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My imprisoned days

In my imprisoned days... the silk handkerchief
Stole me from my years and captivated me
Your love my sweetheart... captivated me
Every time I embrace it... I drown in your scent
You love carries me to you and I drown
I get lost and wander like a canoe
Dream of the port in your eyes
How many times, in night's distress, you laughed
A phantom infront of me, I see you
I doubt myself ... you answer
I love you and you stay in my dreams

Don't ask

Don't Ask
Poem by Mutellip Qawul
Ah my friend, Don't ask me why your colour pale as straw
Don't ask me. What sorrow and grief reached you so deep.
'Your eyes are without lights and your appearance looks like a derwish'
Don't you ask, Where are you going alone and sighing in despair
If I tell you I am walking towards a lover singing my love song.
Don't you ask me, Which beauty is that made you so drunk.
Made you a mejnun with her love and let you all alone in the world.
Don't ask me to tell you which beauty is that
Today I became a drunk like the great poet newa'i
Don't ask why the world is not big enough to shelter the love
(Don't ask why the world is so narrow that my love could not survive)
Until the angel give me the wine of love
Don't ask me, When will your empty love bowl be full

wara ghorban

wara ghorban , arami delan
shitt kerdm , wara ghorban
shitt kerdm , aghlt berdm
sotam , sotam , wara ghorban
zolfi wak mari rasha
to jwaniykat bmbaxsha
gar ba baari zahmt bane
wara drgai hawshe
labar parchamy jivani
darom dbma miwani
shit w shiday balae tom
chand nask w mehrbani
wara ghorban , wara hayran
shitt kerdm , wara ghorban
shitt kerdm , aghlt berdm
sotam , sotam , wara ghorban
shitt kerdm , aghlt berdm
sotam , sotam , wara ghorban
sotam , berzham , wara ghorban
sotam , merdm , wara ghorban


I kill the fight.
The broadcast of sadness.
I kill the fight.
The fostering of loneliness.
I kill the fight.
This fight, I will strike it now.
As much as living in this
World is but a desert,
Oh baby
Blood and tears will fall tomorrow too
Then they'll disappear.
I kill the fight.
Command me something.
I kill the fight.
With the ruthless heart inside me
I kill the fight.
I will beat it now.
Buried in complete darkness.
Parted from light.
Oh baby,
I sleep with the stars on my chest.
Yes, that's right. For eternity.
I kill the fight.
The broadcast of sadness.
I kill the fight.
The fostering of loneliness.
I kill the fight.
This fight, I will strike it now.
I kill the fight.
Command me something.
I kill the fight.
With the ruthless heart inside me
I kill the fight.
I will beat it now.

Goodbye man of Tokyo

Evening in the sea, evening in the harbor
Tearful steam whistles echo
The Anko1 Camelias are the flowers of love
The wind cries without blowing
Goodbye man of Tokyo
If flowers bloom for your consolation
When I bid you farewell will become flowers of tears
The black hair of Ankos of the island
Don't forget. Come back again.
Goodbye man of Tokyo
The boat fading going round the cape
I see off crying in the pier at the sunset
In a petal of a Anko Camelia
There's sadness and fog
Goodbye man of Tokyo
  • 1. Is a term of the Izu Oshima island for meaning a young lady

Floating song

I became fascinated by hearing a floating song
The enka melody is nostalgic
I hoped to listen it laughing
But we separated that night
When I remember it, I cry
And throw my tears to the sake
I'm getting sad, it's aching
As if the guitar cries
It echoes to the bottom of my heart
Even if I hear it, I'm fine
Play it again please
Because it's a song to throw sadness away

Elegy of lipstick

Since it bloomed in life
I have a flower that scatters in destiny
Softly in the collar of my kimono
Blows the wind of farewell at the end of the summer
I'm lonely in the autumn on the woman's town
'I want to die if you don't accompany me'
There were nights I cried cursing you
While I burn to the tip of my nails
I wake from a dream when we joined love
The lipstick aches in the farewell town
If I lose a devoted love
The winter will come in my heart
In the backstreet of rumors
They point at me calling me old woman
I can't make my mind in the regret's town

