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Број резултата: 35


Кад бих могао да ти променим мишљење

Не, молим те не плачи,
никада раније ово нисам радио, возио милион километара
назад у време кад си била моја.
Био сам премлад да бих знао да си ти та
коју је требало да пронађем.
Али, ако бих рекао да се кајем,
да ли би то ишта значило?
Јер сваки пут кад размислим о томе,
сећања ме враћају у сва наша најлуђа времена.
Кад бих могао да ти променим мишљење,
потрчао бих колико ме ноге носе.
Требало ми је времена да схватим,
а никад нисам то ни слутио.
Опрости мојим лажљивим очима,
даћу ти све или ништа.
Кад бих могао да ти променим мишљење,
могао бих да те учиним мојом, мојом.
Сада нећу отићи,
овог пута нећу побећи,
ти си све што желим да знам.
Али, ако бих рекао да ћу да заборавим,
да ли би то ишта значило?
Јер сваки пут кад размислим о томе,
сећања ме враћају у сва она најлуђа времена.
Визије наше љубави пролазе поред мене,
твоје очи су довољне да ме подсете.
Визије наше љубави пролазе поред мене,
твоје очи су довољне да ме подсете.
Визије наше љубави ме подсећају.
Кад бих могао да ти променим мишљење,
(Без обзира колико пута сам ти рекао)
потрчао бих колико ме ноге носе,
Требало ми је времена да схватим
(Без обзира колико пута сам ти рекао)
а никад нисам то ни слутио.
Опрости мојим лажљивим очима,
(Без обзира колико пута сам ти рекао)
даћу ти све или ништа.
Кад бих могао да ти променим мишљење,
могао бих да те учиним мојом, мојом.
Визије наше љубави ме подсећају
(Кад бих могао да ти променим мишљење)
(Без обзира колико пута сам ти рекао)
Визије наше љубави ме подсећају
(Требало ми је времена да схватим)
(Без обзира колико пута сам ти рекао)
Визије наше љубави ме подсећају
(Опрости мојим лажљивим очима)
(Без обзира колико пута сам ти рекао)
Визије наше љубави ме подсећају
(Кад бих могао да ти променим мишљење)
(Могао бих да те учиним мојом, учиним те мојом)
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

From Saloniki to Auschwitz (Seven Days Locked Up)

Seven days locked up
in boxcars for animals,
once every three days
they would take us out for air.
My dearest mother,
you were fortunate
in dying in your country
and not passing through the chimney.
My dearest father,
who would have told you
that you would come with your brother
to the crematorium of Auschwitz!
Father and mother, brothers and sisters,
may you all be supplicants
to the Master of the world
to grant me health
and remove me from these camps
to recite for you the Kaddish!

The desert boy

a boy with dreams, full of wishes
standing between the mountains, asking, wondering
asking for life
through the window the crowds are reflecting
where is the road, the kings road
I am the boy, the desert boy
I am the boy who dreams about the future
I am the boy who sweets the bitter
touches the top of the mountain
I am the boy, the desert boy
here I am hither, waving here for goodbye
standing firm, making the dream come true
my face to Ariel, making a hymn of thanks to god
play for me a song of praise
I am the boy, the desert boy...
I was a boy, still a boy
I won and I'l win
I am the boy, the desert boy...

On Your Doorstep

Don't close your door when i am outside
it's so cold, i am freezing and i don't have any place to run
don't blow out the candles while i am burning
i don't have any roof or walls and the cold penetrates
On your doorstep i stand tense and alert
the gate rocks for the one you left it open for
I hear, yes i hear
that someone else here captured your heart
i am going
On your doorstep i call out, you don't answer
and you make it seem as if you are not there
i know, yes, i know
that someone else was here in your bed
i am going
Don't wipe out your smile when i come close
all my life i wander, following my heart
don't cancel the hope that i carry
and if any love is left within you, give me shelter
On your doorstep...
Don't blow out the candles while i am burning
i don't have any roof or walls and the cold penetrates
Don't close your door when i am outside
it's so cold and i don't have any place to run
On your doorstep...

