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Yes very well

The movies nowdays are based in the same:
Outstanding woman, a man who sees her,
and keep going on and on with sexualism.
The shower, the bed and the yes very well.
If the theme asks for it, they search for a reason.
And if there's no reason, it is made after,
that for the box office is very productive.
The shower, the bed and the yes very well.
No matter how weird is any argument
nor how strange that could be seen,
they keep it going with lots of talent.
The shower, the bed and the yes very well.
The cinemas get filled jam-packed
that they do long lines to see them.
Now only a good stripping interests.
The shower, the bed and the yes very well.
The theater also lives it's moment.
Foreigner author, french vaudeville,
a negligee without any relevance.
The shower, the bed and the yes very well.
Today what is paid with lots of pesetas
is for a good nudity, no matter the role.
Here the important is to show the...1 and
The shower, the bed and the yes very well.
That's why trying to make something outrageous
full of erotism, you understand me,
I have a theme that is so beautiful:
The story in bikini and scantily dressed
of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
The shower, the bed, the bed and the shower,
the bed and the shower and the yes very well.
And I make two versions abroad,
one with bikini and another without it
that here like outside only gives money.
The shower, the bed, the bed and the shower,
the bed and the shower and the yes very well.
  • 1. boobs
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I want you free

I want you free,
free and with love,
free from the shadows
but not from the sun.
I want you free
like how I lived you,
free from other worries
and free from me.
Freedom has a clear soul
and only sings when it beats its wings.
It flies and it sings, freedom.
Freedom was born without owner
and who am I to fill up its every dream.
I want you free
and with good faith,
so that you may lead
your precious thirst.
I want you free,
free from truth,
free like the dream
of freedom.
Freedom has a clear soul
and only sings when it beats its wings.
It flies and sings, freedom.
Freedom was born without owner
and who am I to fill up its every dream.
I want you free
like how I lived you,
free from other worries
and free from me.


Where do I put what I've found?
In the streets, the books
the night, the visages
in which I have searched for you.
Where do I put what I've found?
in the earth, in your name
in the Bible, in the day
in which I finally found you.
What do I say to death
so many times called to my side
that at the end
my sister has returned?
What do I say to the empty glory
of being alone
making up the sad
making me the wolf?
What do I say to the moon
that I believed to be my companion
of nights upon nights
without being truthful?
What do I do with you now?
the pigeons that go off
to sleep in the parks
no longer speak with me.
What do I do with you now?
Now that you are the moon
the dogs, the night
all my friends.

Someone Told Me

Someone told you've been once more
Loving someone else, a new lover, you're so happy
I really know your promisses
I've already heard promisses like these
The way you deceive people
I really know it
I don't even care if you kiss
So many times
And if you keep changing lovers
Every month
If you're going to kiss like I know you are
You're going to make someone dream like I dreamed
But without having the same love
That I gave you

For you

Oh Lord Jesus, with your greatness,
Oh Lord,
you made heaven and earth,
oh Lord
rivers, seas and stars
o Lord
you are the Verb, and your word is strength
You can do anything!
There's nothing impossible for you
There is no evil or storm for you
Neither problems nor diseases, nothing
There's nothing impossible for you
You took Noah out of the waters
oh Lord
you freed Daniel from the beasts
oh Lord
you opened the Red Sea for Moses
oh Lord
and Sara gave birth at ninety
You can do anything!
There's nothing impossible for you
Nothing impossible
There's no evil or storm for you
No evil or storm, no
Neither problems nor deseases, for you
There's nothing impossible for you
There's not!
You made manna rain from the sky
oh Lord
the bread and the fish, you multiplied
oh Lord
the good Lazarus, you brought back to life
oh Lord
I'd like a miracle for myself
You can do anything!
There's nothing impossible for you
Nothing impossible
There's no evil or storm for you
No evil or storm, no
Neither problems nor deseases, for you
There's nothing impossible for you
There's not!
Yes... nothing impossible, aha
There are no problems, nor diseases
for you, for you
no divorce, nor drug in the streets, no
for you, for you,
there's no more cancer, no more AIDS, no more ills
for you, for you
and no, no, no, there's no storm, nor calamities
for you
You can do anything, aha
Nothing impossible, oh no
But there are no problems nor diseases, yeah
for you, for you
there's no divorce, nor drug in the streets, oh no no
for you, for you
there's no more cancer, no more AIDS, no more ills
for you, for you
no no no, there's no storm, nor calamities
for you
You can do anything!
There's nothing impossible for you
Nothing impossible
There's no evil or storm for you
No evil or storm, no
Neither problems nor deseases, for you
There's nothing impossible for you
There's not!
Nothing impossible
for you