The Closest Place to Sadness

Notebook to my chest
Writing the end of love
I'm truly too serious
It's awful but I cannot change
If this is the case, to you who my heart belongs to
I'll give up and abandon hope obediently...
The closest place to sadness
Reach out with a single finger to touch it
Goodbye to our magnetic attraction. I've lost.
I don't want to fall down
This place is LONELINESS
Like a silent phone call
I grasped it tightly, unable to say a thing.
What I heard over the telephone
Was only the sound of lonely wind but...
The closest place to sadness
There is only warmth in the moonlight
Stars wandering in the wide open sky.
Until the day you can meet your dreams
You are a person of LONELINESS
The closest place to sadness
Reach out with a single finger to touch it
Goodbye to our magnetic attraction. I've lost.
I don't want to fall down
This place is LONELINESS

Shimmer and Shine Opening

There are two jinns in the bottle
The sky is starry above
They are Shimmer and Shine
Two sweet girls
Boom Zahramay
Make three wishes when necessary!
Two sweetish girls
They are Shimmer and Shine
Shimmer and Shine
They live in a castle
Somewhere up there
The come on a carpet
When Leah calls
Shimmer and Shine
Two sweet girls
Shimmer and Shine
Shimmer and Shine

Remek Delo

Na kišne dane, na vetrovite dane, tokom ledenih mećava i pod vrelim suncem
To je ono što boji svaki dan, ne obeshrabruj svoju volju i ljubav
Nežnost koju si mi ti dao je bila stroga
Upoznavala sam ogorčenje kada god bismo se posvađali
Prepoznavajući naše razlike počeće slobodni ples nastanka Raja i Zemlje
U stvari sam oduvek bila usamljena, sve dok tebe nisam upoznala
Uvek sam lagala sebe da mi je bolje kada sam sama sa sobom
Moje omiljene knjige i moja interesovanja prosto se ne uklapaju
Ti si jedini taj koji me je pogledao u razumevanju
Radost i tuga i ljutnja
Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si i do
Moraju da budu različiti inače neće biti harmonije i scenarija
Niko nije baš skroz isti
To je i celo značenje iza života
Čak i da zvuk koji se sa vremenom na vreme čuje postane disonantan
Nikada nemoj da odustaješ i ostani sa snagom da veruješ do samog kraja
Na kraju sveta do koga ćemo napokon stići prizor koji ću videti zajedno sa tobom je istina
U stvari sam oduvek nešto tražila, sve dok tebe nisam upoznala
Nešto što je samo krenulo da me uhvati za ruku odmah pored mene
Uvek je baš strašno kada se posvađam sa tobom ali
Želim da se smejemo zajedno iz dubina naših srca
Crvena, plava, žuta i bela i crna
Zemlja i more i nebo i svemir
Moraju da budu različiti inače se ne mogu videti pejzaž i scenario
Niko nikada nije skroz sam
Čak i ako se svaka bajka počne preklapati
Godišnja doba će se stalno ponavljati i kada se osećaš izgubljeno
Nikada nemoj da pustiš tu ruku i ostani sa snagom da veruješ do samog kraja
Počećemo da hodamo, usred našeg putovanja, prizor koji ću videti zajedno sa tobom je istina
Idemo najbržom brzinom mogućom, kuc kuc
Ono obećanje koje smo napravili tog dana ti i ja
Sećaš li ga se? Sna o kom smo pričali
Prekrasni dani čije boje nikada neće izbledeti
Jakim koracima smo pošli ka mestu gde je sunce
Gorke smo suze lili zajedno
Danima smo se svađali dok smo se sukobili
Kada ih okrenemo, smejemo se kao pobednici
Malo po malo nam se ojačava odlučnost
Punom parom napred, gajimo naše duše
Čak i kad smo oboreni, ustajemo
Zahvaljujem se Suncu
Da, mi smo uvek i zauvek povezani
Zato što živimo na istoj planeti
Hajde da spojimo komadić i komadić
Sijaj, remek delo
Dok provodimo ista jutra, dok provodimo iste noći, čak i da osećamo različite stvari
Ono što je važno je da gledamo isto nebo, bilo kada
Niko nije baš skroz isti
To je i celo značenje iza života
Čak i da zvuk koji se sa vremenom na vreme čuje postane disonantan
Nikada nemoj da odustaješ i ostani sa snagom da veruješ do samog kraja
Na kraju sveta do koga ćemo napokon stići prizor koji ću videti zajedno sa tobom je istina
Na kišne dane, na vetrovite dane, tokom ledenih mećava i pod vrelim suncem
To je ono što boji svaki dan, ne obeshrabruj svoju volju i ljubav
Nežnost koju si mi ti dao je bila stroga
Upoznavala sam ogorčenje kada god bismo se posvađali
Prepoznavajući naše razlike počeće slobodni ples nastanka Raja i Zemlje