Летња девојка

Ел-еј у мислима, не могу да дишем,
ту си кад затворим очи, а тако ми је тешко да допрем до тебе.
Твоји осмеси се претварају у плач, то је исто олакшање
и увек знаш, и увек знаш
Ја сам твоја летња девојка.
Ду-ду, ду-ду-ду-ду
Ду-ду-ду-ду, ду-ду-ду-ду-ду
Муња у твојим очима, не можеш да говориш
пао си са неба, доле до мене.
Видим ти на лицу, ја сам ти олакшање,
Ја сам твоја летња девојка.
Ја сам твоја летња девојка.
Ду-ду, ду-ду-ду-ду
Ду-ду-ду-ду, ду-ду-ду-ду-ду
Вирим иза угла тражећи те,
гледам преко рамена, потребан си ми.
Мораш да разумеш,
ово су вежбе за земљотрес које изводимо
испод надвожњака аутопута.
Сузе иза твојих наочара за сунце,
страхови у дубини твог срца.
Ходај поред мене,
не иза мене,
осети моју безусловну љубав.
Ду-ду, ду-ду-ду-ду (И видим анђеле како силазе)
Ду-ду-ду-ду, ду-ду-ду-ду-ду
Ду-ду, ду-ду-ду-ду (Као талас који се обрушава)
И видим анђеле како силазе,
као талас који се обрушава.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

From Within The Concealment

Father who art in heaven tells us, I will conceal my face on that day
but Rabbi Nachman said: And even in concealment that is inside
the hiding place certainly also there g-d is present, he will bless and be blessed.
Even during the difficult events that you are going through I will be found.

Reindeer are better than people

Reindeer are better than people,
Sven, I'm right, aren't I?
(Yes, people fight, people lie.
Not one is as good as you are)
But people have a fragrance,
That reindeer don't have
(Right once again, but you don't have one)
You're right, come let's sleep here
We'll meet somewhere in our dreams.
Reindeer are better than people,
Sven, I'm right, aren't I?
(Yes, people fight, people lie.
Not one is as good as you are)
But people have a fragrance,
That reindeer don't have
(Right once again, but you don't have one)
You're right, come let's sleep here
We'll meet somewhere in our dreams.

King of the World

If there are sometimes events that are a little tough and you have no strength left, do not panic, understand
There is one Unique and Special One here who always hears, loves so completely, wholeheartedly
And even in the lowest place in the world He exists
And even in the lowest place there is He revives them all
Because there is no space free from Him, and there is nothing that has disappeared from Him, so complete
From the King of the World
In life everyone falls and gets up and continues on their way
There is no choice left but just one choice
To choose the good and the sweet and God forbid not the other way around, the reality hides the truth


You, you are so special
You're so sweet, you are
My girl, you are
You, and always with that look
Smiles and gives me a little
Understanding that there is such a thing as you
Because you, my world, it is from you
And everything around you, and when you are happy
My heart calms, because you are my life, and good
My world has been since you came
Your smile and that look
That never leaves my soul
Because you, you are the gift of G-d that you have come
How happy I was when you arrived
How I merited you, thank G-d
And I have just one request and that’s all,
To guard over you and me
You know you are my whole life .... yes you are
Because you, my world, it is from you
And everything around you, and when you are happy
My heart calms, because you are my life, and good
My world has been since you came
Your smile and that look
That never leaves my soul
Because you, my world, it is from you
And everything around you, and when you are happy
My heart calms, because you are my life, and good
My world has been since you came
Your smile and that look
That never leaves my soul

The Light Of Life

Arise, son of Adam, why do you sleep
arise, call upon thy God
perhaps he will return and will comfort from evil
will take back his wrath
Know also when the waves are stormy
there is a hand that guides
no, will not let you
will not let you
crash against the rocks
look there is a lighthouse
You will see a light
the light of life
a secure shore
look there is a lighthouse