While Walking by the River

Our eyes need other eyes,
And our hearts need other hearts.
Kind words also
Require kind deeds...
As I was walking by the river,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked!
I didn't get married in my own land:
I went to get married in a foreign land,
I went to get married in a foreign land,
I went to get married in a foreign land!
I went to get married in a foreign land
Because I didn't want to get married in my own homeland:
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked
As I was walking by the river!

A purple carnation left on the window
Is a sign of a marriage proposal:
Young girl, take the carnation
Because marriage requires a lot of time!
As I was walking by the river,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked!
I didn't get married in my own land:
I went to get married in a foreign land,
I went to get married in a foreign land,
I went to get married in a foreign land!
I went to get married in a foreign land
Because I didn't want to get married in my own homeland:
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked
As I was walking by the river!


Tiro liro

Up there, there's the tiro liro-liro
Down here, we have the tiro liro-ló
They got together on the street corner
To play the and do a folk dance
My lady! Oh, my good godmother!
I like your young lass!
She is pretty, presents herself well
And seems to have a bright expression in her face!
Up there, there's the tiro liro-liro
Down here, we have the tiro liro-ló
They got together on the street corner
To play the concertina and do a folk dance
My lady! Oh, my good godmother!
I like your little girl!
She is pretty, presents herself well
And seems to have a sun kissed face!
Up there, there's the tiro liro-liro
Down here, we have the tiro liro-ló
They got together on the street corner
To play the concertina and do a folk dance
My lady! Oh, my good godmother!
I like your goddaughter!
She is pretty, presents herself well
And seems to have a rosy face!
Up there, there's the tiro liro-liro
Down here, we have the tiro liro-ló
They got together on the street corner
To play the concertina and do a folk dance


Versions: #2
Because of your free thought
They have imprisoned you far away
So far away that my lament
Can not reach you
And you only hear the wind
And you only hear the sea
They took you in the middle of the night
Darkness covered everything
It happened at night, one night
The darkest of all
It happened at night, it happened at night
And it never ever turned day.
Oh! The poison of that night
Persists in poisoning me
I only hear the silence
That took your place
And at least you hear the wind
And at least you hear the sea.

Sorry for the blood

[Bridge: LowLow]
I just wanted to be the best in this shit
The sickest rapper that's born on earth
And as long as they don't kill or jail me
For these cocksuckers there's no competition
[Verse 1: Lowlow]
This is my stupid dream, I know today's a new day
To change, for fuck's sake, to improve what's around me
If you talk to me I won't answer, I've got nothing to say
You can just get back up
After you've hit the bottom
Do you want my story? I'll tell it
I'm the son of two intellectuals
Good family, no problems, except my obsessive
So at six years old they took me to my first analyst
My life was like a tunnel, light took eyesight away from me
The most total restriction from talking with others
I've always known I was different from my mates
'Can I exit the class?'
And I exited childhood
I was waiting for something unexpected to save me, to raise me up
Then, boom! I found out about rap, I blew up at my first contest
There's nothing that can stop me, I'm the best one with words
I thank Tarek, thank Gem, thank MadMan, thank Secco
I'd probably be nothing, they teached me to follow the beat
Then the proposals, Honiro's selection, dizziness
And the majors, they all shiver, we keep them in our sights
Now that you know everything about me, you know I hate your hate
Say something others don't know, or hang up your microphone onto the nail
[Hook: Mostro]
As long as my heart beats, as long as my legs hold me up
I'll be writing my story with sweat and blood
You can't stop me anymore, my name's now too great
It's my stupid dream, the only important thing
As long as I have this voice, as long as I have my art
It will always be MS, guys sorry for the blood
You can't stop me anymore, my name's now too great
People want us because pain's interesting
[Bridge: Mostro]
I just wanted to be the best in this shit
The sickest rapper that's born on earth
And as long as they don't kill or jail me
For these cocksuckers there's no competition
[Verse 2: Mostro]
I don't know whether I'm chasing a dream
Or escaping a nightmare
You know, I just know I need it
Be this the sense of everything
Or a marvelous lie
I just know it changed me, as well as this verse
In love with pain
I chased it everywhere
It promised me protection
Then betrayed me and kidnapped my heart
I've got no more strength, I'm just saying I can't make it
I'm anesthetizing any emotion, depression's taken me hostage
And I don't think it's going to leave me, there's something inside chewing me up
Reality stands far away from me
I'm feeling lost, I search for myself in others
Then time passes
But at some point I said 'that's enough'
That way one dies
I have to do something to change
So I got my strength back and wrote this song
As long as I have this pen in my fingers
I'll be the one deciding to write when it's finished
I'm not getting paralyzed, I'm rewriting my destiny
From the beginning till the last line
The competition keeping me alive
I'm still here, my eyes in the darkness
I'm like those stars in the most beautiful nights of June
I'm back to being a monster
But there are also those who say I've become more of a jerk
Just because this Rolex covers that scar on my wrist
No, I won't let you guys this
Captain of a ghost ship
I'm proceeding with this damn journey
[Hook: Mostro] (2x)
As long as my heart beats, as long as my legs hold me up
I'll be writing my story with sweat and blood
You can't stop me anymore, my name's now too great
It's my stupid dream, the only important thing
As long as I have this voice, as long as I have my art
It will always be MS, guys sorry for the blood
You can't stop me anymore, my name's now too great
People want us because pain's interesting
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Story of the Chairs