Aurora Girl

On a ship deck headed to the north country,
I watched the towers disappear.
The sparkling complexes, and the stardust lights.
She sees them too, while she’s in your room.
Lonely Girl from north country.
I’m making my way home, bag in hand,
Lonely Girl from north country.
To the windswept wheat fields.
I’ll take the stylish clothes you made me wear,
Girl from north country.
And shed them like a little bird.
When I bring my watch to my ear, eyes shut,
The time I spent with you sways around.
That day she left her flower patterned umbrella behind
And I acted happy, pretending I hadn’t noticed.
Lonely Girl from north country.
Where hyacinths lie by the stream.
Lonely Girl from north country.
Lipstick doesn’t suit me.
I couldn’t become the beauty you desired.
Girl from north country.
Not to the very end.
Ah, I can’t give up on you. Ah, I’ll tear the shreds of love,
Ah, and throw them to a seagull tomorrow.
Lonely Girl from north country.
The shining aurora in the north,
Lonely Girl from north country.
Is a mirage akin to sorrow.
Approaching the sea named ‘Memories,’
Girl from north country.
The ship’s whistle sounds.


These feelings that burst from within me,
All this time, I was just making excuses for them
The lights of the city shine peacefully
Even if it was just to you, I told a lie
Dancing like I don’t even want to believe it,
These words I kept stringing together to show you
Can you hear my voice, from my invisible self?
Dancer in the dark
Even if you can see through my silhouette, broken and misshapen,
At least let your voice ring out
Desperately clinging on, searching for proof
Just like a ghost
The light that I cursed so bitterly,
And this shadow that seems to reach out for something
Your words that passed me so plainly, like drops of rain
They suddenly made me want to cry
The things I want to cherish are spilling out
These words I want to spell out to show you
Has my voice reached you, from my invisible self?
Dancer in the dark
Even if you can see through my silhouette, broken and misshapen,
Just shout out and struggle
Run along with your bare feet, and notice
Tell me, what’s the answer?
All the way to my heart, please don’t call me a fool
This gray town is ringing with laughter
And my footsteps are becoming heavy
Let your voice grow hoarse,
Shout out and struggle
Keep running with your bare feet,
Unchanging, unyielding,
I’m just spelling it out
Can you hear my voice, from my invisible self?
Dancer in the dark
Even if you can see through my silhouette, broken and misshapen,
At least let your voice ring out
Desperately clinging on, searching for proof
Just like a ghost

Ljubavna groznica

Ovo srce nije slučajno postalo tvoja žrtva
Tužan sam zbog tvoje žrtve
Jako smo zainteresovani jedno za drugo
Niko nije vidio ništa slično
Zaintersovani smo do vrhunca
Da li može bolje od ovoga?
Postoji li na svijetu par poput nas ?
Za noć sam poludio za tobom , Lejla
Reci mi šta to imaš , što me privlači ?
Kad smo udaljeni , umirem od brige
Ljubavna groznica je zarazna groznica
Radi i kod mlađih i starijih
Zarazna je za sve
Jako smo zainteresovani jedno za drugo
Niko nije vidio ništa slično
Zaintersovani smo do vrhunca
Da li može bolje od ovoga?
Postoji li na svijetu par poput nas ?
Za noć sam poludio za tobom , Lejla
Reci mi šta to imaš , što me privlači ?
Kad smo udaljeni , umirem od brige

