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Raj večeras

Držim tvoju ruku u svojoj,
Držim te za ruku i tako si usamljena,
Oh, tako usamljena,
Tvoje oči su izgubile svetlost,
Tvoje oči su izgubile svetlost i prazna si,
Oh, Bože, tako si prazna
(Zaljubljen sam u tebe)
Ti si moj raj večeras,
(Zaljubljen sam u tebe)
Ti si moj raj večeras,
Pokušavam da pronađem srce koje skrivaš,
Uzalud pokušavam da pronađem srce koje skrivaš,
Oh, uzalud
I ti si raj mog života,
I ti si raj moje smrti, dušo
Života i smrta, draga moja
(Zaljubljen sam u tebe)
Ti si moj raj večeras,
Tako je
(Zaljubljen sam u tebe)

Opaka igra

Svet je goreo, niko me nije mogao spasiti osim tebe,
Čudno je na šta požuda može naterati blesave ljude,
Nikada ne bih sanjao da ću upoznati nekoga poput tebe,
I nikada ne bih sanjao da će mi biti potreban neko poput tebe
Ne, ja ne želim se zaljubiti
(Ovaj svet će ti samo slomiti srce)
Ne, ja ne želim se zaljubiti
(Ovaj svet će ti samo slomiti srce)
...u tebe
Kako opaku igru igraš,
Da bi me naterala da se osećam ovako
Kako opaku stvar činiš,
Da bi me naterala da sanjarim o tebi,
Kako opaka stvar za reći,
Nikada se nisi osećala ovako,
Kako opaku stvar činiš,
Da bi me naterala da sanjarim o tebi,
Ne, ja ne želim se zaljubiti
(Ovaj svet će ti samo slomiti srce)
Ne, ja ne želim se zaljubiti
(Ovaj svet će ti samo slomiti srce)
...u tebe
Svet je goreo, niko me nije mogao spasiti osim tebe,
Čudno je na šta požuda može naterati blesave ljude,
Nikada ne bih sanjao da ću voleti nekoga poput tebe,
I nikada neću sanjati da ću izgubiti nekog poput tebe, ne
Ne, ja ne želim se zaljubiti
(Ovaj svet će ti samo slomiti srce)
Ne, ja ne želim se zaljubiti
(Ovaj svet će ti samo slomiti srce)
...u tebe
Niko ne voli nikoga

This Is Istanbul

Versions: #1
Is there a creature with no porkies?1
Is the road you're on two-by-twice?
Why is it that your inside feels chilly
Is it the hill you took snowy?
What if I turn on my heels?
What if I swear off?
What if I sell the
Sazan sarmalı short?
This place's called Istanbul
It sleeps with one eye open
Should you don't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you won't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
Is there a creature with no porkies?
Is the road you're on two-by-twice?
Why is it that your inside feels chilly
Is the hill you took snowy?
What if I turn on my heels?
What if I swear off?
What if I sell the
Sazan sarmalı short?
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you won't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you don't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
Brave, beautiful
Cro- wded
Near the knuckle
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you won't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This place's called Istanbul
At nights uuuuu
Should you don't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This is Istanbul


Versions: #1
Let your money stay in your pocket
Let go, now you are comfortable
What this girl would do with the goods and property?
She works and earns
She bought the solitaire diamond ring
She threw the diamond eternity ring
How many carats is your heart?
This girl asks him
Right hands up in the air
Diamonds over here
I bought a diamond ring myself
I alone wore it by myself
Let them not be arrogant
I earn enough money
But the heart is the real piggy bank
If my loved is not in my hands
What should i do with the diamond on my finger?
One day will come the glory, fame, reputation, money
But love is on the black market every day
If my loved is not in my hands
What should i do with the diamond on my finger?
Keep the money in your pocket for yourself
Spend your heart on me
I bought my diamond but
I need a heart like a diamond


You and me, the two of us
Where in the future shall we go?
Sadness is breaking me and I'm about to die
In the starry sky there's cries echoing round
In this wide world, what shall I sing?
Sadness is overflowing and I'm about to cry
As I tightly grip that hand, it's getting kinda cold
Sadness is breaking me and I'm about to die
In the starry sky there's cries echoing round
Sadness is overflowing and I'm about to cry
And your voice is disapearing, going to the other side
AaAaAa A-A-AAa