At the edge of the road there is a chair,
thievery prowls around that place.
The friend's coat is laid aside,
the friend does not sit down to rest.
His shoes, worn down, are mirrors
that burn his throat with the sun.1
And through his fatigue an old man goes by
who dries, with his shadow, the sweat.
At the tip of love the friend travels,
to the sharpest point that there is to see.
That same point that digs into the ground,
into the ruins, into a woman's trail.
That is why he is a soldier and a lover,
that is why he is wood and he is metal.
That is why the same one plants roses,
as well as reasons for flags and arsenal.
The one who has a song will have a storm
The one who has company, loneliness.
The one who follows a good path will have
dangerous chairs that invite him to stop.
But the song is worth a good storm,
and the company is worth the loneliness.
The agony of haste is always worth it,
even if the truth is filled with chairs.
  • 1. shoes that reflect the sun is a metaphor for saying he is thirsty

The house on the port

Versions: #2
There were songs, songs,
The men came to drink and dream
In the house on the port
Where the girls laughed loudly,
Where the wine made them sing, sing, sing.
The fishermen will tell you,
They came to it
Before leaving, pull their nets.
They came to warm up near us
In the house on the harbor.
The shutters have been opened and since
The laughter of the girls is gone.
Under a neon tube,
An official with lorgnons
Is lost in his papers, old papers.
Where are the Flower Curtains
And color lamps
Maria's hair, her bare arms?
Looks like it's all dead and dead
In the house on the harbor.
Yet I came back one night,
I had thought that they sang there as before,
But couples who danced
Were nothing now
That the shadows of the past, of the past.
In vain I searched for this girl that I was,
Who also knew how to sing and love.
I tell you that everything is dead and dead
In the house on the harbor.
It is not on my twenty years that I cry,
Very often with the girls I cried
But we could let
Our songs sleep in peace,
Our songs and our loves, our loves.
I told Maria
And to the girls there:
Let's drink to forget,
... A small marc,
Since our heart is dead and dead
In the house on the harbor.
Since our heart is dead and dead
In the house on the port.I

Remember Me

Remember me
Despite my saying goodbye
Remember me
Without pain in your eyes
Though I'll be far away
You'll stay within me
And you'll hear the melody that unites us
Remember me
Though I'm heading far away
Remember me
If you hear the guitar cry
Forever I will live within you
Until our paths cross again
Remember me

Remember Me

Remember me
Today I have to go
Remember me
Try to smile
Now matter the distance between us
I'll never forget you
Singing our song
Our love will only grow
Remember me
Even if the time goes by
Remember me
If you hear a guitar
It, with its sad strumming,
Will accompany you
Until I can hug you again
Remember me