No Love

You are getting around, expensive heels and a joint
You speak freely about your feelings
Hair wild, a lion's mane
You inhale (your joint) every time
Yes, dad said: 'boy'
'Don't stick out and behave, boy'
'Commit fully, work hard, boy'
'Marry in white and become a doctor, boy'
And then you come, and with you chaos
You're blowing up my world, I'm not getting by
Yet, I need that, I need you
Hold you tightly in my arms, nothing missing
Yet, I always find a reason to leave
When my mind is playing boss again
I'm running off again, run, boy, run
Act deaf at first, then I notice
I need you, I need you
I'm somewhere, can't bear it anymore
I must go to you, that's where home is
I need you, yes, I need you
No love is like your love
No love glows like your love
I live yesterday and tomorrow
And cling too much to old habits
For you, only the present counts
Your feelings are law
You fuck on others' opinions
And tinker on your own concept of life
When I'm with you
Everything else is miles away
Dad said: 'Boy'
'Don't stick out and behave, boy'
'Stay in control and lay off the gas pedal, boy'
But fuck control
I'm running off again, run, boy, run
Act deaf at first, then I notice
I need you, I need you
I'm somewhere, can't bear it anymore
I must go to you, that's where home is
I need you, yes, I need you
No love is like your love
No love glows like your love
Because you can see what I can't see
Who I am, who I can be
No love is like your love
Before you, everything has just been a compromise
I functioned, but couldn't feel my heart beat
Even if fire scares me, I don't want to be without you
You showed me what was missing, all that is important
That, which is important, that, which is important
No love is like your love
No love glows like your love
Because you can see what I can't see
Who I am, who I can be
No love is like your love


When evening's coming, I'm automatically getting sad
work is calling and I'm gonna leave.
What life is this? I feel as if I'm nuts:
working in the night time, daytime in bed
Coffee, cigarette, and some money
I'm no minister, I'm working on nightshift!
When I'm not at home, I'm sitting, smoking and drinking rum
Towards the morning, I'm getting drunk and sleeping
No girlfriend, no parks, no alleys
Got no time, for on nighttime, I'm working on nightshift!
Nightshift, you're on nightshift!
Nightshift, you're on nightshift!
Nightshift, you're on nightshift!
Nightshift, you're on nightshift!
I want a moment of love,
I want an hour of normal living
If only a minute of happiness will be,
If it all wasn't so real...
Wasted nights for a few money
that's life when you're working on nightshift
Nightshift, you're on nightshift!
Nightshift, you're on nightshift!
Nightshift, you're on nightshift!
Goodbye, women, when you're on nightshift!
Nightshift, you're on nightshift!
Nightshift, you're on nightshift!
Nightshift, you're on nightshift!
Goodbye, women, when you're on nightshift!
Nightshift, you're on nightshift!
Goodbye, women, when you're on nightshift!

When You Come To My Thoughts

Rose blooms, earth laughs
Radiance spreads around the world
When you come to my thoughts
Rose blooms, earth laughs
Radiance spreads around the world
When you come to my thoughts
I wish it is night, it is night
The moon rises, the moon rises
Darknesses disappears, darknesses disappears
I wish it is night, it is night
The moon rises, the moon rises
Darknesses disappears, darknesses disappears
The day becomes, morning becomes, morning becomes
It dawns on the world
My earth reunites, reunites
A hundred worlds are full of cheer
The day becomes, morning becomes, morning becomes
It dawns on the world
My earth reunites, reunites
A hundred worlds are full of cheer
I wish my fame comes to you
I wish you hear my sound
When you come to my mind
I wish my fame comes to you
I wish you hear my sound
When you come to my mind
I anew
I anew come, I come
I come to life for loving
I come to life for loving
I anew
I anew come, I come
For loving...