Sleepless flight

I want to fly under the sky with you
and breath oxygen all over the world,
if you can't see clearly amidst the fog
you'd better crash into my heart,
I want to take you from a noisy place to a peaceful one
I want to take you from cloudy place to a sunnyone
I want to fold your shirts
Collect verses everywhere for you
It's time to warm up your milk like every night
The movies we haven’t finished watching are still on the bedside
Do you still suffer from insomnia after you left?
I never stay up all night and still my eye circles are dark
The doll you gave me still keeps me company
The memory gradually emerges from the beginning to the end and repeats itself
I want to break into the forest and dive into the sea with you
I want to gaze at the sky from sunrise to sunset with you
I want to fly through greenwich and time with you
I want to see you walk across the church and the crowd and hug you
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
Passing by that coffee shop
There are familiar and unknown places
I stop and hope your figure appears
Sorry for not saying out loud
the promise I made to you
Raise your head and close your eyes to let the tears flow into your heart
I want to break into the forest and dive into the sea with you
I want to gaze at the sky from sunrise to sunset with you
I want to fly through greenwich and time with you
I want to see you walk across the church and the crowd and hug you
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you


In a quiet and elegant atmosphere, minutes pass by, lovers, in passions and our love grows and increases.
Passions become fond of each other and we melt into it. And if the longing diminishes a little, we will rise to it, and start over.
With eyes, we talk to understand, and our hearts are overloaded with longing. And her feelings, oh their warmth, and our fire is burning and glowing. No love is above us, and proverbs are set in us. And in our smile, we sent a message to all lovers.
Passions become fond of each other and we melt into it. And if the longing diminishes a little, we will rise to it, and start over.


Versions: #1
Life sometimes chooses one
We say 'pas!'
The word goes to Pelin
Pelin has a style
For example she doesn't fall in love
We all meet
Pelin has no time
Look at Pelin at Pelin
Purple doesn't suit me - suit Pelin
Pelin Pelin
He doesn't love me, he loves Pelin
Fate doesn't smile at me
Smiles at Pelin
At Pelin at Pelin
Nobody chooses me
Choosing Pelin
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin
Life sometimes chooses one
We say 'pas!'
The word goes to Pelin
Pelin's love is such that
Not to be found in the whole world
Pelin's idea is that
Unable to compete with Pelin
Look at Pelin a Pelin
At Pelin at Pelin
Purple doesn't suit me - suit Pelin
Pelin Pelin
He doesn't love me, he loves Pelin
Fate doesn't smile at me
Smiles at Pelin
At Pelin at Pelin
Nobody chooses me
Choosing Pelin
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin
Pelin has a style
For example she doesn't fall in love
We all meet
Pelin has no time
Pelin's love is such that
Not to be found in the whole world
Pelin's idea is that
Unable to compete with Pelin
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
At Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin

Suicide Melody

This is really sudden but,
I'm thinking of hanging myself now,
I'd like to say goodbye,
To this miserable world as soon as I can.
But you know what's strange?
I can't find a rope to hang myself with.
What a wonderful life is this,
What a wonderful life is this,
As I can't find a rope for my use,
I'll just keep living.
This time for sure,
Now I'm thinking of suffocating myself,
I want to see my life flash before my eyes,
As I suffer from carbon monoxide.
But you know what's strange?
Mi lighter ran out of oil.
What a wonderful life is this,
What a wonderful life is this,
As I don't have oil for my lighter,
I'll just keep living.
Third time's a charm,
I'll say goodbye to this world with overdose,
I'll take tones of pills down with water,
And I'll lie down and wait for the time to come.
But you know what's strange?
It seems my water has been cut off.
What a wonderful life is this,
What a wonderful life is this,
As I forgot to pay the bill,
I'll just keep living, surviving!
I suppose that, this life somehow,
Will keep giving me reasons to stop myself,
I'm sure you think I'm painful to look at,
But I hope we can get along well!
Appara paara pappa.