Loneliness, loneliness is my friend
loneliness is my best song
she always goes with me
silently and without interruption
She dances to the beat of my rhythm
she analyzes my composition
and if I sing the same a thousand times
she doesn't mind the repetition
So much freedom she gives me
nothing like my loneliness
Loneliness gives me the arm in the street
and spares me from the crowd
she whispers the many things she knows
about my phobias and my completeness
And she leaves, when there's people
who takes over my attention
she isn't jealous and never offends
if I call her she comes and that's it
So much freedom, you might say
what an ideal woman...
I must walk
among everyone, alone
to come and look for me
and walk through the dead desert
where our friendhip grows
oh loneliness...
my freedom...
Loneliness doesn't wash my clothes
she has fun with watching me cooking
she laughs if I grab the broom
and how I didn't learn to iron
She doesn't mind if I date another
my couple, my family and such
my friends, she doesn't mind
she lives of what she gives to me
she knows what am I, what I am not
she knows what I want here today...
How to scape from her clear image
her cathedral silence
oh loneliness, people can absorb you
but you're always behind
oh loneliness...
my freedom...
oh loneliness...
my freedom...
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Wherever I go

Wherever I go
Wherever I am
In my inner silence
I'll always find you
You're my cloud of peace
You're the shadow that gives
You're the light that behind
Shines on the immensity
Wherever I go
Wherever I am
I always hear your voice
Talking to me for good
Your name shines in the light
The echo makes it sound
And from the north to the south
It seems to span everything
Wherever I go
Wherever I am
In my inner silence
I'll always find you
You're my superior being
I go to reach you
Trying to give love
Among today's cold
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


There are values that aren't respected
it doesn't mean there aren't
like there are a thousand stars
even in the cloudy nights
There are great mene who don't shine
it doesn't mean they don't honor
the human gender
from some anonymous order.
There is light even in the dark
and truth is behind the doubt
evil and good live together in rivalry
like the moon with the sun.
Love resists when hatred burdens
and the reality, mine, yours
is not the one they give us miserable and turbid
one just has to find in the pure fountain.
There are begginings even when
only the ends seem to rule
like there are archetypes
even when the types rule.
There are values that aren't respected
it doesn't mean there aren't
any believers anymore
who get inspired in those values.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


It doesn't worth at all to take a whisky
to take an aspirin, to take a coffee cup
to take a soda drink, to take time
to take a break, to take a train.
It doesn't help at all to take measures
to take a whisky and yell Cheers!
if we don't take before being taken
the tit that gives us the common sense
Awareness, awareness
Of what they took us by fools
the satraps who think they have the power
and wit its spinning top that takes everything
wants to take your dust like rappe
but what the can't take neither by force
is that fortress of the reason
the only impregnable shelter
the house of the mind and the heart
Awareness, awareness
Is much wider than internet
and more inflatable than globalization
is the mirror in which our looks at itself
when it's stronger than the manipulation
The only way out is within ourselves
but we must care for our own voice
to gather with others who hear theirs
and connect the transmission in series
It won't be a politician who takes us out
from where politics put us in
we need people who represents
people who has it under control
and with awareness, awareness.
Who has the handle of your existance?
Your boss, your couple, mom, dad?
The only who rules is your conscience
and of each one in freedom.
It doesn't worth at all to close the fist
if one opens the hand one can give
and with the open palm one takes too
what destiny brings, one takes
Awareness, awareness
Is much wider than internet
and more trustable than globalization
is the mirror in which our looks at itself
when it's stronger than the manipulation
Awareness, awareness
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The dreams of culture

Culture is crying with a kid in its arms
In a square cage with bars of ignorance
Its eyes are two screens broadcasting its drama
With garbage serials that come from another culture
At day it goes on bail
At night returns to its place
It is seen alone
Among its crossed-out books
Its cutted movies
Its forgotten songs
And its burned theaters
Oh oh oh oh the history moves on
But life lasts too little
When men feel free
Our culture will be more free
When men feel free
Our culture will be more rich
Let sing, let say,
let express, let feel
Let talk, let say,
let be, let live, live
Culture is sleeping, it doesn't want to be awake
Because its beautiful dreams are shelter of its destiny
But the people's crying is waking it up
And its dreams become necessary ideals
It dreams with classrooms on broad daylight
full of children and youth
And it also dreams
with honest governors
With traveling artists
with the return of inmigrants
And the oblivion of remorse
Oh oh oh oh the history moves on
And it falls in censorship hands
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I can't stand it anymore.