A white lily on the rock

Away on mountaintops of Mirdite1
A red rock is still and settled
Here, tell the words of legend,
A fierce battle was fought with Turks2
Years came, centuries came
On the trenches wall’s growing
Blooming and never fading
A white lily on the rock
Chorus 2x
O handsome lily
Why do you bloom petals?
To freshen up the braves
who fell in the mountains.
O lily of the rock
Why do you bloom in highland?
To remember the partisans
Eagles on these peaks.
Up high on the cliffs of mountains
Red rock affronts lightening strikes,
High up the eagle raises the flag
Punching forcefully the blockade
Days pass and years pass
But one thing we don’t forget
That it blooms and never fades
A white lily on the rock.
Chorus 2x
……… ..
  • 1. mountainous town northern Albania
  • 2. Connecting historical battling of Albanians to various foes and invaders, here it starts with ottoman empire fights, later in the song with antifascist ones

Једно смо

Модро небо у нама
Месец светлошћу испуни,
Звезде сјајне наниза
У свој ђердан танани.
Младић светиљку загрли,
Душа душу заволи,
У Рајску башту пођосмо
Јер смо једно, једно смо.
Срца пуна љубави,
Лица светлошћу сијају,
Бисер поља рајска
Вернику се радују.
Младић светиљку загрли,
Душа душу заволи,
У Рајску башту пођосмо
Јер смо једно, једно смо.

Scattered and yet

The light and the shadow go by the dry riverbed withering with a rusting sound
Now it's crossed by a wind with the smell of my late hometown
When I close my eyes I can meet the spring going round
Scattered and yet, your face blooms in my chest
I walk alone again dyeing my cheeks of gold
The promise of the gone days comes undone without coming true
Now it keeps trembling, making noise in the water of my heart
When I stretch my hands, I can touch the back-hair of time
Before I know, I want to return to the landscape that draws my memories
Though it no longer exists in the present, nobody can erase it
When I cross the bridge by the road I came one day
I forget disappearing among the crowd
Scattered and yet, your face blooms in my chest
I walk alone again dyeing my cheeks of gold
Before I know, I want to return to the landscape that draws my memories
Though it no longer exists in the present, nobody can erase it

We are one

The blue sky inside us
The moon filled with light,
It strung bright stars
In its thin necklace.
The young man embraced the lamp,
The soul starts loving the soul,
We are going to the Garden of Eden
Because we are one, we are one.
Hearts full of love,
Faces shine with light,
The pearls of the Heavens meadow
Rejoice in the believer.
The young man embraced the lamp,
The soul starts loving the soul,
We are going to the Garden of Eden
Because we are one, we are one.

This is a World of Cowardice

This is a world of cowardice:
Love's forbidden, love's forbidden!
Leave your hair unkempt,
Bare your feet as well


Go off, world, go off!
Alone I stand on a peak of mountain

The coat

When she borrowed my coat
Immediately my position changed
O cold, where are you from my blood
I am a flame that never goes out
because She borrowed my coat
Everyone around me cheered
A terrible cold and shivered
And I disagree about everyone
In me there is hidden warmth
because She borrowed my coat
Oh my coat, how happy you are?
Very close to me and at the same time very far away
I tried not to envy you
I wish I was my coat
She said


Versions: #1
God sleeps
And his children start a fire
Which they cannot extinguish
And he will never be able to awaken
Every tragedy divides
Before our very eyes
Those things which ought to be loved
And through this endless night
In despair
He can see the dawn
Which will awake him the next morning

Just a little bit tender

I'll be just a little bit tender
If you hurt my heart
I'll tie it with a bandage called loneliness
I'll be just a little bit tender
Like a letter blowing in the wind
Someone came fluttering to me
'I'm tired of chasing a dream'
Don't look outside with a bitter smile
In the water colored city, a honey colored rain falls
I'll be just a little bit indifferent
If you put a bit depressed look
I'll cheer you up turning around with my cheerful voice
I'll be just a little bit indifferent
Take your right hand off me
I'm perverse too
Open the dictionary behind my heart
Are you looking for the word love?
At the store across the glass, I'm having a tea with milk
I'll be just a little bit tender
If you hurt my heart
I'll tie it with a bandage called loneliness
I'll be just a little bit tender
I'll be just a little bit tender
If you hurt my heart
I'll tie it with a bandage called loneliness
I'll be just a little bit tender