[Part 1]
Na našim nogama je hiljadu tona koji nas drže
Želim da skočim, ali svet je na mojim ramenima
Hladno je kad predugo ovde visite
Brinete zbog nedostatka empatije, ali propuštate trenutak
Ova frustracija koja nas usporava, ne spaljuje se papirima
Ali pošto vreme ističe, prebrzo zaboravljamo
Samo malo da zadržimo za sebe
Sve moje isplakane suze teku nad obrazima neke druge osobe
Vidim da legende polako stare
Moji raniji idoli propadaju i na najmanjim preprekama
Jer otrov u venama čini noge hromim
Ništa nije tako lako, ništa nije lako za sve
U razbijenom staklu na ivičnjaku
Slomljeni ego odbija se od tla
Želim snagu svojoj braći, bez droge
Poput biljaka prema suncu, svi mi želimo tamo da se popnemo
Stalno udišemo sivo-crnu prašinu
Beton debljine metra izjeda put do horizonta
Misli igraju ping-pong na zidovima
Ali glava pada unazad, hvala Bogu što vidimo nebo (nebo)
Nebo (nebo)
Nebo (nebo)
Šaljemo ti molitve, a ti nama kišu
Mi sanjamo o nebu (nebu)
Plačemo ka nebu (nebu)
Vrištimo prema nebu (nebu)
I jedina pozitivna perspektiva ovde dole jeste nebo (nebo, nebo)
[Part 2]
Toliko ih vidim bez perspektive
Između instagrama i tindera ludila nema prave ljubavi
Između propalica koji su nekada bili gangsteri, sada sklapaju ugovore u salama za sastanke
Ostatak njihovih života stavljaju u kolica za kupovinu
Gde bi trebalo da bude vazduha jer snovi su poput komaraca
Na autoputu, zveknu na tuđem prozoru
Želim svom snagom da pređem na stranu dobra
Ali kako da se nadamo, kad je u tome uspeo jedan od hiljadu?
Prave vrednosti su poput pčela, izumiru
A nažalost i dobri uzori
Svi žele da odu odavde, dozvoljena su sva sredstva
Čovek udara savest utrnulim, gustim, belim dimom
Znam to i ja
U razbijenom staklu na ivičnjaku
Slomljeni ego odbija se od tla
Želim snagu svojoj braći, bez droge
Poput biljaka prema suncu, svi mi želimo tamo da se popnemo
Stalno udišemo sivo-crnu prašinu
Beton debljine metra izjeda put do horizonta
Misli igraju ping-pong na zidovima
Ali glava pada unazad, hvala Bogu što vidimo nebo (nebo)
Nebo (nebo)
Nebo (nebo)
Šaljemo ti molitve, a ti nama kišu
Mi sanjamo o nebu (nebu)
Plačemo ka nebu (nebu)
Vrištimo prema nebu (nebu)
I jedina pozitivna perspektiva ovde dole jeste nebo (nebo, nebo)
Nebo (nebo)
Nebo (nebo)
Nebo (nebo)
Nebo, nebo

Don't leave, or...

Versions: #1
Don't leave or I'll take all the sleeping pills
Then you'll be browsing through spirit books
I'll write a letter ending with 'I always loved you'
Think if you'll have any joy anymore afterwards
Don't leave or I'll jump off the nearest bridge
No need for a memory, this will be your only thing
Don't leave or I'll murder our next-door neighbors
Then I'll tell the cops 'He killed those innocents'
Don't leave, let my world spin, let it spin
Let my world spin, let it spin
I don't want anyone to die or anything
Don't leave or I'll chance upon a hired gun
Then you'll be washing ashore at desolate coasts
Don't leave or my name will be on the evening news
You'll be getting old in a mental hospital
Don't leave, let my world spin, let it spin
Let my world spin, let it spin
I don't want anyone to die or anything
Don't leave, don't leave
Don't leave, don't abandon (me), don't abandon (me), don't leave
Don't leave, don't leave, don't leave
Don't leave, don't abandon (me), don't abandon (me), don't leave
Don't leave, I don't want it

Want you for mine

Versions: #1
You and I will meet
Whatever the meeting cost us
Even if you ask us to meet
Some of the prayers
We will pray
Even if you ask us to meet
Some of the invocation
We will give up our hearts
Hanging in the sky
Even if you ask us to meet
Some of the sins
We will commit it
And the Lord who
knowledgeable in our heartsWill forgive and Merciful of us
It's all about me
I don't want to meet
Like cowardly lovers
Hidden among the lyrics of the poems
I don't want to meet you in a letter
After reading it
I miss you
And your chest is still far away
I want your hug
your smell
Your details
Your laugh
I want you for myself