They call you cheeky, crazy, boring, stubborn, but baby i like you like this
You're my hot one( **Unrecognizable**) And when you dances is my end.
Im (**Unrecognizable**) Don't be so presumptuous, Oh lady
Do not play yourself poor, baby oh yeah e-e
Baby, everybody wants you, his eyes shine
But they do not admit
But im the man, (**Unrecognizable**) of me
I have no tricks to impress you, but anyway
Baby i'm not a gymfag, i dont waste time but let's see what happens
Baby i'm not a gymfag, i dont waste time, let's see if a can impress you
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress
I can not sleep, because this girl caught my attention
The way you look
left me confused, and i don'know me anymore
1+1 is 3 because you are 3 in 1***
Dance and it's beautiful this K.O princess
I dont want to play, show me what you want
(**Unrecognizable**) i cant stand it anymore.
Baby, everybody wants you, his eyes shine
But they do not admit
But im the man, (**Unrecognizable**) of me
I have no tricks to impress you but anyway
Baby i'm not a gymfag, i dont waste time but let's see what happens
Baby i'm not a gymfag, i dont waste time, let's see if a can impress you
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress
I can not stand to live anymore
Ohh, Baby
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl tricket me
i can't stant it, i cant stand it
This girl knows how to impress

Sudden Blaze

I need to forget
To be able to live
I wouldn't want to think
That I have lost everything
In a sudden blaze
Our lives are consumed
Leaving only the ashes
Of that tremendous love
I won't be able to cry
Nor have to laugh
Better to keep silent
Because the end has arrived
Our thing ended
When the light went out
Like the afternoon departs
At the death of the sun
I will always remember
Those green eyes
That show the color
That wheat fields have
At times I would like to roar
With laughter
As if in a charade
Because your love has gone
But I leave here
I leave you my song
Love, you leave me
I also leave you
Our thing has ended
Perhaps you will miss me
Perhaps I will dream
Of those eyes as green
As the sea

The Remedy

If you tell me
that your nights seem endless
that you feel cold and nobody warms you
and you are afraid of the darkness
I will run right to you
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, there's no reason to cry
I have a natural medicine
They say it causes madness
That your whole body sweats
that it takes away your bitterness
and heals your wounds
And if you want a little bit of it, yes, yes, yes
Don't put your heart in it, no, no, no
Don't overthink it 'cause this cure could make you feel worse
Than what you feel for me
The remedy doesn't work if there's love
I'm not responsible for your decision
If you tell me
that your nights seem endless
that you feel cold and nobody warms you
and you are afraid of the darkness
I will run to you
If your nights seem endless
If you feel cold and nobody warms you
and you are afraid of the darkness (I will give you my heat)
I will run right to you
And if you want a little bit of it, yes, yes, yes
Don't put your heart in it, no, no, no
Don't overthink it 'cause this cure could make you feel worse
Than what you feel for me
The remedy doesn't work if there's love
I'm not responsible for your decision
If you tell me
that your nights seem endless
that you feel cold and nobody warms you
and you are afraid of the darkness
I will run right to you
If your nights seem endless
If you feel cold and nobody warms you
and you are afraid of the darkness
I will run right to you
I will run right to you
I will run right to you
I will run right to you
I will run right to you

Song of Love and War

In the ,
Can be found the life of my heart
And, one good day, it felt
The glories of love!
Beautiful land, our homeland!
Land of endless love!
Far from your beauty
And its lovely blossoming...
Sweet homeland, I adore you
And with my heart all alight,
My homeland, I declare to you
My unsurpassed love!
Sweet homeland, I adore you
And with my heart all alight,
My homeland, I declare to you
My love...
For you, my life shall become the happiness
And the delight of love!
Our homeland, of much admired radiance,
You shall always have the adoration
Of my heart.
Our homeland, beloved homeland,
The best of all flowers if for you!
To the saints, (we offer) the forest's wild flowers
But to you, the blossom of our hearts!

