears the sky
At every morning
And a chord gives birth
To endless will
Your light eyes are my lighthouse
A long long road
Taking me away
In all four directions
Of a compass rose
Too late
Now I'm so stuck in you
My body wants to take you
Your light eyes are my lighthouse
The pale cloud
On my wishes' sky
Hides all peace
And puts four illusions in my way
Loving, living, singing and being
What I can't deny
Your light eyes are my lighthouse
Bachata Rosa
Versions: #5
This rose is for you
I found it along the way
I' m unsure if it's naked
or it has just one dress
if she gets enough water in the summer
or if she’s just drunk reminiscing about the past
if she was once loved by anyone
or if she has a hidden love somewhere
oh oh oh oh my love
you are that rose that brings warmth into my life
you are the answer to my loneliness
blue lethargy, an eclipse of the sea
oh oh oh oh my love
I'm the satellite and you are my sun
a universe of pure, life-giving water
a space of light that can only be filled by your love
I will give you my hands
my droopy eyelids
the deepest and most profound kiss
that can be drowned in just one moan
I'll give you Autumn
a day between April and June
a ray of hope
my heart vulnerable and naked
oh oh oh oh my love
you are that rose that brings warmth into my life
you are the answer to my loneliness
blue lethargy, an eclipse of the sea
oh oh oh oh my love
I'm the satellite and you are my sun
a universe of pure, life-giving water
a space of light that can only be filled by your love
oh oh oh oh my love
you are that rose that brings warmth into my life
you are the answer to my loneliness
blue lethargy, an eclipse of the sea
oh oh oh oh my love
I'm the satellite and you are my sun
a universe of pure, life-giving water
a space of light that can only be filled by your love
Reci zbogom
Poslednji put gasim svetlo
Nežno zatvaram vrata
I bacam ključ u dubine mora
Znam da će mi nedostajati tvoje reči
Vlažni otrov sa tvojih usana
Prihvatiću da ništa nije večno
I da smo čitavo vreme samo
Govorili zbogom
Reci zbogom
Neka sve postane crno
Kao vučja jazbina
Kao noć bez Meseca
Reci zbogom
Neka sve postane crno
Kao bunar bez dna
Kao noć bez Meseca
Reci zbogom
Poslaću svoje poljupce u prazninu
Odigraću svoj poslednji ples bez tebe
Ono što su nekada bili slatki krici iluzije
Sada su samo prošlost, delovi iscepanog papira
Prihvatiću da ništa nije večno
I da smo čitavo vreme samo
Govorili zbogom
Reci zbogom
Neka sve postane crno
Kao vučja jazbina
Kao noć bez Meseca
Reci zbogom
Neka sve postane crno
Kao bunar bez dna
Kao noć bez meseca
Reci zbogom
Ali, boli što te više ne vidim
Što dišem, što živim sa tobom u mislima
Sa tvojim smehom, tvojim letom i mojom nesrećom
Prihvatiću svoj život u ovoj lošoj smrti
Reci zbogom
Neka sve postane crno
Kao vučja jazbina
Kao noć bez Meseca
Reci zbogom
Neka sve postane crno
Kao bunar bez dna
Kao noć bez Meseca
Kao vučja jazbina
Kao noć bez Meseca
Reci zbogom
La Madrague
Versions: #2
On the deserted beach
shells and crustaceans,
who would have thought it, bemoan the loss
of summer since gone.
Hollidays have been stoved
in cardboard suitcases
and you feel sad thinking about the season
of sunshine and songs.
Still I know for sure that next year
everything will bloom again and we will come back.
But until then I am saddened
to leave the sea and my house.
The North wind will get used to
running without sailboats,
And it's in my ruffled hair
that I will miss it the most.
The sun, my great buddy
will burn me only from afar,
thinking we are somewhat at odds
being so far apart.
The train will carry me toward autumn
to find back the rainy city.
I'll share my grief with noone,
I'll keep it close like a friend.
But from the first summer days,
All the troubles forgotten
we'llcome back to have fun with seafood
from the sunny beach
from the sunny beach
from the sunny beach
What Happened To The Two of Us?
You were my hope
You were what I searched for
But why did everything change?
It seems the warmth of love
Has become scarce
The promise that it was lifelong
The promise that it wouldn't fade
But when love becomes cold
It seems it was not you
That I prayed to the heavens for
What happened to the two of us?