Memories of the April Sky

Versions: #1
Open your tired eyes and let it out!
This has been growing in me
Oh, for such a long time
Rainclouds used to chase me
And now I chase the morning down avenues
You were drunk and I was drunk
In the sun of April
You're the kind of girl I like
Because you're empty and I'm empty
And she said:
You're really not in love with me
And in fact
That's okay with me
Because I never fall in love
Those things are such a waste of time...
But let's waste our live's away
(I always think of you in April)
Give me a kiss before you leave
to build a dream from
A kiss before you leave
A kiss to build a dream from
You're not actually in love with me
And in fact
that's okay with me
Because I don't love anyone
Those things are such a waste of time
I was no one
You were the sky in April
Like I remember it...
and like I remember you...
And I hope you can see me now
And I hope that you...
hear me now

After the Thunderstorm

The lightning struck me once.
My steely, left-sleeved cufflink
had disappeared, and there was a buzzing
in my head as if I'd many a drink.
And Doctor Berninger remarked,
so naughty, with wicked pride,
that my buzzing story was typical,
my lightning story was a lie.


By the way, that sphere that tempted me without looking at me
Was nothing more than a sound
That would lead me to try to run away from you... exit you
Once more, not knowing why
I quit so I could tell you:
I'm done, I want more...
If it isn't so,
Hide that smile which makes me want to kill for more
More, more...
I want more...
More, more...
So hide that smile which makes me want to kill for more
Only then will I manage to not make it hurt anymore
For you to let me go,
For you to free me from you, for you not make me feel
And I don't want to fall, I cannot give myself away
Without your understanding that you cannot judge
And I want to try, to be able to believe
That the angst here inside
One day shall come to an end
And the monster in me will not succumb
It doesn't whither by not making it
That you look at me, that you make me exist
So hide that smile which makes me want to kill for more

Remember only one thing

It's past 3 A.M. and loneliness is like a shard of glass that hurts me
and that's word of honour, I feel like the house is depressing me.
The dead-end you left me live in looks like a prison...
I can't live away from you...
Remember only one thing, one and that's it
as long as you're away from me, I can't breathe anymore...
Remember only one thing, the day you'll pay for this will come
and you'll deeply regret it...
It's past 3 A.M. and solitude is like a chipped glass,
you're not coming again, but I'll be waiting here.
The dead-end you left me live in looks like a prison...
I can't live away from you...
Remember only one thing, one and that's it
as long as you're away from me, I can't breathe anymore...
Remember only one thing, the day you'll pay for this will come
and you'll deeply regret it...

Seraphim's Regret

I am floating, greets the night wind
Decorating the life, darkened by memories
I am flying
Away, to the black clouds, decorating
The long night
Like a tear, dripping in the soul
Spell out, never returning
Repeating what happened
To You(*), I lean on
To You, I prostrate
To You, I lament
A life, vanished forever


※ Northward, southward, eastward and westward.
Flowing people, flowing into rivers they run.
Northward, southward, eastward and westward.
By the time the trudging is over, smiles the sun. ※
If I were a wind caressing,
I'd like to flourish sunflowers under the summer sky.
Being a wind that's seed-carrying,
Just a minuscule piece of soil need I.
From the firmament above
Joy and happ'ness fall off,
Which could soon mutate
Into waterdrops.
※ x1 ※
If I were a land so fertile,
I'd like to await the summer wind passing by.
Even if I starve, thirst and crack,
Just a small and lone piece of soil need I.
To the firmament above
The sunflowers blossom,
Which will finally rest
In Mother Earth's bosom.
※ x2 ※

Hymn for the Land of Israel

For the LORD thy God bringeth thee
into a good land,
a land of brooks of water,
of fountains and depths,
springing forth in valleys and hills.
A land of wheat and barley,
and vines and fig-trees and pomegranates

Hymn for the Land of Israel

For the LORD thy God bringeth thee
into a good land,
a land of brooks of water,
of fountains and depths,
springing forth in valleys and hills.
A land of wheat and barley,
and vines and fig-trees and pomegranates

Without These Hands I Will Go

Without these hands, I will go, I cannot endure
Give me my love, without her I cannot exist
My life without my darling cannot be, without her I cannot exist.
Give me my love, I can no longer endure.
Without these hands, I will go, I cannot stay.
The sun goes down, and a new day does not rise
This life cannot be without my love (darling)
I devoted my life to my love
Nothing will separate us except death
Would it be possible to live without love?
I learned by going through it
Friends, because of this love
I suffered.
I collapsed in a dervish lodge
And desired Love (my love)
I collapsed in a dervish lodge
And desired Love (my love).
Tomorrow this soul will be a prisoner, give it to me and let me go
My life without my darling cannot be, give it to me and let me go.
The sun goes down, and a new day does not rise
This life cannot be without my love (darling)
I devoted my life to my love
Nothing will separate us except death