Simple Life

On the day that all the roads will be open for us1
they will be there for us and not only for others
and then we also will be able to go out hand in hand, arm in arm
to see then above us clear skies
And you, now you do not know
however i have heard - a good life exists
that all people live without fear
and remain together, a simple life
On the day that all the roads will be open for our benefit
we will be able to go out in the evening to see only stars
also then we will be able to see for ourselves
what we could not know existed on the other side of the fence
And you, now you do not know
however i have heard - a good life exists
that all people live without fear
and remain together, a simple life
(a simple life)
And you, now you do not know
however i have heard - a good life exists
that all people live without fear
and remain together, a simple life
(a simple life)
  • 1. lit: for our benefit

Scraps of Life

Versions: #2
What is time showing me?
It’s all scraps* of life
And to live in the moment
To start gathering the fragments
Maybe I’ll get out more
Start to hurry things up
Start to get along
And make some noise
Maybe a different place
A more fiery place
Start breaking things down
And mend them once more

Life of Mother

Child i remember
all the most beautiful moments with you
child i am reminded
of all those songs that i sang for you
the two of us hand in hand walking everyday to the kindergarten
all your paintings in a small case
i protected and hugged you always from all evil
g-d sent you to me as a gift
You are mine and in all parts of my body you exist
and without you i have nothing i have no world
and who is able to love like i am
you are the perfect child - my life
Child i remember
how every night you came again to my bed
child i am reminded
of your two small open arms when you came to hug me
when you woke just from bad dreams
a mother's hug and we would fall sleep
i protected and hugged you always from all evil
g-d sent you to me as a gift

Good Luck

Good luck!
This is the night I have been waiting for
It occurs just once in life
I believed and won
in moments of happiness
In me there is power from above
that sent me happiness and joy
remaining until the morning light
There is a celebration in the air!
Good luck, there will be just good luck
Thank g-d all is gold
and the joy is great tonight, say good luck
that will be just good luck
All the joy that is in my life
and the world illuminates me, say good luck!
Excited up to the skies
and the heart trembles inside of me
it is the magic that touches
and all is still possible
this is the path i chose
the soul has a new spirit
remaining until the morning light
There is a celebration in the air!

I simmer slowly

I simmer slowly
Like Chamin on Shabbat
In an instant world
I simmer slow
I’m simmering...I’m simmering
I simmer slow
Kheli Ya hali
So don't chew me like fast food
I haven’t finished the song yet
You wanted me in Hebrew already
But my heart sings in Yemenite
I’m not easy to digest
I come with the Yemenite trill
That's me
That's me
I simmer slowly
Like Chamin on Shabbat
In an instant world
I simmer slow
I’m simmering...I’m simmering
I simmer slow
Kheli Ya hali
Sacred words or cliche words
I mix them shamelessly
Until I'm hot
I simmer slow

Five minutes to the sea

Five minutes to the sea let's walk
I came hearing the tides sound
Don't separate of my hand
The blue dazzling sky feels good
It's been a long time, that's why I walk
Lately you've been too busy
I'm tired of waiting in vain
Because I don't know to leave you alone
Five minutes to the sea, the smell of the tides
Gulls dance in the high sky
Grasp my hand strongly
Don't hesitate and take me to the sea
Let's stay until the twilight because I want to see it
Forget your job for today
In this moment you can only think of me
Five minutes to the sea let's walk
Bathe in the sunlight until you burn
Don't separate of my hand
This way the summer can continue
Five minutes to the sea is soon
Take off your shoes and stay barefoot
Grasp my hand strongly
Don't hesitate and take me anywhere
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