Back then, I thought we were one
Was it me who lacked?
Or was it you who didn't fight
During the challenges of our love
What happened to the two of us?
Why has love
Now disappeared?
Feelings are hurt
The heart is wounded
Your promise of love
Where is it now?
Where is our loving bond?
I thought it had no end
But why am I getting hurt now?
Does our limitless [love]
Only come up to here?
What happened to the two of us?
Back then, I thought we were one
Was it me who lacked?
Or was it you who didn't fight
During the challenges of our love
What happened to the two of us?
Why has love
Now disappeared?
Feelings are hurt
The heart is wounded
Your promise of love
Where is it now?
What happened?
What You Wish
The evening star glows bright and clear
Now what you wish will come true
Even tonight, perhaps
You must just believe it
Baby Girl [Portuguese]
[Intro: Luan Santana]
When you look at me like that
You don't know what I imagine
I'd better not say
If you want to know, come over
Baby girl, come over and I'll show you
[Pre-chorus: Joel]
Don't keep it to yourself babe
What do you gain by distrusting?
Tonight, if
You give it to me
You'll win the lotery
[Chorus: Luan Santana, Richard]
Come over, baby girl, come over, 'cause
I'm craving you
No reason why
You won me over, what's there to do about it?
Come over, 'cause I can't take it anymore
Ay baby girl, come over, 'cause
I like you so much
And this guy never lies
[Verse 1: Eric]
Bet your luck, always
There's a crucial factor
That makes you don your best lipstick
I'm sure, babe, that you'll come over here
I'll shout from the rooftops
Ay, baby girl, come on over!
[Pre-chorus: Joel]
Don't keep it to yourself babe
What do you gain by distrusting?
Tonight, if
You give it to me
You'll win the lotery
[Chorus: Luan Santana, Richard]
Come over, baby girl, come over, 'cause
I'm craving you
No reason why
You won me over, what's there to do about it?
Come over, 'cause I can't take it anymore
Ay baby girl, come over, 'cause
I like you so much
And this guy never lies
[Verse 2: Erick]
Come over, for the night is young
The time has come for a man like me to value you
You'll feel fire, princess
You'll stay with me till the day comes, doll
[Bridge: Luan Santana]
When you look at me like that
You don't know what I imagine
I'd better not say
If you want to know, come over
Baby girl, come over and I'll show you
[Pre-chorus: Joel]
Don't keep it to yourself babe
What do you gain by distrusting?
Tonight, if
You give it to me
You'll win the lotery
[Chorus: Luan Santana, Richard]
Come over, baby girl, come over, 'cause
I'm craving you
No reason why
You won me over, what's there to do about it?
Come over, 'cause I can't take it anymore
Ay baby girl, come over, 'cause
I like you so much
And this guy never lies
[Outro: Erick, Luan Santana]
And, oh, baby girl,
Who the heck are we?
Icon Music
Come over, baby girl
Now in Brazil
Luan Santa
Just feel it
That's us!
The wave
Versions: #3
I am a wave, I was born
On a beach in Italy
On a beautiful summer morning
My beginnings were difficult
I wasn't very gentle
I had a hard time supporting me
Because the children,on holiday,
In a great disregard
They all splashed themselves with me.
And I, small quiet water
I dreamed of waves of islands
I dreamed I was home
And me,small quiet water
I dreamed of waves of islands
I dreamed I was home
A day of great courage
I went away swimming
I did not know very well how to swim
I left without any luggage
Except a small shell
With which I had a friendship.
Since I took off
I know many other charges
Large boats came to face me.
So I support them
So I take them away
Towards a Mediterranean port
So I support them
So I take them away
Towards a Mediterranean port.
I am a wave. I was born
On a beach in Italy
On a beautiful summer morning
But today I scrapes
I'm bored and I'm lapping
The old walls of a disused wharf
My mother, my mother, I regret
The little deserted beach
Where children were playing with me.
Pray that the wind picks up,
So that I'll go to my death strike
That I did not know.
And if it's not rocket science (the whole sea to drink)
I would want to write my memoirs
In the hot sand of the heathens
And if it's not rocket science
I would write my memoirs
In the hot sand of the waters behond.