Uvek nadjem vremena

Ti si prva stvar ujutro
I zadnja stvar u noci
I uvek cu te cuti kada zoves
Uvek si mi u mislima
Ne zelim da budem niko za tebe , ooh , ooh
I ne treba mi drugo kidanje zivaca
Ne zelim da te delim , ooh ,ooh
Zelim da ti budem sve
Izlazak sunca , sve dokle budes moj
Ponoc , bice sasvim dobro
Kisovito ili suncano , nece me naterati da se predomislim
Ja , ja , ja , uvek nadjem vremena
Gledam oko sebe
Stalno vidim tvoje lice
To je osecaj koji okruzuje
On je u svakom pokretu koji napravis
Svi ti drugi momci koje vidim , ooh , ooh
Ne dobijaju drugu sansu
Cudno koliko me ne zanimaju , ooh , ooh
Ne bacam na njih drugi pogled

Sve sto zelim je da te ucinim svojim

Treba da mi verujes
Nikada te ne bih prevarila
Nikada te ne bih pustila da odes
Ne pricaj o odlasku
Ostavljajuci me ovde
Nikada te nema kod kuce
Kada te zovem telefonom , i
Izigravam budalu
Ne pricas o romansi
Pricas o zadnjem plesu
Ne pricaj o ljubavi
Kao da je moda
Ljubavi bez prave strasti
Jesmo li zaista jos uvek u ljubavi
I sve sto zelim
Je da te ucinim mojim , mojim , mojim
Sve sto zaista zelim
Je da te tako , tako usrecim
Sve sto zaista zelim
Je da te ucinim nasmejanog
Ne mozemo da nastavimo da pricamo
O ovome opet i opet
I sve sto zelim da uradim
Je da te ucinim svojim
Ne uzimaj ovo zdravo za gotovo
Jos uvek zelis da si potreban
Sve sto smo ikada radili je borba
Pricajuci o odlasku
Jedno drugom iza ledja
Ne pricaj o ljubavi
Kao da nista ne znaci
Ljubavi bez pravih osecanja
Jesmo li zaista tako sami
Jer sve sto zelim da uradim
Je da te ucinim mojim , mojim , mojim
Mojim , mojim

2ooo kilometara

Otisao je dve hiljade kilometara
To je veoma daleko
Sneg je pao
Hladnije je iz dana u dan
Nedostajes mi
Deca ce pevati
On ce se vratiti za Bozic
U ovim zaledjenim i tihim nocima
Ponekad u snu ces se pojaviti
Napolju ispod ljubicastog neba
Dijamanti u snegu iskre
Nasa srca su pevala
Osecalo se kao na Bozic
Dve hiljade kilometara
Veoma je daleko kroz sneg
Mislim na tebe
Gde god da si
Otisao je dve hiljade kilometara
To je veoma daleko
Sneg je pao
Hladnije je iz dana u dan
Nedostajes mi
Cujem ljudi pevaju
Mora da je Bozic
Cujem da ljudi pevaju
Mora biti da je Bozic

Djavolski je bolje da znas

Djavolski je bolje da znas
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Vau , vau , vau
Reci da me vise neces ostaviti
Uzecu te nazad opet
Nema vise izgovora , ne , ne
Jer sam ih sve cula ranije
Stotinu puta ili vise
Oprosticu i zaboraviti
Ako kazes da neces nikada otici
Jer je istina ono sto kazu
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Vau , vau , vau
Nasa ljubav nije bila savrsena znam
Mislim da znam rezultat
Ako kazes da me volis , oh decace
Necu traziti vise
Doci cu ako budes zvao
Bicu ovde svakog dana
Cekajuci da pokazes svoju ljubav
Da istina je ono sto kazu
Djavolski je bolje da znas
Vau vau vau
Vraticu te nazad
Vraticu te nazad opet
Vraticu te nazad
Vraticu te nazad opet

You make me feel like

Tell me that you don't want it anymore
That you have someone else, the wheel turns if you lie
I see that you seem OK, you do only what you want, anyway
I talk in vain, this is proof that you don't feel
You aren't made to love
You want to mess up
I don't know who you are
You aren't what you seem to be, you don't know
That everything will return the same to you one day
I don't think that you know me, no, not at all
Only ash remains, if everything catches fire
I won't return anymore, I can't
Each effort is pointless, so stop!
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
And you watch it all so easily
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
I don't even recognize you sometimes
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
And you watch it all so easily
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
I don't even recognize you sometimes
If I knew everything from the start
I really would have done exactly what I didn't do
What does 'too late' mean, tell me what I don't know
You don't lose any bet, it's not about what you would want me to be
I think that you forget the idea, you're looking for the spark again
You don't hear anything that I say, communication is the key
Discussions are the same, you don't believe me, tell me why I would
Buy just a little more time, this is how three years went waste
I make peace with you with orchids, the subject changes
I do what pleases you, I indulge you, I shake of cliches
But I know that it's not enough, you're looking for an answer
You can't fill any hole with surplus things
This isn't normal, we are diametric
You oppose, yes, yes, from the beginning to the end
You say things too easily, as if I don't hurt you
When I know that on the inside
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
And you watch it all so easily
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
I don't even recognize you sometimes
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
And you watch it all so easily
You make me feel like I'm dying, dying, dying, dying
I don't even recognize you sometimes