O Father, The Almighty

At the end of the day, I want to go home,
Through all the paths, only to You,
All that is closed to me, is open in Your hands
I have none without You
See me as a loving son,
Calling out to You from the bottom of my heart
Please keep me from fear, from pain.
O Father, the Almighty, You've given me all
How I love You so
And even if sometimes I don't understand it all
You always make me feel better
My God, hear me, the Great King.
Thank You for the tree, for the vineyard and for the shrub
For the blessed rains
For a new morning which smiles upon me
You've returned my soul to me and I've welcomed You at dawn
Here I am, here I am
See me as a loving son,
Calling out to You from the bottom of my heart
Please keep me from fear, from pain.
O Father, the Almighty, You've given me all
How I love You so
And even if sometimes I don't understand it all
You always make me feel better
My God, hear me, the Great King.
O Father, the Almighty, You've given me all
How I love You so
And even if sometimes I don't understand it all
You always make me feel better
My God, hear hear me, the Great King.

In the middle of life

In the middle of life, I had some passing thoughts
to where everyone rushing, and are there any
happy people,
We are chasing after nothing, and it is difficult
for us to get up,
time flies, and here we are in the middle of life
In the middle of life, I had some hesitations,
Did I waste the time, where do we go from here,
I want to get excited, and to hug my kids, and to say thanks
That we are all humans
Maybe we did good, maybe we got it wrong
with our choices,
we have learned to feel pain, and we insisted to love,
one way or another, I love you,
one way or another, I love you
In the middle of life, I am not feeling left behind anymore,
I had my share of pain, and my hair is greyer
I am ready for forgiveness, and reaching
a compermise, is not considered a curse anymor,
I guess that is how it is in the middle of life
Maybe we did good, maybe we got it wrong
with our choices,
we have learned to feel pain, and we insisted to love,
one way or another, I love you,
one way or another, I love you
Maybe when you will look at me,
maybe this time you will see an old guy,
who is tired from games
time had taught me that love is not just a taste/a flavour
it is work, love is a distance running
Maybe we did good, maybe we got it wrong
with our choices,
we have learned to feel pain, and we insisted to love,
one way or another, I love you,
one way or another, I love you

Whatever one says

Sometimes there comes a thought in my mind to say something.
Sometimes there comes a thought in my mind to keep quiet.
Whatever one says, whatever one hears.
All his life all these words keep following him.
Whatever one gives, whatever one takes, all his life, all these prayers and blessings keep following him.
Every dream, whatever it is, doesn't come true.
Too much love too is not good
This hinders our freedom
When the bonds of love break, when the paths of love get abandoned,
in our journey of life, the broken hearts of yesterday keep following us.
Sometimes when the scorching heat of the Sun is hard to bear, we pine for rains.
Sometimes rain comes down in torrents.
The weather changes here in the twinkling of an eye.
Sometimes water is so scanty that we don't have even a drop of water to quench our thirst.
But sometimes rainy clouds follow us.

Who knew that it would be like that

This is not a dream
The day will come
The day that we'd been waiting for two thousand years:
The last war
We leave our home,
Leave our friends,
Put on the olive uniform
And go into different days
Who knew that it would be like that,
That in several nights far from his mother
He will grow up from a teenager
To a young man, attacking forward
This is not a dream
The day will come
The day that we'd been waiting for two thousand years:
The last war
Days without home,
Days without friends
Instead of grass just sand
Hills, valleys and mountains
We will return to our homes,
Return to our friends,
Throw aside olive uniforms
And return to the days themselves
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

What Did You Do in Life

We set to meet there by nine
I dressed up like a groom
We'll see each other soon, I'm almost ready
How will it go, I don't know
There's nothing to lose
Maybe it's a little date, maybe it's forever
And she asks what did you do in life
And she repeats what did you do up until today
And she says
What have you seen in life
What did you do up until today
How many loves did you have that made you breathe
She's asking questions, looking for answers
If I'm right for her and I'm so different
We drove off to the house
She asked that we go in
She said it'd be nice, just behave
How will it go, I don't know, there's nothing to lose
Maybe it's a little date, maybe it's forever
And she asks what did you do in life
And she repeats what did you do up until today
And she says
What have you seen in life
What did you do up until today
How many loves did you have that made you breathe
She's asking questions, looking for answers
If I'm right for her and I'm so different