To the handed down love

Standing by the window after the rain
I feel the cold noise of the wind
Silently I lower the curtains
In the city with very dim light before the night wraps it
Love gets lost in the tense days
I drop a sigh to that heart
Footsteps go through the night to solitude
It seems it's going astray from the people
The moment I dream passes immediately
Everyone are born to hand down love
Even if with worn out words
Erasing the whispers of a malicious star
The goodbye is the insurrection of sad memories
The clock of my heart matches with myself
The moment I dream passes immediately
Everyone were born to hand down love
Not for getting lost nor just wait
They're dyeing with colorful days
Love is born to be handed down
Even if with worn out words
Erasing the whispers of a malicious star

No Need Any Bullet

One day if you want to end my life
No need to any knife, I have your eyes
If you want to shoot me in the heart of mine
The is no need to any bullet, I have your words
The is no need to any bullet, I have your words
If I were a stone I would fuse in your hands
If I were big as a mountain I would fall by a look of yours
Dear, if I am guilty in this action of love
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
I see there is no solution for me to forget you
Cause I have your memories everywhere
To sleep happily one day I need no pillow, I have your legs
To sleep happily one day I need no pillow, I have your legs
If I were a stone I would fuse in your hands
If I were big as a mountain I would fall by a look of yours
Dear, if I am guilty in this action of love
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you
There is no need to any prison, I have a longing for you

Saké and Tears and Men and Women

Versions: #1
When enveloped by things he’d like to forget,
or by hopeless loneliness,
what a man will do is drink.
He’ll drink and drink, until it swallows him up, drink,
drink, drink himself into oblivion, until sleep comes.
After a time, a man will drop peacefully off to sleep.
When enveloped by things she’d like to forget,
or by hopeless sadness,
what a woman will do is show her tears.
She’ll weep and weep, all alone, weep,
weep, weep herself into exhaustion, until sleep comes, weep.
After a time, a woman will drop peacefully off to sleep.
Yet again I am convinced of the superiority of women.
Yet again I’ve come to see the unfairness of men.
I am a man

You still love me?

You still love me ? or you forgot me?!
This thing in your absence, I do not know about it.
What I know about, that I tried and wished once to?!
To forget your love, and every time I try, I fail, and I remember you.
Related to love from the day I loved you.
Even the death, my darling for you, I reach to.
And if you intentionally absence to let me love you more.
Please know that you are precious to me, darling, more than love itself.
I built inside my heart for you a house.
It's your home, and you alone lived in it.
And I don't think I will try to abandon you even at once moment.
Even wounds that come from you, darling, I loved it.

 Sebe prepusti meni

Postoji nešto u tebi za mene
Šta se dogodilo, da li su ta osećanja skrivena?
Ostavi svoju ljubav na miru, neka dođe do nas.
Ne zaustavljaj se, ne brini o ljubavi
Ne budi prezadovoljna svojim srcem
Sebe prepusti meni
Oooof! Sebe prepusti meni
Oooof! Sebe prepusti meni
Spavanje i buđenje s tobom je pravilo ljubavi
Ono što sam spalio, ne osvrćem se unazad
Ostavi ta krila otvorena za moj vetar
Ne zaustavljaj se, ne brini o ljubavi
Ne budi prezadovoljna svojim srcem
Sebe prepusti meni
Oooof! Sebe prepusti meni
Oooof! Sebe prepusti meni

Teleportation-Unconfirmed love

While still cannot say 'I like you!'
Your locker, love letter that was taken away
Pink rumors bring two closer together
Ah ah, I am sensitive, passionate, single again
Whistling, kissed by summer breeze
Tore out a page from an English dictionary
With a magic marker wrote 'Wanted my boy friend'
Bad luck, that paper plane hit the teacher
Teleportation, the wings of heart are...
Teleportation, now flying through time
It's just me that, my love, ah, undetermined
One fewer single girl
Unpopular guys suddenly started to wear cologne
No idea how to judge, the recent city boy
Ah ah, I am sensitive, passionate, still single
If there is any worries or whatever else, help
I always can be, conversation partner
With a wink, 'Mami chan, thank you very much'
Can't help, do not easily fall for this charm
Teleportation, whoever at wherever
Teleportation, worrying again
No reason not to say a word, ah, telepathy
Teleportation, the wings of heart are...
Teleportation, even can be used at this very moment
It's just me that, my love, ah, undetermined
Teleportation, teleportation
It's just me that, my love, ah, undetermined