Mornarski Fado
Kada korača, portugalski mornar
On ne hoda, on prolazi plešući,
Kao talasi plime i oseke
Kada on vesla, radi to na osećajan način praveći luk
I ne možeš da razlikuješ
Da li je on ljudsko telo ili kanu.
Dođe li u Lisabon, skače s broda u saltu
Ne ide dalje od Madragoa ili Bairro Alto
A u Alfami, od Alfame napraviće palubu
U portugalskom mornaru uvek je Vasco de Gama
Kada on ide kraj svoje stare tvrđave
Uvek donosi kamen od soli
Sa pogledom smrknutim
Kao da je ljut, stavio je mornarsku kapu
Ili kao da od udvaranja beži,
Ali nema žene koja njemu može pobeći
Jedan čuperak razbarušene kose
Možda je to sidro kao neki čarobni štapić
Kada plovi, portugalski mornar
Prelazi on mora milujući opasne morske vale.
Kada plovi, portugalski mornar
Prelazi on mora milujući opasne morske vale.
Fado Sailor
When he goes by, the portugese sailor
He doesn't walk, he passes by dancing,
Like just as it happens
When he sways, he does it in a certain way
Only so, that no one can tell
If he's a human body or a canoe
He arrives in Lisbon, jumps off the ship and in a bound
He ends up in Madragoa or in the Bairro Alto
He goes into Alfama and makes Alfama the deck
There is always a Vasco da Gama in a portugese sailor
When he goes by, with his eye-catching uniform
He always has stones of salt
In his malicious glance
He puts his sailor's beret on with malichiousness
But if he invents a caress
There is no woman that gets away from him
A loose wisp of hair
Could even be the grapnel that a fishseller likes
When he goes by, the portugese sailor
The sea goes by with a menace of caressing flloods
When he goes by, the portugese sailor
The sea goes by with a menace of caressing flloods
The pally
I'm looking for new friendships.
The ones I had, got lost.
I have no friends left
neither in inland nor in Montevideo.
Who is suitable for the job?
I'm looking for new friendships.
The ones I had, I don't have anymore.
They went over, they expired,
they had expiring date.
God strike me if I lie.
We can be good friends
while it lasts, while we're winded.
Then we will go, you on one side,
me on other and move right along.
Life is long and awful.
I'm looking for new friendships.
The ones I had, wasted away.
The time wanted that the shortages
of the two parties prevail.
So, over and out.
Who wants it? I have vacancy.
It's very urgent. Life requests
to share what one lives
or the old thread gets rotten.
I look for who doesn't know me.
I go by the bars looking for friends.
The pally. The pally.
With the friends I had before,
it all went to waste, it all went to waste,
it all went to waste elbow to elbow.

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
If I ever fall
never think that I´m at your feet
if one day I start to cry
don´t think that I'm going to humiliate myself
Although he has me in his pocket
and although this love is very little thing
when you aren´t with me
you´ll remember me
If they tell you I´m sad
I swear that I´m going to change
If you think I´m not happy
belive me I´m going to react
Just as the wound closes
and it´s still a zombe in my life
I say that from my ashes
I´ll fly again
Because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the wings
because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the soul
you need to love with life, without weight and without measure
you need to love outdoors, if it´s wrong or if it´s right
you need to love with with rage, as if it was a karma
you need to love instinctively
because love is heavenly (heavenly)
If they tell you that I can die
be careful, I´ll survive
if you ever see me again
I promise you I´ll be fine
Just as the wound closes
and it´s still a zombe in my life
I say that from my ashes
I´ll fly again
Because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the wings
because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the soul
you need to love with life, without weight and without measure
you need to love outdoors, if it´s wrong or if it´s right
you need to love with with rage, as if it was a karma
you need to love instinctively
because love is heavenly
We are
Versions: #2
We are a dream in night that never ends
We are the light of the day that ends too early
We are the drop of dew that moistens the day
A symphony that is never ever played
We are two glasses of wine that is drunk to life
We are those who know the farewell of a parting
We are a silly excuse of a break-up
We are the sweet poesy of a song
We are the eternal search of the two in love
We are sadness and joy that always bewitch each other
We are a great secret that life unveils
So rich, so poor, that what love gives us is too much
We are the autumn leaves carried by the wind
We are the endless hope that never surrenders
We are a silly excuse of a break-up
We are a sweet bitterness of an illusion
We are a silly excuse of a break-up
We are a sweet bitterness of an illusion
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.