Hamtaro Ending

Snoozer, Penelope, Panda, Howdy Oxnard, Bijou, and Boss let's go!
Zersnoo, Pepenelo, Sobs, Dapan, Dyhow Nardox, Joubi, and Hamtaro!
Hamster, Ham Ham, Ticky Ticky, Kushi Kushi Sunflowers and Hamtaro!
Make a wish, (uh-uuh-uh), believe it
Sing with us and it will happen
So give your best (uh-uuh-uh)
You know you can do it
And you'll live your dreams
Let's sing this song, it's just for you
Think about all the love in the air
Hamtaro knows what to do
This is the song you'll sing
Snoozer, Penelope, Panda, Howdy Oxnard, Bijou, and Boss let's go!
Zersnoo, Pepenelo, Sobs, Dapan, Dyhow Nardox, Joubi, and Hamtaro!
Small Hamsters, Big Adventures
Ham Ham, Hamtaro!

Ojamajo Doremi Opening

Welcome to the world
Where magic and joy
Like to dance
To dance
A little fantasy
Will help everyone
Like it's dreaming
It's dreaming
Holding hands, everything gets easier
Stay with me and jump non stop
Jump more and close your eyes
And we're almost reaching the moon
Wait, it's not this way
I was wrong, it's that way
It wasn't just because I wanted
But also your company
We see, we sing and we dance
The party is almost starting
The magic words
Pirica pirilaila
It isn't hard if you say it many times
If you learn fast
You can sing with me
Don't forget you still
have to learn how to fly
Repeat it one more time
Pirica pirilaila
Open your eyes
And now tell me what you see
Sweet, we're music
And a party starting
The magic wand plays
Just one more time
I already know how to fly

We managed to sit during a tiring trip

We managed to sit during a tiring trip
on the side of the road for a moment of rest
and feel the same shadows flow upon our foreheads
and cast our tired gazes on the far horizon.
But the unbending time still flows by, relentless
and will soon take apart all that it once united.
So does man, goaded by an invisible might,
sink, gloomy and lonely, into the depths of space.
And yet, of all these hours of friendship that we shared,
of all this common life, what is left to us now?
A glance, a few sincere words, some fragments of thoughts...
Alas, has what is no more ever existed?
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


Your mouth is half-closed
and your laughter is fresh
your hair is golden, caress it a little
I like the way
you look at me
I like your body, my sweet mermaid
while you jump into the blue
You hide, behind your eyes
thousands of secrets
You make your heart full of thorns
you want to hurt me
I like the way you dance
I like your body, my blonde mermaid
while you jump into the blue
Isabel let it be a dream
little Isabel
I want it to be a dream
little Isabel
in order to always have you with me
Isabel get into a dream
little Isabel
I'm not asking you much
little Isabel
I'm giving you all I have
I feel like I'm nervous
when we're together
I feel a little clumsy
and I hate everything about me
But, night after night you'll grow up for me
the adventure that's driving me crazy for you
attracts me
Isabel let it be a dream
little Isabel
I want it to be a dream
in order to always have you with me
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

King of hearts

You know
what I'd do for you
I'd give you my heart
just for you.
Ahi ahi ahi
But promise
I'll be the only king
for you.
A crown for a ball
then a trip to the moon
and a diamonds beach
I'd give you
I'll be the king of hearts
and my throne's already your throne
I swear you'll be
queen of my kingdom
I swear
Viva us
my love
us, for a star
what I wouldn't give
Ahi ahi ahi
But promise
I'll be the only king
for you
We'll drink from a cup
your mouth and my mouth
we'll fly in my sky
I'll be the king of hearts
and my throne's already your throne
I swear you'll be
queen in my kingdom
my love.
Viva us...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.