Quadrille of Saint Joachim

She is the miller's daughter
Who danced with the guys
She lost her garter
Her garter that would not stay up
That didn’t stay, that didn’t stay, that scarcely held up
That didn't stay, that didn't stay, that didn't stay
When you feel like it, are you staying up for more gals,
When you feel like it, it stays on you longer.

Waltz At Five Thirty

And i still dance with you in my head
look at the clock and it is almost five thirty
and if you don't come by six, i will despair
but i will stand here tomorrow in front of the same cypress shrubs.
And i still love with the time, with every step
and remember well how you told me
'After two good times comes a time
that ruins us and then it is over'
And i still drive the same used car
that most likely has a ruined engine
and I know that there isn't another option
besides starting again the same dance with you
And all is spinning and confused like galloping horses in a room
I trust your hand to not letting me fall by mistake
and i quote like a scholar from within a book
'my Cinderella - we will dance and we will die'
And i still love with the time, with every step
and remember well how you told me
'After two good times comes a time
that ruins us and then it is over'
The city's skies are red and you hurt me
and two children are laughing because of the song
because how is it that you do not come, how is it that you do not come
we agreed to dance, at five thirty
we agreed to dance, at five thirty
we agreed to dance, at five thirty...

Your Scent

Versions: #1
I fear that she going to get used to the separation
And then leave and lose all the support
It will die, she knows that it will
Miss her a lot, this heart of mine
One more time I will tell her my heart's intent
If she leaves, I will burn the whole world
But she can change my heart with one look
Don't let me spend the night with just the thought of you
Don't let my heart sit through the memories of you
Sit beside me so that I can get high on your scent
I want to enjoy your eyes just for tonight
Don't let me spend the night with just the thought of you
Don't let my heart sit through memories of you
Sit beside me so that I can get high on your scent
I want to enjoy your eyes just for tonight
(Not part of the song)
She made me feel better when she came to me
She took away all my exhaustion with being there for me
I'm thinking about her all day and night
She and her brilliant love will kill me
Don't let me spend the night with just the thought of you
Don't let my heart sit through memories of you
Sit beside me so that I can get high on your scent
I want to enjoy your eyes just for tonight
Don't let me spend the night with just the thought of you
Don't let my heart sit through memories of you
Sit beside me so that I can get high on your scent
I want to enjoy your eyes just for tonight

Let's switch places

After you who can I talk to
about this broken (lost) heart of mine?
Your absence left a hole in my heart
A little heart
Look how I am, come and ask for me
Let's switch places for once
Come block me in my way
Look how I am, come and ask for me
Let's switch places for once
Come block me in my way
You weren't here to see how gloomy I am these nights
Don't let any tears come to your eyes
Who do I talk about when you're not here
Your love didn't fade in me even once
Look how I am, come and ask for me
Let's switch places for once
Come block me in my way
Look how I am, come and ask for me
Let's switch places for once
Come block me in my way
You weren't here to see how gloomy I am these nights

Boat of sadness

We're little birds that can't fly
Embraced in the shore of time
It's OK.
Don't tell a forced love
Embraced like this
I want to sleep
In the boat of sadness
I seem to row to tears
In the boat of sadness
Even if I'm washed away, it's the destiny
Happy days fly away
We seem wrapped in the whirl of sorrows
It's OK.
I knew you too much
Now it's late
We can't go back
In the boat of sadness
I seem to drown in you
In the boat of sadness
We're two who even lost the oars
In the boat of sadness
I seem to row to tears
In the boat of sadness
Even if I'm washed away, it's the destiny

Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University

Hefty women playing hockey on the grass
And they swear shrilly when miss on the goal.
The coach gives them advice, a tight, curly-haired guy -
At the ChemFak of Moscow State University, he messed up a bunch of girls
He selected them, damn, to the team, decided to arrange, damn, the contest,
Made them undress, was felt biceps on their thighs
And then he grabbed by tits and dragged to his closet,
There is a huge spectrometer, all covered in cum,
It was covered with an old mattress, in white with a blue flowers -
After all, the spectrometer is tough, pricks ass and shoulder blades
And bites with corners, and breaks the high of love,
Their coach came to Moscow from a distant district,
He is a true Khanty-Mansi in soul, but with a Moscow residence permit,
He, breathing garlic heat, climbs on the girl,
He test the hockey player for endurance and strength...
And in the corner is a Dewar vessel full of grape mash,
And a condom is pulled over it instead of a plug,
And in the other corner - test tubes with alkalis and salts
And there is giant device and with peeling paint,
They stick silver and all kinds of nasty things on the glass...
But coach hides his hemp under the glass hood,
And when evening comes, he goes home rocking,
Blowing smoke, hums the song 'Oh my fallen maple tree',
The song 'Oh my fallen maple tree',
The song 'Oh my fallen maple tree',
The song 'Oh my fallen maple tree',
The song 'Oh my fallen maple tree'

Plum Contending with Snow for Spring Scenery

One day at the beginning of the year it snowed heavily in Southern China.
I came to Lingfeng1 for the message of spring plum.
Incomplete fallen calyxes were one by one covered with snow,
As I laughed at their color not enough bright.
Fate said, you are going to go back to Capital before Flower Festival.2
So I prepared the spring scenery so bright for you.
White were still the cold and elegant flying snowflakes,
But the plum blossoms were stained with the warm blood of a 13-year-old youngster.3
  • 1. Lingfeng (Chinese: 灵峰) is a hill in the suburb of Hangzhou, and one of the most recommended sites for watching plum blossoms.
  • 2. Flower Festival is a traditional Chinese festival on Xingyue 2nd or 12th. (Xingyue is the second month of Chinese lunar calendar.)
  • 3. In 1920s China, revolutionary movements were prevailing like storms, meanwhile two massacres of petitioners occurred on May 30, 1925 and March 18, 1926. The youngest one among the victims was just 13 years old then.


So many faces in the void,
So many masks and many names.
Its all-consuming Nothingness
Is there no matter where I face.
I slide myself through emptiness,
Replacing ciphers I break in.
Always alone and always mad,
I'm tearing at those hearts and brains.
Out of a love that never broke,
From the white splotches on black holes,
And by the will of fears and hopes,
Here's an elixir that I know-
I am collecting in the void
The shards of pain and broken hearts.
They go into my molten soul,
From them I make a lollipop.
I'm advertising happiness
On sticks of fickle fate, so sweet.
This is a deal you cannot miss-
Suck on my lollipops for free.
The gloves I wear are white like snow,
My heart will burn, the ice will crack.
I wander through my empty soul,
I'm crawling forward, running back.
From time to time I love myself,
I also hate from time to time.
But you don't know, I wait in bed,
At times when I don't sleep at night.
I will be blinded by someone,
By spiny truth that lasts all time.
Humiliated, I will die
And 'til the day I burn in fire:
I am collecting in the void
The shards of pain and broken hearts.
They go into my molten soul,
From them I make a lollipop.
I'm advertising happiness
On sticks of fickle fate, so sweet.
This is a deal you cannot miss-
Suck on my lollipops for free.

Born in the Wrong World

I can't sleep, I see images
in bright colours, they get wilder and wilder.
Then, suspiciously, a car comes driving
straight towards me (towards me).1
Then I see lightning coming from all sides
and faces too, I'm very dazed.
The door opens and Petra brings me pear juice.
I've been completely disturbed since then,
my vision is all blurry.
What threw me out of balance back then
at night, at night?
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You're not alone).
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You should be happy).
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You're not alone).
(You should be happy).
A new beginning, maybe as Casanova,
under the sun with plenty of bossa nova
and a bank account that would
make everyone's head spin (head spin).
And then it goes off into the open space
above the clouds and it's not a dream
on the journey to bliss, so far, so far.
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You're not alone).
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You should be happy).
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You're not alone).
(You should be happy).
Then I go off into open space,
into the clouds in the next dream
on the journey to eternity, so far, so far, so far.
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You're not alone).
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You should be happy).
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You're not alone).
(You should be happy).
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You're not alone).
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You should be happy).
I was just born into the wrong world.
(You're not alone).
(You should be happy).
(You should be happy).
  • 1. In German, it's the word 'driving' that gets repeated, but that word comes much earlier in the English sentence.